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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Akim said:
Just unlocked Gouken, not gonna do seth because I really don't wanna have to go through the arcade 16 more times.

edit: Is there a guide with all of the titles/icons and how you get them online yet?

Meh I got through it quicly with just 1 round 30 econds time limit and easiest difficulty.
Doesn't anyone else feel pretty fortunate that on Normal Seth is basically a pushover? At least in comparison to 95% of fighting games, he is an absolute chump of a boss. Predictable AI (starts almost every round with that low Dhalsim style punch) no insanely powerful moves (his command throw, specials and even Ultra are some of the weakest in the game except maybe that rapid fire kick which doesn't even come out if you block the first hit) and no input reading.

Honestly, standard fighting game knowledge is enough to take Seth down.
I've been obsessed with this game since I put it in my Xbox around 6pm last night. Been playing so long I literally see particle effects and all that in front of my eyes, lol.

This game is absolutely fighting perfection in every way. I love the music, the remixes, the voice overs. NOOOO MY FIGHT MONEY!!

So awesome. Enough talk, back to fighting!
So I suck at this game. But I rented it first just in case I wasted $60:lol How do I do specials!? I was using C. Viper(Really like her design) and fighting against my brother who was Ken and neither of us could pull off the ultimate.

We're playing with DS3's by the way if it helps.


CrushDance said:
So I suck at this game. But I rented it first just in case I wasted $60:lol How do I do specials!? I was using C. Viper(Really like her design) and fighting against my brother who was Ken and neither of us could pull off the ultimate.

We're playing with DS3's by the way if it helps.
Hadouken x 2 with the shoulder button


Can somebody explain an EX focus combo to me. I was fooling around with it yesterday and couldn't do it properly.

1. EX move connects
2. Focus Attack after 1st hit
3. Now do I hold the focus attack and press forward twice to dash?
That's how I cancel focus attacks during the match

4. Or do I let go of the focus attack buttons and dash really quickly

I was trying it and I was connecting the EX move, canceling after the first hit but then I would focus attack into empty space while the other player would be in the air and I wouldn't dash to combo.

Thanks in advance.


Man I just got owned by balrog(boxer) online. His pokes are sooo good. I'm at 1100 battle points and I search my skill level. Still never play anyone with the same points so I lose like 100.


Meh, I'm so incosistent with the DS3 dpad...Some sessions I can do everything 100% of the time, other times, not so much. I need to order one of those Saturn pads, but ehh idk.
CrushDance said:
So I suck at this game. But I rented it first just in case I wasted $60:lol How do I do specials!? I was using C. Viper(Really like her design) and fighting against my brother who was Ken and neither of us could pull off the ultimate.

We're playing with DS3's by the way if it helps.

For Ken do two "Hadoken" (Fireball) back to back then hit all 3 punch buttons at the same time.

On normal DS3 controllers the defaulted controls map the L1 as all 3 punches at the same time..

This may help with motions

See below




TurtleSnatcher said:
For Ken do two "Hadoken" (Fireball) back to back then hit all 3 punch buttons at the same time.

On normal DS3 controllers the defaulted controls map the L1 as all 3 punches at the same time..

Is it "unsportsman-like" to use a button mapped to the 3 punches/kicks? I know it's a no-no in tournaments and I turned it off in my options.

I'm half thinking off putting them back in though.
dankir said:
Can somebody explain an EX focus combo to me. I was fooling around with it yesterday and couldn't do it properly.

1. EX move connects
2. Focus Attack after 1st hit
3. Now do I hold the focus attack and press forward twice to dash?
That's how I cancel focus attacks during the match

4. Or do I let go of the focus attack buttons and dash really quickly

I was trying it and I was connecting the EX move, canceling after the first hit but then I would focus attack into empty space while the other player would be in the air and I wouldn't dash to combo.

Thanks in advance.
You want to input the dash right before the Focus move comes out. It's called buffering a command, when you do a moves command during another move.

Full charge the Focus, as soon as you see your char shift to attack, input the dash. The move will finish and you will immediately dash after.
NeoUltima said:
O you need to use the fierce attacks for supers? Didn't know that (too much ST in my past)
Nah, any punch or kick for supers, all 3 punches/kicks for ultras.
Threi said:
Hadouken x 2 with the shoulder button
Which shoulder button? R2/R1 or L2/L1?

I can pull off most of her moves but I'm really lost with the what buttons=what.
TurtleSnatcher said:
For Ken do two "Hadoken" (Fireball) back to back then hit all 3 punch buttons at the same time.

On normal DS3 controllers the defaulted controls map the L1 as all 3 punches at the same time..

This may help with motions

See below


Edit: Aw cool! Thanks a bunch!:D
riskVSreward said:
Doesn't anyone else feel pretty fortunate that on Normal Seth is basically a pushover? At least in comparison to 95% of fighting games, he is an absolute chump of a boss. Predictable AI (starts almost every round with that low Dhalsim style punch) no insanely powerful moves (his command throw, specials and even Ultra are some of the weakest in the game except maybe that rapid fire kick which doesn't even come out if you block the first hit) and no input reading.

Honestly, standard fighting game knowledge is enough to take Seth down.
No psychic DPs and the sort are good to know.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Baker said:
Is it "unsportsman-like" to use a button mapped to the 3 punches/kicks? I know it's a no-no in tournaments and I turned it off in my options.

I'm half thinking off putting them back in though.

if you're using a controller, I don't think anyone would fault you. 3 punches/3 kicks have been mapped to the shoulder buttons by default going back to Alpha 1 I'd say.


Baker said:
Is it "unsportsman-like" to use a button mapped to the 3 punches/kicks? I know it's a no-no in tournaments and I turned it off in my options.

I'm half thinking off putting them back in though.

Eh, if you're on a pad without a 6-button layout then it's fine. Otherwise, if you're on a stick or using the MC fightpad, you're just being lazy! ;-)

Using turbo for Chun or Honda is a greater offense, really.


levious said:
if you're using a controller, I don't think anyone would fault you. 3 punches/3 kicks have been mapped to the shoulder buttons by default going back to Alpha 1 I'd say.

I'm using a joystick so isn't that big of a deal. Was just curious.


Baker said:
Is it "unsportsman-like" to use a button mapped to the 3 punches/kicks? I know it's a no-no in tournaments and I turned it off in my options.

I'm half thinking off putting them back in though.

IMO not at all.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Baker said:
I'm using a joystick so isn't that big of a deal. Was just curious.

oh, well if you have all the buttons at your disposal then it's not really necessary, but I personally wouldn't care if I played you and you had that configuration.
Baker said:
Is it "unsportsman-like" to use a button mapped to the 3 punches/kicks? I know it's a no-no in tournaments and I turned it off in my options.

I'm half thinking off putting them back in though.
heh, most recent SNK games have a macro button that you program to do an entire combo and those are allowed in tourneys.


CrushDance said:
Which shoulder button? R2/R1 or L2/L1?

I can pull off most of her moves but I'm really lost with the what buttons=what.

Edit: Aw cool! Thanks a bunch!:D
uh whichever is Px3

one of the buttons is LP+MP+HP combined. Look in button config to see what it is mapped to.

the other option is to try pressing all 3, good luck with a 4-button pad :p
Arde5643 said:
For crouching heavy kick - low kick wheel kick can punish it although don't cheese it too much since they can DP it.
EX rekka is also pretty good since it absorbs one hit if they cheese crouching heavy kick too much.
I'm not sure if you can use forward medium kick since blocking the crouching heavy kick might push you away too far.

Anti Air throw is pretty useless unless the opponent is jumping back or neutral jumping - it's mostly used for juggle finishers.
You can also use his jumping medium or heavy kick (i forgot which one makes you kick upwards) for AA.

If you're not sure of your options - roll is always pretty good when the opp is jumping for cross-up or landing in front of you (just make sure you're not rolling into a corner).
If you successfully roll out of a jump-in, you basically just reset their options. :D

If you can predict a jump-in, crouching heavy punch is very useful - if the 2nd hit hits the opp on air, it juggles and you can do an ultra from there.
At a certain distance, crouching heavy kick can also be used as anti air.

Thanks man. I'll read up on what you just wrote again in my next play session. I appreciate the info.

RiskVSreward, thank you. The roll really helps a ton and I'm finding its a huge part of Abel's game. Haunts, thank you as well, the guide is invaluable.

I did soooooooooooo much better. I still lost to some players I could tell were less then skilled, but I beat a lot of them too and I didn't feel helpless like before. I played a couple ranked matches against guys with a ton of points, they seemed skilled. I lost those, but won a few rounds here and there too.

I stopped playing Abel as a counter character so much, and used his roll to mess with people a lot. That and his basic crouch medium punch into change of direction combo. That opened him up a lot for me, and I was able to score a lot more with throws. The roll just screws aggressive players up badly.


MoxManiac said:
Andy, did you still want to play? I thought you quit, then i saw another inviation from you.
I got a disconnection error is all. Will have to spend heaps of time learning the nuances of this game.
Biff Hardbody said:
Thanks man. I'll read up on what you just wrote again in my next play session. I appreciate the info.

RiskVSreward, thank you. The roll really helps a ton and I'm finding its a huge part of Abel's game. Haunts, thank you as well, the guide is invaluable.

I did soooooooooooo much better. I still lost to some players I could tell were less then skilled, but I beat a lot of them too and I didn't feel helpless like before. I played a couple ranked matches against guys with a ton of points, they seemed skilled. I lost those, but won a few rounds here and there too.

I stopped playing Abel as a counter character so much, and used his roll to mess with people a lot. That and his basic crouch medium punch into change of direction combo. That opened him up a lot for me, and I was able to score a lot more with throws. The roll just screws aggressive players up badly.
np man, the roll is an important part of Abel's game, just keep trying it in different situations. Once you've shown you can roll with the best, your opponent will stop spamming so many projectiles and will be very cautious using unsafe strings... provided they're any good. :lol That will earn you some breathing room.
This a bit off-topic, but PayPal is responsible for "holding" funds before going into your account, right? Someone with 0 feedback bought my TE stick for 300 and I'm worried that once he receives it he'll somehow take that money away. Should I be worried?


Jimmy Stav said:
This a bit off-topic, but PayPal is responsible for "holding" funds before going into your account, right? Someone with 0 feedback bought my TE stick for 300 and I'm worried that once he receives it he'll somehow take that money away. Should I be worried?

I'm sure Paypal has plenty of ways to screw you over. I make sure to withdraw the money before I ship the package. I have no idea if that changes anything, but it makes me feel better.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
DigitalA1chemy said:
I absolutely CANNOT do Rufus' HP > Heavy Galactic Tornado. And it's driving me nuts because I can't finish trial mode because of it. I can do everything else fine. I just cannot figure out the timing on this...

Does anyone know where I can find a video of someone going through trial mode with him? I remember someone linking to a bunch of trial mode videos on YouTube but now I can't find them.

Do it like Ryu's Heavy Punch -> Hadoken (down+Heavy Punch, down/forward, forward+Heavy Punch), but at the end continue to hold Forward. Rufus will move forward and the whole thing will connect.

Darkman M

I like how when you go through arcade as Gouken and you Ultra Shoryuken Finish ryu Gouken tells him "I have nothing left to teach you" Nice touch i must say
Oichi said:
Do it like Ryu's Heavy Punch -> Hadoken (down+Heavy Punch, down/forward, forward+Heavy Punch), but at the end continue to hold Forward. Rufus will move forward and the whole thing will connect.

I don't think it'll let you do it. i'm stuck on the same one for rufus too. unless i'm doing something wrong too.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
THANK YOU! Haunts and everyone else who gave Abel advice for the 1,000 Ken's online.

Can't wait to go back home and pwn some of these douches.

Darkman M said:
I like how when you go through arcade as Gouken and you Ultra Shoryuken Finish ryu Gouken tells him "I have nothing left to teach you" Nice touch i must say

oh man, that's pretty awesome... i don't care for sf story and everything, but it's neat to know why he doesn't have that move at that point in time:lol


Yoboman said:
What's the trick to playing Balrog (boxer)? Maybe it's the PS3 pad, I can't manage to get any of his moves working

Trick? Heh not sure myself. He plays a lot differently than in turbo. So far I've just been mixing up a lot of EX rushes and trying to keep pressure with low lp/lk's, headbutts and throws.

I have yet to find a use for the TAP, which feels really odd since it was such a main component of my turbo game.
Ferrio said:
Trick? Heh not sure myself. He plays a lot differently than in turbo. So far I've just been mixing up a lot of EX moves and trying to keep pressure with low lp/lk's, headbutts and throws.
Yea keeping pressure and getting close then jabbing while crouching and while doing this your charging a head butt.. This works well for me.


Yoboman said:
What's the trick to playing Balrog (boxer)? Maybe it's the PS3 pad, I can't manage to get any of his moves working
He's combo heavy. I don't think it's even possible to link his ultra using a PS3/360 pad. I'm having trouble with the strict timing and I'm on stick.


NeoUltima said:
Meh, I'm so incosistent with the DS3 dpad...Some sessions I can do everything 100% of the time, other times, not so much. I need to order one of those Saturn pads, but ehh idk.

Just Be Thankful It's Not A 360 Pad. Pulling Moves Is A Breeze For Me On Ds3.

Still Want Arcade Stick Though.
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