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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Darkman M

I really have to learn how to play on my left side with the stick im like a totally different person when i get stuck on the left side, it's an disgusting weakness to have. Then again i just started seriously playing on a stick last Friday but still :(
autobzooty said:
can someone help me out? i've decided to try viper for a little while and i've learned a few simple combos, but all of my combo starters and approaches start out with jumps and i keep getting shoryuken'd or flash kicked or canon kicked.

what's a good way to approach without compromising my defense on characters with good anti-air?

quote for new page

cmon, help a novice out. i get trounced by medium AI, but when i take it down one level, it's too easy for me. i think i'm missing something fundamental here...
Picked up my PS3 special edition today. I'm liking it, though... I dunno... I think I enjoy TvC more. I guess it's because SFIV, to me, is very much SFII with a couple of new systems and some new characters. I mean, it's a great game. Really well balanced, looks great, great music and all. It just doesn't feel as special as I thought it would be. I'll certainly give it some more time though.

Plays well enough on the PS3 pad, though the d-pad is not too conducive to Guile players like me.

Also, Seth is a fucking cheap bitch. Not cheap like Yami, who's cheap but easily readable. Just SNK boss-ish in general.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Going through trial mode has made me realize I suck :lol One thing i found out...I love the focus attack and the cancelling system it brings. Awesome!

PS. El fuerte is fucking annoying to fight!
Zangief and Abel are completely bitches in this game. It seems like they are able to pick you up and throw you even if you're not near them. Since the game is in 3D, it seems like it skips a few frames or something and just goes straight into the piledriver animation, without really showing you how you got in it in the first place. I don't know, it's hard to explain. But half the time when I find myself getting thrown by Zangief I'm like "But I wasn't even close to him!" Same with Abel.

Anyone getting what I'm saying or is it just babble?


The Everyman
Doc Holliday said:
Going through trial mode has made me realize I suck :lol One thing i found out...I love the focus attack and the cancelling system it brings. Awesome!

PS. El fuerte is fucking annoying to fight!
ive been spamming focus attacks in every fight ever


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Holy shit, I have it.

Game. Stick.

Unfortunately Euro manuals are black and white and we don't get the inner sleeve art :(

But then we did get both figures, so alright, let's party!

I'll be on in about 30 minutes if any Gaffers wanna ruin my game :p

Gamertag is Twin Twi5t but it might be better to use the GAF SFIV group to get me :)
Im not big with Focus Attacks.. I will be eventually. It has some uses.

If someone tries it on me I will counter like a sec later with it :p

Tonight was a bit frustrating.. I kept getting paired with 0 BP rated people yet I'm way higher then that so it didnt make sense.

I'd win like 95% of those but run into a really good player and suddenly I lose 180 pts. Each of those 0 BP wins were 18 pts each :|

So its like win 10 and lose 1 and you went no where.

Later on I started finally hitting a bit higher rated people which were giving me about 38 a win..

I got nearly up to 1800 (high was 1776) but I just got off at 1720..

I had some frustrating matches with some Shoryuken spamming whores along with a few Sagats.

I really hate how those upper cuts can hit my claw from like 50 feet away when I'm poking.. so stupid.

As I got to fight some higher ranked guys.. I noticed more variety.. I still saw like 75% Ryu/Ken.. But I even saw some Akumas, 2 Roses, and a El Fuerte and Abel.

1 of the Rose players was reallly good and was timing her soul throw on my Vega in the air really well.

The El Fuerte was good too running around but he made the mistake of almost NEVER blocking and my Vega was keeping up with his speed and he couldn't stay with me.

The Abel was good and relentless with chasing after me.. but Back Flips ftw.
HankScorpio said:
your a turtle aren't you? I noticed how you fight your pretty on par with blocking.

also, some good fights :D

I try to be a rushdown player but it's impossible when EVERYONE picks KEN and throws random DPs all over the place. You pretty much have to block and punish.

GGs to everyone I played today. You guys are good, you just need to stop doing risky moves when the other guy has full meter.

btw, how do you unlock new colors?
akachan ningen said:
I try to be a rushdown player but it's impossible when EVERYONE picks KEN and throws random DPs all over the place. You pretty much have to block and punish.

GGs to everyone I played today. You guys are good, you just need to stop doing risky moves when the other guy has full meter.

Ahh, see I played people online with Ken but never had a problem.

but this is true, its always been my downfall, I'm an offensive player. Never really was all too good at defense :D but your good, I didn't think I would catch up to your wins unless I played with Cammy lol

about colors, I'm not sure, maybe more BP points? not sure.


akachan ningen said:
I try to be a rushdown player but it's impossible when EVERYONE picks KEN and throws random DPs all over the place. You pretty much have to block and punish.

GGs to everyone I played today. You guys are good, you just need to stop doing risky moves when the other guy has full meter.

btw, how do you unlock new colors?

Colors are in the challenge mode. Time trials seem to have quite a few.


AnonymousNoob said:
Wait, so is there different fan art for the different platforms?

I don't recall seeing Spaniard's Guile/Abel art on the reverse side of my game case or blu-ray.


Here is where each piece will be featured:

* Chris Lie & Lius Lashido "c4ravanstudio": X360 - Regular Edition Game Coversheet
* Ross Burt "arkade": X360 - Collector's Edition Anime Movie Coversheet
* Pedro Pitéu "Pyteo": PS3 - Regular Edition Game Coversheet
* Yukiko Otsu (below): PS3 - Collector's Edition Game Coversheet
* Xavier Garcia "xavipants": X360 - Collector's Edition Game Coversheet
* Felipe Aguiar "Fezat": PS3 Collector's Edition Anime Movie Coversheet


At first i wasn't too crazy about it, i was having some issues with the timing of the game, then it just clicked and I had a hard time pulling myself away. I am dead tired now, can't wait to play some more tomorrow. I actually prefer playing with the DS3 over my arcade stick, then again I don't play much in the arcades.
akachan ningen said:
I try to be a rushdown player but it's impossible when EVERYONE picks KEN and throws random DPs all over the place. You pretty much have to block and punish.

GGs to everyone I played today. You guys are good, you just need to stop doing risky moves when the other guy has full meter.

btw, how do you unlock new colors?

The comment about random DP's is sooo true.

I just poke or poke once to while they are getting up and whiff just to draw a DP as they wakeup .. Then block.. Then proceed to walk over and either charge a Focus or throw.

Also punishing people doing risky moves was a big chapter in my novel tonight haha..

I ran into at least 4 or 5 ken/ryu's that would Hurricane kick me with a full meter and I'd punish with my Ultra (Bloody Sky Claw).


I have been messing around with the challenge trial mode, trying to learn combos. Does anyone have any tips on how to link hits smoother? I am having a tough time transitioning from the first hit to the second. I can never seem to get the second move off fast enough. One time out of 200, it will work. Sometimes I connect with both hits, but still it doesnt register as a success. Are combos mainly for stick users? I am playing with the 360 controller and Im sure that has something to do with it.


so i just played against seth for the first time in a ranked online match, which sucks, whats a good strategy? i was ryu and he kept doing some move pulling me in, and i just kept my distance doing hadoken after hadoken. it sounds cheap but damn he had so many moves!


Some more impressions:

-The online play is amazingly good and almost lag free.

-Some guy beat me with Dan :lol ,than he played Gouken and I beat him :lol :lol :lol :lol ,I was playing Ryu both times.

-The voice acting is not bad,its tolerable and the anime cut scenes arent as horrible as reviewers may have you think,but I do agree they should have been In-game.

-For the love of god,when you play arcade mode have the new challenger for online thing off.

-Sakura isnt the best fighter but shes alot of fun to play as.

And if anyone wants to fight me online,my PSN username is Otaibi.


Has no PEINS
Gah just played against someone with a zero-bar connection and the lag was nutsss, probably a good 1 second delay

I almost beat him with my Viper, though, down to one hit kills for both of us and I found out the hard way that you can't Focus a hadoken with that little life left :p


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Did anyone manage to download the Brawler Pack using the CE code? I tried inputting mine and it said it was invalid. Sigh.
Ashhong said:
so i just played against seth for the first time in a ranked online match, which sucks, whats a good strategy? i was ryu and he kept doing some move pulling me in, and i just kept my distance doing hadoken after hadoken. it sounds cheap but damn he had so many moves!

his moves are pretty risky too. block and punish! throw him when he teleports.


oh my god guys worst day ever, I"m so bummed. PnT, whom I called earlier just to check on the midnight release just gave me the most un-triumphant news ever, seems their carrier screwed them over and I have to wait til tommorow afternoon at 4 or so to pick up SF4. No way, but I guess I can wait.

No I can't, fuck I'm so upset. :(


im having a hell of a time getting into games though. when i do a search most of the time its only "Fight REQ." with 1 lobby, and then if i join the lobby, half the time it times out. the games i do start are great though, ive noticed very little lag. i especially like the fact that im actually winning in ranked games.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
1 thing that bugs me is how if you go back to the online menu, even backing out of a player match, it defaults to ranked match selected so I hit A-A-A for Go-Quick Match-Join. I accidentally did 2 ranked matches today. I'm 0-2.


Finally cracked 1,000 bp :D I can go to bed and save my new addiction for tomorrow

(and I finally figured out how to find matches quicker....custom match ftw)
Ashhong said:
im having a hell of a time getting into games though. when i do a search most of the time its only "Fight REQ." with 1 lobby, and then if i join the lobby, half the time it times out. the games i do start are great though, ive noticed very little lag. i especially like the fact that im actually winning in ranked games.

just make a ranked game lobby and wait a few seconds. works every time.


hey guys tell me if you arent thaaat mouch into fighting games (i mean ive played some like VF5, SC 3, Tekken DR etc. etc.). Should i buy a fighting pad or even stick or is it ok to play with a normal dualshock ?



TurtleSnatcher said:

As I got to fight some higher ranked guys.. I noticed more variety.. I still saw like 75% Ryu/Ken.. But I even saw some Akumas, 2 Roses, and a El Fuerte and Abel.

1 of the Rose players was reallly good and was timing her soul throw on my Vega in the air really well.

The El Fuerte was good too running around but he made the mistake of almost NEVER blocking and my Vega was keeping up with his speed and he couldn't stay with me.

The Abel was good and relentless with chasing after me.. but Back Flips ftw.
Vega is such a bad match-up for poor Fuerte - he doesn't have anything to beat Vega's wall dives. :(
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