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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Mo the Hawk said:
We'll I've just about had it with this PS3 controller... can't pull off Supers or Ultras worth a shit because I keep hitting intermittent directions between the two QCFs or forward-back-forwards. D-pad is slightly more reliable for me, but it's about to peel the skin off my thumb.

I'd say I'm in the market for a stick, but the bloody things are sold out everywhere! Anyone have a ballpark estimate for when more will be in stock, or am I SOL?

I haven't checked today, but I know I saw the Chun Li one available on Best Buy's website. Probably sold out by now though, but I'm not sure. :/
"any of you have Ryu's SRK>FADC>Ultra combo down? i keep bringing out EX SRK after FADC cancel and i heard that was a common thing -- so what do i need to tweak?"

I haven't tried Ryu's, but I can do Sagat's and it's fundamentally the same. You're hitting PPP too quickly. You need to wait until you hit forward on that second QCF then press.


Bah some guy with only 1 bar connects, and I'm thinking it can't be that bad. But it is. Whole game just became unresponsive as hell which had me just moving around instead of attacking. Opponent seemed to have a lot less problem with it, though sometimes we would jump in the air against each other with neither us of attacking. Feels lame and unfair to lose BP this way. :(

Did someone say the PS3 version has a custom soundtrack option? I couldn't find it and that song is starting to drive me insane. :p


Lumine said:
Bah some guy with only 1 bar connects, and I'm thinking it can't be that bad. But it is. Whole game just became unresponsive as hell which had me just moving around instead of attacking. Opponent seemed to have a lot less problem with it, though sometimes we would jump in the air against each other with neither us of attacking. Feels lame and unfair to lose BP this way. :(

Did someone say the PS3 version has custom soundtrack option? I couldn't find the option and that song is starting to drive me insane. :p

Just start playing music through the XMB and the game's music will go away. I heard it stops if you play online though, but I'm not sure.


Bacon of Hope
dfyb said:
SRK is being torn a new asshole.

any of you have Ryu's SRK>FADC>Ultra combo down? i keep bringing out EX SRK after FADC and i heard that was a common thing -- so what do i need to tweak?

Yeah, do the FADC then go back to neutral on the joystick and go for the Ultra.. I still get EX DP sometimes, and it just comes from the game registering the forward out of the FADC dash and applying it to your QCF motion which gives you a DP.
Xater said:
Play with 1 round: 2 Perfects and 3 Ultra Finishes. Make sure you played through the game with every other character.

That isn't necessary. I've finished arcade mode with about half of them, didn't finish with a couple of the console-specific characters, and I unlocked Gouken.


Volcynika said:
Just start playing music through the XMB and the game's music will go away. I heard it stops if you play online though, but I'm not sure.

it's true. I was zooming in and out with my custom soundtracks and default music last nite playing online matches.


Another Ryu player here! At least I'm not using Ken ;)


I'm checking out haunts guide, and trying to get some combos down. But I can't do CR.LP>CR.LP>CR.LP>CR.MK>Hadoken. It's the MK that fails, the timing on the link (it's a link right?) seems soooo strict! Any tips?

dfyb said:
SRK is being torn a new asshole.

any of you have Ryu's SRK>FADC>Ultra combo down? i keep bringing out EX SRK after FADC and i heard that was a common thing -- so what do i need to tweak?

Try to do it in small steps. Do SRK>FADC over and over and over and over, and also just the Ultra over and over. When you have both those down perfectly, try to put them together. When you start failing, do them separately again until you feel comfortable.
Lumine said:
Bah some guy with only 1 bar connects, and I'm thinking it can't be that bad. But it is. Whole game just became unresponsive as hell which had me just moving around instead of attacking. Opponent seemed to have a lot less problem with it, though sometimes we would jump in the air against each other with neither us of attacking. Feels lame and unfair to lose BP this way. :(

I just create a room. Then I can kick a player that joins if he has under 3 bars. Makes life easier.


Bacon of Hope
Ledsen said:
Another Ryu player here! At least I'm not using Ken ;)


I'm checking out haunts guide, and trying to get some combos down. But I can't do CR.LP>CR.LP>CR.LP>CR.MK>Hadoken. It's the MK that fails, the timing on the link (it's a link right?) seems soooo strict! Any tips?

Yeah its somewhat strict, just takes methodical timing. Try double tapping (drumming the MK with two fingers) the MK. Even if you miss it commit to the whole combo becuase its a great block string. If they block the first couple jabs go in for a throw or cross up with MK. :)
haunts said:
Yeah its somewhat strict, just takes methodical timing. Try double tapping (drumming the MK with two fingers) the MK. Even if you miss it commit to the whole combo becuase its a great block string. If they block the first couple jabs go in for a throw or cross up with MK. :)

What exactly is meant by block string, and how can I use it effectively?
Getting my ass kicked by Ken scrubs online over and over, need help.

I'm using Abel.

Regardless of the player, when they choose Ken I know whats going to happen.

Dragon punch punch, hurricane kick over and over. This is easy enough to beat. I block the DP and then throw with my big throw. If its a hurricane kick, I'll duck-fierce.

Whats giving me some problems now is Jumping forward roundhouse followed by low roundhouse spam. I can block it easily enough, but I really can't punish it. So, they do this for awhile and throw in dragon punches, and I'm taking lots of chip damage, get frustrated, open up and get hit with low roundhouses that kill me.

I know Abel has an anti air throw, and I've been able to land it, but not with real command. I'm still unsure what the best bet is to use when they come in with the jumping heavy kick, and what I can use to punish the crouching heavy kick.

I'm playing really defensive and counterish so I can learn Abel. I'm sure I would have more success if I opened up and got aggressive, but I really wouldn't learn anything and he doesn't seem the character to do that with. Once in awhile I hit a zen moment and completely own these guys, anti air throwing them over and over, which is awesome fun. But, I'm getting my ass kicked by basic stuff I have no idea what to do against. Help!


Biff Hardbody said:
Getting my ass kicked by Ken scrubs online over and over, need help.

I'm using Abel.
Ready Haunt's guide someone just posted. I just got done reading Abel's and it helped a lot.

It sounds like we need to get used to FADC's and that roll (QCF Kick) that I don't think I've ever used, hehe.


drawer by drawer
This has been discussed two or three pages ago I think but is there anyway to fix this issue?

Whenever I search for a player/ranked match, I only get three people on my list at a time and they don't show their ping. Is the influx of players to blame or is it something on my end? Thanks for the help.


Bacon of Hope
prodystopian said:
What exactly is meant by block string, and how can I use it effectively?

So block strings are essentially using a series of moves to keep your opponent in a blocking pattern where not only can you possibly score a hit or a combo if they stop blocking at some point but you will also open up a lot of options for yourself by controlling their space like that.

So using the Ryu example again, C. LP x3 into C.mk into Fireball is a good block string in itself because if any part of it hits you can finish it with the c.mk into the fireball. But since the combo starts with 3 c.lps that gives you time to hit confirm, which means you can basically see if the combo is connecting or not. If they block the first couple jabs, like I said you can: finish the combo to push them away, walk up throw, jump over them for a cross up or even go for his fwd + MP over head attack.

A block string I use with Sagat is C. LK, C. LK, C. LP, S. LK into either low Tiger Shot or MK Tiger Knee. C. LK starts off his basic bread and butter close range combo, so if the first one hits I just finish it with clk,clp, tiger uppercut. If they block it though I will just continue the sequence and after the c.lp go for a S.LK which I can cancel into his special moves. Tiger Knee is absolutely safe on block from that range so it will put me back in position to start the whole string over again, or I can use the low tiger shot to push them away just like in Ryu's example. I can also just stop at the first clk and walk up and throw them or again go for his over head.

I know thats long winded but block strings give you options and keep your opponent locked down.

ChrisGoldstein said:
What's the best guide out there?

I just want to have the book in front of me and my tv is in the living room, far away from my pc.

We formatted the MyCheats guide to where you can print it out and it looks real clean. If you have a printer you should just do that.
Baker said:
Ready Haunt's guide someone just posted. I just got done reading Abel's and it helped a lot.

It sounds like we need to get used to FADC's and that roll (QCF Kick) that I don't think I've ever used, hehe.

Thanks, it seems really comprehensive. Going to check it out.
I got my copy but my 360 is in transit somewhere (got it fixed).

On a side note:

How about we NEOGAF members create a tier list sometime?

We could do it through a voting system. Its a bit early but we can set it up for later.


Bacon of Hope
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
I got my copy but my 360 is in transit somewhere (got it fixed).

On a side note:

How about we NEOGAF members create a tier list sometime?

We could do it through a voting system. Its a bit early but we can set it up for later.

I think you guys should do this for sure. Ill stay out of it though. :lol


shooting blanks
haunts said:
We formatted the MyCheats guide to where you can print it out and it looks real clean. If you have a printer you should just do that.

Thanks I'm doing that now looks pretty comprehensive

edit---haha posted almost the exact same thing as Hardbody


haunts said:
I think you guys should do this for sure. Ill stay out of it though. :lol

Just sent you an FR. I haven't been playing long, but I'd love to have a few matches against someone who knows the game well...


Bacon of Hope
h3ro said:
Just sent you an FR. I haven't been playing long, but I'd love to have a few matches against someone who knows the game well...

right on.. GF has me watching max payne right now so we can play a bit later..

Thanks for that explanation. Also, great work on mycheats character pages. SRK is too much to wade through for characters that aren't my main, but using the mycheats page will be a big help.

Thanks, Ferrio.

Edit: haunts, I'll add you sometime soon on PSN if you have room.
Biff Hardbody said:
Whats giving me some problems now is Jumping forward roundhouse followed by low roundhouse spam. I can block it easily enough, but I really can't punish it. So, they do this for awhile and throw in dragon punches, and I'm taking lots of chip damage, get frustrated, open up and get hit with low roundhouses that kill me.
After you block the jumping RH, immediately do a d,df,f +lk roll. You will go through the sweep and have them at your mercy.

Srsly Abel is the last person you wanna spam j RH c RH against.

Biff Hardbody said:
I know Abel has an anti air throw, and I've been able to land it, but not with real command. I'm still unsure what the best bet is to use when they come in with the jumping heavy kick, and what I can use to punish the crouching heavy kick.
Have you gone through the challenge trials? Abel can hit the anti-air throw after both hits of his crouching HP. Good shit.


Ledsen said:
Try to do it in small steps. Do SRK>FADC over and over and over and over, and also just the Ultra over and over. When you have both those down perfectly, try to put them together. When you start failing, do them separately again until you feel comfortable.
yeah i was doing this. can do the components easily -- it's just the time between dashing and the ultra that i'm messing up.
riskVSreward said:
After you block the jumping RH, immediately do a d,df,f +lk roll. You will go through the sweep and have them at your mercy.

Srsly Abel is the last person you wanna spam j RH c RH against.

Have you gone through the challenge trials? Abel can hit the anti-air throw after both hits of his crouching HP. Good shit.

Thanks man. That sounds just what I'm looking for.

I haven't gone through it, but I will now.


Some advice needed from the hardcore SF types.

I used to play SF2 in the arcades and I was actually really good back then. I suck now, and haven't been a SF player since basically way back then. I cannot afford a stick or even the pad, so I need to use the stock controller for this one.

That said, what version should I get? I have a 360 that I won in the Pepsi contest when it first launched, and I have a PS3 that I bought off my uncle for next to nothing. Basically, which would you guys suggest. Will I be able to pull off the moves properly with the stock 360 controller? Is the dpad suitable for it? Should I go for the PS3 version? Does the diamond dpad pull off the moves better/easier? Will I be held back on either version?

Thanks for the help guys!


haunts said:
Yeah, do the FADC then go back to neutral on the joystick and go for the Ultra.. I still get EX DP sometimes, and it just comes from the game registering the forward out of the FADC dash and applying it to your QCF motion which gives you a DP.
i'll have to fiddle with it more. i think i also heard you can dash inside the FA and then release, removing the chance of those dash inputs sticking around. personally i haven't gotten either to work consistently.

edit: ok i'm getting it now :D
Spike said:
Some advice needed from the hardcore SF types.

I used to play SF2 in the arcades and I was actually really good back then. I suck now, and haven't been a SF player since basically way back then. I cannot afford a stick or even the pad, so I need to use the stock controller for this one.

That said, what version should I get? I have a 360 that I won in the Pepsi contest when it first launched, and I have a PS3 that I bought off my uncle for next to nothing. Basically, which would you guys suggest. Will I be able to pull off the moves properly with the stock 360 controller? Is the dpad suitable for it? Should I go for the PS3 version? Does the diamond dpad pull off the moves better/easier? Will I be held back on either version?

Thanks for the help guys!
If you have a 360 wired controller, the d-pad is fine. Wired controllers don't have the bad d-pad. Or you could get a stick/fightpad/3rd party/homemade....

I personally use the thumbstick even though I do have a wired pad. That's only for when I'm at work though, I got a stick I just don't want to lug it around with me.
Looking for people to play/add:


I suck hard but love to play so add me!

~I'm working in TRIAL mode right now; using Ken for the hell of it and I can't do the damn target comb -->Shoryuken bit. Ugh...

I've also switched my controller config to arcade stick layout and it's been much easier to translate inputs for me. At some point I'd love to get a stick...

EDIT: Trial 3 was a bit tricky, finally got it though...

I'm also experiencing an overkill of Ken fights, but I have had a Cammy/Balrog/Abel (he fucking owned me)


does anybody know or can explain the charge storing mechanic with the focus attack??

for example, I am using Blank currently, and when I get a successful crumple -> dash in, I feel like my only option is to throw.

isnt there a feature that will allow you to follow up with a Blanka ball??

I would try to test it out myself, but I jus got the game last nite and am currently at work so my playtime is limited
JEKKI said:
does anybody know or can explain the charge storing mechanic with the focus attack??

for example, I am using Blank currently, and when I get a successful crumple -> dash in, I feel like my only option is to throw.

isnt there a feature that will allow you to follow up with a Blanka ball??

I would try to test it out myself, but I jus got the game last nite and am currently at work so my playtime is limited
Well I guess if you cancel with a back dash instead of a forward one, you could charge for the blanka ball. I don't personally use him but you could try this:

Full charge Focus attack, just as he stops charging to attack, double tap back and HOLD it the second time. It may or may not give you enough charge to do the ball. I may try this now.

EDIT: Tested, it works if you dont cancel. Just hold back for the duration of the charge, then forward+p as soon as you regain control.
SRK is down so much now. SF4 really took its toll on there servers.

Man, all I have to say is this is the rebirth of fighting games. My god. It plays so damn good, it's the best Street Fighter game I have ever played. Yeah, I'm making and standing by that claim. It plays somewhere between 3rd Strike and Super Turbo, which is exactly where it should be. I am having so much fun, I feel like we are back in that great era of games that was 1997-2000.

I also love the fact that my main Rufus is A. Unpopular (in the west). B. Badass, high mid tier. C. strong rushdown with decent defense. and D. Fun as shit to play as.

Rufus is my main, looking for a sub. I love Guile, but he feels a bit limited in 4. Need SRK to chill out so I can get some strategies and info.

Game of the year, easily. Dunno how I'm supposed to pull myself away from this for Star Ocean and RE5. In fact, I may just hold off those purchases until winter. Yes, this will be the only game I play for the next 6 months, probably couple years. This same thing happened when 3s and Marvel 2 came out, I didn't play anthing else between 2000-2004, basically.
"for example, I am using Blank currently, and when I get a successful crumple -> dash in, I feel like my only option is to throw.

isnt there a feature that will allow you to follow up with a Blanka ball??"

Do a focus attack, *right* as you let go of mp+mk, input the dash. It won't come out immediately (it's more like buffering the dash, really), start charging right after you do the dash command. This gives you a little bit of extra time, then do a bread and butter combo into whatever charge move. The time you spent charging while dashing + the time you spend doing your combo should give you enough time to have a full charge.
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