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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


343i Lead Esports Producer
so I just got SFIV today and i'm sure all of you know how awesome and glorious it is but I have some gripes. First, unlocking characters. I'd like all the characters from the start. No biggy, but then it becomes one when you try to unlock a character. The arcade mode is fucking hard as hell!!! now, i'm no street fighter slouch, it took a long ass time to beat it the first time around with Ryu and then I wanted cammy so I started it with Crimson Viper. It took me over 3hrs to beat it on medium. Level 5 Zangief took more 1.5 hrs alone. Holy fuck!!! But now I have Cammy and Sakura (might try her as a 2nd and 3rd character) and I'm done playing arcade for a while.

other than that, i love the game. Cammy is awesome in it.
Jtrizzy said:
Pretty much flawless so far for me. I had one or two laggy matches out of 50 with random people.

I haven't had any problems with major lag on PSN. But I have noticed that I've yet to see a player with a green bar. The highest I've seen is yellow. But I usually end up playing 3 bar matches with no major lag.


Tashi0106 said:
so I just got SFIV today and i'm sure all of you know how awesome and glorious it is but I have some gripes. First, unlocking characters. I'd like all the characters from the start. No biggy, but then it becomes one when you try to unlock a character. The arcade mode is fucking hard as hell!!! now, i'm no street fighter slouch, it took a long ass time to beat it the first time around with Ryu and then I wanted cammy so I started it with Crimson Viper. It took me over 3hrs to beat it on medium. Level 5 Zangief took more 1.5 hrs alone. Holy fuck!!! But now I have Cammy and Sakura (might try her as a 2nd and 3rd character) and I'm done playing arcade for a while.

other than that, i love the game. Cammy is awesome in it.
Turn difficulty to easiest, number of rounds to 1, set timer to 30, and enjoy!


Tashi0106 said:
so I just got SFIV today and i'm sure all of you know how awesome and glorious it is but I have some gripes. First, unlocking characters. I'd like all the characters from the start. No biggy, but then it becomes one when you try to unlock a character. The arcade mode is fucking hard as hell!!! now, i'm no street fighter slouch, it took a long ass time to beat it the first time around with Ryu and then I wanted cammy so I started it with Crimson Viper. It took me over 3hrs to beat it on medium. Level 5 Zangief took more 1.5 hrs alone. Holy fuck!!! But now I have Cammy and Sakura (might try her as a 2nd and 3rd character) and I'm done playing arcade for a while.

other than that, i love the game. Cammy is awesome in it.

Try on very easy with 1 round matches. Still takes longer than it should, but you'll go much faster.

edit: beaten :(


GalacticAE said:
I haven't had any problems with major lag on PSN. But I have noticed that I've yet to see a player with a green bar. The highest I've seen is yellow. But I usually end up playing 3 bar matches with no major lag.

Honestly, I haven't even been paying attention to the meter. It doesn't seem to be accurate anyway. Does anyone feel like Vega has been nerfed in this one? His roll move seems so much slower and ineffective now.
Brobzoid said:
so what is the consensus on PSN online play? I'm debating getting it today, because regardless of this purchase I don't think I'll be able to make rent next month so might as well let it rip...
Pretty good from my limited experience so far. Even my two bar matches were lag free.
Jtrizzy said:
Does anyone feel like Vega has been nerfed in this one? His roll move seems so much slower and ineffective now.
Pretty much.

Well, if you use strong punch then there is a slight delay before he starts rolling. Low and medium are a lot faster, but from my experience, the slight delay when using strong punch sort of throws human opponents off. Still a shame though...


Unlimited Capacity
Balrog's 2nd to last stage of normal challenge. Buffalo head to violent buffalo.... wtf? Cancel into it or land it on the way down?

And does anyone have a link to that youtube page that is somewhere in this thread where all teh characters challenges are completed?


343i Lead Esports Producer
Nif said:
Try on very easy with 1 round matches. Still takes longer than it should, but you'll go much faster.

edit: beaten :(

yea i might do it just to unlock all of the characters but I eventually wanna beat the arcade at least once on the hardest difficulty.

It's gonna be rough going back to HD remix
"Balrog's 2nd to last stage of normal challenge. Buffalo head to violent buffalo.... wtf? Cancel into it or land it on the way down?"

Land it on the way down. Use up-back to keep your back charge.


Mister Chef said:
Pretty much.

Well, if you use strong punch then there is a slight delay before he starts rolling. Low and medium are a lot faster, but from my experience, the slight delay when using strong punch sort of throws human opponents off. Still a shame though...
I have no problems using Vega. If anything, I'm a bit happy that he's got a few standard claw + kick combos. Pretty awesome stuff =D I find it really easy to win with him online (not sure if that's a good indicator or bad, since I only ever seem to fight Ryu or Kens >_>)


Unlimited Capacity
Teknopathetic said:
"Balrog's 2nd to last stage of normal challenge. Buffalo head to violent buffalo.... wtf? Cancel into it or land it on the way down?"

Land it on the way down. Use up-back to keep your back charge.

Mind = blown. Never played with a charge character before. Got it on my second try doing that. This helps... A LOT.
Nemesis556 said:
I have no problems using Vega. If anything, I'm a bit happy that he's got a few standard claw + kick combos. Pretty awesome stuff =D I find it really easy to win with him online (not sure if that's a good indicator or bad, since I only ever seem to fight Ryu or Kens >_>)
Yeah I find Vega to be very effective against shotos, but even decent Abel players tend to give me a lot of trouble for some reason :S


_tetsuo_ said:
Mind = blown. Never played with a charge character before. Got it on my second try doing that. This helps... A LOT.

Especially if you're using a square gate. Using the whole left side of the square will be your friend.


Where can I start to learn about the basics of canceling? I hadn't played these games since SFII, but am caught up with super, ultra, and ex. I don't really get the whole canceling thing though.

Vega was one of my main guys back then, but that roll move seems so slow now, and ineffective.
Man fuck -- I ordered the HRAP EX but I got an email a few days later saying the product was back ordered and they refunded my money. So I searched again and it's all sold out -- and fuckin amazon has it for 250 dollars, go fuck yourself.

Anyone know of a better area to check/buy? Something reasonable, also -- any word on TE availability (but the madcatz brand has me thinking the HRAP EX >>> TE Fightstick)


Mister Chef said:
Yeah I find Vega to be very effective against shotos, but even decent Abel players tend to give me a lot of trouble for some reason :S
The only player I have problems with is Guile. His air kick move is pretty fucking useful against Vega. Sucks balls =(

Only problem with Vega is that sometimes I feel like I am him >_> IE. I get really cocky and try to look flashy.

It's pretty awesome that they've thrown in the Claw and Mask remove, and it's even more awesome when you remove both and then own someone. You know the person on the other end must be pissed off =P


_tetsuo_ said:
Balrog's 2nd to last stage of normal challenge. Buffalo head to violent buffalo.... wtf? Cancel into it or land it on the way down?

And does anyone have a link to that youtube page that is somewhere in this thread where all teh characters challenges are completed?

Does such thing exist? I'd like that link too!

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
So this is weird, Im doing Challenge Mode with Abel (Normal, lv4) and one of the combos is Focus-> Crouching Fierce Punch-> Ultra

Fair enough, I practice for a while and notice that I can do it well enough EXCEPT that I keep doing his super rather than the ultra ... so I figured its because I keep on missing the 3 punches and that's why that happens. I decide to "cheat" and instead press the button mapped to hit all 3 punches at one, problem solved right? I mean the motion plus the x3 punch shortcut should make the ultra happen every single time.


Ill go back to it tomorrow but that confused the living shit out of me (and yes, I double checked that I was pressing the right button)

Other than that, Im switching to Abel for online, hes awesome.


are there any reviews or a consensus among gaffers with regard to the Mad Catz pads? I can't decide between one of those that I can just go out and buy vs. getting a saturn pad on EBAY...
i played two Gaffers people from Los Angeles today and one Gaffer from NY
The connection from Montreal to LA was great, I had no lag with them..
great fun

MAN my PSN friends list has piled up like mad, it busted the 100 mark.

now, time for bed..... for real 5:30am E.S.T
Jtrizzy said:
are there any reviews or a consensus among gaffers with regard to the Mad Catz pads? I can't decide between one of those that I can just go out and buy vs. getting a saturn pad on EBAY...
Don't worry, Mad Catz was kind enough to make sure you couldn't just go out and buy one anyway.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
hooooly shit. first thing I do when I pop it in is to go to the system settings and install it... Biggest mistake ever! the god awful song has been playing on loop three times now, and I'm only at 41% :(


I just beat a guy playing Blanka who just used his electrical charge the entire match. Seriously? (<---what I msged him) He had a BP of 1173. He got that far doing that shit?
Fuck Seth, and while i'm ranting, fuck Capcom too. Where's the rule that says every fighting game must have a cheap piece of shit boss? And whose bright idea was it to lock all the characters, forcing you to beat said cheap piece of shit boss multiple times?

Seth makes Gill look like a piece of piss - I spent 45 minutes trying to beat him with Ryu, me and 2 friends then spent a fucking hour trying to beat him with Chun Li before giving up and this was on the easiest settings possible. Fuck Seth. I never anticipated that somthing could sour me on this game so much, it's not like i'm not used to cheap piece of shit bosses, i've played every other fighting game series under the sun, i'm used to retrying cheap bastards again and again - but I draw the fucking line at having to spend an hour trying to beat a single boss on the easiest settings.

Fuck you Capcom, you've literally killed my interest in this game - I don't want to play local or offline multiplayer because I haven't unlocked anywhere near half the characters, I don't want to play challenge mode because the fact is the skills it will teach me are totally useless in defeating Seth. All there is to do is attempt to beat that bastard again and again, just so I can play the game the way I want with the characters I want. Fuck this, i'm playing Noby Noby Boy.

Bootaaay said:
Fuck Seth, and while i'm ranting, fuck Capcom too. Where's the rule that says every fighting game must have a cheap piece of shit boss? And whose bright idea was it to lock all the characters, forcing you to beat said cheap piece of shit boss multiple times?

Seth makes Gill look like a piece of piss - I spent 45 minutes trying to beat him with Ryu, me and 2 friends then spent a fucking hour trying to beat him with Chun Li before giving up and this was on the easiest settings possible. Fuck Seth. I never anticipated that somthing could sour me on this game so much, it's not like i'm not used to cheap piece of shit bosses, i've played every other fighting game series under the sun, i'm used to retrying cheap bastards again and again - but I draw the fucking line at having to spend an hour trying to beat a single boss on the easiest settings.

Fuck you Capcom, you've literally killed my interest in this game - I don't want to play local or offline multiplayer because I haven't unlocked anywhere near half the characters, I don't want to play challenge mode because the fact is the skills it will teach me are totally useless in defeating Seth. All there is to do is attempt to beat that bastard again and again, just so I can play the game the way I want with the characters I want. Fuck this, i'm playing Noby Noby Boy.


I hear ya, Seth is the only bad thing you could say about the game : \
Dante said:
So....Like yeah.....

I play this game on the easiest setting...

Can anybody give me any tips for dong Akuma's Ultra?

I've been playing with Akuma all night tonight and his Ultra is pretty straight forward. Just press LP, LP, Back, LK, HP. What seems to be the problem you're having?
im pretty new to fighting games and i just bet seth with chun li on the third attempt.
i think the thing with him is you have to try a new tactic each time. trying combos doesnt work for me againt him. jumping and high kicking a lot as well as focus moves when u can get them in does.
i will say though, i have lost it a couple of times trying to beat him!


Zangief is outrageously strong. I do not enjoy playing him. Can avoid projectiles, can use that hand slap thing to rush over to you really quickly, and has a grab range that covers half the screen. And his fucking moves.....wow....if he grabs you twice, you're fucking dead. His Ultra might as well be called "Zangief Wins". He gets you once with it and there's no coming back from that.

Using custom search, I'm finally playing some decent people (1200 BP and above). Got my BP to 1800 until I went on a 3-game losing streak. Stopped when I got it back to 1600 :(


Son of Godzilla said:
Don't worry, Mad Catz was kind enough to make sure you couldn't just go out and buy one anyway.

The gamestop in my town actually had a few of the PS3 pads. Also, when using a pad like this one, does one do it keyboard/pioano style, or do you just use the right thumb?


Neo Member
Bootaaay said:
Fuck Seth, and while i'm ranting, fuck Capcom too. Where's the rule that says every fighting game must have a cheap piece of shit boss? And whose bright idea was it to lock all the characters, forcing you to beat said cheap piece of shit boss multiple times?

Seth makes Gill look like a piece of piss - I spent 45 minutes trying to beat him with Ryu, me and 2 friends then spent a fucking hour trying to beat him with Chun Li before giving up and this was on the easiest settings possible. Fuck Seth. I never anticipated that somthing could sour me on this game so much, it's not like i'm not used to cheap piece of shit bosses, i've played every other fighting game series under the sun, i'm used to retrying cheap bastards again and again - but I draw the fucking line at having to spend an hour trying to beat a single boss on the easiest settings.

Fuck you Capcom, you've literally killed my interest in this game - I don't want to play local or offline multiplayer because I haven't unlocked anywhere near half the characters, I don't want to play challenge mode because the fact is the skills it will teach me are totally useless in defeating Seth. All there is to do is attempt to beat that bastard again and again, just so I can play the game the way I want with the characters I want. Fuck this, i'm playing Noby Noby Boy.


With some characters I can beat Seth the first time and others it takes me like 30 tries. I'm looking at you Dhalsim and Fatty Rufus. >:| As soon as I unlock all the characters I probably won't play arcade again because Seth is so annoying and cheap. At least he isn't as bad what's her name from DOA 4 *shudders*.


Raging Spaniard said:
So this is weird, Im doing Challenge Mode with Abel (Normal, lv4) and one of the combos is Focus-> Crouching Fierce Punch-> Ultra

Fair enough, I practice for a while and notice that I can do it well enough EXCEPT that I keep doing his super rather than the ultra ... so I figured its because I keep on missing the 3 punches and that's why that happens. I decide to "cheat" and instead press the button mapped to hit all 3 punches at one, problem solved right? I mean the motion plus the x3 punch shortcut should make the ultra happen every single time.


Ill go back to it tomorrow but that confused the living shit out of me (and yes, I double checked that I was pressing the right button)

Other than that, Im switching to Abel for online, hes awesome.

Someone else mentioned the same thing happening earlier when using the Hori Fighting Stick 3. I've noticed the same thing when using joy2key and binding Alpha 2's custom combos to one button (don't shoot me, it's a VSHG) and trying to wave dash with one button. Sometimes macros just don't work.


God damn shotos.... played a Sagat online a few minutes ago. The motherfucker spammed fireballs as fast as he possibly could, and if I jumped towards him he instantly hit me with Tiger Uppercut, then resumed spamming fireballs. I should have recorded his PSN, because when I become a better player I want to destroy him!! -_-


OmegaErock said:
With some characters I can beat Seth the first time and others it takes me like 30 tries. I'm looking at you Dhalsim and Fatty Rufus. >:| As soon as I unlock all the characters I probably won't play arcade again because Seth is so annoying and cheap. At least he isn't as bad what's her name from DOA 4 *shudders*.

your prob playing on easy, there are lower levels of difficulty


Seth does seem to go into "cunt mode" now and then on the easiest setting. You can tell he's in this mode when he teleports 2 or 3 times before you wake up, really stuffs charge characters.


If you just wanna get through the match against Seth (unlocking characters or whatever), just spam something cheap at him. E. Honda's headbutt does the trick (and the occasional leg sweep for whenever he blocks it). Got a perfect on him.


lawblob said:
God damn shotos.... played a Sagat online a few minutes ago. The motherfucker spammed fireballs as fast as he possibly could, and if I jumped towards him he instantly hit me with Tiger Uppercut, then resumed spamming fireballs. I should have recorded his PSN, because when I become a better player I want to destroy him!! -_-

Who were you fighting as? He was playing Sagat the way he should be played.


I don't know how to do a ultra combo with ryu...tried everything. The super combo is no problem though. The Training mode doesn't do a very good job in explaining those stuff. :( Can someone help me please?


Finally picked SF IV up for 360. New to the series since I missed out on the arcade versions due to my age :lol Anyway, gamertag is DrBo if you need a scroto to beat on, I'm so lost.
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