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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Biff Hardbody said:
Getting my ass kicked by Ken scrubs online over and over, need help.

I'm using Abel.

Regardless of the player, when they choose Ken I know whats going to happen.

Dragon punch punch, hurricane kick over and over. This is easy enough to beat. I block the DP and then throw with my big throw. If its a hurricane kick, I'll duck-fierce.

Whats giving me some problems now is Jumping forward roundhouse followed by low roundhouse spam. I can block it easily enough, but I really can't punish it. So, they do this for awhile and throw in dragon punches, and I'm taking lots of chip damage, get frustrated, open up and get hit with low roundhouses that kill me.

I know Abel has an anti air throw, and I've been able to land it, but not with real command. I'm still unsure what the best bet is to use when they come in with the jumping heavy kick, and what I can use to punish the crouching heavy kick.

I'm playing really defensive and counterish so I can learn Abel. I'm sure I would have more success if I opened up and got aggressive, but I really wouldn't learn anything and he doesn't seem the character to do that with. Once in awhile I hit a zen moment and completely own these guys, anti air throwing them over and over, which is awesome fun. But, I'm getting my ass kicked by basic stuff I have no idea what to do against. Help!

Punishing DP, I c.HP, roll, sky fall.

Vs. early jump-ins, I do standing MK or c.MK or roll. If I can, I wait until they almost land and EX rekka the hell out of that jump-in, certainly viable vs. Ken.

If anyone wants to practice Abel (or vs. Abel) on XBL, I'm Grifter 181.
Akim said:
You do have to beat the game with Akuma first because I was not able to do it the first try through with Akuma.

Also, can someone give me some Sagat Pro Tips? I get into trouble when I'm rushed down in the corner. I try to input tiger knee to get out of the corner but I always just end up blocking over and over and I eventually get tossed or combo'd.

Other than that I usually zone well and use anti air to my advantage.
You gotta wait for an opening and counter appropriately. EX Shoryuken reversal will counter most moves and get you outta the corner. If you can get more in depth (maybe certain chars are screwing with you most, or jumping attacks, etc...) I can give better tips. Sagat is a beast and I've been playing him since day 1.
vas_a_morir said:
What's a good way to counter Ken's Flaming Uppercut? That move is annoying the shit outta me.
BLOCK! :D If you're good at spacing you can avoid it by using offensive crouch (d or df) this will stop you from going into an auto block so you gotta make sure you are the right distance. Then you've got all the time in the world to mount your own offense.


vas_a_morir said:
What's a good way to counter Ken's Flaming Uppercut? That move is annoying the shit outta me.

block and punish, most people will try it on wake up or to end a combo..just overblock and punish it
vas_a_morir said:
What's a good way to counter Ken's Flaming Uppercut? That move is annoying the shit outta me.


Then punish when he lands.

Xater said:
How much have you guys played already? My Profile says something over 17 hours and I got the game yesterday. Fuck I think I might be addicted. :)

@riskVSreward: You don't need Ultras for Akuma and you only need 3 ultras for Gouken.

Nearing 50 hours.. :X


Was there this much Shoto griping with SSF2T:HDR?

I don't have the game yet, so I can't complain or contribute to the Shoto problem. :(


riskVSreward said:
You gotta wait for an opening and counter appropriately. EX Shoryuken reversal will counter most moves and get you outta the corner. If you can get more in depth (maybe certain chars are screwing with you most, or jumping attacks, etc...) I can give better tips. Sagat is a beast and I've been playing him since day 1.

Well heres what happens usually against ken and ryu. I'll be zoning them and they will jump in. I'm using the analog so sometimes I miss the knee/uppercut. When I do they Jump in with the high kick, crouching punch punch and jump in again...I think I'm just not fast enough to counter it..

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
vas_a_morir said:
What's a good way to counter Ken's Flaming Uppercut? That move is annoying the shit outta me.

I dont mean to be an ass, but blocking it is the best thing. After that, its go time, Ken is super open after he misses.

edit: damn, beaten :lol
Akim said:
Well heres what happens usually against ken and ryu. I'll be zoning them and they will jump in. I'm using the analog so sometimes I miss the knee/uppercut. When I do they Jump in with the high kick, crouching punch punch and jump in again...I think I'm just not fast enough to counter it..
So the knee/upper comes out and you whiff? Work on timing.
Or you mean the knee/upper doesn't come out at all... then work on hitting those moves from a block or crouch block. Most people will jump in when you crouch block, not expecting your lightning hands to bust a Tiger Upper out of it. Maybe getting a new controller/stick will help?


vas_a_morir said:
What's a good way to counter Ken's Flaming Uppercut? That move is annoying the shit outta me.
On wake-ups: Block, obviously. :D
Now if they stop doing it, you can start baiting them with starting a Focus Attack and immediately cancelling it by doing a back-dash (tap back twice while still holding the focus attack).
Other characters may have better baiting options (like Fuerte).

On jump-ins: Stop jumping in randomly, obviously. :D
If you want to bait them and you have decent zoning skills, you can bait them by just doing a neutral jump when you know they're waiting for you to jump in.
Just be sure to do this where Dragon Punches and forward-medium kicks will whiff.
Some players sometimes just start mashing DP when they see you do any jump. :D


riskVSreward said:
So the knee/upper comes out and you whiff? Work on timing.
Or you mean the knee/upper doesn't come out at all... then work on hitting those moves from a block or crouch block. Most people will jump in when you crouch block, not expecting your lightning hands to bust a Tiger Upper out of it. Maybe getting a new controller/stick will help?

Definitely a stick would help, my SE broke and my TE is delayed. I should have ample time in between those hkick, lpunch combos to input a tiger knee/uppercut right?


Bacon of Hope
Akim, if they jump in and you have a hard time pulling off speicals just press standing hard kick. its his best normal anti air. If they end up getting you in the corner just blcok and look to throw them. just play it safe, dont let the scrub tactics freak you out.


Rodent Whores
Wow, apparently I can't do cancels to save my life. There's always one in the challenge mode that I can't do resulting in me not being able to complete it. Every character I've tried so far...


I must be terrible but, I'm playing on easiest with viper ( 1 round) and I can't get by seth. I keep getting his Shoryuken's and Spinning Pile Driver's, anyone got any advice?


Worships the porcelain goddess
dexterslu said:
I must be terrible but, I'm playing one easiest with viper ( 1 round) and I can't get by seth. I keep getting his Shoryuken's and Spinning Pile Driver's, anyone got any advice?

Grit your teeth and play through it. Seth is a jerk. He's not stupid SNK levels of jerk, but still...wow.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Linkzg said:
what the fuck? I finished it with a character I beat it already as, two perfects, two ultras, no continues, yet Gouken didn't show up

Have you beaten the game with Akuma yet?


man there really are a lot of kens out there. very strange. i was playing geif most of yesterday, kept trying to parry jumpins because i've been playing 3s almost exclusively for years now, haha.

anyways, if anyone is up for some games add me: psn / blackadde


Bacon of Hope
dexterslu said:
I must be terrible but, I'm playing one easiest with viper ( 1 round) and I can't get by seth. I keep getting his Shoryuken's and Spinning Pile Driver's, anyone got any advice?

PRess forward and roundhouse over and over or just run away and build EX meter then spam her EX Seismic Hammer.
Good christ. I'm trying to go through Chun-Li's trial challenge 3 and it asks to me do a Heavy K into a Hyakuretsukyaku, but the window after the Heavy K isn't enough to get in the Kyakuretsukyaku. Any tips on how to get this to work?
Kintaro said:
Grit your teeth and play through it. Seth is a jerk. He's not stupid SNK levels of jerk, but still...wow.

Yeah, he's bad but he isn't the final boss from KoFXI ....I made a special thread about him :D
dexterslu said:
I must be terrible but, I'm playing on easiest with viper ( 1 round) and I can't get by seth. I keep getting his Shoryuken's and Spinning Pile Driver's, anyone got any advice?
Yeah, err... that doesn't speak much of your Viper skills. Perhaps trying a different character that you're more familiar with. If no one comes to mind I recommend Sagat, I ALWAYS recommend Gat. :lol
AgentOtaku said:
Yeah, he's bad but he isn't the final boss from KoFXI ....I made a special thread about him :D
What a battle that was, damn SNK boss syndrome. The hardest boss I fought was on KOF EX2 (not sure of title, it was the 2nd KOF for GBA.) Talk about never being able to hit someone, he had many screen filling specials on top of the already insane input reading AI. I wish I could remember who it is, he's probably in another KOF.


So now that I am rocking my Fight Stick, whats the optimal way to hold this thing? Do you just rest it on your lap? I can already tell this thing will take a while to get used to, it feels hella uncomfortable. :lol


haunts said:
Akim, if they jump in and you have a hard time pulling off speicals just press standing hard kick. its his best normal anti air. If they end up getting you in the corner just blcok and look to throw them. just play it safe, dont let the scrub tactics freak you out.

:lol I know I shouldn't let that high low bullshit phase me but I swear when they get in close I'm like a blocking statue, they still aren't good enough to just throw me.

Thanks for the advice.


riskVSreward said:
Yeah, err... that doesn't speak much of your Viper skills. Perhaps trying a different character that you're more familiar with. If no one comes to mind I recommend Sagat, I ALWAYS recommend Gat. :lol
Yeah, I mean I'm TERRIBLE with Viper. But from what I've gathered viper is one of the hardest in the game to master (per the strategy guide:lol ) I'm only playing as her to get the unlock or else I would just continue with my life as normal..is there any surefire way to block the pile drivers? or the shoryukens?


Linkzg said:
what the fuck? I finished it with a character I beat it already as, two perfects, two ultras, no continues, yet Gouken didn't show up

You need to finish the game with Akuma and you also need 3 Ultras.
Got it. Don't block. Jump in and do a round house.

I'll report my results.

I kinda suck at blocking. For some reason, I though the flaming uppercut was unblockable or something. Don't hate, I haven't played SF in 17 years. haha.


Neo Member
riskVSreward said:

Okay, either it's a little buggy or the rules are precisely defined, but here's what I did and it works.

1. Unlock the other 6 (or is it 7) characters.
2. Set the game to easiest difficulty, 1 round, and pick your best character.
3. Get perfects on the first 2 guys.
4. Do as many Ultra finishes as you can from then out.
5. Do not lose/use a continue.
6. Akuma will appear after Seth.
7. Beat him to unlock him.

For Gouken:

1. Unlock Akuma.
2. Beat the game with Akuma.
3. Again set it to easiest, 1 round, pic your best char. again.
4. Follow the same rules (2 perfects, many Ultra finishes)
5. If after Seth Akuma comes again... beat him then start at 1 again.

It took me 2 attempts for each guy, but they did get here.

Is it possible that Gouken can't be unlocked with akuma? I've tried:

1 perfect 3 ultra finish
1 perfect 2 ultra finish
2 perfect 2 ultra finish

Gouken hasn't appeared for me yet.
Probably a stupid question but I'll ask anyway...forgive me if this has been answered previously ---

I'm doing TRIAL mode with Gen and It's asking me to perform Gekiro, then underneath it says "Gekiro (Completed)" WTF is that? I successfully perform Gekiro but if I'm supposed to follow up after the third kick I might be missing the small window to do this?


Bacon of Hope
Akim said:
:lol I know I shouldn't let that high low bullshit phase me but I swear when they get in close I'm like a blocking statue, they still aren't good enough to just throw me.

Thanks for the advice.

You can also try Standing Light Kick cancel into low tiger shot or croucing light punch into ex low tiger shot. Both of those moves are pretty quick.


Bags said:
Is it possible that Gouken can't be unlocked with akuma? I've tried:

1 perfect 3 ultra finish
1 perfect 2 ultra finish
2 perfect 2 ultra finish

Gouken hasn't appeared for me yet.

You need 2 perfects and 3 ultras.


I should change my avatar to Cammy later when I get home! But I have to find something that's not already used...

I'll hopefully be able to play a good amount of time tonight, either online or unlocking more chars.


blackadde said:
man there really are a lot of kens out there. very strange. i was playing geif most of yesterday, kept trying to parry jumpins because i've been playing 3s almost exclusively for years now, haha.

anyways, if anyone is up for some games add me: psn / blackadde

You still can make it feel close--just FADC those jump-ins and try to counter right after. Maybe 360 them actually.


haunts said:
You can also try Standing Light Kick cancel into low tiger shot or croucing light punch into ex low tiger shot. Both of those moves are pretty quick.

I'm not gonna get that technical, I'll stick with standing hard kick. I'm a choker.


DIRTY-D said:

The following items have been shipped to you by Amazon.com:
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Amazon.com items (Sold by Amazon.com, LLC):

2 Xbox 360 Street Fighter IV... $149.99 2 $299.98

Shipped via FedEx


I hope Amazon comes through with my PS3 stick. When did you order by the way?


I ordered an octagonal gate for my HRAP3. I am tired of not being able to snap my moves off at will like I use to back in the day.
Bags said:
Is it possible that Gouken can't be unlocked with akuma? I've tried:

1 perfect 3 ultra finish
1 perfect 2 ultra finish
2 perfect 2 ultra finish

Gouken hasn't appeared for me yet.

I think Gouken is supposed to challenge you. Did you beat arcade mode with ALL characters?


aka acr0nym
People still having trouble unlocking characters?

Simple. To unlock Akuma: unlock Rose, Gen, Sakura, Fei Long, Cammy and Dan first. beat the game again with a character you already beat it with and get two perfects without losing.

Gouken: Beat the game with Akuma first, then re beat the game again with a character you already beat the game with and get two perfects and two Ultra finishes.

* This all under the assumption that you set the rounds to 1.

Unlock Seth: beat the game with everyone!


Just unlocked Gouken, not gonna do seth because I really don't wanna have to go through the arcade 16 more times.

edit: Is there a guide with all of the titles/icons and how you get them online yet?
For Seth, it gets better the more you fight him. He used to be an asshole even on Easiest but now I have no respect for him anymore. As long are you're not stupid enough to try to combo him up close, you can take him down pretty easily. Jump in and do late hard kicks as you land (if you're anywhere above him you'll eat a DP). Land and block, and unless he goes for a SPD (which is rather rare in that situation) he'll probably try a kick special. He's wide open after you block that one, so sweep. Back off and repeat, then when you have a good lead, just run away like crazy until time runs out or keep doing it.

If you're playing on Hardest... may god have mercy on your soul and behind...
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