I've uploaded some new versus mode videos recently:Neiteio said:Or if you're like most people playing the game, you'll need her nearby to revive you. ^_^ But yeah, someone with your rank on the leaderboards probably does all the saving. You are a Mercs god! Anymore videos coming up? They always drive home how this game has some of the best combat around.
Got 3 other ones I'm uploading right now. All these are of team slayer or team survivor (all from the PS3 version... since the 360 hates me). I should try to record from mercs videos again soon. I've had a lot of practice in versus mode to quickly aim, do quick turns and quickly juggling my inventory around, so all of that should help me in mercs mode too.
Nice pictures. I personally think most of those scenes were specifically created for the trailer though. I imagine they loaded specific levels from the game without any enemies, spawned a few enemies around and then start to record for the trailer. It is a shame to see some of those scenes though, we never really got anything which looked like that really dark open area with enemies all around.Rez said:[lots of screengrabs from trailer]
Hopefully they'll add new content for the PC version.
Gah, if I could I would do so. *kicks 360* Hopefully I'll have a working 360 in a few weeks I can record from.Neiteio said:![]()
Now make us a composite Jill, ala Excella a few pages ago.![]()
Thanks for re-uploading those pictures by the way.
Blasphemy! Jill is easily the best looking character in the game.Nemesis556 said:*returns gesture*
All the women of RE5 are beautiful. bar Jill.
Oh yeah I went there.

I do prefer her BSAA outfit though, but zerosuit Samus... erm, I mean battlesuit Jill looks pretty nice too. And damn you all, I think her nose looks cute
And for the heck of it. Here's a few comparison pictures of Jill in REmake and RE5.

I would have compared with her BSAA outfit but I didn't find any good screenshots which worked well with the comparison. But well, you can see she looks very very similar. She definitely looks better in RE5, especially with the much improved lighting.
I could try to make comparison screenshots of Chris in in STARS uniform from REmake and RE5. Although I got a feeling that would just be pure comedy. He's been spending way too much time at the gym since REmake.
Oh yeah? ;P Check your PM thingies!Neiteio said:Sectus didn't give me any Tribal Sheva shots
Just after my 360 refused to keep working I decided stepframe through some of the footage I still had on my capture card harddrive raid to see if I could get some nice screenshots. So here's a few random screenshots from the versus mode...
This is something hilarious I only noticed when stepframing through one of the videos. I was shooting a rocket at someone standing still and picking up items from a safe, what I didn't notice when playing is that a licker was jumping at that player, and the rocket actually ended up hitting the licker instead of the player. So it looks like the licker was actually jumping in front of the player to save him. :lol

Speaking of which, explosions in the game looks amazing. Capcom did a great job in Lost Planet making explosions seem absolutely insane. Even when you're not directly looking at them it'll cause motion blur on the entire screen, add a visceral postprocessing filter and shake the camera. If you looked directly at an explosion, it would pretty much fill the entire screen for a split second. They used very similar techniques for RE5 which still looks extremely cool.

Another series of rocket launcher screenshots, from a longer distance this time.

And a bunch of misc screenshots.

In one of the recent videos I had a moment where I was trying to snipe an enemy but I got grabbed just as I was going to shoot, but that incidentally gave me a cool look of my partner shooting a rocket launcher at an enemy. I couldn't take any nice screenshots due to the crappy quality I get with component captures from the PS3, but it works pretty nicely as an animated gif.
Also, this is the first animated gif I've made and it's probably way too big than it should be. Like this entire post actually.