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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Man I'm on the second to last training tutorial for Bison and I can't fucking figure it out. I have to do Focus, Crouching Med Punch, Crouching Med Kick, Scissor Kick. Dan always seems to get knocked back after the first punch. Also, it doesn't seem like I can combo Cr M. Punch and Cr. Med Kick by themselves. Any tips?


Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
Man I'm on the second to last training tutorial for Bison and I can't fucking figure it out. I have to do Focus, Crouching Med Punch, Crouching Med Kick, Scissor Kick. Dan always seems to get knocked back after the first punch. Also, it doesn't seem like I can combo Cr M. Punch and Cr. Med Kick by themselves. Any tips?

If he's getting pushed too far back, have you tried pinning him against the corner before you start the combo?
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
Man I'm on the second to last training tutorial for Bison and I can't fucking figure it out. I have to do Focus, Crouching Med Punch, Crouching Med Kick, Scissor Kick. Dan always seems to get knocked back after the first punch. Also, it doesn't seem like I can combo Cr M. Punch and Cr. Med Kick by themselves. Any tips?
Sounds like c MP and c MK need to be linked. Try doing them alone, you need to hit MK the exact moment you fully recover from c MP. I'll test this too...


Worships the porcelain goddess
Started some of the time trials at lunch. Fun stuff. I'll dive into it more after work of course. Hoping for some neat colors for my Luchadore. :D


This game is so awesome, I can't believe I ever went away from the series to begin with. I blame it on the late-PS1 era. Once the mid-late 90s were in effect, I think I started considering games like SF as outdated... Damn shame.

Looking for people to play/add:


I suck hard but love to play so add me!

Make sure you put your info in the Online SF4 PS3 Matchup thread, and add everyone else there. Posting your info here will get lost, the thread is moving too quickly.
riskVSreward said:
I have to agree, so far it's looking to be the best SF game. Out of all the previous games, that really says something.

That's coming from me too, and I hold 3rd Strike as my favorite, not just fighter, but game of all time.

Also I have to say, I never thought I could enjoy 3d graphics as much as 2d. There was something about 2d animation, like in 3s or Darkstalkers, that I could just look at the frames all day and disect the animations and always see something different. Somehow, and this is the first 3d game that has done this IMO, they nailed that with SF4, almost moreso. I can't get over how awesome the 3d animated models in this game are.

I thought this game would make me yourn [sic] for 2d models of the new cast, but it's the complete opposite. I am yourning to see more of my favorite characters modeled in 3d. Alex, Yun, Remy, Dudley etc...


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Ahh yes, finally beat Time Attack on Normal & Hard, as well as Survival on Normal & Hard - now I can actually get to playing people online! :lol

I'll just do Trials every now & then, but I really wanted to get that Time Attack & Survival stuff out of my way once & for all so that I could have all of my colors & taunts...
I feel you Arpharmd B. I YEARN to see Urien and Q in this 3D art style.

Actually It would be interesting to see how far they could go with expressiveness while still being limited by Q's mask. Like eye flashes or something.
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
It seems like the MP pushes him just out of range of the MK tho
Well, I didn't realize you meant hard trails, and I'm having a bastard of a time getting to that. Are you sure it's not c MP st MK? That's one of his links. I tried C MP c MK and it pushes them too far like you said.

If that's not it, sorry I wasn't more helpful.
lawblob said:
This game is so awesome, I can't believe I ever went away from the series to begin with. I blame it on the late-PS1 era. Once the mid-late 90s were in effect, I think I started considering games like SF as outdated... Damn shame.

Make sure you put your info in the Online SF4 PS3 Matchup thread, and add everyone else there. Posting your info here will get lost, the thread is moving too quickly.

Alright thanks for the heads up! I'll do that.

Loving the game -- brings back memories of the incredible frustration of my very first Street Fighter game lol -- I'm tempted to throw my controller :D
WOO. Beat Seth on Medium. was it annoying :lol

Had to switch over to controller. something is wrong with the SE SFIV Stick. the down diagonal is hard to do mainly db. need to replace before i continue on.


Teknopathetic said:
Do a focus attack, *right* as you let go of mp+mk, input the dash. It won't come out immediately (it's more like buffering the dash, really), start charging right after you do the dash command. This gives you a little bit of extra time, then do a bread and butter combo into whatever charge move. The time you spent charging while dashing + the time you spend doing your combo should give you enough time to have a full charge.
thanks, and yeay I noticed that the dash cancel is actually buffered like 300 years before the actual dash comes out, so it makes sense.

riskVSreward said:
Well I guess if you cancel with a back dash instead of a forward one, you could charge for the blanka ball. I don't personally use him but you could try this:

Full charge Focus attack, just as he stops charging to attack, double tap back and HOLD it the second time. It may or may not give you enough charge to do the ball. I may try this now.

EDIT: Tested, it works if you dont cancel. Just hold back for the duration of the charge, then forward+p as soon as you regain control.
I shoulda clarified, but Teknop got it more correct... it's not jus about a Blanka ball, it's about focus attack into a combo that ends in blanka ball.

it's hard enough getting sufficient charge during a jump in as it is o_O the charge times seem a lot more strict than in STHD
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
It seems like the MP pushes him just out of range of the MK tho
Ok, I got there and did it. You can link the crouching mp to mk. Here's what I did:

Corner Dan
Full charge Focus
Buffer in a forward dash
cr MP link to cr MK
then light psycho

it works, keep at it.


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Linkzg said:
how do you unlock Gouken and Akuma?
Read the thread. It's only posted like 50 times and in the OP.
RubxQub said:
Read the thread. It's only posted like 50 times and in the OP.

I did, but I've seen some say you just gotta not die, others aid you need perfects and ultras, other said you need to do two supers. It's all a bit confusing.



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if you got a Super loaded with Chun-Li, Honda and Blanka.. you have a retardly easy combo available if you do a success full Foca Attack Dash Forward

Focas Attack Dash Forward, if it crumples.. then lol do their mashy move and Super cancel their mashy moves wich is the same button as the mashy moves

example: Honda FADF... Fierce 100 Hand Slap, Super Cancel into Super. LOL


Linkzg said:
I did, but I've seen some say you just gotta not die, others aid you need perfects and ultras, other said you need to do two supers. It's all a bit confusing.

Akuma: Beat the game with 1 perfect, 1 Ultra finish, no continues
Gouken: Using a character you've already beaten the game with, 2 perfects, 2 Ultra finishes, no continues, only unlocks after you've unlocked Akuma.
I can't figure out how to combo out of a focus attack...

I'm using Viper and on one of her tutorials, it asks you to hit with a focus attack, then an EX thunderknuckle into an ultra combo. I can do the latter two moves for a really easy combo, but I can't figure out how to put the focus attack in there. It feels like by the time I regain control of my character, my opponent has already hit the ground and I'm not able to hit them...

am i doing something wrong?
"I'm using Viper and on one of her tutorials, it asks you to hit with a focus attack, then an EX thunderknuckle into an ultra combo. I can do the latter two moves for a really easy combo, but I can't figure out how to put the focus attack in there. It feels like by the time I regain control of my character, my opponent has already hit the ground and I'm not able to hit them...

am i doing something wrong?"

You're not dash canceling the focus attack. When you let go of the buttons, dash immediately while the attack is still animating. It'll cancel the rest of the attack, and you'll have enough time to follow up into your combo.
h3ro said:
Akuma: Beat the game with 1 perfect, 1 Ultra finish, no continues
Gouken: Using a character you've already beaten the game with, 2 perfects, 2 Ultra finishes, no continues, only unlocks after you've unlocked Akuma.

do you still have to fight Seth before Akuma? I have too much trouble with him


I'm still surprised at how viable most of the characters are at high-level play. I still sometimes see bottom tier characters like Vega(Claw), Guile, and Honda in top 10 or top 5 against expert Sagat, Ryu, or Balrog (Boxer).

Capgod really balanced this game very well.


Worships the porcelain goddess
One nice combo I had some success with is the Forward + MK -> HK -> EX Guacamole. Fun combo on shotos after they whiff a wake up SRK.
Arde5643 said:
I'm still surprised at how viable most of the characters are at high-level play. I still sometimes see bottom tier characters like Vega(Claw), Guile, and Honda in top 10 or top 5 against expert Sagat, Ryu, or Balrog (Boxer).

Capgod really balanced this game very well.

I don't really believe Honda is bottom tier, his EX Ochio is so fucking godly.

Darkman M

bistromathics said:
There were people that said this played like HD Remix (or i guess more specifically like super turbo).

Those people were full of shit.

Im glad ST while a great game for it's time is full of cheese.


Unconfirmed Member
riskVSreward said:
If you have a 360 wired controller, the d-pad is fine. Wired controllers don't have the bad d-pad. Or you could get a stick/fightpad/3rd party/homemade....

I personally use the thumbstick even though I do have a wired pad. That's only for when I'm at work though, I got a stick I just don't want to lug it around with me.

For real? I'll have to check that out. I have a wired controller from launch, which I pretty much have never used.


It really sucks that there are 90% Ken players out there online. I am actually suprised there are not so many Sagat guys. Maybe I don't have to feel too lame? :D

I also ike of much the Ken guys jump aroung but I don't think the like my Tiger Punches and Knees.
Ahhh.. They put the game in the machines in my office.. so now its like a freaking pill to take in the middle of the day to calm my nerves of not playing the game. :p

I'm schooling most everyone here though.


Biff Hardbody said:
Getting my ass kicked by Ken scrubs online over and over, need help.

I'm using Abel.

Regardless of the player, when they choose Ken I know whats going to happen.

Dragon punch punch, hurricane kick over and over. This is easy enough to beat. I block the DP and then throw with my big throw. If its a hurricane kick, I'll duck-fierce.

Whats giving me some problems now is Jumping forward roundhouse followed by low roundhouse spam. I can block it easily enough, but I really can't punish it. So, they do this for awhile and throw in dragon punches, and I'm taking lots of chip damage, get frustrated, open up and get hit with low roundhouses that kill me.

I know Abel has an anti air throw, and I've been able to land it, but not with real command. I'm still unsure what the best bet is to use when they come in with the jumping heavy kick, and what I can use to punish the crouching heavy kick.

I'm playing really defensive and counterish so I can learn Abel. I'm sure I would have more success if I opened up and got aggressive, but I really wouldn't learn anything and he doesn't seem the character to do that with. Once in awhile I hit a zen moment and completely own these guys, anti air throwing them over and over, which is awesome fun. But, I'm getting my ass kicked by basic stuff I have no idea what to do against. Help!
For crouching heavy kick - low kick wheel kick can punish it although don't cheese it too much since they can DP it.
EX rekka is also pretty good since it absorbs one hit if they cheese crouching heavy kick too much.
I'm not sure if you can use forward medium kick since blocking the crouching heavy kick might push you away too far.

Anti Air throw is pretty useless unless the opponent is jumping back or neutral jumping - it's mostly used for juggle finishers.
You can also use his jumping medium or heavy kick (i forgot which one makes you kick upwards) for AA.

If you're not sure of your options - roll is always pretty good when the opp is jumping for cross-up or landing in front of you (just make sure you're not rolling into a corner).
If you successfully roll out of a jump-in, you basically just reset their options. :D

If you can predict a jump-in, crouching heavy punch is very useful - if the 2nd hit hits the opp on air, it juggles and you can do an ultra from there.
At a certain distance, crouching heavy kick can also be used as anti air.

Okay, either it's a little buggy or the rules are precisely defined, but here's what I did and it works.

1. Unlock the other 6 (or is it 7) characters.
2. Set the game to easiest difficulty, 1 round, and pick your best character.
3. Get perfects on the first 2 guys.
4. Do as many Ultra finishes as you can from then out.
5. Do not lose/use a continue.
6. Akuma will appear after Seth.
7. Beat him to unlock him.

For Gouken:

1. Unlock Akuma.
2. Beat the game with Akuma.
3. Again set it to easiest, 1 round, pic your best char. again.
4. Follow the same rules (2 perfects, many Ultra finishes)
5. If after Seth Akuma comes again... beat him then start at 1 again.

It took me 2 attempts for each guy, but they did get here.


How much have you guys played already? My Profile says something over 17 hours and I got the game yesterday. Fuck I think I might be addicted. :)

@riskVSreward: You don't need Ultras for Akuma and you only need 3 ultras for Gouken.


riskVSreward said:

Okay, either it's a little buggy or the rules are precisely defined, but here's what I did and it works.

1. Unlock the other 6 (or is it 7) characters.
2. Set the game to easiest difficulty, 1 round, and pick your best character.
3. Get perfects on the first 2 guys.
4. Do as many Ultra finishes as you can from then out.
5. Do not lose/use a continue.
6. Akuma will appear after Seth.
7. Beat him to unlock him.

For Gouken:

1. Unlock Akuma.
2. Beat the game with Akuma.
3. Again set it to easiest, 1 round, pic your best char. again.
4. Follow the same rules (2 perfects, many Ultra finishes)
5. If after Seth Akuma comes again... beat him then start at 1 again.

It took me 2 attempts for each guy, but they did get here.

I'm pretty sure you can use anyone.
SCHUEY F1 said:
For real? I'll have to check that out. I have a wired controller from launch, which I pretty much have never used.
Definitely, I heard about that a long long time ago and I always had a wired pad for my PC (before the wireless receiver came out.) I brought it to work with me today and it does not have the same flaws as the wireless one. Even still, it's not that great of a dpad, hence me using the thumbstick.
Jason said:
I'm pretty sure you can use anyone.
I didn't mean you need to use Akuma to get Gouken, I mean you have to beat it with him before Gouken can appear for anyone.

I may be wrong, but.... it worked.


Unconfirmed Member
riskVSreward said:
Definitely, I heard about that a long long time ago and I always had a wired pad for my PC (before the wireless receiver came out.) I brought it to work with me today and it does not have the same flaws as the wireless one. Even still, it's not that great of a dpad, hence me using the thumbstick.

Thanks! I'm going have to try it when I get home.


You do have to beat the game with Akuma first because I was not able to do it the first try through with Akuma.

Also, can someone give me some Sagat Pro Tips? I get into trouble when I'm rushed down in the corner. I try to input tiger knee to get out of the corner but I always just end up blocking over and over and I eventually get tossed or combo'd.

Other than that I usually zone well and use anti air to my advantage.


I have to say the fact that I have blatantly avoided using Ryu and Ken in this game, that it makes my experience with a new street fighter so much better. Every time a new SF came out, I'd always just use Ryu and Ken to be "comfortable" and eventually branch out. But I always stuck with them and the same moves through like a million Street Fighters and made each new one dull to me. I'm getting much more enjoyment out of SF4 by not using them.


Akim said:
You do have to beat the game with Akuma first because I was not able to do it the first try through with Akuma.

Also, can someone give me some Sagat Pro Tips? I get into trouble when I'm rushed down in the corner. I try to input tiger knee to get out of the corner but I always just end up blocking over and over and I eventually get tossed or combo'd.

I'm learning Sagat and I'm in the same boat.
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