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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

PartlyCloudlike said:
I fucking SUCK at this game. At times I wanted to through my controller through my XBR6 cuz I stink so bad. I'm using Abel, and I'm COMMITTED to using him. I'm pretty new to SF, so I'm just getting familiar with other enemies attacks.

Question about Blanca:
How do I beat someone who continually does the roll attack? It takes energy every time I block it, and whenever I try to dash near him he just keeps busting these things out. I'm not sure how to punish him with Abel after I block the attack. Blanca's roll attack retreats by an enormous amount after it's been blocked. Whenever I try to dash up he just hits me with the electricity. god I fucking SUCK. Even when I know their tactics -- roll attack over and over, sonic boom+flash kick, fireball-dragon punch -- I am unable to counter them. I have no projectiles to throw back at them. Do I even have a regular attack that has flames/energy/electricity/whatfckingever? God I stink. HELP

edit: it's a rant. I know I should punish them when they miss the dragon punch. and i try..sorry. no excuses for my shit play

If you're on XBL we can play, and I can give you some help with Abel. I'm not an expert by any means, but I'm trying to learn him and have picked up a few tricks along the way. Also, watch Justin Wong's videos where he plays Abel. It's nice having one of the elite SF players manning your guy since they'll discover all the sweet combos and setups :)

Specifically for your Blanka issue, I'm 90% sure that Change of Direction will hit, which is a great punishment.

I've only played one or two Blankas though, so I don't have any real strats to offer up. Also don't discount Abel's normals. Specifically his MK and ESPECIALLY his HK. It comes out fast and has great range (haven't tested priority though..). Also for Blanka, you could try FADCing. I'm just guessing here, but if you timed things properly you could probably FADC and do some mean damage.


"I'm Akuma, I'm going to spam fireballs until I get my ex meter up, then I will ultra you then super you as you get back up" Total bs :/


NeoUltima said:
"I'm Akuma, I'm going to spam fireballs until I get my ex meter up, then I will ultra you then super you as you get back up" Total bs :/

Yeah pretty much. people can say what they wont. with akuma ken and ryu you BS you way to win a lot easier than with anyone else.

dfyb said:

air fireballs


Spiderjericho said:
Um noo...too early to tell.

Definitely a nice revival...it's generated a lot of excitement for fighting games (well besides MK VS DC). I hope this spurs them to make more.

Well in my case I can already tell its my favorite of the bunch. Game is downright amazing.


So when should I start to feel improvement in my stick abilities? I put down my SE stick and busted out the Fight Pad a while ago, and it was immensely easier to perform Ultras and combos.

When will this "stick magic" kick in? I am tired of losing matches because poor Abel is left flailing spastically in the corner as I try unsuccessfully to launch into his Utra.

Omar Ismail said:
If you're on XBL we can play, and I can give you some help with Abel. I'm not an expert by any means, but I'm trying to learn him and have picked up a few tricks along the way. Also, watch Justin Wong's videos where he plays Abel. It's nice having one of the elite SF players manning your guy since they'll discover all the sweet combos and setups :)

Specifically for your Blanka issue, I'm 90% sure that Change of Direction will hit, which is a great punishment.

I've only played one or two Blankas though, so I don't have any real strats to offer up. Also don't discount Abel's normals. Specifically his MK and ESPECIALLY his HK. It comes out fast and has great range (haven't tested priority though..). Also for Blanka, you could try FADCing. I'm just guessing here, but if you timed things properly you could probably FADC and do some mean damage.

Thanks for the offer Omar, but I'm on PSN. I'm going to do as you suggested and youtube some of Justin Wong's video. I know everyone says Abel is a very strong character, that's why I'm trying to stay with him. I like Abel's crouching MK because it goes high, and I always try to roll after that. But my thumb has yet to form its callous so it's pretty battered right now, so Im having issues performing Change of Directions and rolls..pretty much any move that requires a circle motion. :lol And I STINK at timing the crouching HP.Probably because I'm very transparent in trying to setup for it, so I appropriately get my ass kicked for trying.


dfyb said:
you should always have a chance on wakeup. if you're in the middle of punching or landing etc, then you deserve to get hit.
It doesn't, I was getting up from the ultra and he was right on top of me basically and did the super. The jump animation may have started but there is not enough time to get away when timed right.

(yeah getting hit by the ultra in the first place was 'my fault' in a sense though, but the super was unavoidable)


343i Lead Esports Producer
NeoUltima said:
"I'm Akuma, I'm going to spam fireballs until I get my ex meter up, then I will ultra you then super you as you get back up" Total bs :/

get in on his ass. jump over one, block another to mix it up and get in.
PartlyCloudlike said:
Thanks for the offer Omar, but I'm on PSN. I'm going to do as you suggested and youtube some of Justin Wong's video. I know everyone says Abel is a very strong character, that's why I'm trying to stay with him. I like Abel's crouching MK because it goes high, and I always try to roll after that. But my thumb has yet to form its callous so it's pretty battered right now, so Im having issues performing Change of Directions and rolls..pretty much any move that requires a circle motion. :lol And I STINK at timing the crouching HP.Probably because I'm very transparent in trying to setup for it, so I appropriately get my ass kicked for trying.

Ya... I think you should work on the fundamentals first before dealing with character specific issues. If you can't even get regular specials to come out consistently then you're going to be at a crippling disadvantage. If doing specials is a problem then I'd suggest taking on a different character that works with normals better. Abel's normals are good, but nowhere near Bison's.


Bacon of Hope
sprockets a scrub. :(

Caj, good games with that viper. keep at it, dont fake unless you have a reason to fake, save EX meter for EX Seismic Hammer. Get your combos down as well. You gotta get the close fierce xx ex siesmo, sjc into burning kick at least.
I had a second SF night at my house. This game is rather popular with my friends. I'm going to get a second HRAP3 so that people can drop in and play without having to bring their sticks...
Abel(JWong) vs Blanka!


I need to play like Justin Wong!!! I like how aggressive he is by using the dash. I tend to overdo it and get hit, probably because my distance is either too far away or too close. And the one thing I've been trying to do more is the Tornado throw, which Wong uses a lot. But, again, I'm usually too far away. I'm pretty sure you miss when they're ducking, too.


Bacon of Hope
Im sorry but akuma takes skill to play well and if you are dying becuase of air fireballs and raging demons than you really need to take a close look at your game. Just ask yourself what can you do to get around air fireballs? Why did they get so close to you in the first place to pop a demon on you? Its just obvious some of you arent even really looking at the reasons why you died but instead just blame the character.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Finally broke 1250 BP, about time! Had been stuck in 500 hell for a while (sorry Abel, till youre up to my Ryu, youre gonna stay offline for a while)

Now Im trying to figure out Sagats Fake kick, annoying.


Junior Member
sprocket said:
akuma is cheap get over it.

He really isn't. I haven't lost to a single Akuma since having the game. His Ultra is the ridicously easy to avoid. And so are his fireballs if you time your jumps and dashes right.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Yeah Akuma takes a ton of damage, so if youre good defending agaisnt a shoto then youll have plenty of chances to get hits in, his air fireballs are annoying till you figure them out and if you get hit by a Raging Demon (that isnt linked) you just need to remember to JUMP


haunts said:
Caj, good games with that viper. keep at it, dont fake unless you have a reason to fake, save EX meter for EX Seismic Hammer. Get your combos down as well. You gotta get the close fierce xx ex siesmo, sjc into burning kick at least.

Any idea how much dmg going from an EX Seismic Hammer to HP Thunder Knuckle compared to SJC into BK? I tried both tonight and I couldn't notice the difference in damage; I think it's just safer to pull off the HP TK, coz it can be pretty easy to whiff the BK after the SJ.

*just noting that ofcourse you can't connect a HP TK from a regular seismic hammer (only works with EX).

EDIT: Nevermind, just checked the attack data on it...SJC into BK does more damage (~220 - 190)
Ugh, alright I'm not the greatest SF player but I've gotten better since previous entries and practice these past few days. Just lost like 200 BP because of cheap bullshit. I was using Balrog and was finally getting the hang of fighting with a charge. It's just god damn frustrating! Brings back painful memories, lol.

Has anyone fought a Rufus who only uses the jump/diagonal kick and the sitting kick bullshit? I couldn't even get a move off and was pinned against the wall. Maybe it's just me sucking hard but if it feels cheap then it is.


Any tips for using a charge fighter against shoto especially?


Worships the porcelain goddess
Raging Spaniard said:
Finally broke 1250 BP, about time! Had been stuck in 500 hell for a while (sorry Abel, till youre up to my Ryu, youre gonna stay offline for a while)

Now Im trying to figure out Sagats Fake kick, annoying.

Grats! I'm at 950 personally...269 fights, 101 wins, 38%. =/ El Fuerte is a tough fucker to learn. Lucky hits from opponents can really be a bitch at times. Oddly enough, I just learned you can Fajita and Press off the wall, which wasn't said anywhere I noticed. =/

I don't understand though, why shelf Abel until he's up to your Ryu? Are you using Ryu for ranked and Abel for un? Seems like you would be risking blowing big points when you finally switch to Abel in ranked against better competition. Just curious.

Edit: Odd note, the only fights I've had no trouble with are vs. Zangief. I just eat him up. o_O I'm sure that'll change though.

Edit 2: I really with Haunts on Akuma.Regarding the air fireballs though, I really wish Capcom would not have added them to the game (any of them).


PSGames said:
He really isn't. I haven't lost to a single Akuma since having the game. His Ultra is the ridicously easy to avoid. And so are his fireballs if you time your jumps and dashes right.

its not that he is hard cheap .. what i am saying is that all a player has to do with akuma ryu or ken is spam the joystick forward down for while tapping the hard puch over and over. doing that they will either do

throw a fireball

do a dragon punch

do a 1 2 combo into a dragon punch

let loose a super

let loose an ultra.

keep doing that and your bound to hit sometime for a lot of damage.

its just irritating not super over powering.


sprocket said:
its not that he is hard cheap .. what i am saying is that all a player has to do with akuma ryu or ken is spam the joystick forward down for while tapping the hard puch over and over. doing that they will either do

throw a fireball

do a dragon punch

do a 1 2 combo into a dragon punch

let loose a super

let loose an ultra.

keep doing that and your bound to hit sometime for a lot of damage.

its just irritating not super over powering.
it'd be impossible to pull off a super/ultra doing that as akuma...

and if they're spamming like that, just block and punish as they land. you're probably one of those people who are going all out offense all day.


Awww had my first drop today lol, against a ken named ShinobiXhunter. Im loving this game, 1 drop in 20 hours not so bad. Anyone having bad luck with drops?

AZ Greg

sprocket said:
its not that he is hard cheap .. what i am saying is that all a player has to do with akuma ryu or ken is spam the joystick forward down for while tapping the hard puch over and over. doing that they will either do

throw a fireball

do a dragon punch

do a 1 2 combo into a dragon punch

let loose a super

let loose an ultra.

keep doing that and your bound to hit sometime for a lot of damage.

its just irritating not super over powering.

So basically, what you're saying is that the Shotos are cheap because their entire arsenal and some of their basic combos are easy to execute? Then what happens in a couple of months when most people have the basics down with everyone? This is why I liked what Sirlin did with HDR. I remember reading one of his articles and he mentioned that he wanted to make execution less of an issue. That's why some of the moves were simplified. He wanted to get players past execution and to strategy. Because of their familiarity and relatively easy move set, the Shotos allow beginners to play at a level above button mashing and random actions. It isn't their fault that you are at step 1 with a less familiar character.

I don't think it's a coincidence that the same people who don't have trouble vs. the Shotos are the same people who have been playing a lot of SF (Frequent posters in the HDR threads for example) and thus have relatively few problems with them.

TLDR: Quit sucking!

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Kintaro said:
Grats! I'm at 950 personally...269 fights, 101 wins, 38%. =/ El Fuerte is a tough fucker to learn. Lucky hits from opponents can really be a bitch at times. Oddly enough, I just learned you can Fajita and Press off the wall, which wasn't said anywhere I noticed. =/

I don't understand though, why shelf Abel until he's up to your Ryu? Are you using Ryu for ranked and Abel for un? Seems like you would be risking blowing big points when you finally switch to Abel in ranked against better competition. Just curious.

Edit: Odd note, the only fights I've had no trouble with are vs. Zangief. I just eat him up. o_O I'm sure that'll change though.

Edit 2: I really with Haunts on Akuma.Regarding the air fireballs though, I really wish Capcom would not have added them to the game (any of them).

Im not fluid with Abel at all, maybe Im just having a bad day since I was doing great with him yesterday, but I get stuck in the sense that Ill find myself not moving too afraid to make a move and Im losing pretty embarrassingly. Ill still play as him in SP and unranked till his moves become second nature to me, but in ranked I wanna move up and fight the better guys so that I can get used to that ASAP. Although also in ranked matches if the other guys chooses the Ryu/Ken/Akuma it affects who I pick, if they go non traditional and pick somebody else I may go with Chun Li (my 3s main, so I got some skills) Abel or Sagat, just to keep it interesting :)

I think what youre doing is the right thing to do btw, when that Fuerte clicks, youre gonna be making some serious damage.
whoever on gaf is Longmeat.. he has a strong Abel. the first Abel player that gave me trouble,
it took me a few matches to start understanding what was going on.

I was only able to beat his Abel with Honda and Balrog.. I always use beefy chargers against grapplers


if only Vega Claw could output a tad more damage, he could win more often, it is such a pisser that they had to make Vega's damage so low. Oh well, here is hoping for the Champion Edition 2nd Impact in the future.


Bacon of Hope
KdoubleA said:
Any idea how much dmg going from an EX Seismic Hammer to HP Thunder Knuckle compared to SJC into BK? I tried both tonight and I couldn't notice the difference in damage; I think it's just safer to pull off the HP TK, coz it can be pretty easy to whiff the BK after the SJ.

*just noting that ofcourse you can't connect a HP TK from a regular seismic hammer (only works with EX).

EDIT: Nevermind, just checked the attack data on it...SJC into BK does more damage (~220 - 190)

Also depending on how far away the ex siesmo hit the thunder knuckle may wiff altogether. In a lot of cases if I hit with ex siesmo outside of combo its from like 3/4 across the screen so have to super jump to catch them.
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