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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Ten ranked wins in a row!


(Just to point out, I kept my search on equal skill and I kept ending up against realllllllly low BP people).


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sprocket said:
Of course he gets you wins. its not hard to get a luck ultra in with him.

but i do not give my psn id out online. just play ranking mode and if its fei long its probably me ;)
Fei Long...nice.

I've played against one other Fei Long and he was very bad to say the least. I'm nothing amazing either, but this guy was just pure terrible.

Shame, too, cause Fei's FA has super range on it.

Using the chicken wing to crossover a guy as he's getting up is nice as well, he's slowing getting up and next thing he knows I'm on the other side of him hurting him up.


Bacon of Hope
GalacticAE said:
Until I win. People online can see me as whatever they want for picking Akuma but he gets me wins. Are you on PSN? I'll add you. I want to see your anti shoto zoning skills.

yeah i know right who cares what ppl think? Playing Ryu and Sagat is a lot of fun if you can do the link combos and proper set ups.


RubxQub said:
The only reason I dislike it when people pick shotos is that EVERYONE picks shotos.

It's not to say they are generally bad players, I'd just like to get a little more variety of opponents.

...and anytime someone is taking forever to pick their character, I'd put money on them rocketing over to Ryu/Ken.

...again, I don't dislike people for picking their favorite guy, just want people to expand beyond the same characters.

I've probably fought, no joke, like 80-90% Ryu/Ken/Sagat/Akuma.

No hate, just want more variety in opponents.

If only...but that's basically saying you want people to play the game on your terms. If you read about Third Strike, the the top players use Chun, Yun, and Ken. You'd think the pros would bring more variety to the table right?

People will tend to gravitate to the characters they think they have the best chance of winning as. For most people it will be a shoto character as they've had 20 years to practice with them. Its just how it is. People just need to keep practicing and deal with it.

Note: I'm not so much addressing you as I'm addressing the person who, every other post, feels the need to whine about "fireball spam" and shotos.
sprocket said:
Of course he gets you wins. its not hard to get a luck ultra in with him.

but i do not give my psn id out online. just play ranking mode and if its fei long its probably me ;)
LOL I'm not a scrub who does psychic RDs. It's not luck when I land it off a tatsumaki -> s.Fierce reset. It's intentional. Let me show you how a real shoto plays. PM me your PSN ID. Mine's GalacticAE. Feel free to invite me.


I admittedly haven't played SFIV yet, but for cheap bosses, King of Fighters is the... well, king. The one in XI was especially nasty.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
wait you can't play arcade mode like in SSF2THD? wtf?

It does indeed suck.

But at the same time, people who can't be arsed to select "2" as the number of maximum players in a room, will be able to play without any problems. Also it's authentic like a real arcade. Or something.



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henhowc said:
If only...but that's basically saying you want people to play the game on your terms. If you read about Third Strike, the the top players use Chun, Yun, and Ken. You'd think the pros would bring more variety to the table right?

People will tend to gravitate to the characters they think they have the best chance of winning as. For most people it will be a shoto character as they've had 20 years to practice with them. Its just how it is. People just need to keep practicing and deal with it.

Note: I'm not so much addressing you as I'm addressing the person who, every other post, feels the need to whine about "fireball spam" and shotos.
No arguments here, my only wish is more variety!

I don't fault anyone for picking them.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Guile is awesome... just won my first match followed by 4 more consecutive wins!

Taking a break, gonna hit up ranked again to see if I can go for 10 :D
haunts said:
yeah i know right who cares what ppl think? Playing Ryu and Sagat is a lot of fun if you can do the link combos and proper set ups.

This is why I pick Akuma. I picked him up during some casuals with some guys at a tournament and I think his moveset fits my playstyle more than other shotos. I don't main him but I play him a lot to practice my shoto. Learning some RD setups is fun. My main is still Boxer though. Get paid.


Forkball said:
I admittedly haven't played SFIV yet, but for cheap bosses, King of Fighters is the... well, king. The one in XI was especially nasty.

It definitely feels like Capcom drew inspiration from KOF when programming Seth's AI. I still think the bosses in KOF were harder. If you just turtle against Seth you've eventually find an opening when he comes after you.


ezekial45 said:
Anyone ever encounter players that keep you in the corner and on the ground with Focus Attacks? There was this asshole on PSN (quakeinator was his name. avoid him) that kept using focus attacks when ever i tried getting up. The only time i could counter it was when i had an ultra combo ready.

Any other way to get out of that situation?

Why was he an asshole? Because he was using a technique you couldn't counter?

err forget it, this thread moves too fast. :lol
Jeezuz...I've continued to torture myself on normal Survival. I stopped caring about the gold medals at 12. I got up to 20...and the computer is ridiculous. They're kind of like MK AI...but they do leave themselves open once in awhile for a forward which can lead to a two-in-one.

There was a survival where your character is invisible...no shadow...

Another had the computer have unlimited Ultras and supers. Then there was no special moves.

This is normal...not even Hard...wtf Capcom.

Does anyone know of a good guide to unlocking everything (titles, colors, personal actions, etc)?
And Tekno...the game is combo happy.

Dictator hasn't been able to "really" do a heavy jump kick, low forward into his charge moves in awhile.

Though Vega is donkey doo-doo...he can do the same with his flip kick.

Though there are no chain combos (except for target combos), the links, super cancels and FADC make the game have zany/many combo possibilities versus TS/ST.

I wasn't saying it had easy dial a combos like Alpha 1.

And I'm the best as I have a BP of 0.


Mrs. Harvey
I wanted an Alpha III type world mode. Some of these challenges are impossible. Looks like average players or below won't be able to unlock everything.

But yeah, the game has seen non-stop action. My friends won't leave my house. I had to buy two copies.
Anyone know if win streaks reset when you turn the game off?

Spiderjericho said:
Jeezuz...I've continued to torture myself on normal Survival. I stopped caring about the gold medals at 12. I got up to 20...and the computer is ridiculous. They're kind of like MK AI...but they do leave themselves open once in awhile for a forward which can lead to a two-in-one.

There was a survival where your character is invisible...no shadow...

Another had the computer have unlimited Ultras and supers. Then there was no special moves.

This is normal...not even Hard...wtf Capcom.

Does anyone know of a good guide to unlocking everything (titles, colors, personal actions, etc)?

Just use Zangief and spinning clothesline the computer. It's a really easy way to cheese thru it.
Spiderjericho said:
And Tekno...the game is combo happy.

Dictator hasn't been able to "really" do a heavy jump kick, low forward into his charge moves in awhile.

Though Vega is donkey doo-doo...he can do the same with his flip kick.

Though there are no chain combos (except for target combos), the links, super cancels and FADC make the game have zany/many combo possibilities versus TS/ST.

I wasn't saying it had easy dial a combos like Alpha 1.

And I'm the best as I have a BP of 0.

Hehe, I have 0 BP too. My record right now stands at 370 wins out of 456 games. I guess I should play some ranked games. But I have more fun playing my friends list. I do the occasional player match too.

And yea, this game has some good combo potential. It's great. :D


Volcynika said:
Man, fucking d/c players.

I owned this guy so hard the first round (he was Zangief) and he quit.


Same thing happened when I was playing a sagat. They plug pull just so they can keep their stats up. :/


I got Gouken after a couple hours of work. I just fiddled with his moveset in Training mode for a few minutes... looks like a lot of fun!
iconoclast said:
Anyone know if win streaks reset when you turn the game off?

No, it doesn't reset. I just got my 5 win streak trophy today and I did it over the span of a few days because I mostly play player matches.


Volcynika said:
Ten ranked wins in a row!


(Just to point out, I kept my search on equal skill and I kept ending up against realllllllly low BP people).

No fucking kidding. I use that setting and I'm playing people who have 2000-3000 BPs (I'm at 400s). The matchmaking is broken in this game.

Don't they lose bp and get a loss when they disconnect?

There doesn't seem to be an indication that they do.


Gaf, I'm a fucken weakass....Still can't beat arcade on normal. I spent prob an hour trying to beat Abel(he's too strong). The next 2 people after him I beat easily. Then I gotta face my rival, Sagat(I'm only using Ryu atm) and can't fucken beat him. Now I have a damn huge blister on my thumb and can't pull off any more combos:(
Have to rest my thumb for a day or find a way to harden it up.
I refuse to buy a stick just for this game, way too expensive.
My friend got the game on release date, he has been playing hardcore since then and while he is complaining about his thumb he does not have a blister. WTF?! And I'm suppose to face him tomorrow night online. Man he's gonna kick my ass and rub it in my face on Monday during work:(
So this bitch ass Ken player beat me using almost only jump in RH, duck RH and Fierce DP - I made a few too many mistakes (although it's absurd as chun to have to counter that shit 5x to make up for every once it gets through) and I'm still learning chun so I admit, I got beaten fair and square, but I just messaged the dude to mixup his shit because playing like that can't be fun and won't win him much except the first match against anyone.

He refused a rematch and said I'd just play differently and win.

I told him if he knows what i'm gonna do then counter it.

Replies with "I'm not good at countering"



KGKK said:
Gaf, I'm a fucken weakass....Still can't beat arcade on normal. I spent prob an hour trying to beat Abel(he's too strong). The next 2 people after him I beat easily. Then I gotta face my rival, Sagat(I'm only using Ryu atm) and can't fucken beat him. Now I have a damn huge blister on my thumb and can't pull off any more combos:(
Have to rest my thumb for a day or find a way to harden it up.
I refuse to buy a stick just for this game, way too expensive.
My friend got the game on release date, he has been playing hardcore since then and while he is complaining about his thumb he does not have a blister. WTF?! And I'm suppose to face him tomorrow night online. Man he's gonna kick my ass and rub it in my face on Monday during work:(
You could play a charge character like Guile and Bison, they don't require QCFs to do basic stuff.
Chamber said:
Sure isn't helping me. Double QCF is a pain in the ass to input.

I'm teaching a friend how to play fighting game and he has problems with this too. We went into training mode and turned on then button data display to see exactly what he was inputing. He wasn't completing the 2nd QCF all the way. He would stop at DownForward.


KGKK said:
Gaf, I'm a fucken weakass....Still can't beat arcade on normal. I spent prob an hour trying to beat Abel(he's too strong). The next 2 people after him I beat easily. Then I gotta face my rival, Sagat(I'm only using Ryu atm) and can't fucken beat him. Now I have a damn huge blister on my thumb and can't pull off any more combos:(
Have to rest my thumb for a day or find a way to harden it up.
I refuse to buy a stick just for this game, way too expensive.
My friend got the game on release date, he has been playing hardcore since then and while he is complaining about his thumb he does not have a blister. WTF?! And I'm suppose to face him tomorrow night online. Man he's gonna kick my ass and rub it in my face on Monday during work:(

The answer is simply my little grasshopper.


Press R2 Then Jump+Down and R2. Repeat this. You will surely succeed my disciple. This is how I beat Arcade on Hardest. Got 2 trophies in one for that.


love on your sleeve
GalacticAE said:
I'm teaching a friend how to play fighting game and he has problems with this too. We went into training mode and turned on then button data display to see exactly what he was inputing. He wasn't completing the 2nd QCF all the way. He would stop at DownForward.
I partially think it comes down to the inputs being so loose. The difference between pulling off a Shoryuken and an Ultra is pretty damn minimal.

And I can't believe you guys are still complaining about Shotos. Get over it, seriously. :lol


GalacticAE said:
I'm teaching a friend how to play fighting game and he has problems with this too. We went into training mode and turned on then button data display to see exactly what he was inputing. He wasn't completing the 2nd QCF all the way. He would stop at DownForward.

My problem with teh DQCF is that I end up doing one of those uppercuts instead of an ultra fireball if I was with ryu. The stick movement is too similar with other moves.


GalacticAE said:
I'm teaching a friend how to play fighting game and he has problems with this too. We went into training mode and turned on then button data display to see exactly what he was inputing. He wasn't completing the 2nd QCF all the way. He would stop at DownForward.

See thats the thing. In practice I have the second player set to human, and we just go all at against each other. I can pull off specials easily like 95% of the time. But in an actual game I just cant do it for some reason.

Also I finally broke 500 BP :lol

Either I've gotten better with Vega or the people playing right now suck ass :lol

I'm pretty sure the people playing right now just suck ass :(


vertopci said:
See thats the thing. In practice I have the second player set to human, and we just go all at against each other. I can pull off specials easily like 95% of the time. But in an actual game I just cant do it for some reason.

Also I finally broke 500 BP :lol

Either I've gotten better with Vega or the people playing right now suck ass :lol

I'm pretty sure the people playing right now just suck ass :(

I eat Vegas like you for breakfast!

Well, I've only fought like two....and they were pretty bad...
I love Bison in this game. He got buffed in almost every way compared to his ST counterpart. Not really digging Balrog too much this time around though. Out of the 80 or so ranked matches I've played, at least 50 have been Ken, with probably 20 Ryus thrown in there. This is getting a little ridiculous. Try new characters people! I don't mind though, free wins.

ThirstyFly said:
No, it doesn't reset. I just got my 5 win streak trophy today and I did it over the span of a few days because I mostly play player matches.

Nice. Time to take a break and eat then, I wanted to see how far I could push my streak :lol
I won the tournament here in Rockville, MD. Everyone almost exclusively played Ken/Ryu. I picked Sagat because I just wanted to move through everyone quickly. The finals came down to two good Zangief players who were pile-driving like mad. I had to be really careful about not getting too close.



love on your sleeve
UnholySpectacle said:
I won the tournament here in Rockville, MD. Everyone almost exclusively played Ken/Ryu. I picked Sagat because I just wanted to move through everyone quickly. The finals came down to two good Zangief players who were pile-driving like mad. I had to be really careful about not getting too close.

They gave you green tea?

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Is it just me or do specials beat ultras like 80 percent of the time? Frustrating stuff.

btw I love Akuma players, all they do is charge to Raging Demon and then they keep trying to do in in the corner as if thats the "win" button or some shit. Easiest Super to dodge in the entire game kids.


Good Art™
I finally beat the 4th ryu trial... that's insanely hard ! I guess i need a week with naruto's frog to do the 5th !

Anway i'm 1050 bp, never had a dc and i play a shoto, so i must be a bad guy ! I must admitt i play Ryu cause i didn't have time to learn a new chara to be honest. I played Dictator in Xmen vs Street, when he was strong :( I play a little Guile at least.
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