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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Man... not doing well after my 60-something game session last night. After we were done I spun myself into bed, but lasted about 2 minutes before I got right back up to do some porcelain worship. :lol

Not so crispy today. I am still up for some games later if anyone's interested (GFWL: Enclave Patrol). Sorry if anyone else tried to get in on the games last night, I didn't see anyone but about halfway through I was tanked enough that I probably wouldn't have either way.
This thread really blew up thanks to the PC sale. And the footage minus crappy Final Fight matches was awesome. The emotion in Gootecks and ILUJoe was making me think I was watching a real fight or something.
DR2K said:
The thing is he has various ultra(and super setups), great normals such as cross up over heads, doesn't rely on his ex meter at all, best srk in the game, great fb, and just about solid everything. He's probably what I'd want more characters to be like. Exceptional damage and options without going overboard, that can be applied to all characters. Of the top tier characters I think he's the most intelligent design.

Cross up overhead? All crossups are overheads :lol

I agree with THIS post of yours. He's a great well balanced character. But he's not perfect, just balanced. You were making him out earlier to be some god. He just has no glaring weaknesses, and no amazing strengths.

With regards to SRK - Seth technically has the best in the game, invincible until the 7th frame and active on the 5th, no other srk has complete invulnerability on start up.

SmokeMaxX said:
6) SRK -> FADC is not zero risk? What's the risk? You're even again and have all the same options before.

If you know he's going for Srk fadc on wakeup, just stand next to him, then backdash. SRK will whiff and you get a phat punish.


FindMyFarms said:
Cross up overhead? All crossups are overheads :lol

I agree with THIS post of yours. He's a great well balanced character. But he's not perfect, just balanced. You were making him out earlier to be some god. He just has no glaring weaknesses, and no amazing strengths.

With regards to SRK - Seth technically has the best in the game, invincible until the 7th frame and active on the 5th, no other srk has complete invulnerability on start up.

If you know he's going for Srk fadc on wakeup, just stand next to him, then backdash. SRK will whiff and you get a phat punish.

I should have put a comma there. I meant he had a good cross up and an over head, lol. Which I think everyone should have.

Well my version of perfect in SFIV is well balanced character. 5-5 with just about everyone is perfect to me.


This game is amazing on pc! I'm glad I bought my stick for 360 when I did.

I seriously love this game, the hop in and out of online during arcade mode is a ton of fun.

Sitting up close to the monitor with an arcade pad actually helps my play quite a bit.

My pc maxes it out on all settings at 1920x1200, which is also nice.

I'm going to try these unlockers and costume packs now.
Threi: like I mentioned in my previous post, there's a possibility that you're experiencing many laggy matches because you're currently stuck in G3. I had the same thing happening to me when I started playing Street Fighter IV on PC (during a previous sale coincidentally) and once I ranked up to G2, it didn't happen nearly as often anymore. There were still some players who didn't know how to properly configure their settings, but those were the minority of said division.

Maybe you just need to grind it out (even though the above is purely anecdotal).
FindMyFarms said:
With regards to SRK - Seth technically has the best in the game, invincible until the 7th frame and active on the 5th, no other srk has complete invulnerability on start up.

Reminds me of a bad experience I had with a Seth. It was the 3rd round and I had about 30% of my meter left while he had like 2 or so. I got a knockdown and tried to go for the chip with a EX DP, I figured at beat he'd teleport and maybe hit me with some long arms but I'd still be ok. Instead his does EX DP stuffs mine. I guess wrong on his jump in, and get combo'd into Ultra and finished.

So yeah, that kind of sucked.


FindMyFarms said:
Cross up overhead? All crossups are overheads :lol

I agree with THIS post of yours. He's a great well balanced character. But he's not perfect, just balanced. You were making him out earlier to be some god. He just has no glaring weaknesses, and no amazing strengths.

With regards to SRK - Seth technically has the best in the game, invincible until the 7th frame and active on the 5th, no other srk has complete invulnerability on start up.

If you know he's going for Srk fadc on wakeup, just stand next to him, then backdash. SRK will whiff and you get a phat punish.

Good points. I'm just a bitter Bison user. Ugh. Even EX-Psycho Crusher gets beat by a lot (throws, jabs, anything that hits behind it or on top of it) and even when it hits, it's not incredibly useful for anything except escapes, focus breaks, a little bit of damage, and gimmick into throw.


good credit (by proxy)
SmokeMaxX said:
1) Obviously I labeled it "rant time" to show that I was a bit peeved and frustrated.

2) I already stated that I wasn't a pro so my comments wouldn't be 100% accurate.

3) Is it my fault if I jump in on him? Yes. You're absolutely correct. However, how stupid is it that you cannot jump in on him at all? What's the risk for Ryu to throw out a SRK to beat (or even to trade!) ANY jump in? If the game rewards "skill" or "execution" than I wouldn't complain. Technically you're not supposed to jump in on Dictator when he has ultra or he'll also j. mp x2 -> ultra. However, this is very beatable. You can predict that he's going to do it and punish accordingly. Ryu's SRK beats 95% of the things in the game and the things that it trades with gives him a free Ultra.

4) I'm only singling out Ryu because he has near zero weaknesses. All the other characters that have normals to Ultra? Weaknesses. Sagat has weaknesses but he has the damage output and health to take it. Rufus has weaknesses, but has 10 billion ways to combo into Ultra. Sanford called Rufus the scrubbiest character in the game. Doesn't mean he doesn't have weaknesses.

5) Does lp SRK beat every move in the game? Perhaps my hyperbole was a little much, but it beats a lot. Can you honestly say it doesn't beat 90-95% of the moves in the game? To add even more BS, it extends all the way to the floor so I somehow get scooped off the ground by this stupid move.

6) SRK -> FADC is not zero risk? What's the risk? You're even again and have all the same options before.

7) Ryu's ultra does shit damage does it? Is that why nobody uses it? Is that why you don't see one just about every round every Ryu player is in? Free damage is free damage regardless. SRK-> Ultra damage is basically a free combo; I don't know why anybody would give that up.

8) I could go like you and just ignore your entire post while saying "you don't know what you're talking about" but surprise surprise, I actually like to write out and explain my posts.

1-2) Weird. No comment.

3) Jumping in is a bad idea vs. some characters in this game. Learn to play the game and quit complaining if you don't know how to play that game or if YOU make a mistake. When I get hit by Rufus' ultra, which is way worse than Ryu's in all aspects, it's my own fault for being a scrub! Ryu's hp SRK might beat 95% of things in the game, but his lp doesn't, and half time when it trades it's not usable to ultra off of because it pushes him too far back.

4) Weaknesses: His air attacks come out extremely slow but only have decent priority, he loses Jumpkick Warz for free vs. some characters. SRK's are super punishable on block. Hard to play footsies with some characters because his normals either come out super slow, do not have enough range, or have low priority. Ultra has terrible terrible terrible recovery, so if you miss it, say because an srk trade threw you backwards JUST out of range, you're fucked. Ultra does weaksauce damage. His sweep is terrible in this game, nigh unusable outside of 1 frame link combos and a few other very specific times. Easy to do accidental srk because of the mindblowingly weird shortcuts. Everyone has had a fuckload of Ryu experience.

5) I don't even know what you mean by "it extends all the way to the floor"? You can't "get scooped up off the ground" in this game, it's not virtua fighter, there are no ground attacks.

6) SRK FADC, when blocked leads to a 50/50. A 50/50 is not "zero risk".

7) No disagreement here.

8) Weird. No comment.


Mrs. Harvey
Keep up with the Bison work. As a Ryu player (one of my half dozen mains), I would say he gives me the most trouble out of every character. As further proof, just look at how great Andre did against Daigo with his Bison.


good credit (by proxy)
anyone wanna play some hungover games on xbl??

Anybody wanna grizzle my chicken?? Anybody want a plate of sarderoy?
Oooh, stream. I'll be watching it. Also, appreciate you marking where you fought Yeb in the stream recording, Haunts.

I hope they nerf his chops a little bit and beef him up in other ways (his old chains, speed of other moves or two-in-ones).


Timedog said:
1-2) Weird. No comment.

3) Jumping in is a bad idea vs. some characters in this game. Learn to play the game and quit complaining if you don't know how to play that game or if YOU make a mistake. When I get hit by Rufus' ultra, which is way worse than Ryu's in all aspects, it's my own fault for being a scrub! Ryu's hp SRK might beat 95% of things in the game, but his lp doesn't, and half time when it trades it's not usable to ultra off of because it pushes him too far back.

4) Weaknesses: His air attacks come out extremely slow but only have decent priority, he loses Jumpkick Warz for free vs. some characters. SRK's are super punishable on block. Hard to play footsies with some characters because his normals either come out super slow, do not have enough range, or have low priority. Ultra has terrible terrible terrible recovery, so if you miss it, say because an srk trade threw you backwards JUST out of range, you're fucked. Ultra does weaksauce damage. His sweep is terrible in this game, nigh unusable outside of 1 frame link combos and a few other very specific times. Easy to do accidental srk because of the mindblowingly weird shortcuts. Everyone has had a fuckload of Ryu experience.

5) I don't even know what you mean by "it extends all the way to the floor"? You can't "get scooped up off the ground" in this game, it's not virtua fighter, there are no ground attacks.

6) SRK FADC, when blocked leads to a 50/50. A 50/50 is not "zero risk".

7) No disagreement here.

8) Weird. No comment.

1, 2, and 8) Weird response. Not worthy of comment.

3) You still don't get the point. When I make a mistake, it's my fault. Yes I understand that and have stated as much. I get it. You're preaching to the choir. It's pure bullshit that there's no way around that move though. Guile also shuts down the air with his cr. FP and air throws, but I don't complain about him even though he's Bison's hardest matchup. It's the bullshit that Ryu gets. Not only does his move beat so much, it also has unbelievably stupid shortcuts, AND can auto-correct his DP AND can mash out the command both in block strings and on wake-up. Also, our state champion mains both Rufus and Ryu and I've been hit by both of their ultras many many times. Ryu's Ultra is far more frustrating for me if only because of the bullshit that leads to it. Although Rufus has some stupid setups, most of his stuff comes off obvious mistakes. I can't even play a footsie game with Ryu because at any time he can pop my st. mk or st. hk into SRK -> FADC -> Ultra. Also, I'm not even the one who brought up lp SRK in the first place. I was talking about his SRKs in general, so whether or not the lp SRK beats 95% of stuff doesn't matter to me. HP SRK can be FADCd just as well as the lp one and nobody's going to lp -> FADC anyway.

4) Ryu never really needs to go to the air, so I'd be hesitant to call that a weakness. Why would anybody even engage in a jumpkick war? SRKs aren't exactly super punishable as nobody good just "spams" them. Either way, the risk/reward is in Ryu's favor. His footsies might not be the best in the game, but they aren't shit. They're better than many characters and for the ones they're not, Ryu doesn't need them as much. Ultra might have "bad recovery" but 1) it's a projectile so if the opponent is forced to block it, they probably won't recover in time to punish you and 2) most good people won't miss their Ultra. They'd know the right places to be and the right situations to ultra. If they DO get punished? Well guess what, every character in the game should get punished if they miss their Ultra. It's supposed to be high risk / high reward if you're not gonna combo into it. At least it's not like Bison's where if the opponent blocks it, it leaves Bison vulnerable right next to the other character. And like I said before, Ryu's Ultra is basically a free combo's worth of damage. Upon doing a google search, Ryu's Ultra does anywhere from 291 to 495 worth of damage when used in a combo (as it will be 9.9 times out of 10). ~30% of a character's health is NOT shit damage especially when it can come after a trade. I'm sorry if his cr. HK "sucks" except for X situations, but how about the characters that can't even use half their moves? At high level play, lk scissor kick is the ONLY safe special that Bison has (excluding EX-PC at certain ranges) and it's only safe if he's not hit or thrown out of it on start-up. Of course, this could be remedied by using it in a combo right? Except that cr. short x3 -> SK is reversible on block EVEN IF THE TIMING IS PERFECT.

5) What I mean is, the move is a fucking Dragon PUNCH. If his arm is at Bison's chest level and I do a crouching short that hits his toes, why the hell should I flat out lose? Yeah yeah, it's part of the game, but it just seems like something that's unnecessary. Make him invincible but without a hitbox on his feet, how hard is that? Psycho Crusher is supposed to be similar to a horizontal DP but if you hit Bison past the head, you beat the move out clean. Also, you CAN scoop people off the floor for a few frames when they're in crumple stun.

6) What are you talking about? There is zero risk in doing the SRK -> FADC. The SRK can't get punished and since it's FADC'd, obviously the SRK hit. What results is a neutral situation. It's as if the SRK-> FADC never happened. That's the zero risk.

7) I'm glad that we agree that free damage is good regardless of how much it is (which happens to be at least 290 according to my google search).


Yay! a replay of me vs a ken (for the time being)is first on the leaderboard! I'll enjoy it while it lasts(1 min. more with luck)!
haunts said:
Yep! We are live now! Casuals at the moment.. Tournament will start in 20-30 minutes...
*watches* Good games yesterday!


good credit (by proxy)
SmokeMaxX said:
1, 2, and 8) Weird response. Not worthy of comment.

3) You still don't get the point. When I make a mistake, it's my fault. Yes I understand that and have stated as much. I get it. You're preaching to the choir. It's pure bullshit that there's no way around that move though. Guile also shuts down the air with his cr. FP and air throws, but I don't complain about him even though he's Bison's hardest matchup. It's the bullshit that Ryu gets. Not only does his move beat so much, it also has unbelievably stupid shortcuts, AND can auto-correct his DP AND can mash out the command both in block strings and on wake-up. Also, our state champion mains both Rufus and Ryu and I've been hit by both of their ultras many many times. Ryu's Ultra is far more frustrating for me if only because of the bullshit that leads to it. Although Rufus has some stupid setups, most of his stuff comes off obvious mistakes. I can't even play a footsie game with Ryu because at any time he can pop my st. mk or st. hk into SRK -> FADC -> Ultra. Also, I'm not even the one who brought up lp SRK in the first place. I was talking about his SRKs in general, so whether or not the lp SRK beats 95% of stuff doesn't matter to me. HP SRK can be FADCd just as well as the lp one and nobody's going to lp -> FADC anyway.

4) Ryu never really needs to go to the air, so I'd be hesitant to call that a weakness. Why would anybody even engage in a jumpkick war? SRKs aren't exactly super punishable as nobody good just "spams" them. Either way, the risk/reward is in Ryu's favor. His footsies might not be the best in the game, but they aren't shit. They're better than many characters and for the ones they're not, Ryu doesn't need them as much. Ultra might have "bad recovery" but 1) it's a projectile so if the opponent is forced to block it, they probably won't recover in time to punish you and 2) most good people won't miss their Ultra. They'd know the right places to be and the right situations to ultra. If they DO get punished? Well guess what, every character in the game should get punished if they miss their Ultra. It's supposed to be high risk / high reward if you're not gonna combo into it. At least it's not like Bison's where if the opponent blocks it, it leaves Bison vulnerable right next to the other character. And like I said before, Ryu's Ultra is basically a free combo's worth of damage. Upon doing a google search, Ryu's Ultra does anywhere from 291 to 495 worth of damage when used in a combo (as it will be 9.9 times out of 10). ~30% of a character's health is NOT shit damage especially when it can come after a trade. I'm sorry if his cr. HK "sucks" except for X situations, but how about the characters that can't even use half their moves? At high level play, lk scissor kick is the ONLY safe special that Bison has (excluding EX-PC at certain ranges) and it's only safe if he's not hit or thrown out of it on start-up. Of course, this could be remedied by using it in a combo right? Except that cr. short x3 -> SK is reversible on block EVEN IF THE TIMING IS PERFECT.

5) What I mean is, the move is a fucking Dragon PUNCH. If his arm is at Bison's chest level and I do a crouching short that hits his toes, why the hell should I flat out lose? Yeah yeah, it's part of the game, but it just seems like something that's unnecessary. Make him invincible but without a hitbox on his feet, how hard is that? Psycho Crusher is supposed to be similar to a horizontal DP but if you hit Bison past the head, you beat the move out clean. Also, you CAN scoop people off the floor for a few frames when they're in crumple stun.

6) What are you talking about? There is zero risk in doing the SRK -> FADC. The SRK can't get punished and since it's FADC'd, obviously the SRK hit. What results is a neutral situation. It's as if the SRK-> FADC never happened. That's the zero risk.

7) I'm glad that we agree that free damage is good regardless of how much it is (which happens to be at least 290 according to my google search).

1,2,8) Salt. Salt. Salt.

3) Sounds like you do not like the rock paper scissors. You can't play footsies with Ryu? You can't play footsies cause your moves might get punished? Do you know how dumb that sounds? If you stick out something in a predictable fashion, you will get punished. If he sticks out a whiffed SRK out of nowhere you combo him, score a knockdown or ultra him! He can FADC into ultra, lots of people can do this, don't act like it's some magic.

4) I never said ultras shouldn't be punishable, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about with paragraphs worth of crap. I said the fact that his recovery is SO long is a weakness. Ryu's ultra NEVER does over 400 damage. It only get's 400 damage when NOT used in a combo.

5) Jesus christ that is what you meant? Quit playing street fighter!

6) SRK FADC, WHEN BLOCKED LEADS TO A 50/50. A 50/50 IS NOT "zero risk".
For some strange reason SF4 just baffles me. Maybe its because I am the only person alive that hasn't played SF2 or SF3 since the world was blessed with their existence. Or at least I tend to think that after not being able to beat a single person online. I might have played 30 or 40 matches and I haven't one a single one of them, a good deal of them I barely even managed to get in any chip damage. For some reason fighting games appeal to me but no matter how hard I try SF just doesn't make sense to me.


good credit (by proxy)
Lostconfused said:
For some strange reason SF4 just baffles me. Maybe its because I am the only person alive that hasn't played SF2 or SF3 since the world was blessed with their existence. Or at least I tend to think that after not being able to beat a single person online. I might have played 30 or 40 matches and I haven't one a single one of them, a good deal of them I barely even managed to get in any chip damage. For some reason fighting games appeal to me but no matter how hard I try SF just doesn't make sense to me.

Just keep going. Griff was in your exact position cause he got the game really late, but he got way better.


Lostconfused said:
For some strange reason SF4 just baffles me. Maybe its because I am the only person alive that hasn't played SF2 or SF3 since the world was blessed with their existence. Or at least I tend to think that after not being able to beat a single person online. I might have played 30 or 40 matches and I haven't one a single one of them, a good deal of them I barely even managed to get in any chip damage. For some reason fighting games appeal to me but no matter how hard I try SF just doesn't make sense to me.

You need to learn some fundamentals before you actually win. You can't really expect to hit some buttons and win right?


vocab said:
You need to learn some fundamentals before you actually win. You can't really expect to hit some buttons and win right?
That's what I do. Works pretty well too.

not really :p


NeoGAF: my new HOME
azentium said:
Of the fight sticks listed in the OP, which would be the best one for a newcomer to use?

Ask yourself how much time you're going to invest in to learning the game on a stick, then budget accordingly. They're all, mostly, serviceable, but the more time you're going to put in the more you'll appreciate the higher grade sticks (generally they're more robust than the cheaper options).

If it's a first toe in the water, go with a Hori EX fighting stick as its cheap and if by the time Super rolls around you're still going great guns at the game, dip in for a more expensive model.

(this stick http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000V02P6Q/?tag=neogaf0e-20 it's far from the best, but you can find it cheap and its far from the worst)


McBradders said:
Ask yourself how much time you're going to invest in to learning the game on a stick, then budget accordingly. They're all, mostly, serviceable, but the more time you're going to put in the more you'll appreciate the higher grade sticks (generally they're more robust than the cheaper options).

If it's a first toe in the water, go with a Hori EX fighting stick as its cheap and if by the time Super rolls around you're still going great guns at the game, dip in for a more expensive model.

(this stick http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000V02P6Q/?tag=neogaf0e-20 it's far from the best, but you can find it cheap and its far from the worst)

Thank you very much. :)


NeoGAF: my new HOME
azentium said:
Thank you very much. :)

Just go in (if you do) knowing that the stick I linked isn't super awesome or super durable, but it's half the cost of a high grade stick so any buyers regret should be significantly diminished. Also the transition from pad to stick will take a couple of weeks, your performance will drop significantly for a while. Don't be disheartened.


Timedog, with all due respect, you are just being mean and dismiss carefully written thoughts by pure bull****. Of course Ryu has no disadvantages. That is fairly obvious, no need to bend reality to it. Yes, all those points are totally valid.

Not overpower, but at the edge of it.


Timedog said:
1,2,8) Salt. Salt. Salt.

3) Sounds like you do not like the rock paper scissors. You can't play footsies with Ryu? You can't play footsies cause your moves might get punished? Do you know how dumb that sounds? If you stick out something in a predictable fashion, you will get punished. If he sticks out a whiffed SRK out of nowhere you combo him, score a knockdown or ultra him! He can FADC into ultra, lots of people can do this, don't act like it's some magic.

4) I never said ultras shouldn't be punishable, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about with paragraphs worth of crap. I said the fact that his recovery is SO long is a weakness. Ryu's ultra NEVER does over 400 damage. It only get's 400 damage when NOT used in a combo.

5) Jesus christ that is what you meant? Quit playing street fighter!

6) SRK FADC, WHEN BLOCKED LEADS TO A 50/50. A 50/50 IS NOT "zero risk".

1, 2, and 8) Guess you're salty then. Read what I wrote. It's the exact same thing you wrote.

3) Are you stupid? Who said ANYTHING about predictable fashion? I play Dictator. You want me to hold down-back the entire round? No, I'm going to be in his face with st. mk and st. rh. Am I going to keep hitting him over and over? No, but I'm sure as hell going to play the footsie game with him. If I sit back, I eat fireball. If I go forward and poke at him, at least I avoid the fireball. But guess what, because I'm forced to play the poke game, I don't have charge for my ultra. So yeah, I can never punish his SRK with my Ultra. He does a lp SRK and what? I hit him with a roundhouse? Yeah sure I can go in and cr. short x 3 -> Scissors. However, it's much, much easier (at least in my experience) to SRK -> FADC -> Ultra than cr. short x3 -> scissors. So yeah, I have an 75% chance of punishing him for ~200 damage or a 25% chance of getting hit for 300-400 damage off of a missed cr. short. And big whoop, I can score a knockdown on Mr. Auto-correct SRK -> FADC -> Ultra / trade -> Free Ultra. Sure I can potentially do damage, but it's not like I'm putting myself in a phenomenally better position. Might want to work on your reading comprehension skills too. I already acknowledged that Rufus has more ways to lead to Ultra than Ryu and I have no problem with him.

4) It's not a fucking weakness because everybody has a punishable ultra. Ryu's isn't the most punishable, nor is it the least punishable. You call having an Ultra that leaves you just as punishable as an average Ultra a weakness? Are you even sure you know what side you're arguing for?

From http://oomickeydizzleoo.blogspot.com/2009/05/ryu-numbers.html

- Ultra Combo's: hp shoryuken 381D (at times 291D when anti aired). c.mk, hp shoryuken: 424D (454D if c.hp is used instead). F+hp, hp shoryuken: 474D. c.lk, c.lp, hp shoryuken: 345D. j.hk, land, c.hp, shoryuken: 495D

5) Another bullshit "argument"? Why even both arguing with me if you can't even back up your statements? Cry some more dude. Cry some more. ]

6) Dude your caps lock is on. Also, I'm a native English speaker. Even if I wasn't, SHOUTING DOESN'T LEAD TO COMPREHENSION. You can make the same bullshit argument as many times as you want. As long as you're going to say the same thing, your message doesn't get across.

Answer this. How is going to a neutral state introducing risk? The risk is being on wake-up having to deal with meaty attacks, throw set-ups, potential cross-ups, or other shenanigans. All you do with SRK -> FADC is go back to neutral where both players are back on even ground. You're arguing that by returning to neutral, you're introducing risk? Yeah, yeah- 50/50 whatever. What's the first 50 and what's the second 50.


good credit (by proxy)
V_Arnold said:
Timedog, with all due respect, you are just being mean and dismiss carefully written thoughts by pure bull****. Of course Ryu has no disadvantages. That is fairly obvious, no need to bend reality to it. Yes, all those points are totally valid.

Not overpower, but at the edge of it.

I never claimed otherwise, but a lot of his points are dumb sounding.
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