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Neiteio said:
Josh has to be DLC at some point. He has the animations, the moves. Just have HQ be his contact in Mercs and Versus and make him available for play in those modes. I will pay, Capcom! And without the slightest reluctance, as I've already got way more than my sixty bucks worth outta this game.
The only bad thing is that all of Josh's animations are the same as Chris. I actually managed to see Josh do the tag team melee combo once which was pretty neat, but it was the same haymaker move as Chris does. If they're gonna make something like "Assignment Ada" it definitely should be with Jill and/or Wesker. Although I wouldn't complain about other playable characters.

Neiteio said:
I wonder how well Versus sold? If Versus sold as well as I suspect it did, that's VERY good incentive for Capcom to roll out new characters, pitching them as additions to both Mercs and Versus. Of course, Capcom would probably force everyone to update the game if the characters have new assets; after all, if you're playing with somebody who doesn't own the character, they still need to see it!
May not be an accurate way to tell, but the leaderboards for versus mode shows at least 52,000 people for the 360 version.

Capcom hasn't been reluctant to develop new content to their games this generation (Lost Planet got map packs and Colonies edition, DMC4 got new modes in PC version, SF4 is apparently getting tournament mode later this year), so I expect and hope they'll add some kind of new content to RE5.

C- Warrior said:
I have a question on Versus.

I feel I'm pretty descent, and I alternate using between Jill BSAA, W.Midnight, and W. Stars on Mercs, and Slayers.

Howeve, on the Survivor modes I see no reason not to use W. Stars since he has the flat-out strongest pistol, and essentially everyone starts with a pistol? (not into submachine guns).

So, is there any reason to choose Jill BSAA over Wesker Stars on Survivor. I like Jill bSAA because of her handgun (One shot to the head kill) which makes her good for mercs/slayers...but what about survivor?
If you're going for the best advantage against other players, I think starting with an SMG would be the best choice. But all in all, the starting character doesn't exactly make a big difference, since it's all about getting some of those other powerful weapons.

Jill BSAA got a few advantages at least. Her pistol has a 90% crit chance against AI so she has the least problems killing the AI (as long as your aim is good), and she starts with some flash grenades which can be useful if you play on ruins or village where you'll meet lots of las plagas enemies.


Kard8p3 said:
Seems pretty hard to get a big combo in team slayers. The most we've been able to get is 32.

Yeah, pretty rough. Me and fallengorn got lucky a couple days ago and pulled off a combo of 60! :D


Miburou said:
Why are people still spoiler tagging stuff when there are GIFs in this thread that are more revealing?

I haven't been following this thread. Better to be yelled at for using spoiler tags when not needed than vice versa.

comrade said:
I generally hate all the QTE's since RE4. I don't think they're really necessary. I'd of rather just watched the Leon/Krauser knife fight then stare at the bottom of the screen waiting for prompts missing half the action. Shit I don't even like wiggling the thumbstick to get enemies off of me. Not into sloppy mechanics like that. Shake this, wiggle that, etc. Still love both games though.

Agreed. As much as I dislike the QTEs though, the inventory management issues bother me much more.

I should also stress that I still think this is a great game. But just like Ninja Gaiden II last year, I had much higher expectations coming from its predecessor. It does look amazing on my TV though. It's probably the best looking console game I've played (disclaimer: I haven't yet played Killzone 2).


dabbled in the jelly
One of my friends who also beat RE5 didn't believe me when I told him I was beating RE5 on the hardest difficulty with the weak handguns and very little deaths so he came over last night and watched me play. I don't mean to brag (okay maybe a little bit) but damn I'm good. I replayed my entire Pro run for him and now I'm up to 6-1 again already. Again PE is the stage that gave me the most trouble by far but I use a near flawless strategy to beat it now. Died 3 times on PE and 2 more times all the way up to stage 6-1. I wish I could make a video of my run but I don't have the video card to do it.

The only concession I had to make was turning on infinite ammo during 5-2 because I was running out of bullets for the handgun. My long distance aiming is a lot better but the laser dot is still horribly annoying to see at great distances. I usually have to shoot blind and wherever I see the bullets bounce off the environment in reference to my target I adjust my aim. This works most of the time but it's still a hindrance to my enjoyment of the game since my accuracy ratio is forced to suffer.

For comparison I died over 120 times when I beat RE4's pro mode with a weak handgun. Most enemies are no doubt more aggressive in RE5 so either I'm a lot better or RE5's stage design and equipment make it a whole bunch easier. There are a couple of sections in 6-1 that may be difficult but I'm already formulating a strategy.


vermadas said:
Agreed. As much as I dislike the QTEs though, the inventory management issues bother me much more.

I dislike the fact that you can't use herbs/spray lying around if your inventory is full, nor can you reload your weapon with a clip that's not in your inventory. I have no problems with the fact that the game doesn't stop when accessing your inventory, although it would've been nice to still be able to move during that time.

It does look amazing on my TV though. It's probably the best looking console game I've played (disclaimer: I haven't yet played Killzone 2).

I have (played KZ2) and I agree with you.


I just played RE4 Wii today, playing its Mercenaries mode as well as Separate Ways.

In that game, I kept hoping that Ada would stomp on downed enemies. I had to settle for knifing them to death. :lol

That said, RE5 would be that much better with the Wii Remote. :( Silky smooth Wii controls = awesome and perfect, no question.


As much of a surprise as this might come to some people, not everyone finds the Wii controls 'superior'. I bought RE4 Wii (for $9.99 during amazon's black Friday sales), and I found the controls clumsier (accessing buttons other than A) and at times even less precise to aim. It is faster to aim, and I guess it might be more fun for some people, but this notion that Wiimote control is absolutely superior isn't something I share.

It is superior for a game like UC, though, since it's made for the Wiimote.

Just my two cents.


It can only be less precise to aim at any time if you don't have a steady hand. I can't think of any other way for the Wii controls to be less precise, since it's nearly impossible to shoot the wrong enemy due to the reticule. It could be a set up issue as well, but I doubt it.

In fact, it was a bit of an issue to some gamers at how generous the reticule was in terms of allowing you to hit an enemy. With the laser, you have to be more precise and deliberate in your aiming, so the difficulty became undeniably easier with the Wii version.

I would expect a new RE4-style game developed for the Wii to destroy RE5 in the aiming department in the eyes of most gamers, while maintaining the difficulty balance of the traditional controls. I remember dying twice at the truck sequence in 2-1, which would never have happened if I had a Wii Remote in tow.


I've been playing on professional the last few days. I'm about ready to start 6-1; the only level I haven't been besides chapter six is 3-3. For some reason, those guys on the chain guns rip me to shreds as soon as I get off the boat.

Anybody else have this problem?


Chapter six is bullshit, beginning to end

I beat the game once and I'll never touch it again in single player. I'll MAYBE play it again in co-op but I don't think anyone I know is going to get it.

RE4 on the other hand I beat 3 or 4 times and will probably play again
pj325is said:
I beat the game once and I'll never touch it.

Same. The game is terrible in single player, abit better with local co-op (what's up with the screen size? shit).

Sheva is the dumbest character in computer gaming history; enemy ai is also shit.

The boss battles, controls and the checkpoint system are all poor.

Audio is good.

5/10 PS3 version


A few more versus mode videos from me:

Wax Free Vanilla said:
Same. The game is terrible in single player, abit better with local co-op (what's up with the screen size? shit).

Sheva is the dumbest character in computer gaming history; enemy ai is also shit.

The boss battles, controls and the checkpoint system are all poor.

Audio is good.

5/10 PS3 version
I give your score a 1/10, because 5/10 should mean average, not terrible. *slaps Wax Free Vanilla with a frying pan*


Kard8p3 said:
I've beat the single player mode 6 times and will do it many more times.
Same here. It's possible I've beaten RE5 in single-player more than that, because I've played a lot of chapters out of order and collectively they may add up to full runs. Can't wait to try a non-infinite co-op run on Pro.

Great, great game. Glad to see the vast majority of people in this thread love it, even without the benefit of nostalgia or lower standards.

As for RE4, I'll play it again when they remaster it in high-def. On an HDTV it's horrendous where the video in videogame is concerned. A washed-out, blurry mess. Of the numerous people I've met who haven't played RE4, I only loan it to the ones who still use an SDTV, because I'd be doing the game a disservice otherwise.


Sectus, those videos are AMAZING. But... Put a goddamn watermark on 'em! I know watermarks suck and are intrusive on the image, but with all the people stealing your vids, it's a necessary evil. I don't like seeing people do this to you. O_O


Neiteio said:
Sectus, those videos are AMAZING. But... Put a goddamn watermark on 'em! I know watermarks suck and are intrusive on the image, but with all the people stealing your vids, it's a necessary evil. I don't like seeing people do this to you. O_O
But... gah... I hate watermarks! They're distracting and they'd make the encode process (which already takes many hours) take even more time. All the versus videos I've posted shows my gamertag at the end of the video so that's at least something which would prevent people from stealing or to prove I've got the real video.

If I see even more people steal more videos I might consider it, but right now I'll just keep the current setup. The only stealers I know of are Wesker946, Chrisredfield946 (those two being the same person) and EliteEffect (actually, I've got a hunch that's yet another account of the same guy), and those/that person has stopped stealing from me now.


Your video makes me want to buy the game.

How easy is the laser point reticle to see? Because I tried split-screen on a 42" and it seemd way to small. Then again I couldn´t play much, because the demo crashes my PS3 :/

Davey Cakes

Neiteio said:
As for RE4, I'll play it again when they remaster it in high-def. On an HDTV it's horrendous where the video in videogame is concerned. A washed-out, blurry mess. Of the numerous people I've met who haven't played RE4, I only loan it to the ones who still use an SDTV, because I'd be doing the game a disservice otherwise.
I here this a lot, and I think it's ridiculous.

Yeah, after playing RE5, you have to adjust to the lower quality visuals, but it's not THAT bad. Take it from me, I played RE4 through a good couple of times right before RE5 came out, played the crap out of RE5, and then did a from-scratch run of RE4 with no hitches and I still consider RE4 the better game overall.

The visuals issue is completely overblown.


Rash said:
I here this a lot, and I think it's ridiculous.

Yeah, after playing RE5, you have to adjust to the lower quality visuals, but it's not THAT bad. Take it from me, I played RE4 through a good couple of times right before RE5 came out, played the crap out of RE5, and then did a from-scratch run of RE4 with no hitches and I still consider RE4 the better game overall.

The visuals issue is completely overblown.
Be absolutely honest: did you play RE4 on an HDTV?

Did you? Maybe I should take off-screen video footage of what RE4 looks like on an HDTV under good conditions (i.e. with component, et al). It's obsolete on modern TVs, where visuals are concerned, and it eats me up inside.

I agree it's still a great game underneath, though. I prefer RE5 but I love 'em both about equally where gameplay's concerned.

Davey Cakes

I've played both games on my HDTV at home and my roommate's HDTV at college. That's two different HDTV's and I did multiple playthroughs of RE4 across both of them with zero issues. And, like I said, RE4, regardless of the visuals, stands out where it truly matters to me.

Obviously, the game doesn't blow me away like it did back in 2005, and like I said, after RE5 it takes a little bit of getting used to. But, the game still looked fine, and I was very much able to appreciate the amount of detail that Capcom was able to squeeze in with the Gamecube hardware.


Rash said:
I've played both games on my HDTV at home and my roommate's HDTV at college. That's two different HDTV's and I did multiple playthroughs of RE4 across both of them with zero issues. And, like I said, RE4, regardless of the visuals, stands out where it truly matters to me.

Obviously, the game doesn't blow me away like it did back in 2005, and like I said, after RE5 it takes a little bit of getting used to. But, the game still looked fine, and I was very much able to appreciate the amount of detail that Capcom was able to squeeze in with the Gamecube hardware.
That's amazing you can ignore how bad it looks. See, the game still looks great on an SDTV, and knowing what it looks like on an SDTV -- what it's supposed to look like -- makes it impossible for me to enjoy it when it's all washed out and blurry and Leon looks like a fuzzy vaseline smudge on an HDTV. All that detail you enjoy on an SDTV, gone on an HDTV. It's terrible, and you're the first person I've seen deny it.

Someone should make an offscreen comparison video of RE4 running on an SDTV and RE4 running on a 42" HDTV. Night and day difference. The game needs to be re-mastered in HD so I can enjoy both games. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if Capcom cashed in on this and gave me just that.


NIN90 said:
Yeah, you really don't like your HDTV. We get it.
Eh? I love the hell out of my HDTV. Mindblowing 1080p and Blu-ray = <3 <3 <3.

But it's not friendly to some old games. Makes me wonder, would it be that hard for Capcom to... I dunno, up-rez RE4 and re-release it? They should do something to futureproof one of their best games.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
Neiteio said:
Eh? I love the hell out of my HDTV. Mindblowing 1080p and Blu-ray = <3 <3 <3.

But it's not friendly to some old games. Makes me wonder, would it be that hard for Capcom to... I dunno, up-rez RE4 and re-release it? They should do something to futureproof one of their best games.



I still love you, Chris, don't worry.

EDIT: And my apologies to everyone who wants to keep this the RE5 thread and not the RE4 Visual Fidelity thread.


RE4 on Wii through component looks just fine on my HDTV. It doesn't look like a 360 game, but it still looks nice. Your TV must have a thing against RE4.


TheEastonator said:
RE4 on Wii through component looks just fine on my HDTV. It doesn't look like a 360 game, but it still looks nice. Your TV must have a thing against RE4.
It's calibrated and set-up right, but yeah. It might hate the Spanish. O_O


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
Neiteio said:
It's calibrated and set-up right, but yeah. It might hate the Spanish. O_O

Neiteio eres de España?


Ok so I caved in and rented this yesterday. I fired it up today and played up until 2-1 by myself and was IMing my brother the whole time. I kept saying I need someone to play with (he is a stubborn Wii owner that plans on getting a 360 next year, he is jobless). So finally one of my buddies with the game signed onto AIM and we started playing 2-2 together. He has beaten the game on veteran and we started playing again.

By myself the game was awesome but its absolutely ridiculous with a friend. I already see this as IMO top 5 this generation and by the time it's over might be making a push for number one.


nyprimus2 said:
Ok so I caved in and rented this yesterday. I fired it up today and played up until 2-1 by myself and was IMing my brother the whole time. I kept saying I need someone to play with (he is a stubborn Wii owner that plans on getting a 360 next year, he is jobless). So finally one of my buddies with the game signed onto AIM and we started playing 2-2 together. He has beaten the game on veteran and we started playing again.

By myself the game was awesome but its absolutely ridiculous with a friend. I already see this as IMO top 5 this generation and by the time it's over might be making a push for number one.
That's more like it! Someone talking about RE5 in the RE5 thread.

Your friend, the guy who beat it on Veteran, he's not using god weapons is he? It's even better when you're both struggling to survive together. The Remove button is his friend! (Allows him to safely store powered-up weapons in an inventory box so he can go basic and progress alongside you.)


Neiteio said:
That's more like it! Someone talking about RE5 in the RE5 thread.

Your friend, the guy who beat it on Veteran, he's not using god weapons is he? It's even better when you're both struggling to survive together. The Remove button is his friend! (Allows him to safely store powered-up weapons in an inventory box so he can go basic and progress alongside you.)
Nothing with unlimited ammo but I believe all his guns are either close to or completely upgraded.

And I'm not positive on this because I don't no what is considered G-d weapons but I think he uses the basic shotgun, the basic rifle, and the magnum.


nyprimus2 said:
Nothing with unlimited ammo but I believe all his guns are either close to or completely upgraded.

And I'm not positive on this because I don't no what is considered G-d weapons but I think he uses the basic shotgun, the basic rifle, and the magnum.
I'd consider a god-weapon something like the Infinite Rocket Launcher, which can kill most bosses in one hit. :p Sounds like you're experiencing it the right way. That's the one thing that bothers me about co-op, is that first-timers playing online may wind up with someone waaaaaay overpowered, who'll make the game a cakewalk when it should be a bit of a challenge the first time around.


Any ps3 users wanna help me finish 3-3 and chapter 6 on pro later tonight? I'll be on around 930-1000pm est. PSN id is joeballgame.


GuardianE said:
Wesker's intentions are incredibly vague at the time Chris says the line. That's why his explanation is vague to Sheva- because he doesn't understand. In fact, it's at that point where Excella reveals she's not selling the virus to terrorists... so it's not clear at all what her motive is.

"Something about the philosopher's stone and harvesting DNA.... it doesn't matter WHAT she says, she's just a terrorist, end of story."

The point is, the line is just an example of a dismissive American stereotype, which is perfectly fine. It's obviously what Capcom is going for and it works. The same sort of dialogue can be seen in RE4.

They don't plan on only making money from selling bioweapons to terrorists, they plan to use it to own the world (or create their own world).


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.

I was trying to buy Versus and cause I don't have gold I used a 48 trial code andI cant buy VErsus! dammit!

can Ibuy gold with XBL points? D:
i just got the game an have to say the first 2 chapters are pretty sweet. the first boss fight against the venom zombie was cool but pretty easy. the graphics are awesome!

i have to agree with those that say RE4 doesn't look so hot today. it doesn't look like complete balls but it's just hard to go back. graphics aren't everything in a game but they can definitely help the atmosphere and overall enjoyment, especially in this type of game. that is why RE4 was so awesome back in 2004, it looked better than anything around!

still love RE4. jury is still out for me on RE5 but we'll see soon enough!

p.s. what kind of bonus would i get if i killed the guy with the giant axe on the first level? and if i go back and play a level, will the items i accumulate on the replay go into my box so i can use it on later levels?


For people that played Resident Evil 0, do you think Billy Coen should have something related to the story of this game?

He was said to have killed 23 people in an African Villagers before stuck on that train with Rebecca.

Davey Cakes

billy.sea said:
For people that played Resident Evil 0, do you think Billy Coen should have something related to the story of this game?

He was said to have killed 23 people in an African Villagers before stuck on that train with Rebecca.
I have always said that.

It was disappointing when I found out (through spoilers) that Billy wasn't in the game at all. His involvement with Africa seemed like a no-brainer plot point for RE5.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Wax Free Vanilla said:
Same. The game is terrible in single player, abit better with local co-op (what's up with the screen size? shit).

Sheva is the dumbest character in computer gaming history; enemy ai is also shit.

The boss battles, controls and the checkpoint system are all poor.

Audio is good.

5/10 PS3 version
I love the obligatory "audio is good" bit, you should work for IGN dot com.
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