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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


I still haven't found an answer to this question: Does SFIV for PS3 upconvert for 1080i displays?

I know the back of the box says 720p only but that's usually not a good indication on what resoultion the game will display at.


So I received my SE FightStick yesterday and it was a big learning curve. I am having trouble pulling off my ultra with Sakura. I keep accidentally jumping while trying to do it. Any tips?


Oichi said:
Focus Attack the fireball then dash in. Mix with vertical jumps and forward jumps. Sumo splash on startup also goes through fireballs, although EX Sumo splash does it more reliably.

This is what I plan on practicing tonight. My Abel was getting absolutely destroyed by fireball-fireball-low sweep spammers last night.

So the timing is just FA the fireball then dash at impact? I get the whole FA concept but I never remember to use it during online play, hehe.
U K Narayan said:
How does one go from a FOCUS ATTACK -> HEAVY ATTACK? I'm completely stumped. Whenever I hit my opponent, they crumple before I can hit them.
speed. many of those challenge combos require extreme speed and timing. both of which are a function of repetition.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
U K Narayan said:
How does one go from a FOCUS ATTACK -> HEAVY ATTACK? I'm completely stumped. Whenever I hit my opponent, they crumple before I can hit them.

Fully charged Focus Attack, input dash as the attack hits, then heavy attack.

Baker said:
This is what I plan on practicing tonight. My Abel was getting absolutely destroyed by fireball-fireball-low sweep spammers last night.

So the timing is just FA the fireball then dash at impact? I get the whole FA concept but I never remember to use it during online play, hehe.

No, you don't need precise timing to do this. Just let the Focus Attack charge while the fireball hits you. It'll be absorbed and then you can dash in whenever you want.


U K Narayan said:
How does one go from a FOCUS ATTACK -> HEAVY ATTACK? I'm completely stumped. Whenever I hit my opponent, they crumple before I can hit them.

That was one that stumped me with Abel.

You have to do a fully charged Focus Attack. Then you have to dash right at the hit and you'll be able to get the second attack in. Make sure you only dash once (don't just spam the forward button) because you'll miss the window if you dash twice.
U K Narayan said:
How does one go from a FOCUS ATTACK -> HEAVY ATTACK? I'm completely stumped. Whenever I hit my opponent, they crumple before I can hit them.

you got to do a Focus Attack Front Dash

do a level 2 Focus Attack and tap front twice, it will buffer the dash, then hit them (there might be frames after the dash where you cant hit so you gotta time)


So you guys see why I was confused on what it takes to unlock Akuma and Gouken :p

Hell, I'm still confused. But at least I kind of know what I need to do.


Struct09 said:
So you guys see why I was confused on what it takes to unlock Akuma and Gouken :p

Hell, I'm still confused. But at least I kind of know what I need to do.

Yeah I've been playing on Medium the whole time but since everyone else is doing it, I'm Very Easying that bitch the whole way through.

Peer pressure, yay!


needs to show more effort.
U K Narayan said:
How does one go from a FOCUS ATTACK -> HEAVY ATTACK? I'm completely stumped. Whenever I hit my opponent, they crumple before I can hit them.
when you do a fully charged focus attack, do a dash at the same time the move connects (while the game is 'paused'). Don't keep jamming on forward, just do the double tap forward at that exact moment.

When the focus attack ends, you will find yourself standing right next to them and free to attack just as they begin to crumble. This is as opposed to normal where the focus seems to take a while to recover and you find yourself standing at a distance from the opponent.

I don't know why this works, it just does.

beaten badly
How do you unlock colors and personal actions? And no one ever answered earlier, so does anyone know if I can get the achievement for beating it with everyone on medium by setting it to 1 round?


how many pages does the "hintbook" have? Its for the SE only right? So could somone snap pictures of all pages and post them or scan them in or something?


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
DigitalA1chemy said:
How do you unlock colors and personal actions? And no one ever answered earlier, so does anyone know if I can get the achievement for beating it with everyone on medium by setting it to 1 round?

Beat all Time Attack and Survival Modes for colors and personal actions.


I got my TE stick yesterday. Is it normal to not be able to pull off moves flawlessly? Sometimes moves aren't going through... could it just be that I'm not pulling the stick hard enough in a certain direction?


Flek said:
how many pages does the "hintbook" have? Its for the SE only right? So could somone snap pictures of all pages and post them or scan them in or something?
It's pretty lame, only like 12 pages.
How the heck do you do the Akuma challenge where you do a standing heavy kick then a crouching light kick? I believe those are the two moves. Every time I do the standing kick, it pushes Akuma way too far away for the crouching light kick to connect.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Any other tips to help me out with my budding Fuerte game? Trust me, I know I'll lose, a lot. Already am even against the onslaught of shotos.

So far I've got.

1) Sureing up my defense game.
2) Use more of my normals and combos.
3) Be patient.

Anything else?


man i suck at this game... I can't even get past level 4 on normal for akuma's challenge.... ugh.. dunno how i'll get through all the characters.... i'm using a TE stick too... and still having trouble


Kintaro said:
Any other tips to help me out with my budding Fuerte game. Trust me, I know I'll lose, a lot. Already am even against the onslaught of shotos.

So far I've got.

1) Sureing up my defense game.
2) Use more of my normals and combos.
3) Be patient.

Anything else?
I'd suggest not doing what the AI does if you fight him in the first match: Run back and forth repeatedly and never attack.
entraik said:
I got my TE stick yesterday. Is it normal to not be able to pull off moves flawlessly? Sometimes moves aren't going through... could it just be that I'm not pulling the stick hard enough in a certain direction?
requires practice. you don't need to jam the stick harder. just get your arm used to the appropriate motions.
BdoUK said:
I still haven't found an answer to this question: Does SFIV for PS3 upconvert for 1080i displays?

I know the back of the box says 720p only but that's usually not a good indication on what resoultion the game will display at.
Some dude said a while back that it doesn't. I was curious myself and my question went unanswered for a while. I just picked up the game this morning on my way to the office (at 7/11 of all places). I can confirm it tonight.
I'm having a bit of trouble on the first combo from Guile's fourth (I think) challenge. Jumping HK, standing HP then sonic boom. I've watched a video to see it being done but I totally can't get the timing of the sonic boom. Halp!
brendanrfoley said:
I've beaten the game (360) with every character, but I haven't unlocked Seth. Am I doing something wrong?
nothing. that's all there is to it. beat him with all the regulars and all the unlockables and Seth unlocks.

funny aside: parts of SF4's storyling play out like the movie 'Vantage Point'. :lol


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Kintaro said:
Any other tips to help me out with my budding Fuerte game. Trust me, I know I'll lose, a lot. Already am even against the onslaught of shotos.

So far I've got.

1) Sureing up my defense game.
2) Use more of my normals and combos.
3) Be patient.

Anything else?

Against shoto players
- If you block a sweep, do forward run, stop, anti-air throw. Most shotos right now will do the sweep, see it blocked and jump backward. You'll grab them with the anti-air throw about 90% of the time if your timing is good. EX version is more reliable.

In General
- On wakeup, do EX throw to get out of sticky situations. It's a safe move that is hard to punish. Also on wakeup, do EX Backward Run into throw or body press. Or if the other guy is good at punishing this on reaction, just let the run take you back to the other side of the screen.

- j.Fierce is a good jump in attack, and very good for cross-ups. If you can cross up with it, do standing close Roundhouse to juggle into anti-air throw. If roundhouse is blocked they can't really do a whole lot to punish you, especially this early in the game.

- Against fireball characters make use of EX forward run. Most will fire stuff from the other side of the screen, so do ex run to absorb the fireball, and do either slide or press or throw.

- You can control not only the press and throw from Fuerte's run, but also his Ultra. When the moves are executing, press and hold forward or back to control the arc of the attack. With the press this is essential because it gives you ambigious crossups. With the throw it's great because you can do backward run, hold forward and get more range on the throw. For Ultra it's great if they're point blank, or if they're halfway across the screen throwing fireballs. Yes, on reaction, if you do the Ultra to a fireball, it's gonna hit.

- Fuerte's air-to-air game isn't that great compared to other characters, so utilize his air throw instead.


brendanrfoley said:
I've beaten the game (360) with every character, but I haven't unlocked Seth. Am I doing something wrong?

To make sure you did check and see if you have all the ending unlocked. I had to beat it with Boxer cause I forgot that I didn't beat it with him cause someone interrupted me with a challange and after wards I forgot to go back to Boxer and finish. :lol


I got it home, installed on my PS3 (Indestructable) and got only one match in arcade with Ryu and got an invite for a match from someone in my friends list. Sorry, don't know if you are from this board but I got schooled by TooCool :lol

Thats ok, I like to learn from the school of hard knocks, reminds me back in school when SFII originally came out. I was surprised how well the online worked, even on my piss poor dsl connection.

Oh, and if TooCool is on here I didn't drop because I was losing so bad but because Top Chef was on. I'm always up to be somebodies punching dummy. Usually on between 7 and 11 at night, east coast. Ponnimus is my PSN ID.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Dreams-Visions said:
nothing. that's all there is to it. beat him with all the regulars and all the unlockables and Seth unlocks.

funny aside: parts of SF4's storyling play out like the movie 'Vantage Point'. :lol

Yeah, it's all fragmented between all of the endings. Kind of weird.


he's Virgin Tight™
Skills are returning to me, fuck yeah!!! :D I need to cancel Focus Attacks faster though :lol Need to get the grip of that. At least I am winning online . I have 16 wins on Ranked, but like 6-7 losses.


I miss not being able to enter my initials after beating arcade mode.
Not sure what the point of the scoring system is if they don't keep a record of it.
I can't find any.


entraik said:
man i suck at this game... I can't even get past level 4 on normal for akuma's challenge.... ugh.. dunno how I'll get through all the characters.... I'm using a TE stick too... and still having trouble

well if your used to American style arcade sticks.....you might want to swap your square restrictor plate for a octo style gate....seems it would be easier to pull off your moves and Ultras better. Might help your gameplay

Just a suggestion.:D
jmdajr said:
I miss not being able to enter my initials after beating arcade mode.
Not sure what the point of the scoring system is if they don't keep a record of it.
I can't find any.
They do.. there is even online leaderboards..

Way to go Blindy McBlinderson :p

Jk ;)
"Some on SRK say timing for links should be slower not faster. Any truth to this?"

Yes, there's truth to that. Links require the move you're linking from to have completely recovered, mashing jab quickly actually *cancels* the previous jab. So you'll have to do it as slow as possible.

If you want to get a good idea of how to do links, do Balrog's trial modes. He has some really easy (and fun) links. or if you just want to dick around in training mode, crouching lp, crouching lp (link to) crouching lk -> dash straight/upper/fierce headbutt.

Balrog's crouching jab -> crouching short gives him quite a bit of time to get that short out. You'll know you've done it right when you're able to cancel the last hit into your special move and get the full combo.


Askia47 said:
Some on SRK say timing for links should be slower not faster. Any truth to this?

I would agree. Most of the time when I have been having trouble making a link for certain combos in challenge mode, I was able to solve it by slowing down, not by speeding up.
Raging Spaniard said:
Yeah if you beat Guile with Ken, his quote is something among the lines of "I feel bad about beating up my brother in law" or some shit, good stuff.

Also, Ken, Ryu and Chun Li are all buddy buddy and apparently everybody is aware of Sakura being obsessed with Ryu (even Sagat!) Oh, and Sakura wants to do a costume swap with Chun Li.

That's awesome. Warms my long time canon SF heart!


I finally got my game from Amazon. My fightpad is also listed as shipping soon. Hopefully my TE stick will follow suit. If you want to add me my PSN nick is Vargas.
This game is kicking my ass. I can barely get past meduim, and only with 2-3 characters. I'm trying challenge mode to learn moves but I can only beat it with Ken. I spent maybe 3 freaking hours last night trying to get a single damn combo for guile and chun-li to work.. FUCK YOU guil! That flash to double flsh combo is fucking impossible. There is no way I can charge the last move before dan hits the ground, it's not ever close, arrrrr!


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Man, when I play Budokai (my rival), we're pretty much 50/50, but when I play online, I win like, 1/4 of my matches. :(

Oh well, it's still hella fun.


I am completely stuck on Sakura's trial mode level 4.

Jump HP
EX Focus Attack

I don't get that. Can someone please explain how to do it, am I supposed to link the moves?
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