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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Jtrizzy said:
I've been logging some serious hours since I got this on Wednesday. 12 hours, 50 ranked matches, probably another 50 unranked, unlocked everyone beside Seth.

I've got over 30 hours play time. Hit over 200 played matches. I'm such a addict.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Raxus said:
If you are asking us whether you will regret a purchase of extraneous goods when you are in a financial pickle. I think you may have answered your own question. Return it for the cash. Get it when you have everything secure so you have a home to play street fighter in.

Ok, well I didn't mean to make it seem THAT bad. :lol I just will have no spending money for a while, and I just made an $850 purchase (new Digital Piano). I'm not completely raped for cash, but I guess I was just looking for the majority of people to say "OH HELLZ YEAH, OPEN THAT SHIT. THIS GAME IS GOLD."

To be honest, it's more of a time issue with me. I'm working full-time, have about 3 new Wii games, need to start writing more for a site, and some other stuff. I'm just weighing my options.

Plus, I'd like to get in on this game while it's still at the peak of its popularity. I got Gears 2 a few months after it came out and suddenly no one cared to play it with me. I even got L4D a little too late, as I find it difficult to find friends to play it with anymore.

So again, weighing my options here, should I open it? Will you guys play with me? :D


The Everyman
haunts said:
You can go under them with LP Thunder Kunckle or go over them with F + MP.
o wow, i should mentioned something sooner. i actually knew about f+mp but that doesnt shoot me forward much

thanks a bunch

edit: actually theyre about the same range but its still good to know >.> thanks again


As Viper people should come to you if you play right. Seismic and play their distance game Viper has the advantage seeing as her move cannot be avoided unless they take to the air.


Bacon of Hope
Raxus, no offense but you shouldnt be giving out advice. lol.

-COOLIO- said:
o wow, i should mentioned something sooner. i actually knew about f+mp but that doesnt shoot me forward much

thanks a bunch

also keep in mind you can do a siesmic hammer to hit them and then super jump out.


Haunts do you have a headset? I would like to speak some SF with you some time since you are much more apt at the game than I.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Are most of the people here playing on XBL or PSN?


The Everyman
haunts said:
Raxus, no offense but you shouldnt be giving out advice. lol.

also keep in mind you can do a siesmic hammer to hit them and then super jump out.

i just need to start getting use to using the hammer more. i keep accidently doing my ultra or vice versa


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???


Dacvak said:
So again, weighing my options here, should I open it? Will you guys play with me? :D

It's not really like that unfortunately. The rooms are only 1v1, so you play the same person over and over. (I really wish they would patch this somehow) Also, if you can't afford a fight pad/stick, then maybe wait. I don't want to make any assumptions, but I don't see how this game would work very well with the 360's d-pad.


All this Boxer play time has me curious how well I'd do on STHD. Will have to give it a try tomorrow. I was pro Blanka with STHD.
Dacvak said:
Hey GAF.

I bought Street Fighter 4 today, but I didn't unwrap it yet. I'm kind of in a financial pickle at the moment and wasn't entirely sure if I could afford it, but I flipped a coin on it, and fate told me to purchase. However, once I open it, that's it. It's mine. Period.

What should I do? It's the 360 version.

Also, if I DO open it, will anyone play with me?
Personally I would place SF4 at the "Below Resident Evil 5" ranking of games people who shouldn't be buying games should buy. I seriously doubt the community will last for very long, and you will no doubt want to rush out and throw down at least $40 on a controller that fucking works.

I'm kinda sad it's such a bloated spring, as unique as SF4, Halo Wars, and RE5 (KZ2 for the PS3 crowd) are, it really seems like they are going to cannabalize each other. At least as far as multiplayer goes, which they are all built around.


Dacvak said:
Are most of the people here playing on XBL or PSN?
PSN for me.

Only had lag once, and it was against a guy from Japan. I've fought a lot of people who even had 0 bars for their connection and it ran good. Much better than SSFIIHD online.


haunts said:
Raxus, no offense but you shouldnt be giving out advice. lol.
:lol I just go off matches I watch and what the CPU does. Hell this thread is filled with bad advice. Someone said you use focus attacks on seth. If I DO give bad advice call me out on it I see it as a learning experience so I can learn more about the little mechanics in this game.


The battlepoint system is kinda fucked, even when I search for higher skill level I get 0 battlepoint people. If I win I get like 20 and if I lose I lose 100++

Haunts, I'm gonna friend request you. Next time your not busy you should play me one time and tell me why I suck at Sagat.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I'm a huge competitive
Smasher (Melee), and I've been looking for a new fix. SFIIHDR helped a bit, but that kind of died out.

I LOVE Tatsunoko vs Capcom, but I never have anyone to fight with.

I thought maybe SF4 would fill the void nicely, but I'm still unsure. I don't want to put in a bunch of time and effort into a game that might only last a few months.


The Everyman
Raxus said:
:lol I just go off matches I watch and what the CPU does. Hell this thread is filled with bad advice. Someone said you use focus attacks on seth.
that might of been me

on medium or below it works like magic. it works on everyone. just hit em as they get up


The Everyman
Dacvak said:
I'm a huge competitive
Smasher (Melee), and I've been looking for a new fix. SFIIHDR helped a bit, but that kind of died out.

I LOVE Tatsunoko vs Capcom, but I never have anyone to fight with.

I thought maybe SF4 would fill the void nicely, but I'm still unsure. I don't want to put in a bunch of time and effort into a game that might only last a few months.
considering you were just playing street fighter 2, this game will probably last


-COOLIO- said:
that might of been me

on medium or below it works like magic. it works on everyone. just hit em as they get up
It works on some opponents on hard mode as well but in my experiences of FAing seth have all gone VERY VERY badly.
Dacvak said:
I'm a huge competitive
Smasher (Melee), and I've been looking for a new fix. SFIIHDR helped a bit, but that kind of died out.

I LOVE Tatsunoko vs Capcom, but I never have anyone to fight with.

I thought maybe SF4 would fill the void nicely, but I'm still unsure. I don't want to put in a bunch of time and effort into a game that might only last a few months.
Don't worry, I'm sure Capcom will wait at least half a year before hitting the Super SF4 button.

And hell, there's a snowball's chance in hell that they provide the update as DLC or even, god forbid, a title update.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Does anyone have a timeline of how all the endings are (rofl arcade mode spoilers)
interconnected, or does it only work for certain ones


Jtrizzy said:
It's not really like that unfortunately. The rooms are only 1v1, so you play the same person over and over. (I really wish they would patch this somehow) Also, if you can't afford a fight pad/stick, then maybe wait. I don't want to make any assumptions, but I don't see how this game would work very well with the 360's d-pad.

Just give my 2 cents regarding the 360's d-pad: I tried SFIV at gamestop today with a standard 360 controller and I couldn't even throw fireballs consistantly. It was awful. No way would I buy this on 360 if I was planning to use the standard controller.


If you grew up with Street Fighter II, you will love this game. I first tried SF I in the arcade, then when II came out on SNES I was hooked. I remember playing with band aids on my thumbs from all the blisters. It's not that bad this time, but my left thumb is pretty beat up right now. :lol

Any chance Capcom will patch in some sort of online rooms for parties?
Oh and I've played this on at a friend's place who had a 4:3 set. The 'squishing' of a hud is not a big deal. The biggest thing altered is the health bar, but it's just a horizontal line, 100% you're good, 50% uh-oh, 0% you're fucked. You can determine those levels regardless of what aspect ratio your TV is.

Darkman M

haunts said:
Raxus, no offense but you shouldnt be giving out advice. lol.

also keep in mind you can do a siesmic hammer to hit them and then super jump out.

Wtf i was only a few hundred battle points behind you now you have over 3,000 wow :lol


I'm tendo101 on PSN. What is a good character to start with? This is my first SF game. I was kind of digging Guile but it looks like only he only has the sonic boom and flash kick for special moves? I have no idea where to start as to what to use as anti air, what kicks to use when etc. where/who should i start with? I'll try anyone but Ryu or Ken. So played out haha.

`Moe Joe.

I live in Australia so it might be our problem - But, I have been stuck between 1100 and 1500 BP for a day now - all because I verse people with 0 - 300 BP every time. When I try to play people higher ranked than me, they just boot me because it's red bar.

Really frustrating to find an even game when they are all red bar.


haunts said:
I keep geting disconnected from Xbox live. :(

random metsu hadoukens make me laugh
Yeah I don't even get why they bother especially if it's a full screen version.

Also I'm starting to play Balrog/Boxer a ton and I'm winning consistently with him which is a little bit of a shock to me. Going into this game I knew I wanted to play Ryu mostly due to familiarity but Boxer and Zangief have been my mains for awhile.

Also I messaged a dude thanking him for not playing Ryu/Ken/Akuma. :lol


Bacon of Hope
I have a hard time against cammys...a lot of her moves look safe and she seems to jump faster/at a weird angle.. not sure what it is but i have a hard time hitting her. lol..


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
so what is the consensus on PSN online play? I'm debating getting it today, because regardless of this purchase I don't think I'll be able to make rent next month so might as well let it rip...


Got my UK Collector's Edition today.
I'm sending it back unopened and get the regular game instead - the quality of the bonus content and overall appearance do not justify paying twice as much.


Wow, people really like to pick shotos online. I'm 4 wins on 18 matches. :lol It's alright though cause I've been playing each match with a big fat grin while I soak in all the awesomeness. If my fellow scrubs want an even match, hit me up. GT: Stantron. Right now, I'm main Chun Li 95% of the time. I think I'll stick with her for a while.


Does it keep count if you're only playing "Player Matches"? Because I was practicing with Dhalsim and I was like, 20 losses and 1 win with him. But I didn't care because I thought Player Matches weren't recorded. That'll be an embarrassing mark. :p

Anyone else playing with the 360 left analog stick? It works BEAUTIFULLY for circular movement as well as charging. Really, as far as movement and special move execution is concerned, I think it's better than the 360 and PS3 d-pads combined. 360's controller, even when shaved, has contacts that can register some angles as strictly up or down (if you open it up you'll see why, and mine are shaved and this has been a problem with fighters for me, the shaving works great for games like Lumines or anything that needs straight up/down/left/right, but not good with diagonals), and the PS3's obviously kills your thumb and is rather uncomfortable. I can play for hours without ANY fatigue in my thumb.

But of course, the remaining issue is with the button presses...BUT...

In my scheme I have:

X: Med Punch
Y: Hard Punch
A: Med Kick
B: Hard Kick

Left Paddle: Light Punch
Right Paddle: Light Kick

Right Trigger: All Punches or All Kicks depending on fighter This matters because it's hard to do the motion and press a left trigger for an Ultra, but it's effortless with the right Trigger.
Left Trigger: The complement to Right Trigger

So now executing moves, focus attacks, and performing ultras are a joy on the 360 controller.

What isn't a joy is performing throws and using the jab buttons. Using those punch/kick buttons is a grievance we've all been used to on the SNES/PSX/PS2 controllers and so I don't need to get into why that's a bad thing, but the most important thing now is the fact that you have to press both for a throw.

But with this setup, it's actually easy! You just press both top buttons at the same time and it gets very instinctive.

Of course, I'm still waiting for my stick (in Canada we get the TE sticks in mid-March!!!) and it will definitely replace this.

But I am completely comfortable with the 360 controller and it's been great. I am not getting a FightPad because of all the high prices (I might as well put that $60-70 CDN towards a second TE stick), but I feel like I would be just as good with it. The most amazing fact is that there is absolutely no thumb fatigue at all, but not only that it feels as responsive as a stick, and I suppose largely due to the fact that it is a stick itself.



Also, I'm having fun playing through the entire roster in Player Ranked Matches, and while I've faced some people who stubbornly stick to one person (which is fine with me), some of the best matches I've had were against people who would also change it up, if this appeals to you hit me up GT: TerraRhythm


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
I have a similar scheme.

X:Light punch
Y:Hard punch
A:Med Kick
B:Hard Kick

(I usually switch these two depending on my main. For Sagat, I have RB as the kick one to pull it off faster)

LT=Focus attack

I could pull off moves perfectly with teh analog stick, only issue I have is doing combos with supers.


I jus got back from a local Gamecrazy tournament.

I really wanted to win it, becoz the 1st place prize gets a $500 gift card to the store!!!

I had so many hopes and dreams for that money, and also since everybody in my town is a scrub, in addition to the tourney being low key as hell as well as in an area nobody would come out to, I thought that prize was as good as mine!!!

until... mother freakin GOOTECKS showed up coz he felt like driving 2+ hours for the heck of it.

Gootecks AKA the best SFIV player in America lol.

so I actually got 3rd... there was another real good player who came down from another arcade who peaced me out in the semi's.

I've done a good job learning Blanka over the past 2 days, and I kept watching Gootecks play trying to figure out a strategy to beat him, but I ended up not playing him. The dood I lost to was a M.Bison player and I definitely did not prepare for that matchup... he was able to neutralize a lot of my tricks and stuff, especially since I play defensively with a little bit of mixups on knockdown.

not only do I need to understand the matchup better, I need to learn how to play Blanka a little more offensively against players and characters who know how to neutralize a turtle style.


Brobzoid said:
so what is the consensus on PSN online play? I'm debating getting it today, because regardless of this purchase I don't think I'll be able to make rent next month so might as well let it rip...

Pretty much flawless so far for me. I had one or two laggy matches out of 50 with random people.
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