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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Timedog said:
edit: is Ibuki gonna be really hard execution wise? :(

From my (admittedly little) 3S knowledge and some google help, I looked up her move list and some of her tactics, and she looks kinda execution heavy. Some of the former Ibuki players on SRK felt right at home with Viper too. Lots of overlap in her moveset before and both a command dash and jump. Plus SJC's and chains. Who knows how they'll put her in Super, but they want the old characters to keep a decent amount of their old stuff.

I just am trying to be safe than sorry :lol


Mrs. Harvey
Killa Sasa said:
So I'm trying to get ready for Ibuki by running through Viper's trials. Number 3 is a pain in the ass, and 2 was no walk in the park either ( I can do it a little bit better now though). How in the hell does anyone play Viper :( I need to learn how to do SJC's into Ultra nao. Any tips from resident GAF Viper's/ Combo Mastahs?

I can't believe some people do this shit in a match. And I thought I had decent execution by being able to do whatever I want with Cammy :lol This adds to why I suck at BB/GG.

Edit: and of course, upon posting this, I mash the hell outta my stick and it comes out. I wish I was in challenge mode when I did it -_-; Gonna be a while before I can do this on command...

It took me months to land Viper's bnb and stuff but once I was able to do it consistently, I felt more rewarded than doing anything else. It's just basically a lot of practice and working out different timings. I know I had to adjust the speed of my execution in order to finally do it.

So satisfying.

Viper 3 is now in the books :D

I'm getting a bit better with the SJC's now. I can do cr HP SJC fairly consistently, but the lp and mp are still really hard.

UGH at Trial 4

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
People on the Viper boards on SRK always say that Vega is free. Starting to think maybe they've just never played any really good Vegas.

Once he gets you in those c.mp frame traps and shit, the risk/reward factor seems way in his favor and I can't figure a reliable way to get out that isn't risky. It's either tech the throw, or eat a claw to the face. Either way it goes, the situation ends up resetting and I end up in the same position for him to throw out c.mp all kinds of shit that beats everything I do and is super safe. The match is annoying, because it's pretty much a constant guessing game. Nevermind that his ex wall dives are impossible to block reliably online.

The only thing I can figure is to hp tk the kick on reaction, but that's easier said than done online. And if I block the ub+hp, I guess I could probably dash in and ultra him on the way down.

The match is almost certainly in Viper's favor, but I'm starting to think people who say Vega is free for Viper just pay too much attention to tier lists.

Either that or I suck, which is a distinct possibility.


I"ve been stuck on vipers hard trial 5 for a while now. 've gotten the hang of FFF by using negative but when I try to ex seismo I get super. And in the event I do get the seismo I want, either the burning kick doesn't register or my super comes out in the end instead of ultra. I'm with kadey on viper being rewarding, im hoping that ibuki is still pretty execution hheavy as well, as I intend to main the fuck out of her.
Killa Sasa said:

UGH at Trial 4
More like, hex yeah at trial 4.
On that note, I'm getting better at the unnecessary Balrog EX Upper loop into headbutt into ultra. Too bad I'm going to be switching to stick when it comes in this week.


Imm0rt4l said:
I"ve been stuck on vipers hard trial 5 for a while now. 've gotten the hang of FFF by using negative but when I try to ex seismo I get super. And in the event I do get the seismo I want, either the burning kick doesn't register or my super comes out in the end instead of ultra. I'm with kadey on viper being rewarding, im hoping that ibuki is still pretty execution hheavy as well, as I intend to main the fuck out of her.
Yeah almost getting that trial is maddening. The list of moves is deceiving, as it says "high jump" then "heavy flame kick", but the air flame kick doesn't count. It essentially tells you to jump, but then you aren't supposed to ACTUALLY jump.
Lost Fragment said:
People on the Viper boards on SRK always say that Vega is free. Starting to think maybe they've just never played any really good Vegas.

well, most of the non-vega players always thought Vega is free ;-) I dont run into a lot of Vega players, so when I do run into a very competent Vega player, I have trouble adusting to his shenanigans. It's bad enough that I am slow to adapt in general, but that's another story.

AZ Greg

Lost Fragment said:
The match is annoying, because it's pretty much a constant guessing game.

Ha, that's actually how I feel when I play against a good Viper. Winning/losing vs. her seems to be related to guessing right/wrong almost as much as playing against a good Fuerte IMO. And like Fuerte, when I play as Viper, I feel like sometimes I beat people who are clearly better than me, but at the same time lose to players who I feel aren't as good. All depends on their luck guessing that round.

I don't know what the tier lists say in terms of Vega/Viper, but I feel pretty comfortable with the match-up. Even with the matches I lost, I feel like they were due to my stupidity. I always underestimate the EX Seismo and stupidly/predictably poke into one and end up eating a combo. And even when I do block it, for some stupid reason I always try and Scarlett Terror you when you fly in with the BK, which of course just leads to me eating damage, getting knocked down, and having to deal with some mixups. Just need to bait it out more/be a little more patient and I'll feel really comfortable with the match.

GGs tho. My Dhalsim is no match for your console character secondary army. :(

GGs to Jam86 as well. Always fun working on my online Izuna Drops. :)

Probably gonna hop back online in a little bit if anyone wants some late night matches.


The Everyman
Killa Sasa said:
Viper 3 is now in the books :D

I'm getting a bit better with the SJC's now. I can do cr HP SJC fairly consistently, but the lp and mp are still really hard.

UGH at Trial 4
are you using a pad? i managed trial 4 recently. i just did the hammer with the pad, the sjc with the analog, and the burning kick with the pad again. and i executed every input right after the other without pausing to think about if it hit or not.

edit: any gaf vipers wanna play?

ill probably get my ass kicked by most of you but like greg said, a lot of it is guessing and i could guess right



-COOLIO- said:
are you using a pad? i managed trial 4 recently. i just did the hammer with the pad, the sjc with the analog, and the burning kick with the pad again. and i executed every input right after the other without pausing to think about if it hit or not.

edit: any gaf vipers wanna play?

ill probably get my ass kicked by most of you but like greg said, a lot of it is guessing and i could guess right

I'll play you, I'm not that good with her but I've been practicing with her. Trying to make her my secondary.


loves Arcade Sticks
Kadey said:
Especially Marky since one hand is always down his pants. Ooooooooooooooooooooo. I said it.

Yes. I was thinking of you ;) <3


How was everyone's weekend?

I met up with Mr. Alex Valle and had a good meetup shooting the shit about the fighting game community.

Went to Long Beach Comic-Con and bought an awesome print of THIS!


Better pic here:


Oh yea I met up with Hori today and man that PS3 FightPad is LEGIT.


Thumbs up. If you like the SNES dpad, you'll like this.

If you still like floaters stick with a Saturn-clone or a Mad Catz FightPad.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Coincidentally, I've been trying to finish off my last few trials yesterday and the day before yesterday as well, even though I shouldn't even be playing right now at all - I've had El Fuerte's last Hard Trial (RSF loop), all of Vipers' Hard Trials and all of Gen's just sitting there since last year's launch - they were always at the back of my mind being a completionist and all...

Got Viper's and Gen's first two Trials done, Viper's third one keeps pissing me off because I'm always getting the Ultra out a split second too late, and if I try any faster I usually get the damn EX ground pound out instead...

But what really bugs me is the RSF - it's like a mental thing, I can get the two first two Fierces to loop perfectly, but it's like my mind won't make me continue doing the motions and I just stop, or lose the timing completely right after - so damn annoying considering he's one of my favorite characters in the game...


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
anyone up for some gayms on xbl?

I live in yurop so it might get messy with the connection but we can give it the good ol college try.

Gamertag : corcy100

just msg me here in this thread first and ill log on and play some :)
Skilotonn said:
Coincidentally, I've been trying to finish off my last few trials yesterday and the day before yesterday as well, even though I shouldn't even be playing right now at all - I've had El Fuerte's last Hard Trial (RSF loop), all of Vipers' Hard Trials and all of Gen's just sitting there since last year's launch - they were always at the back of my mind being a completionist and all...

Got Viper's and Gen's first two Trials done, Viper's third one keeps pissing me off because I'm always getting the Ultra out a split second too late, and if I try any faster I usually get the damn EX ground pound out instead...

But what really bugs me is the RSF - it's like a mental thing, I can get the two first two Fierces to loop perfectly, but it's like my mind won't make me continue doing the motions and I just stop, or lose the timing completely right after - so damn annoying considering he's one of my favorite characters in the game...

haha finished all mine up a week or so ago.

Vipers were a pain in the ass, but like Kadey said, after some repetition, they're so damn fun and rewarding. The way the trials 4 and 5 are set up, they're actually harder than if you just SJC and do BK in the air, as opposed to the super low BK they require you to do in the trial

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Skilotonn said:
Coincidentally, I've been trying to finish off my last few trials yesterday and the day before yesterday as well, even though I shouldn't even be playing right now at all - I've had El Fuerte's last Hard Trial (RSF loop), all of Vipers' Hard Trials and all of Gen's just sitting there since last year's launch - they were always at the back of my mind being a completionist and all...

Got Viper's and Gen's first two Trials done, Viper's third one keeps pissing me off because I'm always getting the Ultra out a split second too late, and if I try any faster I usually get the damn EX ground pound out instead...

But what really bugs me is the RSF - it's like a mental thing, I can get the two first two Fierces to loop perfectly, but it's like my mind won't make me continue doing the motions and I just stop, or lose the timing completely right after - so damn annoying considering he's one of my favorite characters in the game...

If you're getting ex seismo, you're probably either not hitting d or f during the 2nd qcf (if you do it like me and do qcf+u then the 2nd qcf). Just gotta keep working on that execution.

Her trail #2 is what gives me trouble whenever I go back and redo her trials, because it's not something I ever do in a match. I had to cheat on that one my first time through.

And yeah, I have the same problem with RSF. Can do the first 2 no problem but can't do any after that.


MarkMan said:
Oh yea I met up with Hori today and man that PS3 FightPad is LEGIT.


Thumbs up. If you like the SNES dpad, you'll like this.

If you still like floaters stick with a Saturn-clone or a Mad Catz FightPad.

What do you mean by floaters? I like the USB Saturn pad I have (got from ebay). For the most part, it works well and I get the move that I want, but sometimes the controller gets stuck (i.e. I can't move) so I don't completely trust it.

Now I want to try that pad.


Is it just me, or people have actually improved their flowchart Kens?
I mean: I have been meeting several people in G2 and in Player Match who have invested some more time into their Kens.

Meaning they have but ONE trick up their slaves: get close, do some crossup combo which seems sophisticated first, and if opponent tries to reversal after, just mash SRK...

And the scary thing is that I, with my little-better-than-mediocre Viper, just simply destroy them. They have no footsies. Their game is simply shut down once I move just an inch while they try to jumpin, and they just repeat the same tactic again, again, and again.

Heck, I sometimes switch to Ken and destroy them without any tricks. Defense, throws, reversals timed right..and that is all. I wonder how much these people could improve if they actually tried to learn the basics of fighting first, instead of working on one fancy combo...


I have a question on if this is just me or not.

I've played both the 360 and PS3 version of SF4. The PS3 version has a major hitch everytime it shows so and so vs so and so. It makes you wait a solid 10 seconds+ before it will launch the match.(both offline and online) On the 360 this never happens. Also, on my PS3 I can almost NEVER find above a 2 bar connection, and almost everyone I find is from a different country outside of USA. The 360 I generally find 3 bars + games and it stays within the USA.(Guessing because DUH msoft = USA company)

Anyways I was just wondering if this was ever noted by anyone else? All reviews I ever saw on the net failed to mention this and it IS a big deal.

I REALLY hope that SSF4 fixes this as I am going with the PS3 version of that over 360 this time.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Please help me...

Guile vs Sagat and Zangief, I'm guile.

What the fuck do I do?


zlatko said:
I have a question on if this is just me or not.

I've played both the 360 and PS3 version of SF4. The PS3 version has a major hitch everytime it shows so and so vs so and so. It makes you wait a solid 10 seconds+ before it will launch the match.(both offline and online) On the 360 this never happens. Also, on my PS3 I can almost NEVER find above a 2 bar connection, and almost everyone I find is from a different country outside of USA. The 360 I generally find 3 bars + games and it stays within the USA.(Guessing because DUH msoft = USA company)

Anyways I was just wondering if this was ever noted by anyone else? All reviews I ever saw on the net failed to mention this and it IS a big deal.

I REALLY hope that SSF4 fixes this as I am going with the PS3 version of that over 360 this time.

Did you install the game via the menu option?


h3ro said:
Did you install the game via the menu option?

I thought the game auto installed itself onto HDD when you just pop in the disc for the first time? If not, then that would solve that lag issue and I feel dumb for over looking it.


Hitokage said:
I play a scrubby Ibuki, but I don't quite see how Viper is closer to her than any other character.

Ibuki might be able to jump cancel normals into ultra. There's not really any other similarities that I can think of, but if she can do that, Viper players will make the transition most easily I guess.


zlatko said:
I thought the game auto installed itself onto HDD when you just pop in the disc for the first time? If not, then that would solve that lag issue and I feel dumb for over looking it.

Nope, go through the menu section and hit install.

I think it was a 5GB install that really sped up load times. I mainly play on 360, but spent some time on the PS3 version, didn't really feel like there were any differences in matchmaking, but I'm a G3 scrub, not a superstar like the rest of the guys in this thread.

Edit: How to install, now in video form! :D


h3ro said:
Nope, go through the menu section and hit install.

I think it was a 5GB install that really sped up load times. I mainly play on 360, but spent some time on the PS3 version, didn't really feel like there were any differences in matchmaking, but I'm a G3 scrub, not a superstar like the rest of the guys in this thread.

Edit: How to install, now in video form! :D

Thanks! :D I also am SUPER scrub. My scrubness is of a janitors mop. :lol


Had a pretty big scare yesterday, after a month with my new Sanwa stick suddenly down would not register. After a minute of panic, I opened it up to see that the connector to the stick got loose. Must remember not to jerk that stick around as much.

Anyone else finally give up on finding a new main? I've been Honda/Abel since a month after launch, and after trying Balrog, Ryu, Fei, Sakura, Rufus, Gouken and Dan just for kicks, I'm still way better with Honda/Abel. Here's to hoping some of the Super characters stick.


LakeEarth said:
Had a pretty big scare yesterday, after a month with my new Sanwa stick suddenly down would not register. After a minute of panic, I opened it up to see that the connector to the stick got loose. Must remember not to jerk that stick around as much.

Anyone else finally give up on finding a new main? I've been Honda/Abel since a month after launch, and after trying Balrog, Ryu, Fei, Sakura, Rufus, Gouken and Dan just for kicks, I'm still way better with Honda/Abel. Here's to hoping some of the Super characters stick.
I've given Abel a few tries against my friend recently. I don't know if I'm going to be able to use him. I haven't really practiced with him much, but it seems like he's a character that requires a mindset that I do not possess. So many characters (especially the new ones) require a different approach to how you fight, and I don't see myself being able to change. It's a shame too. I don't like a lot of the characters in SFIV to be honest. Abel is one of the few I can see being fun to play. I'm still going to work with him a little more, but I wouldn't be surprised if I end up ditching him for Ibuki, Guy, and/or T. Hawk.


LakeEarth said:
Had a pretty big scare yesterday, after a month with my new Sanwa stick suddenly down would not register. After a minute of panic, I opened it up to see that the connector to the stick got loose. Must remember not to jerk that stick around as much.

Anyone else finally give up on finding a new main? I've been Honda/Abel since a month after launch, and after trying Balrog, Ryu, Fei, Sakura, Rufus, Gouken and Dan just for kicks, I'm still way better with Honda/Abel. Here's to hoping some of the Super characters stick.

Happens all the time in my SF4 SE stick, it sucks that the Sanwa joysticks don't have a clip-on connector like the MadCatz one...
MarkMan said:
Oh yea I met up with Hori today and man that PS3 FightPad is LEGIT.


Thumbs up. If you like the SNES dpad, you'll like this.

If you still like floaters stick with a Saturn-clone or a Mad Catz FightPad.

I'm glad to hear that you think it's a good controller since I'm very interested in it. Would you happen to know if it'll come out next month like it will in Japan or will it be closer to or after the release of SSF4?
It's disappointing but Seb has definitely done his work for the community, so it's all good.

And except for a quick set with Semitry yesterday, I haven't played the game in three weeks. It showed.


So my brother's scrubby Fei Long was beating my Dhalsim (I admittedly suck with him but I was just fooling around with some new characters) and he told me to pick someone else because he was 'sick of beating me.' ORLY?

"So do you want me to pick Guile and Fuerte and stomp your ass into the ground?" I ask him.
"If you pick them, you BETTER NOT LOSE," he warns me.

I wipe the floor with him without breaking a sweat.

Me: Did you have fun?
Him: -_-
Me: ^_^
skitzophrenicdontpanic said:
Anybody up for some games? I've got about 45 minutes want to kill! My main is viper but I play a little abel, chun-li, and balrog as well.

XBL Gamertag: rbrogue
I played you a week ago and your Viper was pretty beastly.

My Rog was getting his arse handing to him.
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