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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Me_Marcadet said:
Why seth is impossible to be beaten with sakura ?

I tried as hard as I can during nearly 2 hours and he keeps playing with me like a poor pupet.

I just got through this.....I had similar difficulties. Seth just destroyed me when i was Sakura. JUST beat him before I posted this. SOOOO happy.
Rotanibor Eht said:
You are correct Threi, Bison is awesome fun to play as. He has so many ways to trick up and confuse the opponent.

lol @ double posts.

Yea, he's pretty fun in SF4. His standing roundhouse is awesome for ground games and footsies. I wish I knew how to use him better but he's definitely always in my rotation.
This games online is horrible.

You have two choices; beat up on scrubs in quick match or search and fail to join "higher skilled" matches 9/10 times.

It's cool when it actually works though.
Ive never seen my Icon on anyone before.. its a guy covered in the shadows with red eyes and a red background (Think its Akuma.. kinda small can't tell).. but its not a character portrait..


For anyone out there playing Rose:

Crouching jab --> light kick Soul Drill followed --> super combo


Jump in fierce punch --> fierce kick --> fierce Reflect --> super combo (does about 45% damage)

She is so fun to play as. I think a lot of the time people have some trouble with her online because nobody is using her. Her poke game is superb.
TurtleSnatcher said:
Ive never seen my Icon on anyone before.. its a guy covered in the shadows with red eyes and a red background (Think its Akuma.. kinda small can't tell).. but its not a character portrait..

How do you even unlock icons? Seems the only way I get them is from doing the challenges and randomly in online matches. I'm using the green Bison icon (with a gold Sakura title). The OCD side of me needs every icon and title ASAP.


WHOAguitarninja said:
Any tips on strategies against Able? His grapples are absolutely killing me.

You can grab him during his rolls. He also has no air game (his air grab is very specific as to when it will work). Basically, you need to be able to rain death from above and avoid getting in close. And never, never, ABSOLUTELY NEVER, throw a fireball while he's waking up if he has his Ultra; it goes through projectiles about 3/4ths screen distance. It's an easy way to die. Fight the temptation!

Also, if anyone wants to do some player matches tonight, I'm down. Gamertag is Justegarde.
iconoclast said:
How do you even unlock icons? Seems the only way I get them is from doing the challenges and randomly in online matches. I'm using the green Bison icon (with a gold Sakura title). The OCD side of me needs every icon and title ASAP.
Dunno ? Win with certain chars online? or win a lot online? or play alot online? Like the king chick thing comes with so many number of games..

I don't even have the flower garden thing anymore.. its now a star wrapped in a wreath :lol


Bacon of Hope
sonicspear64 said:
Got the Playing to Win achievement and now I'm up to 954 BP. Hopefully I'll break 1500 tomorrow. Some wins were easy, others were close final round ultra situations. I played a mirror match against a good Ken so I messaged him and he friended me.

I played a match against a stupid Zangief that would only use Spinning Lariat on me. If he was close away he would just jump over my fireballs and use the move while I was close. For two rounds (out of five), he cornered me and I thought I was done. I eventually saw an opening and swept him when did that again.

GGs (BGs?) haunts. I suck. I've only had the game for less than 2 days. Don't kill me! :lol

Take your damned licks like a man!

GGs spear, sorry i had to run.


ive found sakura to be a good anti gief, at least from my experience, hadoken, jump in with hk, sweep hk, jump back out , rinse and repeat, most giefs dont block too much since they are too busy trying to set up their command throws
I fucking SUCK at this game. At times I wanted to through my controller through my XBR6 cuz I stink so bad. I'm using Abel, and I'm COMMITTED to using him. I'm pretty new to SF, so I'm just getting familiar with other enemies attacks.

Question about Blanca:
How do I beat someone who continually does the roll attack? It takes energy every time I block it, and whenever I try to dash near him he just keeps busting these things out. I'm not sure how to punish him with Abel after I block the attack. Blanca's roll attack retreats by an enormous amount after it's been blocked. Whenever I try to dash up he just hits me with the electricity. god I fucking SUCK. Even when I know their tactics -- roll attack over and over, sonic boom+flash kick, fireball-dragon punch -- I am unable to counter them. I have no projectiles to throw back at them. Do I even have a regular attack that has flames/energy/electricity/whatfckingever? God I stink. HELP

edit: it's a rant. I know I should punish them when they miss the dragon punch. and i try..sorry. no excuses for my shit play


he's Virgin Tight™
I wanna know what kind of wizardry Capcom did to make this game so perfect lag-wise. I don't know why, many opponents are either 2 or 3 bars with me, few 4s, no green (perfect) ever, but nevertheless... the games are SMOOTH. Maybe every once in a while the game will freeze for a split second and come back. Only one laggy match in my whole experience. For fuck's sake I played against someone in JAPAN, 2 bars, and it was PERFECT. I won by the way :lol

Also, yeah, Zangief needs urgent nerfing. I can manage the scrotos online, but I don't know what I would do with everyone choosing him. Chun is weak against hits and her hits aren't strong, yet Zangief has insane priority, strong hits, and a loooot of life.
Digital-Hero said:
This game is fustrating me without an arcade stick.

Also, what is the deal with all the online errors "Unable to play, search again?" when selecting games in the lobby.

I get this a lot, I'm on a slow connection. Sign out and sign back in again to xbox line usually helps.


For those asking about no bonus stages, from Wikipedia:

"It was intended that bonus rounds such as the car-smashing stage from earlier Street Fighter games would return. Ono later stated that the bonus stages would not be in the arcade game, citing the reason to be that the time players spend on bonus stages takes money from arcade operators.[10][11]"

MercuryLS said:
So is this game any good? When I saw it was going to be 3D I kind of ignored it, what's the verdict?
Post #14087


PartlyCloudlike said:
Question about Blanca:
How do I beat someone who continually does the roll attack? It takes energy every time I block it, and whenever I try to dash near him he just keeps busting these things out. I'm not sure how to punish him with Abel after I block the attack. Blanca's roll attack retreats by an enormous amount after it's been blocked. Whenever I try to dash up he just hits me with the electricity. god I fucking SUCK. Even when I know their tactics -- roll attack over and over, sonic boom+flash kick, fireball-dragon punch -- I am unable to counter them. I have no projectiles to throw back at them. Do I even have a regular attack that has flames/energy/electricity/whatfckingever? God I stink. HELP

edit: it's a rant. I know I should punish them when they miss the dragon punch. and i try..sorry. no excuses for my shit play
Good Blankas are tough...I believe you can counter his forward roll by jabbing him as he fly toward you.
Relix said:
I wanna know what kind of wizardry Capcom did to make this game so perfect lag-wise. I don't know why, many opponents are either 2 or 3 bars with me, few 4s, no green (perfect) ever, but nevertheless... the games are SMOOTH. Maybe every once in a while the game will freeze for a split second and come back. Only one laggy match in my whole experience. For fuck's sake I played against someone in JAPAN, 2 bars, and it was PERFECT. I won by the way :lol


I live in AK and have yet to get a game with more than 3 bars. But every game I have played it's still been very much playable.

Ploid 3.0

PartlyCloudlike said:
I fucking SUCK at this game. At times I wanted to through my controller through my XBR6 cuz I stink so bad. I'm using Abel, and I'm COMMITTED to using him. I'm pretty new to SF, so I'm just getting familiar with other enemies attacks.

Question about Blanca:
How do I beat someone who continually does the roll attack? It takes energy every time I block it, and whenever I try to dash near him he just keeps busting these things out. I'm not sure how to punish him with Abel after I block the attack. Blanca's roll attack retreats by an enormous amount after it's been blocked. Whenever I try to dash up he just hits me with the electricity. god I fucking SUCK. Even when I know their tactics -- roll attack over and over, sonic boom+flash kick, fireball-dragon punch -- I am unable to counter them. I have no projectiles to throw back at them. Do I even have a regular attack that has flames/energy/electricity/whatfckingever? God I stink. HELP

edit: it's a rant. I know I should punish them when they miss the dragon punch. and i try..sorry. no excuses for my shit play

If blanka's roll is anything like SF2t you can just punch and damage him. The roll have a low priority and just about anything can hurt him during a roll. The only thing a roll is better than is a block and no block at all it seems.


Junior Member
Relix said:
I wanna know what kind of wizardry Capcom did to make this game so perfect lag-wise. I don't know why, many opponents are either 2 or 3 bars with me, few 4s, no green (perfect) ever, but nevertheless... the games are SMOOTH. Maybe every once in a while the game will freeze for a split second and come back. Only one laggy match in my whole experience. For fuck's sake I played against someone in JAPAN, 2 bars, and it was PERFECT. I won by the way :lol
Ploid 3.0 said:
If blanka's roll is anything like SF2t you can just punch and damage him. The roll have a low priority and just about anything can hurt him during a roll. The only thing a roll is better than is a block and no block at all it seems.

Thanks Ploid. I've used punch a few times and we both ended up being damaged. If I time it right, can I not be damaged? Or will we always both be damaged?


he's Virgin Tight™
Xabora said:

I remember hearing SF4 didn't use GGPO as it was too CPU intensive for a game which was eating away all CPU cycles already. Also, I use GGPO for SF3 and it does get laggy every once in a while, especially with Asian players. None of that happens with SF4.
Saerk said:
Could you just roll through the ball move?

I've actually never tried. I've tried rolling through a few attacks and got hurt, so now I'm sort of roll-shy. Shows how much more I need to learn about this game. Lot's of fun. It turns me into a swearing machine though. :lol


Another question about intro and endings of this game : Why do they pronounce each letter of S.I.N.? They went through the trouble of coming up with an awesome acronym for their organization, just say sin!


needs to show more effort.
PartlyCloudlike said:
I fucking SUCK at this game. At times I wanted to through my controller through my XBR6 cuz I stink so bad. I'm using Abel, and I'm COMMITTED to using him. I'm pretty new to SF, so I'm just getting familiar with other enemies attacks.

Question about Blanca:
How do I beat someone who continually does the roll attack? It takes energy every time I block it, and whenever I try to dash near him he just keeps busting these things out. I'm not sure how to punish him with Abel after I block the attack. Blanca's roll attack retreats by an enormous amount after it's been blocked. Whenever I try to dash up he just hits me with the electricity. god I fucking SUCK. Even when I know their tactics -- roll attack over and over, sonic boom+flash kick, fireball-dragon punch -- I am unable to counter them. I have no projectiles to throw back at them. Do I even have a regular attack that has flames/energy/electricity/whatfckingever? God I stink. HELP

edit: it's a rant. I know I should punish them when they miss the dragon punch. and i try..sorry. no excuses for my shit play
as abel, couldn't you just roll through it? Granted, that doesn't punish the ball but you could just keep rolling until the blanka gets bored and does something else and you won't be taking any damage yourself.

Other good options, depending on your skill in timing them, would be a jump backwards and kick to kick him out of the air, or I think a well timed overhead kick would beat the ball. Whatever that move is where he jumps and spins with his heel.

Even if it trades, blanka takes a tooon of damage if hit out of his ball so trades will be in your favor. If your timing is really good you can also just punch him before he hits you I believe.

I'm also not sure, but would guess, that you can ultra a blocked blanka ball and it will hit.
slayn said:
as abel, couldn't you just roll through it? Granted, that doesn't punish the ball but you could just keep rolling until the blanka gets bored and does something else and you won't be taking any damage yourself.

Other good options, depending on your skill in timing them, would be a jump backwards and kick to kick him out of the air, or I think a well timed overhead kick would beat the ball. Whatever that move is where he jumps and spins with his heel.

Even if it trades, blanka takes a tooon of damage if hit out of his ball so trades will be in your favor. If your timing is really good you can also just punch him before he hits you I believe.

I'm also not sure, but would guess, that you can ultra a blocked blanka ball and it will hit.

I had no idea. Thanks Slayn. I have little awareness how much damage I inflict and receive, so I need to improve on that front. Aggh so much to learn.


Finally beat arcade. Had to take a hit to my pride and do it on easy instead of medium. Did it with Ryu(godamn my thumb burns, Im wearing two wool gloves too as I play:lol )
Unlocked Sakura, shes pretty awesome in this game. Love her ultra. Did some unranked matches and guess who I faced? Ken:lol Of course I picked Ryu but I havent had time to experiment with other characters.

I think I will go through arcade again on medium with Sakura, find her better than Ryu and got a fair bit of practice with her against my brother.

Still gotta figure out how to do the charge attacks for Bison:(

Anyways I will prob be on after 12amEST today for a few hours and if anyone wants to fight me the PSN is KGKK
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