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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


BobTheFork said:
This game is kicking my ass. I can barely get past meduim, and only with 2-3 characters. I'm trying challenge mode to learn moves but I can only beat it with Ken. I spent maybe 3 freaking hours last night trying to get a single damn combo for guile and chun-li to work.. FUCK YOU guil! That flash to double flsh combo is fucking impossible. There is no way I can charge the last move before dan hits the ground, it's not ever close, arrrrr!

Yeah, that's a very hard combo to get down. You essentially have to use the charge for the first flash kick as your charge for the double flash. I haven't got the timing down just yet so I'm not certain I'm doing it right but I think I'm on the right track. Imaging going from DB charge in a half circle motion up to UF (so you hit DB, DF, UF+K to do the first flash kick), then back to DB and UF + K again for the double flash.

I've only done it a few times, and not during the combo, but the double flash has to come out *right* after the flash connects. It's a bitch, I know. If my stick hadn't failed on me I'd be practicing right now.

Course, if anyone else has more hints I'd love to hear 'em. Or even to let me know I'm doing it wrong.


Spy said:
I am completely stuck on Sakura's trial mode level 4.

Jump HP
EX Focus Attack

I don't get that. Can someone please explain how to do it, am I supposed to link the moves?
I was having the same problem with Ryu's challenge mode last night. The combo is:

Jumping HK
Crouching HP
EX Focus Attack

No matter how many times I tried, the crouching HP and hadouken would not come out. And the real kicker is I was pressing HP and then releasing it after doing the QCF. Am I just doing it too fast? It seems to me if I did it any slower the enemy wouldn't even be reeling from the punch, rendering the combo obscenely breakable.
Spy said:
I am completely stuck on Sakura's trial mode level 4.

Jump HP
EX Focus Attack

I don't get that. Can someone please explain how to do it, am I supposed to link the moves?
practice just doing the first 3 parts.

then add on the focus attack.

HP + MP + QCF MP. the QCF will have to be very, very fast. speed and timing are the names of the game.

what this game could really use is a Soul Calibur 4-type demonstration, so we can see what these combos should look like when done right.

bumpkin said:
I was having the same problem with Ryu's challenge mode last night. The combo is:

Jumping HK
Crouching HP
EX Focus Attack

No matter how many times I tried, the crouching HP and hadouken would not come out. And the real kicker is I was pressing HP and then releasing it after doing the QCF. Am I just doing it too fast? It seems to be if I did it any slower, the enemy wouldn't even be reeling from the punch, rendering the combo obscenely breakable.

speed speed speed.

will take much practice. I'm up to Ryu's level 3 Hard challenge. Been stuck there for awhile though.


needs to show more effort.
Bumblebeetuna said:
How the heck do you do the Akuma challenge where you do a standing heavy kick then a crouching light kick? I believe those are the two moves. Every time I do the standing kick, it pushes Akuma way too far away for the crouching light kick to connect.
Start from further away so that akuma does the double roundhouse instead of the vertical kick thing.
Keikoku said:
I picked up an Hori Stick EX2 for my 360 and I'd like to know what setting of buttons are you using with this ?
The correct layout is

A - Short
B - Jab
X - Strong
Y - Fierce
LT - Forward
RT - Roundhouse

Just think:


One more question that didn't get answered on the previous page. I had no problems pulling off my ultra consistently with a controller but yesterday I received my SE FightStick and have so much trouble getting my ultra off. Whenever I try I either accidentally jump or do an ex hurricane kick. What are some tips to pull off my ultra consistently?


Spy said:
One more question that didn't get answered on the previous page. I had no problems pulling off my ultra consistently with a controller but yesterday I received my SE FightStick and have so much trouble getting my ultra off. Whenever I try I either accidentally jump or do an ex hurricane kick. What are some tips to pull off my ultra consistently?

Having that same problem too.

However, if you're ending up in a hurricane kick, you're doing the inputs backwards. It should be toward the enemy, not away.


Spy said:
I am completely stuck on Sakura's trial mode level 4.

Jump HP
EX Focus Attack

I don't get that. Can someone please explain how to do it, am I supposed to link the moves?
What I did was break it down into parts, and then try it together once you feel confortable doing them. For instance I would break it down to:

EX Focus Attack

Once comfortable I would do it together.

ugh, this sixaxis is killing my thumb, it's so hard getting some of these combos on a pad. I'll probably suck just as bad on a stick since I haven't used one since ST.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
OK, heres the Spaniards DEFINITIVE GUIDE to unlocking Akuma and Gouken:

Unlock all the characters except Akuma, Gouken and Seth, these are easy and people seem to be having no problem.

Playing on "Easiest" and "1 round" pick a character YOU HAVE ALREADY BEATEN THE GAME WITH.

Beat the game doing the following:
ONE Perfect
ONE Ultra Combo finish
NO continues
Do this and Gouken might show up, you DO NOT WANT THAT.

Follow these instructions and Akuma will challenge you after Seth, you will unlock him after that.

Now, beat the game with Akuma, I dont care how, just do it.

After that, pick a character you have already beaten the game with THAT ISNT AKUMA. (Edit: this may not be the case, go ahead and try for yourself on this instance if you feel like it)

Beat the game doing the following or better:
TWO Perfects
TWO Ultra Combo finishes
NO continues
Do better than this and Gouken will show up after you beat Seth, beat him to unlock him.

If you are having problems getting the perfect rounds, do the following: Pick any guy with easy fireballs (Ryu, Ken, Sagat) and in the first two fights on easiest ONLY DO FIREBALLS. The first two opponents will always just walk into them until they die, I can pretty much guarantee this.

Youre welcome


Spy said:
One more question that didn't get answered on the previous page. I had no problems pulling off my ultra consistently with a controller but yesterday I received my SE FightStick and have so much trouble getting my ultra off. Whenever I try I either accidentally jump or do an ex hurricane kick. What are some tips to pull off my ultra consistently?

I don't know if there are tips aside from practice. I know it's a learning curve to know where you motions should begin and end when you're jumping to a stick. The best advice I can give is to practice in slow motion and gradually build your speed up, it's what works for me when I need to "recalibrate" to a stick.


Raging Spaniard said:
OK, heres the Spaniards DEFINITIVE GUIDE to unlocking Akuma and Gouken:

Unlock all the characters except Akuma, Gouken and Seth, these are easy and people seem to be having no problem.

Playing on "Easiest" and "1 round" pick a character YOU HAVE ALREADY BEATEN THE GAME WITH.

Beat the game doing the following:
ONE Perfect
ONE Ultra Combo finish
NO continues
Do this and Gouken might show up, you DO NOT WANT THAT.

Follow these instructions and Akuma will challenge you after Seth, you will unlock him after that.

Now, beat the game with Akuma, I dont care how, just do it.

After that, pick a character you have already beaten the game with THAT ISNT AKUMA.

Beat the game doing the following:
TWO Perfects
TWO Ultra Combo finishes
NO continues
Do better than this and Gouken will show up after you beat Seth, beat him to unlock him.

If you are having problems getting the perfect rounds, do the following: Pick any guy with easy fireballs (Ryu, Ken, Sagat) and in the first two fights on easiest ONLY DO FIREBALLS. The first two opponents will always just walk into them until they die, I can pretty much guarantee this.

Youre welcome

I got Gouken using Akuma... :p


Gold Member
Last night I was playing online pretty late, and my dog who spent the whole night sleeping in bed decided she was tired of me playing and started barking and causing a ruckus. I picked her up and brought her into the room, and she just stared at me making sounds every once in a while. So I guess it was time for bed.

Yep, the dog kicked me off the game. Not even my girlfriend does that.

AZ Greg

Played a few hours yesterday and came away really impressed. Still learning how to utilize a lot of the new techniques. Game is damn fun.

Spy said:
I am completely stuck on Sakura's trial mode level 4.

Jump HP
EX Focus Attack

I don't get that. Can someone please explain how to do it, am I supposed to link the moves?

Remember that the game will register a punch or kick when you press the button AND when you release it. So, for that combo do:

Jump HP
MP (And then hold MP)
Hadoken (Just do the motion and then release the MP you were holding from the previous move)
EX Focus Attack

That should make it easier. Otherwise, just speed up. :)


Has no PEINS
Spy said:
One more question that didn't get answered on the previous page. I had no problems pulling off my ultra consistently with a controller but yesterday I received my SE FightStick and have so much trouble getting my ultra off. Whenever I try I either accidentally jump or do an ex hurricane kick. What are some tips to pull off my ultra consistently?
I was in this exact situation when I got my SE FightStick as well, Ultras/Supers were very difficult to pull off whereas on a pad they're a no-brainer and I could easily combo into them. Just keep using the stick and you'll get better with them, I promise


Spy said:
One more question that didn't get answered on the previous page. I had no problems pulling off my ultra consistently with a controller but yesterday I received my SE FightStick and have so much trouble getting my ultra off. Whenever I try I either accidentally jump or do an ex hurricane kick. What are some tips to pull off my ultra consistently?

Practice practice practice. Go into the training mode and just do ultras untill you get it down.


Zangief's 720 motions... Is there any trick to pulling these off without jumping? Are there certain moves that are good to buffer the 720 in?

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Baker said:
Can the Ultra and Perfect rounds be done in the same match?

lol no and I'm assuming youre messing with me

h3ro said:
I got Gouken using Akuma... :p

Weird! Totally didnt work for me, and I had like 3 ultra finishes and 3 perfects

Either way, all Im saying is that my way works, but its obviously not the only way it works :p
Its weird, but I am able to pull off moves a lot more consistantly with the controller than with my Ex2. I don't care for stick itself, just not accurate enough. Perhaps a fight pad is the way to go.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Any 360'ers feel like sparring?

GT: RubxQ


Artanisix said:
Zangief's 720 motions... Is there any trick to pulling these off without jumping? Are there certain moves that are good to buffer the 720 in?
a jump? :lol

i dunno i don't use Gief.

how about a lariat?


Artanisix said:
Zangief's 720 motions... Is there any trick to pulling these off without jumping? Are there certain moves that are good to buffer the 720 in?
Do a half-circle around the bottom, and end up where you started.

E.g. f,fd,d,db,b,f > p

Edit: Oh, 720s. Yeah, just do the above twice. So,

f,fd,d,db,b,f,fd,d,db,b,f > p
Raging Spaniard said:
lol no and I'm assuming youre messing with me

Weird! Totally didnt work for me, and I had like 3 ultra finishes and 3 perfects

Either way, all Im saying is that my way works, but its obviously not the only way it works :p
Yep I got Gouken using Akuma as well.


Keikoku said:
I picked up an Hori Stick EX2 for my 360 and I'd like to know what setting of buttons are you using with this ?

I have the EX2. I went into control options and told it I had an arcade stick, and it auto set all the buttons to what they should be.


ridli said:
It's technically possible if you build ultra by absorbing hits via FA. But are you really good enough to pull it off? :)

Raging Spaniard said:
lol no and I'm assuming youre messing with me

Haha, no. I'm just a damn moron and wasn't even thinking about the practicality of the feat.
Is there a code or something I can unlock all the characters with? this is getting stupid. I only unlocked Sakura and Dan so far and knowing I have to beat it with every character to get Seth makes me want to give up now. I just want to play online.
I absolutely CANNOT do Rufus' HP > Heavy Galactic Tornado. And it's driving me nuts because I can't finish trial mode because of it. I can do everything else fine. I just cannot figure out the timing on this...

Does anyone know where I can find a video of someone going through trial mode with him? I remember someone linking to a bunch of trial mode videos on YouTube but now I can't find them.
Struct09 said:
I have the EX2. I went into control options and told it I had an arcade stick, and it auto set all the buttons to what they should be.
I wasn't so lucky. I have a Japanese HRAP EX with the weird button arrangement, so I had to set everything manually.


Baker said:
Haha, no. I'm just a damn moron and wasn't even thinking about the practicality of the feat.

You know, you made me think about this a little more so I decided to load up VS to test it out. If you do build up revenge meter with FA and then end the match with an Ultra Combo, the win counter under the health bars counts it as a Perfect instead of an Ultra. But when the stats end you are also given a ticker for Ultra ending as well as perfect.

So I don't know, maybe you can get credit for both regarding unlocking Gouki/Gouken. I wouldn't bother wasting too much time trying for it though :D


Linkzg said:
Is there a code or something I can unlock all the characters with? this is getting stupid. I only unlocked Sakura and Dan so far and knowing I have to beat it with every character to get Seth makes me want to give up now. I just want to play online.
It took me ~9 hours to unlock everybody on easiest. This included 67 tries to beat Seth with Dan, which I think might have been on medium for that one.

Now to grind challenges...


Man do I suck. I can't even beat Arcade mode on Easy, I need to bring it down to a lower setting. As Ryu I just flat-out can't beat Sagat. -_-


Linkzg said:
Is there a code or something I can unlock all the characters with? this is getting stupid. I only unlocked Sakura and Dan so far and knowing I have to beat it with every character to get Seth makes me want to give up now. I just want to play online.

All I can tell you is 1 round, easiest difficulty works just fine.


Linkzg said:
Is there a code or something I can unlock all the characters with? this is getting stupid. I only unlocked Sakura and Dan so far and knowing I have to beat it with every character to get Seth makes me want to give up now. I just want to play online.
1 Rounds
30 second rounds

It doesn't take very long. I didn't try for Seth though, so it's even faster if you don't care for him at the moment.
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