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Well I'm at it again. My friends are all gone so I need someone to coop with. To avoid confusion and future disappointment from the avatar, let me say that i'm not a girl. PSN ID is xlildragon.

comrade said:
lol you don't seem too eager. What difficulty do you plan on playing? I think it would be refreshing to play without infinite ammo so I'm up for it. My PSN ID is 'DespiZe'.

Edit: wait how old are you?
It only seems like I'm not eager because it seemed like he wasn't eager.


FromTheFuture said:
Well I'm at it again. My friends are all gone so I need someone to coop with. To avoid confusion and future disappointment from the avatar, let me say that i'm not a girl. PSN ID is xlildragon.

It only seems like I'm not eager because it seemed like he wasn't eager.
Wasn't asking your age cause of the avatar but because of the PSN id. xlildragon sounds like a young kids ID.
comrade said:
Wasn't asking your age cause of the avatar but because of the PSN id. xlildragon sounds like a young kids ID.
I'm 17. I've kept this name since i was like 10, i'm too lazy to change it. I guess 17 would be considered young, depending on your age, but does it matter that much?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
FromTheFuture said:
No takers? Problem is that only hardcore RE5 players come into this thread, most likely, so i won't get any newer players like myself.
sorry, 360 version :(


FromTheFuture said:
Wow i didn't realize it would be so difficult finding someone who has RE5 PS3 and comes into this thread. =(

I would really love to play through it with you or anyone for that matter. I just can't because of connection errors.
What does Sheva say when you play her figure sound? I've heard her it say it once during the game but I have no idea what she's saying. To me it sounds like, "Chip n daisy!" or something and I know it's not that but I have no idea.
Neiteio said:
Excella love
I thought her tits were done excellently. Particularly at the beginning of 6-2, I believe...
The boss fight - it's been a while
It's just about the only cutscene I don't skip just for that moment because they did a great job with the mocap there or whatever.
the_zombie_luke said:
What does Sheva say when you play her figure sound? I've heard her it say it once during the game but I have no idea what she's saying. To me it sounds like, "Chip n daisy!" or something and I know it's not that but I have no idea.

I've been trying to figure it out for the longest time. In the game she says "Choke on this!" when shoving a grenade into the U8's mouth, and it kind of sounds like what the figure is saying, but I don't think it is.
ThirstyFly said:
I've been trying to figure it out for the longest time. In the game she says "Choke on this!" when shoving a grenade into the U8's mouth, and it kind of sounds like what the figure is saying, but I don't think it is.
That's probably a way better guess than mine. For some reason I think what she's saying isn't in English. I could have sworn I heard her say it during just a normal level against the starting Majinis. And even then, I still couldn't understand it.


Man, I can't do co-op on the PS3 anymore. I accept an invite, but it always ends up in an error.

There's no error when doing Versus mode by finding a room and entering it, though.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
ThirstyFly said:
I've been trying to figure it out for the longest time. In the game she says "Choke on this!" when shoving a grenade into the U8's mouth, and it kind of sounds like what the figure is saying, but I don't think it is.

It doesn't even sound like English to me, I'd randomly say it's "Du ca besa" or something but I can't understand it either.
the_zombie_luke said:
That's probably a way better guess than mine. For some reason I think what she's saying isn't in English. I could have sworn I heard her say it during just a normal level against the starting Majinis. And even then, I still couldn't understand it.

Yeah, I don't think it's English either. It probably just sounds a bit like her "Choke on this!" sound clip, but I don't think that's what the figure says, because it's really clear in-game when she says it.


cvxfreak said:
Man, I can't do co-op on the PS3 anymore. I accept an invite, but it always ends up in an error.

There's no error when doing Versus mode by finding a room and entering it, though.
Even with the same person hosting?

FromTheFuture said:
Wow i didn't realize it would be so difficult finding someone who has RE5 PS3 and comes into this thread. =(
I would of played man. I listed my ID earlier when you wanted to play but now I'm burnt. Send me an invite and I'll play with you tomorrow if you want.
Papercuts said:
It doesn't even sound like English to me, I'd randomly say it's "Du ca besa" or something but I can't understand it either.
ThirstyFly said:
Yeah, I don't think it's English either. It probably just sounds a bit like her "Choke on this!" sound clip, but I don't think that's what the figure says, because it's really clear in-game when she says it.
It's not like it's important, but I want to know what she's saying. :lol I hope someone here understands what she's saying. I'm really intrigued about what language it is if it isn't English.
Okay, I need to rant. I know you've heard all of this before but...I need to rant.

I tried to give this game a chance. Twice. Both in co-op. First with a friend, and then over the past two days with my brother. We're well-versed in co-op mechanics, covering fire, teamwork, etc. Each of us has played through RE4 dozens of times. We should have enjoyed RE5.

But RE5 sucks. Straight-up, sucks. Every single time it shows a glimmer of anything brilliant or dare I say competent (
motorcycle chase, flamethrower boss battle
) it dips so far into utter mediocrity that any goodwill toward the game immediately and completely evaporates (
El Gigante boss fight, the elevator stasis pod bat thing boss fight
). It gets so haphazard, uneven, and downright random that I can't even tell what the game is. It's not Resident Evil but it's not a pure action game, either. It fails at both.

If there are any major set action pieces worth playing, they're ho-hum due to utterly shitty gameplay. It's bad enough that we still have to move like a tank. But it's even worse that every single enemy pauses in front of you before they attack. It doesn't matter what it is, even. Tribesmen. Dogs. Soldiers. Flies. Everything pauses. This isn't Resident Evil and it isn't an action game. It's a turn-based RPG. That's what it feels like. I half expect to see Final Fantasy command menus pop up when an enemy approaches.

That pause wouldn't be so bad if the fights went quickly. But they don't. Even the ground and context-sensitive finishing maneuvers aren't guaranteed kill moves. I love the idea of those moves. It makes the combat feel a lot better and more intuitive than RE4's slow knifing. But if you're adding Stomp or Impale to make the combat feel quicker or more modern or whatever...why shouldn't those attacks always result in a kill? It's so incredibly lame to shoot out a kneecap, then follow-up with Sheva's cartwheel kick thing, follow with Impale and have the enemy get back up. Granted, that's not all the time, but it's happened enough to start really pissing me off. Especially when RE2 had a automatic ground finisher that actually killed the target (<3 headstomp). There is absolutely no good reason that RE5's ground and context finisher moves don't outright kill the enemy.

The only saving grace of the context moves is the set-up. Player 1 shoots enemy in the knee, Player 2 runs up with the stun rod.

Actually I think that's the only saving grace of the co-op in general, because I'm not convinced that Capcom actually understands what good co-op gameplay is. The implementation of co-op here is so outdated it's embarrassing. Pulling bell ropes? Opening a steel door? Riding an elevator? Do any of those actions really need both players to hit B? And that's just talking about the actual button prompt parts.

The path splits are even worse. Did Capcom learn nothing from Gears of War? If you're going to have the players separate and want to throw an enemy attack wave at them, make sure to involve both players. The biggest offender for this one is
the mine area, with the one-man elevator, raised walkway, and Licker attack
. The player on the ground is almost entirely removed from the combat. They can only offer bare minimal support fire and even that is extremely minimal because they're trying to shoot UP rather than DOWN. If Player 1 has the high ground and Player 2 is on the first floor...Player 2 should be the one getting attacked, because when the high ground is much more conducive for covering/support fire. The way Capcom did it in RE5 is neither creative nor original. It's just annoying and stupid.

It'd be less annoying and stupid if the players had inventories worth a damn. I like the idea of a real-time inventory. It's needed for co-op. Glad they went with it. But holy hell it's awful all the same.

1. Why can we not move while we've got the real-time inventory on-screen? C'mon. The D-pad and the joystick do the same damn thing when you hit Y? It makes no fucking sense. The game itself doesn't pause when you're fiddling with your 9 item slots. So why should your character pause? It's mind-bogglingly stupid.
2. Why only 9 item slots? 9 slots is way too few for how much crap the game throws at you and how many different situations you find yourself in.
3. Why do aid sprays, ammo, herbs, etc take up inventory slots? Couldn't there just have been some side pocket or something?
4. Why do certain items not stack? First aid sprays stack in the Inventory tab outside of the missions. Why the hell don't they stack in a mission itself? Why are we constantly having to juggle aid sprays, ammo piles, herbs and so on? Why don't we have unlimited ammo piles?

I could go on and on...but it's way late and I'm tired and cranky.


The Blue Jihad said:
I tried to give this game a chance. Twice. Both in co-op. First with a friend, and then over the past two days with my brother. We're well-versed in co-op mechanics, covering fire, teamwork, etc. Each of us has played through RE4 dozens of times. We should have enjoyed RE5.
Most of the stuff you complain about in RE5 was in RE4. Enemies paused in front of you in RE4. The melee system was even simplier and less dynamic in RE4.

The Blue Jihad said:
That pause wouldn't be so bad if the fights went quickly. But they don't. Even the ground and context-sensitive finishing maneuvers aren't guaranteed kill moves. I love the idea of those moves. It makes the combat feel a lot better and more intuitive than RE4's slow knifing. But if you're adding Stomp or Impale to make the combat feel quicker or more modern or whatever...why shouldn't those attacks always result in a kill? It's so incredibly lame to shoot out a kneecap, then follow-up with Sheva's cartwheel kick thing, follow with Impale and have the enemy get back up. Granted, that's not all the time, but it's happened enough to start really pissing me off. Especially when RE2 had a automatic ground finisher that actually killed the target (<3 headstomp). There is absolutely no good reason that RE5's ground and context finisher moves don't outright kill the enemy.
Stomp/impale is always a kill if it hits the head. The neckbreaker and the tag team melees are melee attacks which are always one-hit kills. If they made even more of the melees instantly kill enemies it would make things far too easy.

The Blue Jihad said:
Actually I think that's the only saving grace of the co-op in general, because I'm not convinced that Capcom actually understands what good co-op gameplay is. The implementation of co-op here is so outdated it's embarrassing. Pulling bell ropes? Opening a steel door? Riding an elevator? Do any of those actions really need both players to hit B? And that's just talking about the actual button prompt parts.
Those are there for pacing reasons, not as amazingly fun gameplay mechanics. It's to make sure that both players basically agree to proceed to the next area and that they're ready, so that one player wouldn't always trigger the next area while the other player was busy doing something else.

The Blue Jihad said:
The path splits are even worse. Did Capcom learn nothing from Gears of War? If you're going to have the players separate and want to throw an enemy attack wave at them, make sure to involve both players. The biggest offender for this one is
the mine area, with the one-man elevator, raised walkway, and Licker attack
. The player on the ground is almost entirely removed from the combat. They can only offer bare minimal support fire and even that is extremely minimal because they're trying to shoot UP rather than DOWN. If Player 1 has the high ground and Player 2 is on the first floor...Player 2 should be the one getting attacked, because when the high ground is much more conducive for covering/support fire. The way Capcom did it in RE5 is neither creative nor original. It's just annoying and stupid.
But the split paths always let both players fight the same enemies. In many areas you can even make sure to regroup just after you initially go different ways.

In that licker area you talked about, you've basically got 2 main strategies which you can do variations of:
-One player advances while the other player covers him (shoot lickers coming out of vents to kill them immediately, use rifle to snipe lickers as they walk along the passage ways, use explosions to stun them, set up mines, shoot up through the railing to hit lickers right in the heart and instantly kill them, and probably other tactics)
-The other strategy is that the player going up the elevator jumps down to the other player as soon as he triggers enemies, so that both players are literally right next to eachother when fighting.

If the second player didn't do anything to help the first player you guys were really not good at teamwork.

The Blue Jihad said:
1. Why can we not move while we've got the real-time inventory on-screen? C'mon. The D-pad and the joystick do the same damn thing when you hit Y? It makes no fucking sense. The game itself doesn't pause when you're fiddling with your 9 item slots. So why should your character pause? It's mind-bogglingly stupid.
2. Why only 9 item slots? 9 slots is way too few for how much crap the game throws at you and how many different situations you find yourself in.
3. Why do aid sprays, ammo, herbs, etc take up inventory slots? Couldn't there just have been some side pocket or something?
4. Why do certain items not stack? First aid sprays stack in the Inventory tab outside of the missions. Why the hell don't they stack in a mission itself? Why are we constantly having to juggle aid sprays, ammo piles, herbs and so on? Why don't we have unlimited ammo piles?
Difficulty and balance. Sure, having a gigantic inventory and being able to do anything while accessing the inventory would make it more convenient, but it would remove all the challenge related to the limited inventory.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
The Blue Jihad said:
Even the ground and context-sensitive finishing maneuvers aren't guaranteed kill moves. I love the idea of those moves. It makes the combat feel a lot better and more intuitive than RE4's slow knifing. But if you're adding Stomp or Impale to make the combat feel quicker or more modern or whatever...why shouldn't those attacks always result in a kill? It's so incredibly lame to shoot out a kneecap, then follow-up with Sheva's cartwheel kick thing, follow with Impale and have the enemy get back up. Granted, that's not all the time, but it's happened enough to start really pissing me off. Especially when RE2 had a automatic ground finisher that actually killed the target (<3 headstomp). There is absolutely no good reason that RE5's ground and context finisher moves don't outright kill the enemy.

They do instantly kill the enemy if you actually aim it towards the head.

Actually I think that's the only saving grace of the co-op in general, because I'm not convinced that Capcom actually understands what good co-op gameplay is. The implementation of co-op here is so outdated it's embarrassing. Pulling bell ropes? Opening a steel door? Riding an elevator? Do any of those actions really need both players to hit B? And that's just talking about the actual button prompt parts.

Those usually happen at the end of a section to let the player know it's a point they can't backtrack to, so both people need to say "ready" to move on. A few aren't like that, but those that don't still may trigger enemies before both players are ready.

The path splits are even worse. Did Capcom learn nothing from Gears of War? If you're going to have the players separate and want to throw an enemy attack wave at them, make sure to involve both players. The biggest offender for this one is
the mine area, with the one-man elevator, raised walkway, and Licker attack
. The player on the ground is almost entirely removed from the combat. They can only offer bare minimal support fire and even that is extremely minimal because they're trying to shoot UP rather than DOWN. If Player 1 has the high ground and Player 2 is on the first floor...Player 2 should be the one getting attacked, because when the high ground is much more conducive for covering/support fire. The way Capcom did it in RE5 is neither creative nor original. It's just annoying and stupid.

That seems like a bad example, in that scenario the player on the ground
can snipe the lickers off the wall while they're climbing, hardly "minimal support"
. One area that argument might hold weight is
making Sheva get one of the emblems on 4-2 where the wall blocks off all the enemies, the chris player just has to wait and can barely help
, but I found the splits fine for the most part.

3. Why do aid sprays, ammo, herbs, etc take up inventory slots? Couldn't there just have been some side pocket or something?

What else is there? Having a shitload of weapons in the main inventory and all the ammo and healing items in a separate container would be a little overkill.

4. Why do certain items not stack? First aid sprays stack in the Inventory tab outside of the missions. Why the hell don't they stack in a mission itself? Why are we constantly having to juggle aid sprays, ammo piles, herbs and so on? Why don't we have unlimited ammo piles?

Most things stack aside from things that would make you overpowered. Being able to hold 5 first aid sprays(aka a full heal for both players) is way too many. You ARE able to hold 5 gold eggs(full heal), but it can only be used be one player and it's not likely to obtain so many gold eggs normally. It all stacks in the inventory to prevent clutter. I'm not really sure what you mean by unlimited ammo piles, but you can get unlimited ammo for a particular gun by maxing it out.

I didn't really want to argue, so I just tried to clear a few points you made up some more.

Edit: Beaten anyway. :lol


Grr, I'm trying to just run Vet for the first time and everyone that joins me on PSN is using strictly handguns. I honestly just do not understand why it is a good idea to limit your abilities in this manner.


comrade said:
Even with the same person hosting?

Actually, I can join a random Versus game just fine. But I've been unable to send and receive invites from one particular user. I guess I should try it with a few more people, but it's still odd. No problems on the 360 though.
Sectus said:
Most of the stuff you complain about in RE5 was in RE4. Enemies paused in front of you in RE4. The melee system was even simplier and less dynamic in RE4.

That stuff was fine in RE4 because RE4 wasn't trying to position itself as an action game like RE5 is.

Stomp/impale is always a kill if it hits the head. The neckbreaker and the tag team melees are melee attacks which are always one-hit kills. If they made even more of the melees instantly kill enemies it would make things far too easy.

I've hit the head with both Stomp and Impale and it hasn't killed the enemy consistently. I've watched Sheva stab a Majini right in the head, only to see him get back up. It's not always a kill. Making more of the melees a guaranteed kill wouldn't make things too easy. If anything, it'd improve the clumsy survival/action hybrid nature of RE5. The combat pacing needs to be streamlined. Everything else in the game is super fast-paced except the combat. There's an insanely glaring disconnect there. More of the melees need to be one-hit kills. Or enemies need to go down faster. Something needs to happen to speed the combat up so it matches the rest of the game. Big reason why so many of the boss fights have felt awful. There's fast movement but slow attack speeds. So there's a lot of starting and stopping.

Those are there for pacing reasons, not as amazingly fun gameplay mechanics. It's to make sure that both players basically agree to proceed to the next area and that they're ready, so that one player wouldn't always trigger the next area while the other player was busy doing something else.

They're wholly unnecessary. If you want players to advance at the same pace, let the players work that out on their own. Don't sprinkle pointless co-op exercises throughout the game. The bell-ringing is a pointless co-op exercise. Same goes for every single metal door. It's asinine hand-holding that's already been outdated for three years.

But the split paths always let both players fight the same enemies. In many areas you can even make sure to regroup just after you initially go different ways.

In that licker area you talked about, you've basically got 2 main strategies which you can do variations of:
-One player advances while the other player covers him (shoot lickers coming out of vents to kill them immediately, use rifle to snipe lickers as they walk along the passage ways, use explosions to stun them, set up mines, shoot up through the railing to hit lickers right in the heart and instantly kill them, and probably other tactics)
-The other strategy is that the player going up the elevator jumps down to the other player as soon as he triggers enemies, so that both players are literally right next to eachother when fighting.

If the second player didn't do anything to help the first player you guys were really not good at teamwork.

Yeah, we knew about all of that and were using a few of those strategies. We cleared it when I went up there with my grenade launcher on the next attempt. However, that doesn't change the fact that the Lickers are attacking the wrong character to begin with. I was able to pick off a few as they crawled up the wall, but it's still not an optimal situation no matter what weapon you have. If the Lickers get into the hallway, the player on the ground can barely see them let alone have a decently clear shot at them. And given how awful RE5's "HELP!" co-op interaction is, separating the players is downright asinine. All of it is just inflexible, lousy game design that does not put the burden on both players equally.

Difficulty and balance. Sure, having a gigantic inventory and being able to do anything while accessing the inventory would make it more convenient, but it would remove all the challenge related to the limited inventory.

How would being able to move while using the real-time inventory remove challenge? Or...how would it remove challenge if handgun ammo stacks weren't limited to a max of 50? Or if ammo stacks weren't limited at all? How does that remove the challenge? It could only improve the game because players won't have to choose between a few more shotgun shells and hanging onto that flash grenade. It enables the player to have more options in combat and can support far more playstyles. That is a good thing. I can understand why healing items don't stack in unlimited amounts. But not ammo. Especially not when it already stacks up to some completely arbitrary numerical limitation.


The Blue Jihad said:
They're wholly unnecessary. If you want players to advance at the same pace, let the players work that out on their own. Don't sprinkle pointless co-op exercises throughout the game. The bell-ringing is a pointless co-op exercise. Same goes for every single metal door. It's asinine hand-holding that's already been outdated for three years

I can see your argument, but I'm curious as to how exactly that would play out myself. I thought the whole two-people-open-door mechanic was cliche after the first five or so times, but I'll take it over being stopped mid-room and taken to the next room because my partner moved ahead.

Otherwise, it all sums up to a five second animation to transition the gameplay. What did other games do?
cvxfreak said:
I can see your argument, but I'm curious as to how exactly that would play out myself. I thought the whole two-people-open-door mechanic was cliche after the first five or so times, but I'll take it over being stopped mid-room and taken to the next room because my partner moved ahead.

Otherwise, it all sums up to a five second animation to transition the gameplay. What did other games do?

The breaking point for me came when I noticed that the two-people-door buttons were an arm's length away from each other. Same goes for the bell cords. Arm's length away. It's a very "why the hell do I need two people for this" kind of thing.

Army of Two had a few of those moments, but they were generally few and far between. RE5 was getting to be one metal door after another. And it's like...if Army of Two, which is a pretty mediocre game in many respects, can do co-op gameplay and make it interesting without being overbearing...why can't RE5?


The Blue Jihad said:
That stuff was fine in RE4 because RE4 wasn't trying to position itself as an action game like RE5 is.
How wasn't RE4 an action game? It even says so on the back of the box: "Forget survival horror, welcome survival action." RE5 is even based directly on the gameplay of RE4.

The Blue Jihad said:
I've hit the head with both Stomp and Impale and it hasn't killed the enemy consistently. I've watched Sheva stab a Majini right in the head, only to see him get back up. It's not always a kill. Making more of the melees a guaranteed kill wouldn't make things too easy. If anything, it'd improve the clumsy survival/action hybrid nature of RE5. The combat pacing needs to be streamlined. Everything else in the game is super fast-paced except the combat. There's an insanely glaring disconnect there. More of the melees need to be one-hit kills. Or enemies need to go down faster. Something needs to happen to speed the combat up so it matches the rest of the game. Big reason why so many of the boss fights have felt awful. There's fast movement but slow attack speeds. So there's a lot of starting and stopping.
Well, no, it would really make things too easy and it would make most of the melee attacks redudant. Are you aware of the neckbreaker move? That one is not really harder to do than a stomp and it's always an instakill. It even stops enemies from mutating.

I'm not sure quite I understand your complaints about speed. Movement speed isn't exactly fast in this game, you can't sprint like in other games and the default movement speed is walking. Having to explore your surroundings also makes the overall pace feel slow. Combat can be insanely fast if you're efficient, and if you want things to be even faster, just run past enemies. There's only a handful of fights you're forced to actually do.

The Blue Jihad said:
They're wholly unnecessary. If you want players to advance at the same pace, let the players work that out on their own. Don't sprinkle pointless co-op exercises throughout the game. The bell-ringing is a pointless co-op exercise. Same goes for every single metal door. It's asinine hand-holding that's already been outdated for three years.
I'd personally have the coop mechanics of RE5 compared to the coop of other games. I really like being able to always see where my partner is, being able to always see the health of my partner, what he's using, what he's picking up, how much ammo he has. That and other things add up to a nice friendly coop experience. Having both players agree before loading a new area helps if you're playing with a partner you can't communicate with. It's such a minor issue I can't see how anyone would complain about it.

The Blue Jihad said:
Yeah, we knew about all of that and were using a few of those strategies. We cleared it when I went up there with my grenade launcher on the next attempt. However, that doesn't change the fact that the Lickers are attacking the wrong character to begin with. I was able to pick off a few as they crawled up the wall, but it's still not an optimal situation no matter what weapon you have. If the Lickers get into the hallway, the player on the ground can barely see them let alone have a decently clear shot at them. And given how awful RE5's "HELP!" co-op interaction is, separating the players is downright asinine. All of it is just inflexible, lousy game design that does not put the burden on both players equally.
You knew about ALL of those strategies? So you were shooting all the lickers which were coming out of the vents, instakilled the first few lickers, set up mines where lickers could get to the ground, all on your second attempt? I should bow to you, you must be the greatest gamer of all time. Just a bit odd that when you used all those strategies which makes it very easy that you want the lickers to attack the player on the ground which would make the lickers even easier to deal with.

The Blue Jihad said:
How would being able to move while using the real-time inventory remove challenge? Or...how would it remove challenge if handgun ammo stacks weren't limited to a max of 50? Or if ammo stacks weren't limited at all? How does that remove the challenge? It could only improve the game because players won't have to choose between a few more shotgun shells and hanging onto that flash grenade. It enables the player to have more options in combat and can support far more playstyles. That is a good thing. I can understand why healing items don't stack in unlimited amounts. But not ammo. Especially not when it already stacks up to some completely arbitrary numerical limitation.
You really don't see how having 1000 handgun bullets in one stack instead of 50 handgun bullets might possibly make things easier? The inventory has always been one of the primary challenges in RE games and it's no different here, you're not supposed to be able to carry anything you see, you need to make choices on what you want to keep. I'd argue it allows for more different playstyles as you can use different items and weapons in replays, instead of pretending to be Rambo and carry everything.
Sectus said:
How wasn't RE4 an action game? It even says so on the back of the box: "Forget survival horror, welcome survival action." RE5 is even based directly on the gameplay of RE4.

RE4 wasn't an action game like RE5 is trying to be. Don't be so foolish. There are huge differences between the two games' respective approaches and I seem to recall you yourself exploring those key differences in other posts. RE4 as an action game is much, much much more subdued than RE5 as an action game. Hell, where in RE4 was there a motorcycle gang circle around Leon? Or what about a high-speed motorcycle chase straight out of The Road Warrior? Did Leon ever use four mounted guns in a fight with the Kraken? Come on, dude.

Well, no, it would really make things too easy and it would make most of the melee attacks redudant. Are you aware of the neckbreaker move? That one is not really harder to do than a stomp and it's always an instakill. It even stops enemies from mutating.

I'm not sure quite I understand your complaints about speed. Movement speed isn't exactly fast in this game, you can't sprint like in other games and the default movement speed is walking. Having to explore your surroundings also makes the overall pace feel slow. Combat can be insanely fast if you're efficient, and if you want things to be even faster, just run past enemies. There's only a handful of fights you're forced to actually do.

It would not make things too easy, nor would it make most melee attacks redundant. You would still have to set-up for the melee attack, which doesn't always mean just a single shot to the knee. You would still have to take into account nearby enemies. It would not make things too easy. Most melee attacks would not become redundant, either, because I'd venture the attraction to the melee moves is more a "Oh shit, she just sliced the dude's neck open!" rather than a clinical evaluation of which moves are most viable.

C'mon, we both know you understand the complaints about speed, lol. Enemies move at you extremely quickly. Their movement itself is fast as hell. But then they enter the combat zone and they slow the fuck down. Same goes for the bosses, whether it was the
bat-slug from early in the game, any of the leech-worm bosses, etc
. No matter how fast any of the bosses move, they slow down considerably for their attack pattern. Even Chris and Sheva have a similar issue. When you're running, you move at a decent pace. It isn't fast compared to other games, but it's still pretty fast. However, when you get into combat and have to raise your weapon it feels a totally different game was shoehorned in. And the combat is very slow compared to how fast the rest of the game is. The combat is the only holdover from previous RE games. Everything else has changed dramatically. But until they modernize the combat, you're going to keep having the stop-start-stop-start disconnect.

I'd personally have the coop mechanics of RE5 compared to the coop of other games. I really like being able to always see where my partner is, being able to always see the health of my partner, what he's using, what he's picking up, how much ammo he has. That and other things add up to a nice friendly coop experience. Having both players agree before loading a new area helps if you're playing with a partner you can't communicate with. It's such a minor issue I can't see how anyone would complain about it.

The co-op mechanics of RE5 are shit compared to the co-op of other games. Almost everything you enjoy about RE5's co-op is hand-holding crap and outdated hand-holding crap at that. The Player Locator function is good. It's very useful. Everything else is a substandard replacement for honest-to-God human interaction and player communication. And the foundation of player communication is the player knowing how to relay ammo/health/enemy information.

You knew about ALL of those strategies? So you were shooting all the lickers which were coming out of the vents, instakilled the first few lickers, set up mines where lickers could get to the ground, all on your second attempt? I should bow to you, you must be the greatest gamer of all time. Just a bit odd that when you used all those strategies which makes it very easy that you want the lickers to attack the player on the ground which would make the lickers even easier to deal with.

Dude, I'm pissed, not stupid, so please drop the tone and don't patronize me. This game isn't hard. It's just poorly designed. You act like any problems with that section are purely the fault of the player's and never a fault of the game itself. You're wrong. There are numerous ways that entire section could have been improved. One, the Lickers attacking the player on the ground. That situation would afford the players a much more balanced experience. Two, Chris could just vault Sheva up to the rooftop of that building. Three, they could just both break the door down, since you eventually see it's just a tiny little lock on the inside. Those are three alternatives that would have been dramatic improvements.

You really don't see how having 1000 handgun bullets in one stack instead of 50 handgun bullets might possibly make things easier? The inventory has always been one of the primary challenges in RE games and it's no different here, you're not supposed to be able to carry anything you see, you need to make choices on what you want to keep. I'd argue it allows for more different playstyles as you can use different items and weapons in replays, instead of pretending to be Rambo and carry everything.

Come on, how would being able to move while accessing your inventory remove the challenge? Your argument regarding playstyles is atrocious, by the way. Limiting inventory space for the players enables them to have more options? That's borderline deranged.


Erm i found the co-op buttons throughout the game to be very practical. I play with friends that ALWAYS rush through, knowing they cant go much further than me gave me some relief.

The co-op in this game is far better than any other game of its kind. I prefer it to both Gears, i love the fact you couldnt split up, which is the real essence of survival.


The Blue Jihad said:
RE4 wasn't an action game like RE5 is trying to be. Don't be so foolish. There are huge differences between the two games' respective approaches and I seem to recall you yourself exploring those key differences in other posts. RE4 as an action game is much, much much more subdued than RE5 as an action game. Hell, where in RE4 was there a motorcycle gang circle around Leon? Or what about a high-speed motorcycle chase straight out of The Road Warrior? Did Leon ever use four mounted guns in a fight with the Kraken? Come on, dude.
You could use mounted guns in RE4. There were enemies with gatling guns, turrets, rocket launchers. The public assembly scene plays out the same way as the village scene where you encounter the chainsaw guy for the first time. There are some scenes in RE5 which aren't in RE4, but you're fooling yourself if you think RE4 was not an action game.

The Blue Jihad said:
It would not make things too easy, nor would it make most melee attacks redundant. You would still have to set-up for the melee attack, which doesn't always mean just a single shot to the knee. You would still have to take into account nearby enemies. It would not make things too easy. Most melee attacks would not become redundant, either, because I'd venture the attraction to the melee moves is more a "Oh shit, she just sliced the dude's neck open!" rather than a clinical evaluation of which moves are most viable.
The melee moves seems balanced fine as they are. Straight punch is reliable and is easy to hit multiple enemies with. Tag team melee always kills, can potentially hit multiple enemies but is hard to do. Uppercut is easy to set up but unreliable. Neckbreaker is a bit harder to do, also unreliable, only hits one opponent but always kills. Stomp is rather slow and usually only hit one opponent, but is safe to do and can kill if you hit the head.

If you want more of those to be instakills, it would make the rest of them much much worse. As an example, go play mercenaries mode as Wesker and continously do his cobra strike, now imagine how easy melee combat in story mode would be if straight punch was as powerful.

The Blue Jihad said:
C'mon, we both know you understand the complaints about speed, lol. Enemies move at you extremely quickly. Their movement itself is fast as hell. But then they enter the combat zone and they slow the fuck down. Same goes for the bosses, whether it was the
bat-slug from early in the game, any of the leech-worm bosses, etc
. No matter how fast any of the bosses move, they slow down considerably for their attack pattern. Even Chris and Sheva have a similar issue. When you're running, you move at a decent pace. It isn't fast compared to other games, but it's still pretty fast. However, when you get into combat and have to raise your weapon it feels a totally different game was shoehorned in. And the combat is very slow compared to how fast the rest of the game is. The combat is the only holdover from previous RE games. Everything else has changed dramatically. But until they modernize the combat, you're going to keep having the stop-start-stop-start disconnect.
I never got the impression it made the game slow. It does a great job to make your feel vulnerable almost all the time and force you to keep moving. They'd have to change the entire combat system if you want enemies to be running and attacking literally all the time.

The Blue Jihad said:
The co-op mechanics of RE5 are shit compared to the co-op of other games. Almost everything you enjoy about RE5's co-op is hand-holding crap and outdated hand-holding crap at that. The Player Locator function is good. It's very useful. Everything else is a substandard replacement for honest-to-God human interaction and player communication. And the foundation of player communication is the player knowing how to relay ammo/health/enemy information.
Well, I personally don't think periodically shouting the current status of my health, currently equipped weapon and other stuff to be all that fun. The current setup works great for helping your friend without waiting for him to request anything, like giving him ammo because you can quickly check both inventories to see what you have. It's also undoubtly the best system if players can't voice chat to eachother. The system they have in place right now is something I'd love to see in versus shooters as well, since in those games you definitely don't have time to keep shouting basic status info. A game like Bad Company doesn't even tell you the class of what your friends has currently chosen.

The Blue Jihad said:
Dude, I'm pissed, not stupid, so please drop the tone and don't patronize me. This game isn't hard. It's just poorly designed. You act like any problems with that section are purely the fault of the player's and never a fault of the game itself. You're wrong. There are numerous ways that entire section could have been improved. One, the Lickers attacking the player on the ground. That situation would afford the players a much more balanced experience. Two, Chris could just vault Sheva up to the rooftop of that building. Three, they could just both break the door down, since you eventually see it's just a tiny little lock on the inside. Those are three alternatives that would have been dramatic improvements.
One: Pay close attention, some lickers DO attack the player on the ground. That's why I added the tip about placing mines so the player on the ground could focus entirely on helping the other player.
Two: It's a video game. You can't expect everything to work as it works in real life. It should be stupidly obvious why you can't simply jump to the rooftop. It's the same reason why Nintendo didn't simply let the player go to the right castle in the beginning of the game of Super Mario.
Three: Again, it's a video game, you can complain about that lack of realism in any video game ever made. For instance, why you can't jump over fences in most games. Why so many doors are locked. Why so many shooters have suspiciously linear level design and why you couldn't simply go around that area. It's just how the games are designed.

The Blue Jihad said:
Come on, how would being able to move while accessing your inventory remove the challenge? Your argument regarding playstyles is atrocious, by the way. Limiting inventory space for the players enables them to have more options? That's borderline deranged.
Yeah, limited space means you can use different playstyles for replays. If you could carry everything, you would carry the same things each playthrough.

And I wasn't only talking about "moving while using the inventory" (how the heck are you gonna use the d-pad and left analog stick at the same time anyway?), but having infinite stacks of ammo which you were talking about.


Finished chapter 4-2, this game is severely lacking the atmosphere of RE4...or any other RE game. Are there any dark creepy-esq environments in the game at all?


I think the menu limitations are offset by the ability to train your characters by replaying courses and prepare a perfect arsenal.

I think juggling through the menu is sometimes bothersome, though. Especially the 360 version and it's shitty, shitty, shitty, shitty D-Pad. Microsoft designed an abortion of a D-Pad for sure.


What? Those 'co-op moments' weren't really co-op moments, they were just intended to let the two players catch up. I'm not sure I see how that's outdated at all. It's not intrusive. You just meet up and press a single button, and then proceed. It certainly beats one player running off far ahead and then having the rest of the team magically transport to the next checkpoint. Not everyone has the chance to play with a buddy, and randoms always run off on their own if given the opportunity. It gives a fair starting part in the next portion.

I'm a big fan of online co-op. It's easily the best feature from this console generation. I think RE5 delivers on it very well.

I quite like the inventory setup. It's pretty limited, but really forces us to pick and choose what to keep. My main gripe is that there isn't a quick 'drop' or 'give' button.


yoopoo said:
Finished chapter 4-2, this game is severely lacking the atmosphere of RE4...or any other RE game. Are there any dark creepy-esq environments in the game at all?
is your best bet.

By far the most RE-esque chapter in the whole game, imo. My favourite for the same reason. :)


cvxfreak said:
Actually, I can join a random Versus game just fine. But I've been unable to send and receive invites from one particular user. I guess I should try it with a few more people, but it's still odd. No problems on the 360 though.
If it was the same person something is wrong but it's probably NAT connection issues between you guys. I'm sure you can join co-op games with most other people just fine. Have your friend set a static IP for the PS3 and turn DMZ on for it in his router settings.


Llyranor said:
What? Those 'co-op moments' weren't really co-op moments, they were just intended to let the two players catch up. I'm not sure I see how that's outdated at all. It's not intrusive. You just meet up and press a single button, and then proceed. It certainly beats one player running off far ahead and then having the rest of the team magically transport to the next checkpoint. Not everyone has the chance to play with a buddy, and randoms always run off on their own if given the opportunity. It gives a fair starting part in the next portion.

I'm a big fan of online co-op. It's easily the best feature from this console generation. I think RE5 delivers on it very well.

I quite like the inventory setup. It's pretty limited, but really forces us to pick and choose what to keep. My main gripe is that there isn't a quick 'drop' or 'give' button.
Imagine knifing open a barrel about to grab some magnum ammo just to disappear and reappear in an elevator because your partner ran to the checkpoint too fast. Agree with you on the inventory as well. If you could carry everything you picked up it would be ridiculous. I know it's moved onto mostly action but it still is a bit about weapon managing and survival. Basically I agree with all your points.

edit: Sorry for the double post.


I actually really ended up enjoying RE5 now that I am almost done playing through the game co-op on veteran with a friend. Much more fun than it was going through it alone. But I do wish that the game was longer, and had more character development. I wish some areas had some more atmosphere and less obvious enemy triggers.

Why did I have to fight an el gigante while on the back of a truck. Couldn't I have fought it on foot like in RE4, or maybe even a Tyrant? Ditto for the second time the bat creature appears. Wouldn't it have been cool if 2 iron maidens were blocking your way during that section? The big boss on the 2nd boat was awesome looking, but it would have been more fun if the laser did not unlock until the very end and you only had to fire it once. During that time they could have made you fend off various challenges on the lower level to first weaken the creature.

Also, would it have killed capcom to sprinkle in some hunters, regular zombies, giant spiders, etc? I would have loved some more t/g-virus stuff. Also, I think that ammo should have been more limited and that the enemies should have been less bullet sponge, and more scary. The chainsaw guys were more scary in RE4, and seemed to take much less to kill. They should have been much quicker to kill you if they got near, but taken far less bullets. That goes for a lot of enemies in the game. Lickers were scary in RE2 because they could kill you so easily like hunters could. They are now slow and stupid, but absorb and endless amount of bullets/grenades.

The atmosphere in many areas could have been better. Lights could have been broken in far more areas. They could have had thunderstorms in certain sections that made visibility very very low. They could have made the many cavern sections darker and more foreboding.

I have a feeling that after this experiment RE6 may be something truly special if they take all the criticism they are receiving to heart and do some further research on Gears if they insist on keeping the next game co-op. This game completely reminds me of R2. So much potential, but not quite there yet.


Yeah, the handicap is totally fucked up in Team Slayers. If there's a massive gap in skill between teams, it won't matter much, you can just win by being flat out better. In a match between two teams closely matched in skill, however, it's actually better to let the other team take a good lead (maybe even letting them kill a miniboss or two, depending on how much the miniboss is worth), but build a high combo. The 2x handicap for enemy kills will slowly close the gap while you're building up your combo. And as long as your trailing when you're combo ends, you'll get the massive bonus, plus the 2x handicap. Today I've had two games where we were trailing, but the massive bonus of a 40+ combo (sustained until the end of the match) rocketed us past the other team when the match ended. Granted, in both cases, the combo bonus alone would have give us the victory, still, there really shouldn't be a handicap.


Beat the game today - the locations got worse and worse...the tankers and ship areas were so damn boring. I was hoping for come creepy dark environments, never got any.

And same with the enemy design. Nothing at all creepy like the Garrodor, Regenerators, Iron Maiden, Armaduras or U3.

I'd have to put it below RE4.
comrade said:
Even with the same person hosting?

I would of played man. I listed my ID earlier when you wanted to play but now I'm burnt. Send me an invite and I'll play with you tomorrow if you want.
Well it didn't really seem like you wanted to play with me so I didn't. I'll add you now.

Also, I'm looking for someone to play with once again, let me know. PSN ID is xlildragon.
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