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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


DiddyBop said:
i have a custom stick and i couldn't use a square gate to save my life,lucky thing my seimitsu joystick came with an adjustable gate. i honestly could not pull of a hadoken or anything with a square gate,i have no idea how ppl use it:lol

Weird, I have no issue doing qcf motions with a square gate and i'm a japanese stick noob since wednesday. Actually they come out for me better then any other input device i've used. Ditto for QCFx2 supers And I loooove the square gate for charge characters.
Yea i love the square gate for my Vega.. I do awesome with him..

But christ I can't do any other character like Sagat, Fuerte, Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Sakura, Rose, etc..

I practice and it never stays consistent...



Dreams-Visions said:
yea, dogg.

input speed is the name of her game. here are some examples of effective Viper play:


those times where she flashes and just keeps walking? all fakes (canceled seismo's)

you'll get the idea. and getting the execution will come with time.

I'd say an arcade stick is a must to master her...but I've not tried her with a d-pad, so I'm not 100% sure.

Goddamn. I always felt that Viper was really good, but I could never use her right. I'm just not fast enough right now. :(
just lost about 10 times in a row. Between the two people I played, I lost to the first guy 7 times. He was the host, playing Ryu the entire time while I ran with Abel. I kept playing and plaing and playing, and every time we returned to the lobby I kept saying to myself "you're gonna have to kick me out." Either I won his admiration for my tenacity, or he just enjoys beating my ass, but he added me to his Friends list. Turns out he's from France. The thing is, I know he's not "good." By that, I mean he just performs the special moves. No combo stringing, no real strategy. But he continues to whoop my ass, so who am I to criticize. LOL. My blocking his horrible. I'll string together a nice 5-hit combo of cross medium kick, short jab, and then the change-of-direction combo. Then he'll come back and hurricane kick my ass making us even in the energy department again. FUCK. The closest I got was winning a round, and admittedly a lot of the rounds were close. But when we both had a sliver of energy left, I was clumsily trying to land a quick, and he simply swept my ass. Speaking of Ryu, he seems really quick. When we're close, he'll perform that double-hit fierce punch. I"ll block it, immediately attempt a low roundhouse kick, but his roundhouse will beat mine!! From a blocked fierce punch to a low roundhouse, how the fuck did his sweep get in before mine?!?!

AGGGH. I've just logged into Flower, maybe that game will soothe my frayed nerves.
My honda just got destroyed by a geif, do his fucking grabs cancel out everything!? Guy was grabbing me outta headbutts, hundred hand slaps, basically anything I did near him. Made me turn off my xbox for the night...


The Everyman
Dreams-Visions said:
yea, dogg.

input speed is the name of her game. here are some examples of effective Viper play:


those times where she flashes and just keeps walking? all fakes (canceled seismo's)

you'll get the idea. and getting the execution will come with time.

I'd say an arcade stick is a must to master her...but I've not tried her with a d-pad, so I'm not 100% sure.
oh yeah ive seen that before, there was one reaaally cool combo in it.

and i get the practicallity of all the cancels but...

it looks soooo not cooooool

cool is what viper's all about :D


Broke and lost 1000bp a couple times today with Fuerte. I got myself the Secret Agent Chicken icon. Its so cool, but then I saw someone have King Chicken. I'm jealous.


SwitchBladeKneegrow said:
My honda just got destroyed by a geif, do his fucking grabs cancel out everything!? Guy was grabbing me outta headbutts, hundred hand slaps, basically anything I did near him. Made me turn off my xbox for the night...

Zangief is just way too fuckin powerful.


SwitchBladeKneegrow said:
My honda just got destroyed by a geif, do his fucking grabs cancel out everything!? Guy was grabbing me outta headbutts, hundred hand slaps, basically anything I did near him. Made me turn off my xbox for the night...

Honda's Oicho throw is the same way, and actually has better priority than the SPD. It's so good, in fact, that Honda can grab Chun-Li out of her Ultra if blocked. You can also Oicho throw between the second and third hit of Abel's Change of Direction if you're quick with your fingers.
DarkSloth said:
Broke and lost 1000bp a couple times today with Fuerte. I got myself the Secret Agent Chicken icon. Its so cool, but then I saw someone have King Chicken. I'm jealous.
King Chicken is either a few hundred or so wins or 400+ games played..

Something to that nature.. got it a while back.
"Weird, I have no issue doing qcf motions with a square gate and i'm a japanese stick noob since wednesday. Actually they come out for me better then any other input device i've used. Ditto for QCFx2 supers And I loooove the square gate for charge characters."

I think square gates would make a lot more sense for people if they play a charge character with one first.
Linkzg said:
what exactly is the difference between selecting stick and pad in the control menu?
Nothing I think its just 2 diff saved properties so you can plug in two diff things and not have to adjust controls each and every time. just switch the category.


Ragequitter after I beasted on his (decent) Gief with Rose..... and wow at his gamerscore :lol



The Everyman
Teknopathetic said:
"Weird, I have no issue doing qcf motions with a square gate and i'm a japanese stick noob since wednesday. Actually they come out for me better then any other input device i've used. Ditto for QCFx2 supers And I loooove the square gate for charge characters."

I think square gates would make a lot more sense for people if they play a charge character with one first.
are square gates d pads?
TurtleSnatcher said:
Nothing I think its just 2 diff saved properties so you can plug in two diff things and not have to adjust controls each and every time. just switch the category.

k, thanks. That actually will come in handy when switching between the mad catz pad and VSHG.


Phthisis said:
Honda's Oicho throw is the same way, and actually has better priority than the SPD. It's so good, in fact, that Honda can grab Chun-Li out of her Ultra if blocked. You can also Oicho throw between the second and third hit of Abel's Change of Direction if you're quick with your fingers.

Spinning Pile Driver can grab Chun Li out of her Ultra as well, I did it earlier tonight. Although maybe I am getting confused and it was his ultra that did it.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
MIMIC said:
Zangief is just way too fuckin powerful.

Lariat beats everything Honda has except low forward it seems.

I'm having trouble doing oichio ticks for some reason. Is the timing different?


PhatSaqs said:
Ragequitter after I beasted on his (decent) Gief with Rose..... and wow at his gamerscore :lol

I got tired of stupid messages like that pretty fast. There are way too many idiots playing these games.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
PhatSaqs said:
Ragequitter after I beasted on his (decent) Gief with Rose..... and wow at his gamerscore :lol

Haha, rad. Ill admit to getting pissed when I lose because a player spammed a move too much, but its really my fault for falling for things like that.

Somebody should tell that guy that pressing PPP MAGICALLY makes Gief go trough fireballs

Ploid 3.0

I decided to pick the game up so I looked at the move list. It's like they specifically designed this for arcade stick and just gave a big screw you to controller users. I always had a problem with 3k, and 3p move characters and specifically stayed away from them. Now every character use this scheme. Well at least it's not 360 motion for everyone I guess :\. I did some practicing in SFHD on classic. It was very hit or miss when doing blanka's hop.

For people playing this on a controller what's your setup? I'm thinking of putting the 3p and 3k buttons on L1 and L2. Man now about those ex moves. Punches on x and square, kicks on o, and triangle. And focus will be screwed. This will be awkward. Maybe I should have stuck with SFHD after all.

I hate quiters in SFHD with a passion. It's cool when they stop and try to exit the game at the beginning of the first round, but when they're obviously quitting because they're losing in friendly match it sucks. It probably wouldn't bother me if the lobby had to load, in order to allow me to go back to the main menu to try to find another opponent.


Raging Spaniard said:
Haha, rad. Ill admit to getting pissed when I lose because a player spammed a move too much, but its really my fault for falling for things like that.

Somebody should tell that guy that pressing PPP MAGICALLY makes Gief go trough fireballs
What about an El fuerte with constant body slams? How can anyone get mad at that, its hilariously great. :D
Ploid 3.0 said:
It's like they specifically designed this for arcade stick and just gave a big screw you to controller users.

That's because it was. Street Fighter has always been an arcade game. SF4 isn't an exception. It was released in arcades last year.
Ploid 3.0 said:
I decided to pick the game up so I looked at the move list. It's like they specifically designed this for arcade stick and just gave a big screw you to controller users. I always had a problem with 3k, and 3p move characters and specifically stayed away from them. Now every character use this scheme. Well at least it's not 360 motion for everyone I guess :\. I did some practicing in SFHD on classic. It was very hit or miss when doing blanka's hop.

For people playing this on a controller what's your setup? I'm thinking of putting the 3p and 3k buttons on L1 and L2. Man now about those ex moves. Punches on x and square, kicks on o, and triangle. And focus will be screwed. This will be awkward. Maybe I should have stuck with SFHD after all.
It honestly isn't too bad. Thankfully you can map the 3p and 3k buttons to buttons at least.

I can't use L1 or L2 because its just awkward

Maybe you should try finding a MadCatz fight pad as well?

Duke Togo

I swear, 50% of this game is about keeping your cool under pressure. I don't know how many times I've seen people fall apart after you land a good combo on them. I love this shit.
-COOLIO- said:
oh yeah ive seen that before, there was one reaaally cool combo in it.

and i get the practicallity of all the cancels but...

it looks soooo not cooooool

cool is what viper's all about :D
almost all her long combos are linked with ex seismo + super jump + flaming kick.

cr. lk + st. lk + cr. mk + thunder knuckle + exceismo + super jump + flaming kick = profit.

for example.


Ploid 3.0 said:
I decided to pick the game up so I looked at the move list. It's like they specifically designed this for arcade stick and just gave a big screw you to controller users.

I wouldn't say that. I'm using a DS3 right now. I will probably get a stick later, but in all honesty, the command input windows are considerably larger and more lenient in SFIV than they ever have been in any Street Fighter (including HD Remix). They did about as solid a job as they could have done to make things more manageable for d-pad users.

When it comes to stuff like consistent FADCs, and some of the hard challenges, things are a bit different.


Bacon of Hope
Xevren said:
Start taunting, it really brings out the water works. :p

I taunted today... this guy was playing cammy and yesterday he beat me 3x n a row.. i was so pissed.. well he found me on ranked again after I had studied cammy last night after the losses and it was like night and day from the previous fight. On the third match I taunted him, he did his ultra, i blocked and punished with mine. haha. i felt like a dick but i hate scrubby cammy play with random drill sand cannon spikes all over the place. Im not used to the match up so just not 100% of what to punish with sometimes...

but yeah, taunting is so satisfying in situations like that, like yeah MFer i figured you out. lol.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Ploid 3.0 said:
I decided to pick the game up so I looked at the move list. It's like they specifically designed this for arcade stick and just gave a big screw you to controller users.

Not to be a smartass, but this is technically an ARCADE GAME. Jus' sayin'

One thing that bothers me with some moves (El Fuerte has one of them) is when they land on top of you and hit you even if youre blocking since they technically landed behind you, its tricky, annoying and I always fall for it >: \

Ploid 3.0

GalacticAE said:
That's because it was. Street Fighter has always been an arcade game. SF4 isn't an exception. It was released in arcades last year.

I know, but every character with controller finger twister moves now? I remember trying dhalsim's teleport when it was three buttons and moving on to characters that were usable with the snes controller. This is a console game after all.

Raging Spaniard said:
Not to be a smartass, but this is technically an ARCADE GAME. Jus' sayin'

One thing that bothers me with some moves (El Fuerte has one of them) is when they land on top of you and hit you even if youre blocking since they technically landed behind you, its tricky, annoying and I always fall for it >: \

I know I know. It's just surprised me.

Edit: Ported to console. Stick should have been packed in guitar hero then. Expensive game.
PhatSaqs said:
Ragequitter after I beasted on his (decent) Gief with Rose..... and wow at his gamerscore :lol

i think I'm gonna PM him and let him know he's been exposed at NeoGaf as a quitter.

lol @ people who don't know how to punish constant fireballers. keep practicing boys.


Bacon of Hope
Whats your BP at now Saqs?

Dreams-Visions said:
almost all her long combos are linked with ex seismo + super jump + flaming kick.

cr. lk + st. lk + cr. mk + thunder knuckle + exceismo + super jump + flaming kick = profit.

for example.

thats not a viper combo.. why are you making shit up? lol.
Ploid 3.0 said:
I know, but every character with controller finger twister moves now? I remember trying dhalsim's teleport when it was three buttons and moving on to characters that were usable with the snes controller. This is a console game after all.
SF4 can be played effectively without all the fancy combos. just maybe not at the highest levels.

I think that's the beauty of the game. It's approachable for all. Anyone can do a basic fireball or shoryuken. jump in and sweep. you can get some wins. and when you get better, you'll have begun employing combos.

best thing you can do is get good in the trial challenges. if you can master them, you'll be well on your way to beasting scrubs.


Worships the porcelain goddess
haunts said:
I taunted today... this guy was playing cammy and yesterday he beat me 3x n a row.. i was so pissed.. well he found me on ranked again after I had studied cammy last night after the losses and it was like night and day from the previous fight. On the third match I taunted him, he did his ultra, i blocked and punished with mine. haha. i felt like a dick but i hate scrubby cammy play with random drill sand cannon spikes all over the place. Im not used to the match up so just not 100% of what to punish with sometimes...

but yeah, taunting is so satisfying in situations like that, like yeah MFer i figured you out. lol.

I need to do this. I have no clue how to approach Cammy atm. I taunt against Blanke match ups now. I was having a ton of trouble, but got it figured out so the Blankas were backing off not knowing how I was coming at them so I just kept doing Fuertes little dance taunt. :lol
I taunt sometimes for fun. I never mean disrespect when I do it. I've taunted against people here and I hope they didn't think I was being an ass.:lol

Just a while ago, I landed Dhalsim's Ultra -> Teleport -> Super and I taunted afterward because I was excited IRL. I also make sure to do Fuerte's "VIVA" taunt when I fake out my opponent a few times or land his ultra. I always have his music playing in my head when I play as him.

Ploid 3.0

Zeliard said:
I wouldn't say that. I'm using a DS3 right now. I will probably get a stick later, but in all honesty, the command input windows are considerably larger and more lenient in SFIV than they ever have been in any Street Fighter (including HD Remix). They did about as solid a job as they could have done to make things more manageable for d-pad users.

When it comes to stuff like consistent FADCs, and some of the hard challenges, things are a bit different.

Oh cool thanks. This is nice to hear. Confident again. Hop is important to my blanka (picked him up after getting SFHD).


Any one have luck with Chun Li's last combo (#5) on Challenge mode Trail Hard? I checked out the youtube guy's vid, but it's not working for me. I'm having problems linking the kicks after the EX focus attack knock down.
The In-Laws pushed me over 2000 BP today :D

I love that people think that I'm a scrub when I choose Ken, and then they get a good surprise out of it. Everyone chooses him because he is so damn fun to play, and reckless. Guile is my steady Neddy.

<3 this game.
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