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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Bacon of Hope
AZ Greg said:
More than SF4? Probably not. Madden and Mario Kart are right up there though...

WTF @ all these mario kart responses.

I know some friends of mine who were die hard madden players had falling outs with ppl over that game. :lol


Everything is moe to me
haunts said:
I've had some 2v2 Lost Temple battles that made me saltier than ive ever been before. :lol
2v2's ooooh. yea... nothing like seeing more zealots attacking you then you have zerglings 4 minutes in.

i mostly just play with my older brother as starcraft is all he does and has done for the last decade, so i usually have a reliable partner.


Yeah, I've definitely seen some really pissed off people from playing a game of Mario Kart :lol

For me, the Call of Duty games can piss me off. I really only get mad in SF matches when lag starts becoming an issue.


Everything is moe to me
also farms, i hope you're happy, that random select run you had on me seems to have killed any desire to play for the last few days. :lol I was so salty i ragequit the game right back on the shelve for the first time since i bought it.


Setec Astronomer
haunts said:
WTF @ all these mario kart responses.
Blue shell right before finish line, then red shell the instant you recover that drops you to the bottom half of the rankings. OR random lightning bolt as you're making a jump over a pit. Whoops, too bad, now you've fallen into it.

AZ Greg

I don't really get salty in multiplayer Mario Kart matches. Just bad memories of getting owned by A.I. Luigi in the SNES version with his infinite amount of stars that he could pull out of his pocket to take you out with just before you were going to win (Koopa Troopa player!). And then of course the rubberband A.I. would kick in and no matter how well you raced before getting hit by the second place guy you would drop you to like 7th every time. :(

And yeah, Madden is serious business. It's funny when people complain how randoms in SF4 online will quit after winning one close match. That's nowhere near as bad as when you beat a buddy at Madden a couple of times and then they squeak one out and won't give you a rematch for a couple of weeks. Bragging constantly in the meantime. Then there's the controller slap, rage quitting, kicking you out of their house :lol, etc... That shit would get to me like losing a big poker hand to someone who sucked out.
haunts said:
serious question: has any game made you more salty than street fighter has?

The only one that comes to mind for me is Starcraft.

Yes, this game has brought out the Morton's out in me. I can't remember a game that brought so much RRAAAAGGGGGEEE. Sometimes, I cuss to an endless limit in front of my wife (which she doesn't like me cussing), but at that point I don't care. I know the other a-hole on the other end of the connection can't see or hear me, but I want to buy a round trip ticket to their location and kick...some...ass!

Edit: Yeah Mario Kart almost brought my brother and I to blows many times...


Only game I came to blows over was Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi.

And that was probably because how pathetically broken it was.


Bacon of Hope
black_vegeta said:
Yes, this game has brought out the Morton's out in me. I can't remember a game that brought so much RRAAAAGGGGGEEE. Sometimes, I cuss to an endless limit in front of my wife (which she doesn't like me cussing), but at that point I don't care. I know the other a-hole on the other end of the connection can't see or hear me, but I want to buy a round trip ticket to their location and kick...some...ass!

Edit: Yeah Mario Kart almost brought my brother and I to blows many times...

My GF is the same way -- she says I am "scary" when I get mad playing street fighter. :lol

I've only recently (like in the last couple months) started paying attention to streams and tourneys but I just realized I never seen Ken played. Like at all. Is it just me or do tournament players avoid him?


robut said:
I've only recently (like in the last couple months) started paying attention to streams and tourneys but I just realized I never seen Ken played. Like at all. Is it just me or do tournament players avoid him?

Why pick the inferior version of Ryu, when you can just pick Ryu?


Whine Whine FADC Troll
robut said:
I've only recently (like in the last couple months) started paying attention to streams and tourneys but I just realized I never seen Ken played. Like at all. Is it just me or do tournament players avoid him?

Same reason very few pick Ryu (or 3/4 the cast) in 3S.
"i was able to determine what "salty" means, but i've never heard it before this thread"

Well it's not like the term was invented in the fighting game community. It's obviously gained heavy traction there, though.


Setec Astronomer
robut said:
I've only recently (like in the last couple months) started paying attention to streams and tourneys but I just realized I never seen Ken played. Like at all. Is it just me or do tournament players avoid him?
Search for videos of Maximillian.


I remember being a kid and getting pretty salty over Pokemon of all things. I nearly threw my GB across the room when I couldnt beat the Elite Four + Rival fights at the end. Fighting my friends was frustrating too, since everyone but me owned a gameshark and cheated with rare candy.

WWF No Mercy also got me salty as hell. I used to want to strangle my friends with every move counter they did. Story mode was a bitch too. I especially remember the Women's Title storyline. I spent the whole thing beasting on these chicks, and then the last match is against......Triple H? Really guy? Really?

There's probably more examples I could come up with if I thought about it. I stay Morton's, yo. :lol
"hmm i was figuring it came from some sort of "pringles!"-like commentary"

Salty just means a sour, nasty personality/behavior. Like the stereotypical "salty old sailor" in a lot of fiction. Yes, it took a lot of willpower to not say seaman.


facing a bright new dawn
Teknopathetic said:
"hmm i was figuring it came from some sort of "pringles!"-like commentary"

Salty just means a sour, nasty personality/behavior. Like the stereotypical "salty old sailor" in a lot of fiction. Yes, it took a lot of willpower to not say seaman.
omg salty like jaded or grumpy? like they been on the ocean a long time? so now they all salty?


Teknopathetic said:
Salty's always been used for sour, nasty personalities/behavior. Like the stereotypical salty old sailor in a lot of fiction. Yes, it took a lot of willpower to not say seaman.

I'm surprised you'd know what it tastes like. :lol

I always figured they used salty because it implied that you were crying so much that you could taste your tears(which do taste like salt water).
"omg salty like jaded or grumpy? like they been on the ocean a long time? so now they all salty?"

I dunno the etymology of it, just that the term is often used with those sailors who are, yes, grumpy and jaded. I don't think it has anything to do with the ocean though, just a coincidence.

"I'm surprised you'd know what it tastes like."

Your girl told me. BOOM.


Alligator F*ck House
Nose Master said:
Pretty sure I fought you last week or so (Licorice King on XBL, meh Dan) and got destroyed over and over by crossups :lol

Maybe, I was strolling around player matches for a few hours the other day searching for games with decent connections.

Nose Master said:
EDIT: Any tips for teching grabs? The only time I really tech them is when I guess correctly :X

I honestly have huge issues with it as well, especially online. Holding down back and pressing grab will give you a tech if they try to grab too, if not, you get a low short. It's called an 'option select' in SF terms. Mash the shit out of grab tho, usually pressing it just once won't do the job.


Setec Astronomer
LeMaximilian said:
I honestly have huge issues with it as well, especially online. Holding down back and pressing grab will give you a tech if they try to grab too, if not, you get a low short. It's called an 'option select' in SF terms. Mash the shit out of grab tho, usually pressing it just once won't do the job.
Does it have to be down-back or can it be down?

Nose Master

I usually try the downback + mashing jab/punch thing and it works moderately, but, I dunno. I feel like other people are just teching on reaction, and I can't even do that shit offline :lol

PS: (Not asking you directly just general) Why do people so often link Chun's ex legs to another ex legs for pissy damage off the second legs? It doesn't seem worth the meter at all.


Alligator F*ck House
Hitokage said:
Does it have to be down-back or can it be down?

Good question, might want to try it out. It shouldn't matter tho, if it's any direction but up since the important command is lp+lk. SF4 doesn't really care what other directional motions go into a tech, just the buttons.

Funny thing is, Chun Li could do it in 3s, and no other 3s characters could. Was a nasty bug that made her soaring to top tier, amongst a ton of other stuff.


Setec Astronomer
Nose Master said:
PS: (Not asking you directly just general) Why do people so often link Chun's ex legs to another ex legs for pissy damage off the second legs? It doesn't seem worth the meter at all.
1. It's easy confirmed damage.
2. It's easy to just keep mashing.
3. You CAN get an ex SBK to hit fully outside the corner but it's HARD.
4. Oh, and it's easy.

Seriously though, two ex hyakus before an ex SBK in the corner isn't a bad way to burn meter. st HK xx ex hyaku, ex hyaku, ex SBK does over 400 dmg.


Passing metallic gas
LeMaximilian said:
Good question, might want to try it out. It shouldn't matter tho, if it's any direction but up since the important command is lp+lk. SF4 doesn't really care what other directional motions go into a tech, just the buttons.

Funny thing is, Chun Li could do it in 3s, and no other 3s characters could. Was a nasty bug that made her soaring to top tier, amongst a ton of other stuff.

actualy dude i think i played you too a while back.. i remember begin styled on by a ken player and being totally taken aback cause i wasnt expecting half the shit i got hit with..it was pretty much over before i knew what the hell happened


Passing metallic gas
haunts said:
re: teching grabs, Crackfiend has a great method: right after any blocked move, he taps grab. So say someone does jump in rh block, tech), c.lp (block, tech) etc etc... He made a pretty indepth write up of it here:


Its worked well for me..when I remember to use it. :lol

the weirdness for me is that after a while i just naturally started standing into blockstrings to tech throws..i just 'felt' i had a better chance to tech them..i had no clue about the frame data


good credit (by proxy)
haunts said:
re: teching grabs, Crackfiend has a great method: right after any blocked move, he taps grab. So say someone does jump in rh block, tech), c.lp (block, tech) etc etc... He made a pretty indepth write up of it here:


Its worked well for me..when I remember to use it. :lol

This is what I started doing, but it seems like it doesn't work that well in lag online. Before this I'd pretty much NEVER tech throws.


Passing metallic gas
Timedog said:
This is what I started doing, but it seems like it doesn't work that well in lag online. Before this I'd pretty much NEVER tech throws.
really?..i mean i have problems every now and then depending on the setup..but now i react more to the distance between me and the other player then anything..if he's in range to throw usually I'll toss out a few grab commands just to stay on the safe side..every now and them online i'll fuck it up but offline im pretty decent when it comes to teching..


good credit (by proxy)
bistromathics said:
I tech after each hit in a block string too. Sometimes I get counter hit, but it's the most consistent way I've found to tech

I need to start doing cr.lp after every tech if I can, I keep hitting the opponent with a cr. lk accidentally, and then I'm like "oh fuck, i could have comboed!".
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