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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Anyone know the results of LA Riots III? Surprised they just didn't delay it a few more weeks till after WCW2.

Speaking of which, it looks like it's going to be pretty hype. I hope they're able to provide a stream for the event. This looks to be the last major tournament before SSFIV.


Kadey said:
Most of my losses are due to chasing turtles and not being able to react when they counter me...


Damn, no wonder! Dem turtles are pretty damn strong!
Sorry, couldn't help it.


Neo Member
Very GG's to AZ Greg ! I haven't played many good Sims in XBL land so I felt like I was learning a lot of things about the matchup. Your Ultra setups were nasty (I mean that in a complimentary way !). Basically turned it into a guessing game between instant overhead/slide/overhead chop. As you could probably tell my execution on Chun's dash ultra was failing me and I like how you used s.Fierce & cr. Fierce to push me away on block when I was closing in on Ultra distance. I was trying to get into a sweet spot between your limbs and anti airs but your defense made it really tough. I also had this strange bad habit of trying to cross you up after jabbing you out of the teleport and you were able to pick up on that and use the short slide to setup the throw.

Not sure if you play Chun or play the matchup often but if you have any feedback from our set today feel free to let a rip ! Always appreciate some constructive criticism to help my game out.


loves Arcade Sticks
Spiderjericho said:
Anyone know the results of LA Riots III? Surprised they just didn't delay it a few more weeks till after WCW2.

Speaking of which, it looks like it's going to be pretty hype. I hope they're able to provide a stream for the event. This looks to be the last major tournament before SSFIV.

Mike Ross

AZ Greg

ALC said:
Very GG's to AZ Greg ! I haven't played many good Sims in XBL land so I felt like I was learning a lot of things about the matchup. Your Ultra setups were nasty (I mean that in a complimentary way !). Basically turned it into a guessing game between instant overhead/slide/overhead chop. As you could probably tell my execution on Chun's dash ultra was failing me and I like how you used s.Fierce & cr. Fierce to push me away on block when I was closing in on Ultra distance. I was trying to get into a sweet spot between your limbs and anti airs but your defense made it really tough. I also had this strange bad habit of trying to cross you up after jabbing you out of the teleport and you were able to pick up on that and use the short slide to setup the throw.

Not sure if you play Chun or play the matchup often but if you have any feedback from our set today feel free to let a rip ! Always appreciate some constructive criticism to help my game out.

GGs. Couldn't remember if you were from here or AZ SRK.

I rarely play Chun and don't think I've ever played against a Sim as her. So I can't really offer any character match-up advice. The only thing I would suggest in general is to mix things up a little more. I was able to easily notice some patterns and take advantage. Like you said, pushing you out when I noticed you were trying to get in ultra range. Or timing your fireball release so I could teleport behind you and get a free combo. Knowing a hazanshu was coming when you'd get to a certain range or I'd block a certain move. Etc...


KuroNeeko said:
Hey all,

I've been trying to incorporate some of Chun's option selects into my game but am still not quite sure what kind of effect they're supposed to have.

The one I've been working on the most is forward throw, dash, c.sk, rh~mk~sk, sk+mk x2. Is this supposed to be designed to a) put offensive EX leg pressure on wake-up and b) punish backdashes with c.rh? I usually play random rank matches since almost NO ONE plays championship mode in Japan and am still in G3-E. I've never seen the c.rh come into play and I end up eatting srk reversals all the time.

The second CO, forward throw, fj. FP, db. FP+rh. I've never had this work. Seems like you need to land before throwing out the rh to get the sweep, but if you land then you can't do the second half of her target combo. Is it a timing thing? Is my opponent supposed to be able to block?

With these two COs in general, are they supposed to be susceptible to reversals? Like going for the first CO on a shoto is just asking for a srk sandwich?

On a side note, just since I play against Ryu so often (you guys in the States have it good - you may run into Kens all the time but in Japan - it's all Ryu, all the time.
With Ken and Cammy thrown in for seasoning.

I like to punish whiffed srks with throws but half of the time I just eat a second srk. Is that normal? I like to punish whiffed hurricane kicks with throws if they land next to me but 50% of the time I eat srks... is that normal?

I had Gouki toss out his special, miss, and then srk me when I went for the throw, is that normal?

Azrael from SRK posted in the Chun forum that Chun has to respect the DP when it comes to the wake-up game since it beats almost everything. What ways can you punish a shoto player once you've knocked them down?

And sheesh, any tips against Cammy players in general would be appreciated - she's like this sideboob wall of doom.

Sorry for the long post!

MagMan shows both OS:s you're talking about here:


Also the reason good players like Nemo can do these kind of jump-ins without getting punished is because the Ryu/Ken/whatever player KNOWS that if Nemo does an empty safe jump and blocks their reversal shoryuken... it's good night sweet shoto.
Imm0rt4l said:
to viper players I have a noobish question, I'm curious. How do seismo>tk feint? Is it a seismo feint followed by a quick tk feint? or can the latter be used to the cancel the former? Just curious, I see Dashio use it a lot. Looks really flashy.

After the seismo, you have to super jump cancel a TK, and then cancel the TK w/ PP. Once the seismo connects (i.e. they block it or it hits them) do d, db, b, ub + P, then wait a split second and do PP.

Killa Sasa said:
And sorry about missing your invite FMF, was playing someone already.

All good man! I wanna see how my cammy is measurin up to yours.

Kaako said:
GGs Farms, always a pleasure. :D

Fa sho man, gg's!

Wiseblade said:
Ok, 3 days until my first tournament. Any advice?

If it's your first tourney, you might get the nerves. Just play really safe and conservative, try to let the other players kill them self. Keep your unforced errors down to a bare minimum.

Before going into each match, try to come up with a gameplan and tell yourself what you're going to do in the match, and then stick to it.
Anyone got tips for the Cammy vs Dictator matchup. My Cammy is kind of struggling with this. I can't see to keep my offensive momentum on him, he seems to have a lot of options to get out like either does ex stomp, ex psycho crusher, teleport, ex scissors. And we end up resetting and I get outpoked or get scissor trapped.


_dementia said:
Any tips for a Chun player v Balrog and Gief?
I don't know if you've seen it or not, but OneHandedTerror put up a Rog strategy video for Chun players. Search "OneHandedTerror Battle Report" or something like that on YouTube. I'd link you, but I'm at work and YouTube is blocked here.

There's some pretty useful stuff in there, like the fact that cr. MK puts Chun under all of Rog's rush punches. It also shows good ways to mix him up and keep pressure on when you score a knockdown.

As for Gief, you've got me there. I hate that son of a bitch. I hear Gief players talk about how tough Chun is for them, but whenever I see a tournament I always see stunned Chuns and Ultra damage that borders on unfair.


XenoRaven said:
I don't know if you've seen it or not, but OneHandedTerror put up a Rog strategy video for Chun players. Search "OneHandedTerror Battle Report" or something like that on YouTube. I'd link you, but I'm at work and YouTube is blocked here.

There's some pretty useful stuff in there, like the fact that cr. MK puts Chun under all of Rog's rush punches. It also shows good ways to mix him up and keep pressure on when you score a knockdown.

As for Gief, you've got me there. I hate that son of a bitch. I hear Gief players talk about how tough Chun is for them, but whenever I see a tournament I always see stunned Chuns and Ultra damage that borders on unfair.

Gief isn't that hard for Chun... it's just that if he gets in, he can kill her VERY quickly. The good news is she's got so many ways to keep him out that hopefully it won't come to that :) st.hk is awesome, as is st.hp, cr.hk, st.mp and fireball. Your number one enemy in this battle is becoming predictable, since he can punish you with EX Green Hand if he sees your pokes coming. Also remember that you can punish blocked EX Green Hand and whiffed Lariat (after a couple of rotations) with Ultra! Mixing it up with whiffed fast attacks (like lp) may make him react and you can block and punish. After a while he'll be afraid to do anything.
Unless he's a really good Zangief, I hate those guys ;(
So yeah, like I already said, I bought SF:IV to get some training in before Super hits. But I can't get any online practice because I always lose ranked matches, because I lose them all, my GP's aren't going up. So whenever I try to play Player Matches against people with the same skill, I "DOMINATE" and everybody kicks me out after one match.

Yeah, I'll always stay a noob this way, unless I start winning ranked matches. :(


Fuck ranked, stick with championships mode. (How do you dominate Player matches if you can't win ranked? Typo? Because that doesn't make sense. Or is it my sarcasm sensor?)
BotoxAgent said:
Anyone got tips for the Cammy vs Dictator matchup. My Cammy is kind of struggling with this. I can't see to keep my offensive momentum on him, he seems to have a lot of options to get out like either does ex stomp, ex psycho crusher, teleport, ex scissors. And we end up resetting and I get outpoked or get scissor trapped.
As a Bison player, I'll tell you what I can get punished by if that helps any.
For the EX Stomp, your better off either just blocking or backdashing. If he goes for a follow-up, you can use cannon spike.
You can follow the Psycho Chrusher and teleport with your spiral arrow. And EX Scissors is pretty unsafe when blocked, so you can use your DP if you block it. And if the Bison goes for the scissors trap, chances are that his links may be a bit of, so mash DP if you think it's coming. But if you want to be on the safe side, just keep blocking and there will be some space between the two of you that you can work with.
And you can punish devil's reverse for free with heavy cannon spike.
For Cammy, I suggest just keep the pressure on Bison since his defense is :lol . Cannon spikes from the air and mixing him up with grabs and such is pretty effective.

_dementia said:
Any tips for a Chun player v Balrog and Gief?
For Balrog, standing fierce works very well when he's jumping towards you or walking towards you, and you can poke him out of his EX dashes very well. I tend to think of the match-up as a test for your poking game.

And I personally love to counter-pick Giefs with Chun (and Dan). It's just a match of who outpokes who. Lariats are pretty easy to punish from the air (with her target combo and j.hk) and on the ground (with cr.rh, st.rh, and st.fierce) with Chun. And blocked EX Green hands are easily punished. All I would say is difficult about this match-up is if Chun is down in a corner, so do what you can to stay mid-screen because it's essentially over otherwise.


facing a bright new dawn
Capt'n Farrell said:
So whenever I try to play Player Matches against people with the same skill, I "DOMINATE" and everybody kicks me out after one match.

doesn't sound like same skill. but my advice is to stick with player matches...it's a bitch finding a good one, but when you do you can get a whole lot of good practice.
MarkMan said:
Mike Ross

Thank you, kind sir. You're a gentleman as always.

Anyone have any tips with the Find matchup?

Or how about any tips with the AZ Greg matchup?

Is it just mash kara uppercut and rely on my Sagat's huge HP?


facing a bright new dawn
hey speakin of sagats, how the heck do you do the inputs for a kara tiger shot? my roommate is super new and accidentally did one a couple times, but then we couldn't figure out how you're sposed to do them on purpose.


Ledsen said:
Also remember that you can punish blocked EX Green Hand...with Ultra!
I did not know this. I will do it now.

I always knew it was a matter of keeping him out with Chun's normals. That's her game against nearly everyone. It's just EX Green Hand is so nasty. I didn't know you could punish it on block that hard though. The only thing is that you'd have to have charge to do it, obviously. I rarely actually play against Giefs, I just watch a lot of matches with him, so I really don't know what you can do and what you can't. I'll keep that in mind though.


facing a bright new dawn
i don't play chun, but every char I do play can start a combo off a blocked green hand (ex or no) w/ at least a jab or short. can't you do some cr. short into some ex something or other into some kind of ultra?


Mrs. Harvey
How do you piss off a turtling Blanka? :D


Give him a comfortable health lead and do things to lure him in. Ex. Spamming fireballs.
Wait until there are about 20 seconds left and then give him a rushdown to remember.
With a few seconds left, give him a taste of his own medicine (running away) and counter when applicable.


Wait for the inevitable hatemail and reply if necessary. :lol




And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
How good is this:


stick unmodded?


bistromathics said:
i don't play chun, but every char I do play can start a combo off a blocked green hand (ex or no) w/ at least a jab or short. can't you do some cr. short into some ex something or other into some kind of ultra?
:lol Why yes. As a matter of fact, you can.

Also, as a side note, I like how that guy suggests you have some sort of magical device that "controls" the lag.


I want to give my endorsement to the anti-blanka coalition which is pretty strong atm. I think I'm gonna send Jdigital some hate mail. He's a blanka player, and a ragequitter.
Technically, Chun has the advantage over Gief. But since Gief is so powerful with huge life and Chun's health kinda sucks. All it takes two big mistakes for Chun to lose. Chun has to play a perfect game to win over Gief.

my advice....watch out for empty jump to ULTRA!!!
BotoxAgent said:
Kadey -- sweet post, esp. since there's some blanka hate goin on in the supa thread :D

You're the LicoriceKing on XBL right? I've seen a few of your uploaded matches. I would be mad salty if I lost to your annoying ass Blanka.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I had no idea you could reset an opponent with standing fierce after his EX Shoryuken with Gouken :lol :lol He is amazing.

Edit: his fierce then immediately demon flip. Holy.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
BotoxAgent said:
Technically, Chun has the advantage over Gief. But since Gief is so powerful with huge life and Chun's health kinda sucks. All it takes two big mistakes for Chun to lose. Chun has to play a perfect game to win over Gief.

my advice....watch out for empty jump to ULTRA!!!

I used to worry about Giefs until I found that the simple strategy of jumping straight up HKs, well-timed jumping forward HPs, standing HPs and HKs, and crouching MPs are enough to take out the average player. Advanced Giefs are a different story, but there's nothing sadder (and more hilarious) than watching the Gief player rip his hair out as you do nothing but normals to beat him with Chun-Li. :lol
_dementia said:
i don't think it's hatemail if he says ggs
weirdly bipolar tho

Probably his way of saying he's better than him. It's the same thing when someone picks a random/secondary character and convinces himself "man if i played my main I would of kilt him!!"


_dementia said:
i don't think it's hatemail if he says ggs
weirdly bipolar tho

Nah, he just really hates Fuerte. We kind of have a rivalry going on so it was in jest. I probably should have put 'hatemail' in parenthesis...
Lyte Edge said:
I used to worry about Giefs until I found that the simple strategy of jumping straight up HKs, well-timed jumping forward HPs, standing HPs and HKs, and crouching MPs are enough to take out the average player. Advanced Giefs are a different story, but there's nothing sadder (and more hilarious) than watching the Gief player rip his hair out as you do nothing but normals to beat him with Chun-Li. :lol

No comments with regards to the Gief v Chun matchup...just came to the conclusion that your avatar rules. :D


just a note that I am making a new gamertag for GFWL only, my live list got full really quick having both GFWL and XBL peeps.

so if anyone has my XBL on their list can they delete me and send a friend request to jeonjo, I'm gunna send a mass message right now

damn these 100 friend limits D:
Threi said:
damn these 100 friend limits D:
well MS is discontinuing their XBL service for original Xbox

previously they went on record as saying Halo 2 was the sole reason for the 100 friend cap

so that means it'll go away soon, right?

unless they lied to us

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
I usually get love messages on PSN lately

its probably cuz Gouken matches up pretty well will the Top tier in the game. I've beaten more Sagats, Akumas and Ryus than i use to with Abel.


Who here remembers Sako? Well, a few more vids surfaced of him playing cammy vs a sagat:


there are 5 total but you can see 'em in the related videos section. standard sako cammy, no viper or akuma play.

I really wonder why this guy hasn't shown up to a single damn tournament or arcade event D: I know he lives far from one.. but when you're considered a fighting game legend in Japan, you should go represent.
hitsugi said:
Who here remembers Sako? Well, a few more vids surfaced of him playing cammy vs a sagat:


there are 5 total but you can see 'em in the related videos section. standard sako cammy, no viper or akuma play.

I really wonder why this guy hasn't shown up to a single damn tournament or arcade event D: I know he lives far from one.. but when you're considered a fighting game legend in Japan, you should go represent.

thank you for this!!

Sako is beast
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