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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


he's Virgin Tight™
Threi, open arcade andset it to Fight Request. Unlocked everyone and got through G3 like that on the PC ver. Also, set your FPS to fixed, not variable. There's a lot of dumb newbies these days thank to Steam who don't know this. Also, add me mofo!

xx Relix is my GFW
Lord Relix is my XBL (for Hito!)


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Roo has the best combo ever: cr. mk hadouken
Diego beasted Fei Wong with that
A few important tips for whoever just bought the PC version:

- Set your framerate to Fixed. If set to Variable, always a chance you'll lag online matches up.

- Speaking of framerate: if there's inexplicable lag even when the latency bar implied there wouldn't be, there's a big chance your opponent's PC can't handle the settings he selected. Tell him to lower 'em or set his framerate to Fixed. This is the most evident in G3, but normally this will happen less frequently (significantly so) once you hit G2 and up.

- Wait in the lobby for a few seconds whenever someone joins your game or vice versa. What you see on the latency bar occassionally isn't 100% accurate once you join someone's lobby. For instance: I've seen 5 bar connections drop to 1 bars, but it usually isn't this bad thankfully.

- Check if your NAT is set to Open. You can see this by opening the GFWL dashboard -> Settings -> Network information. Go to portforward.com if you don't know how. Moderate's alright, but sooner or later you'll see that you can't join certain people's games unless yours (or the other guy's) is set to Open. No, this isn't a problem exclusive to the PC version, it's something that's present in any game that utilizes peer-to-peer regardless of the platform.

fresquito said:
I too got this game off Steam and have been toying around for a while. I'm using a 360 controller and can't do shit with that damn broken d-pad.

All in all, the game is great fun and hope I'll overcome the control problems soon.
Have you tried the analog stick?

Sanjay said:
God MicVlad has a fucked up Dhalsim, pld 20 games and never even one one match, but it was out of 5 rounds, he would always get his shit together when required.

Looking for more people to play with, just got the PC version of steam so please add me GT is Shaftydude. Will add the people who have posted their GT in the last few pages or so.
22 actually!

Relix said:
xx Relix is my GFW
Lord Relix is my XBL (for Hito!)
Why do you have two seperate accounts anyway? Could've used your XBL tag for GFWL games in case you didn't know.
I use Ryu (have been since SF2 in 1991), but he is a bit ridiculous in this game. He has no weaknesses or matchup. But I think it's a case of design.

Sagat, not sure. His damage and health are ridiculous. And if you watched the Haunts stream or a lot of matches, he can mash uppercuts. He has the best Love Lockdown. His weakness is his speed.

And I hate the easy dial a combos with Boxer. Yawn, jab, jab, strong> or jab, short> (granted he doesn't have a good reversal move like a SRK).

And SSFIV BETTER have buffs for the lower tier characters. Dan, Rose, Fei Long, Claw (definitely) but SFIV is pretty balanced. Probably more so than most SFs.
Threi said:
i fucking hate this version, so fucking much.

It's awesome. I love the capacity of being able to use my HRAP-EX, HRAP3, Fightstick, Saturn pad, Fightpad or TE on the PC. And the graphics are awesome. 1920X1200, 4XAA, 60FPS. The only thing is the amount of competition.


Threi said:
i fucking hate this version, so fucking much.

You're probably getting matches with all the new blood from the Steam deals. After a week they tend to die off or set their frame rates to Fixed.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Spiderjericho said:
I use Ryu (have been since SF2 in 1991), but he is a bit ridiculous in this game. He has no weaknesses or matchup. But I think it's a case of design.

Sagat, not sure. His damage and health are ridiculous. And if you watched the Haunts stream or a lot of matches, he can mash uppercuts. He has the best Love Lockdown. His weakness is his speed.

And I hate the easy dial a combos with Boxer. Yawn, jab, jab, strong> or jab, short> (granted he doesn't have a good reversal move like a SRK).

And SSFIV BETTER have buffs for the lower tier characters. Dan, Rose, Fei Long, Claw (definitely) but SFIV is pretty balanced. Probably more so than most SFs.

That's pretty much what I'm saying. Boxer and Sagat at least have some flaws in their game. Ryu has none.

SFIV is somewhat balanced, I think HDR is more overall balanced, but has some horrible matchups (throwing banned Akuma out of course)


he's Virgin Tight™
MicVlaD said:
Why do you have two seperate accounts anyway? Could've used your XBL tag for GFWL games in case you didn't know.

Naaah, didn't want to link them. Besides my sister someone uses XBL account and we can't use it at the same time =P


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I just picked this up for PC. GFWL: Denogginizer OS. I also have it on PS3.

I am terrible and only have an X360 controller to play it with (my PS3 TE stick does not work with my chipset evidently), but I am always willing to learn and if anyone has the patience, I would be glad to scrim.


Spiderjericho said:
It's awesome. I love the capacity of being able to use my HRAP-EX, HRAP3, Fightstick, Saturn pad, Fightpad or TE on the PC. And the graphics are awesome. 1920X1200, 4XAA, 60FPS.
all of that doesn't mean a thing when every fucking match is a game of russian roulette with the speed.


yeah...i think i've had enough of this.


arstal said:
As for the online on the PC, I noticed the bar drops, but 2-bar on PC feels like 3-4bar on console.
I would say a 4-bar on PC is like a 2-3 bar on console, 3 bars on PC is pretty much unplayable. Finding anything above 3 bars has proven rare as well.

Not to account in people who can't even run the game, and you get 5 bar connections running like shit.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Threi said:
I would say a 4-bar on PC is like a 2-3 bar on console, 3 bars on PC is pretty much unplayable. Finding anything above 3 bars has proven rare as well.

Not to account in people who can't even run the game, and you get 5 bar connections running like shit.

Maybe it's your computer? PC version runs like a dream for me. Only problem is it's easier to find matches on 360.
I used to absolutely HATE Ryu in this game, but outside of trade DP followups, I think they've made him pretty well. I don't think he should have any horrible matchups, and he doesn't have too many stupid links (ok, jab--> sweep should go :lol). Other than that, fists of wind yo.

But he doesn't absolutely annihilate anyone like other characters do, and I think people get so much experience against him that he's not as easy to win with as some people think. Usually, if I lose to a Ryu, it's because of the player matchup, not the character (excluding Guile :( Can definitely be overcome though). Do the game mechanics play to his toolset? Sure, but a certain eye-patch wearing bastard and a fatass kungfu master are definitely more of a nuisance than Ryu.

Trade DP to juggles can GTFO though.

I actually hope they don't tweak Ryu, Akuma and Rog that much - all of them seem pretty well balanced top tier characters. And they're still beatable. Sagat isn't even that bad either, he's just got a couple moves that make no sense (*looks at a normal that juggles into itself, teleport knee/uppercut. Freezes me everytime I see those :p).

Also, Happy New Year SFGAF. I know the official Super thread will be even more epic than this one
Long time lurker here that just double-dipped and got PC version as well.
Sent some friend requests to some of you that posted your GFW last couple of pages.

OmnipotentO be my GFW. Add pls.

I'm pretty scrubby so it's ok if the great sf4 gaffers (you know who you are) dont want to. Afterall the game is most fun when you fight people of your level. Either way I'm always up for a good ass whoopin if you do decide to play me.



SnowWolf said:
Maybe it's your computer? PC version runs like a dream for me. Only problem is it's easier to find matches on 360.
mine runs at +60 frames, which i limited to 60 flat by both turning on vsync and frame as fixed.
arstal said:
That's pretty much what I'm saying. Boxer and Sagat at least have some flaws in their game. Ryu has none.

SFIV is somewhat balanced, I think HDR is more overall balanced, but has some horrible matchups (throwing banned Akuma out of course)

I'd agree. Boxer's lack of a strong reversal and Sagat's speed are detriments. But let's hope they tweak all of the characters in the next iteration. Problem with Ryu is how he was designed. He's alright in the Alpha and III series though, probably because of all the tools all of the characters have, whereas this is more like a II revival with focus and ultra.

And Threi, when my computer worked, I didn't run into too many problems. The game ran beautifully. My only issue was the matchmaking. And for $10, just drop it and go back to console.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
SmokeMaxX said:
Rant time.

Ryu in this game is stupid. Sure he doesn't have the most health or stamina, but come on. Risk/Reward? Near zero. Of the 5-6 "zones" in the game, Ryu controls about 3-4 of them. He does a lot of damage. Most of his combos are super-mashable. Heaven-forbid you play a Ryu with super because you have to watch his unbelievably good cr. hk poke or watch out for an FADC combo that you know is coming. Not only that, but he gets ultra like it's nothing. Should I count the ways? I mean, it's bad enough he has an FADC combo that goes into ultra. In fact, he should have one. Every character should have one. No, the big thing is the trade shoryuken into ultra. How bullshit is that? You waste zero meter. It comes after a move that's "fairly" punishable except for the simple fact that it beats every move in the game (oh wait, EX-Messiah Kick beats it!) both horizontally and vertically. I mean, if you stick out a crouching short (or if you're Dictator doing your combo and you mess up OR Ryu happens to block the first one) then you just eat a free small combo's worth of damage from an invincible move that was apparently so hard to do that it had to gain 10,000 shortcuts. You know what? Screw what I said before. His FADC combo is bullshit also. Shoryuken- high risk, high reward right? Oh wait, Ryu has two meters? How about zero risk, high reward?

As I ranted before about Ryu's normals. C'mon now. Great poke with cr. mk. Not good enough? Let's give him a great anti-air in cr. fierce. Oh wait, he can't do anything about crouching opponents! Let's give him an overhead that hits twice as well as a normal that hits twice! But I don't think he's good enough! Let's let him Tatsu on the ground and in the air (which btw Ex-Tatsu in the corner is another ultra setup and Tatsu goes through fireballs). Let's let the one in the air beat a lot of stuff, but let's also let the ground one have little lag so that you can follow it up with a grab or a shoryuken (-> FADC -> Ultra). Oh yeah! Don't forget about the cute j. strong x 2 that also juggles into ultra. I'm a Bison user that's pretty bitter that Bison and Ryu share this ultra set-up and Ryu STILL gets better priority on his j. strong.

So yeah, you can never jump in on a good Ryu (for multiple reasons, one of which is auto-correct DP). You can't focus attack a good Ryu (for multiple reasons, one of which is option-select DP off of a jump in, the other is normals that hit twice). You have to go through a flurry of fireballs to reach Ryu and once you get in, he ALWAYS has the option of DPing you. Sure you can bait it, but if you're sitting next to Ryu trying to bait a move, who really has control of the match?

Ryu is just too godly imo. I'm not expert and I can't play like the pros do, but I can't see a lot of the disadvantages that Ryu has. To me, it seems like every option in the game has to belong to Ryu and any weakness he has has to be covered in some way. Doesn't he also have a kara-throw? His j. roundhouse isn't so bad either.

welcome to 2009!!!!!!!!!


If anyone want to play some matches, please throw a game invite to me!
Gamertag: Oldern
Location: Mid-Europe (Hungary, have good connection against UK/FR/Germany/It/Spa, etc)
I play some Viper, some Rose, some Chun, some Ryu (if I am really desperate :)
I guess I'll join the GFWL bandwagon since I bought the PC version yesterday, as well.

So I've now triple dipped!

GFWL/XBL: hikarutilmitt
PSN: hikarutimitt <-- not a typo


Threi said:
mine runs at +60 frames, which i limited to 60 flat by both turning on vsync and frame as fixed.

You're very unlucky when it comes to finding opponents then. Easily less than 1% of the games I've played on PC have had the slo-mo issue and most are from people who do that shit intentionally to piss you off. Just remember who they are and never play with them again.

Knowing you, however, I'd bet it's something on your end :p
Where'd all this Ryu beef come from? He's really good, top tier no doubt, but I don't think he has a single 7/3 matchup (dan/vega don't count.) No weakness, but no op damage either. Only "stupid" damage he does is off of one frames, and a lot of characters have those.

His trade -> ultra is nothing compared to Sagats, and I even prefer Cammy's AA options to Ryu's.

edit - gonna hop on psn in a bit if anyone wants to game

ACE 1991

Hm... I've never been into fighting games, and SFIV seems like a good place to start. How vibrant/large is the online (and in general) community? This seems like the kind of game I'd be willing to really delve deep into.


FindMyFarms said:
Where'd all this Ryu beef come from? He's really good, top tier no doubt, but I don't think he has a single 7/3 matchup (dan/vega don't count.) No weakness, but no op damage either. Only "stupid" damage he does is off of one frames, and a lot of characters have those.

His trade -> ultra is nothing compared to Sagats, and I even prefer Cammy's AA options to Ryu's.

edit - gonna hop on psn in a bit if anyone wants to game

That's the issue, he's a perfect character in a game where you're intentionally designed to have imperfections. Even Sagat was designed with that in mind, it's just that his crappy mobility didn't matter because of everything else.
Threi said:
It's not on my end, i have all of that configured already.
doesnt matter.. just do it.

DR2K said:
That's the issue, he's a perfect character in a game where you're intentionally designed to have imperfections. Even Sagat was designed with that in mind, it's just that his crappy mobility didn't matter because of everything else.
Hey look its you.. complaining more.
DR2K said:
That's the issue, he's a perfect character in a game where you're intentionally designed to have imperfections. Even Sagat was designed with that in mind, it's just that his crappy mobility didn't matter because of everything else.

Not having weaknesses =/= perfect. Like I said, he doesn't have ridiculous stuff either. No stupid vortex mixups or free wake up escape like Akuma, doesn't take off 70% of if you jump in like Sagat, doesn't have as many ultra setups as Viper, it goes on. Not to mention he doesn't have any advantageously lopsided match ups either.

So no, he's not perfect, he just doesn't have glaring weaknesses.

Also what's funny, is try going up against a great Fuerte with Ryu. Har har, good luck with that.


Ysiadmihi said:
GGs Grifter. Seemed like I was holding my own for a bit then it just turned into a massacre :lol

GGs! I might've sobered a bit later on but you kept me on my toes. I was gonna hit the sack when you invited and next time I looked up, it was 6AM!

PC lag feels really good from my limited games. Is that the consensus? Lag seeming to go PC > 360 > PS3.


Grifter said:
PC lag feels really good from my limited games. Is that the consensus? Lag seeming to go PC > 360 > PS3.

I haven't played the console version, but 4-5 bar matches on the PC feel about as good as GGPO to me. I don't understand any complaints about the PC version's lag (though I have mostly noticed complaints come from people with crappy PCs/connections).


What filter do PC users like?

Threi said:
lag vs gaffers = fine
lag vs random ppl = omgawdwat

you're one of 2 gaffers who i figure are close to me but our games have stutters (iirc). could be our connection but i don't see that much.


I use the ink filter. The other two seem out of place (haven't used them in ages though).

You should also look into some mods like character skin/portrait and music replacements. Just be sure to back up the original files in case you need them again.


SSF4 art ftw


shahkur said:
Guys; here's a question. Who is the better character in SF4, Ryu or Ken? I can play great with both of them, but Ken to me has more moves. For example, the variety of kicks the guy has. Ever seen his poking kick forward medium kick? Man, that comes out of nowhere. To SmokeMaxX, have you ever faced a Ken player who keeps spamming kicks? :lol That shit is unbelievable. If your'e just waiting there crouch blocking, he's got that forward heavy kick which gets you.

Yeah I have. It's annoying, but I think it's fairly easy to get around once you get the gimmick. Most of them really just want to kara throw but they don't know how. As a Bison user, I don't have a huge problem with Ken's trying to play "smart" with zoning and cautiously using SRKs. It's the ones that mash DP that annoy the hell out of me. I play mostly online which introduces latency and I always go for cr. short x3 -> SK but if I miss the combo, I eat so much damage in relation to what I'm dealing. This is coming from a flaming SRK too. My fault, sure, but it's annoying as hell because I'm actually trying to play strategy and I get hit by 1 SRK and I'm down in life.


FindMyFarms said:
Not having weaknesses =/= perfect. Like I said, he doesn't have ridiculous stuff either. No stupid vortex mixups or free wake up escape like Akuma, doesn't take off 70% of if you jump in like Sagat, doesn't have as many ultra setups as Viper, it goes on. Not to mention he doesn't have any advantageously lopsided match ups either.

So no, he's not perfect, he just doesn't have glaring weaknesses.

Also what's funny, is try going up against a great Fuerte with Ryu. Har har, good luck with that.

The thing is he has various ultra(and super setups), great normals such as cross up over heads, doesn't rely on his ex meter at all, best srk in the game, great fb, and just about solid everything. He's probably what I'd want more characters to be like. Exceptional damage and options without going overboard, that can be applied to all characters. Of the top tier characters I think he's the most intelligent design.


Ysiadmihi said:
SSF4 art ftw
I know that pic is just Cammy looking like she's going to set up for a Cannon Spike, but it really just looks like she's saying "Hey Ryu! Look at my ass!" Ryu's response is somewhat...shocking.

Maybe no one else sees this and my mind is just in the gutter today.


Timedog said:
Ughhhhh, Ryu complaining...

If you know he has lp srk into ultra, and you jump in on him stupidly, who's fault is that? Fuck specials, there are characters that have normals into ultra, plus ryu's ultra does really shit damage. lp srk does not beat every move in the game, you have no idea what you're talking about. Doing an srk FADC is not zero risk, again, you don't know what you're talking about. The second paragragh is just pure bullcrap.

easiest links???? really?? Have you played other characters?? The fact that YOU can crush whatever Sagats you play easier then whatever Ryu's you play is irrelevant.


All of this sound really dumb.

1) Obviously I labeled it "rant time" to show that I was a bit peeved and frustrated.

2) I already stated that I wasn't a pro so my comments wouldn't be 100% accurate.

3) Is it my fault if I jump in on him? Yes. You're absolutely correct. However, how stupid is it that you cannot jump in on him at all? What's the risk for Ryu to throw out a SRK to beat (or even to trade!) ANY jump in? If the game rewards "skill" or "execution" than I wouldn't complain. Technically you're not supposed to jump in on Dictator when he has ultra or he'll also j. mp x2 -> ultra. However, this is very beatable. You can predict that he's going to do it and punish accordingly. Ryu's SRK beats 95% of the things in the game and the things that it trades with gives him a free Ultra.

4) I'm only singling out Ryu because he has near zero weaknesses. All the other characters that have normals to Ultra? Weaknesses. Sagat has weaknesses but he has the damage output and health to take it. Rufus has weaknesses, but has 10 billion ways to combo into Ultra. Sanford called Rufus the scrubbiest character in the game. Doesn't mean he doesn't have weaknesses.

5) Does lp SRK beat every move in the game? Perhaps my hyperbole was a little much, but it beats a lot. Can you honestly say it doesn't beat 90-95% of the moves in the game? To add even more BS, it extends all the way to the floor so I somehow get scooped off the ground by this stupid move.

6) SRK -> FADC is not zero risk? What's the risk? You're even again and have all the same options before.

7) Ryu's ultra does shit damage does it? Is that why nobody uses it? Is that why you don't see one just about every round every Ryu player is in? Free damage is free damage regardless. SRK-> Ultra damage is basically a free combo; I don't know why anybody would give that up.

8) I could go like you and just ignore your entire post while saying "you don't know what you're talking about" but surprise surprise, I actually like to write out and explain my posts.


XenoRaven said:
I know that pic is just Cammy looking like she's going to set up for a Cannon Spike, but it really just looks like she's saying "Hey Ryu! Look at my ass!" Ryu's response is somewhat...shocking.

Maybe no one else sees this and my mind is just in the gutter today.



If some Europeans need more competition to go against, my gamertag is Fraelynn (both PC and 360).

I plays me some Chun and Rose. Might pick Cammy every now and then but end up doing cannon spikes when I want spiral arrows. That's... a problem.


Grifter said:
So the portraits only cover certain characters for SSF4? I'll just do the music for now. That feels okay since I have that OST CD. :lol

Gonna be on late tonight? I wanna grind some Cammy matchups but my wife WoWs up my PC by day.

Yeah since they haven't released the art for all of the characters yet. I know Bison and a few new ones are out not but I guess he hasn't addd them yet.

And yeah I'll be up later. Maybe I'll do better this time... :lol
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