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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps



:lol I really need to send in my xbox for repair! I've encountered this issue in most of my games. It looks hilarious when you're playing since they're stuck in that pose even when you're jumping / attacking.

Edit: Added video for laughs.


On my first really bad losing streak. Lost about 400 BP straight ;_; And Capcom needs to fix this awful match making system. If the game is full, then stop fucking listing them as a possible match. I can't tell you how many times the same full game continued to show up after multiple searches.

EDIT: ^^ wtf :lol


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
MIMIC said:
On my first really bad losing streak. Lost about 400 BP straight ;_; And Capcom needs to fix this awful match making system. If the game is full, then stop fucking listing them as a possible match. I can't tell you how many times the same full match continued to show up after multiple searches.

EDIT: ^^ wtf :lol

Host your matches, solves the full issue.
Wow. Unlocking all the characters but Seth all over again was annoying. I wonder what corrupted my save. I don't think it was saving when I turned off my 360.

MIMIC said:
On my first really bad losing streak. Lost about 400 BP straight ;_; And Capcom needs to fix this awful match making system. If the game is full, then stop fucking listing them as a possible match. I can't tell you how many times the same full game continued to show up after multiple searches.

EDIT: ^^ wtf :lol

Just turn on Ranked Match in Arcade Mode. You should get games going pretty easily.
I am really surprised by how much I'm loving Bison. His cross up is sexy, his EX moves are sexy, standing hk is sexy, his combos are insanely fun. I don't even mind the fact that I don't really have many options to pull off an ultra.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Baloonatic said:
How exactly do you unlock Seth? I completed Arcade mode with all the starting characters but nothing happened.

You have to beat arcade mode with everyone, that includes all the unlockable characters, even the tricky ones like Akumi & Gouken.
Baloonatic said:
How exactly do you unlock Seth? I completed Arcade mode with all the starting characters but nothing happened.

Maybe you have to unlock everyone's movies. Did you go through Arcade a bunch of times with one character, lose when you got to Seth and then choose a new person?


My thumb:( Thank god I'm right handed as I have exams next week so I won't need my left thumb to write.
Fucking hate Seth and Zangeif. Honestly I think Zangeif is as hard as Seth.
Seth is a piece of cake the first round, but the second round? My god he unleashes a whoopass. So far I have unlocked Sakura and Dan.
Played a few online unranked matches, sucks a lot of people use Ryu as he is the only one I have used. Sakura I'm pretty good with now too.
Played my buddy from school, holy shit at Akuma. Had some good games with him but was wondering, can you dodge or block Akuma's special? It didn't seem that way.
Did I mention I hate Zangeif? I'm trying to complete the Survival Challenge 5 and he is the enemy at stage 10. Rest of the people I wipe out fine and dandy with plenty of time left over but Zangeif? Nooooooo.
Hell I think it took me about an hour alone in arcade on easy(not very easy or easiest) to beat him with Sakura. Fucking bastard.
Hopefully the thumb gets better tomorrow, can't use it for anything now.:D

Edit: So I finally got a hang of Bison's charge stuff, its gonna take some practice though. I didn't realize you actually have to hold down or back for more than one second, more like 3 seconds.


Does anyone know any good site for noob guide for chains and similar?

I'm on Trial level 3, and I can't understand how I am supposed to do for example an Heavy Punch and then Shoryuken. People are saying you are supposed to press the 1/4th circle motion and then punch as soon as the HP animation is over, but I can't get it to work.

Is this what's called "chain"?
Sinatar said:
You have to beat arcade mode with everyone, that includes all the unlockable characters, even the tricky ones like Akumi & Gouken.

That sucks if true, I'm nowhere near good enough to unlock those two.

def sim

Anyone here know what to do, as a shoto, against a Rose player who knows what he's doing?

Is it really all foot work? Going into the air other than retreating is pretty much suicide.


MirageDwarf said:
Is it possible by any chance to unlock Gouken without ultra? If I randomly get successful ultra combo in between the round, does it count?


2 Perfects and 3 Ultra's right? After beating with Akuma?


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Dante said:
WTF I thought you guys were exaggerating about the Ken thing. But like 90% of the people who challenge me online use him, Is there any way to filter out your challengers?

I remember hearing that such a thing was planned- so I got a feeling it might be in the patch.


rance said:
Anyone here know what to do, as a shoto, against a Rose player who knows what he's doing?

Is it really all foot work? Going into the air other than retreating is pretty much suicide.

I'm going to hope it was my Rose you played so that my self-esteem is boosted after my horrible losing streaks tonight :lol

Rose is really good against shotos. If you can get her trapped in a corner and keep pressure on her, she isn't that great in close. She's most dangerous at mid to far range against people like Ken and Ryu.
Teknopathetic said:
I am really surprised by how much I'm loving Bison. His cross up is sexy, his EX moves are sexy, standing hk is sexy, his combos are insanely fun. I don't even mind the fact that I don't really have many options to pull off an ultra.
Yeah, I started picking him up just recently and it's nice how all his EX moves including Teleport have invincibility frames. Bison on wakeup is one tricky mofo.

Plus it's always fun pulling off j.MP > MP > land > Ultra


Well fuck me. First time encountering a player Seth. Good lord. Even a few Goukens along the way tonight which was really fun. The rest were shockingly Sagats. Jump back kick, jump back kick, hoping to god I fall for moving in to get caught into the Ultra. Fell for it the first time. Never again after that. But then I just started losing. It's late. Mind is moosh for them damn aliens. I'm off to bed. Thankfully those were just all Player matches. If those were Ranked, I'd be fucked out of my 1500 points. Peace.

def sim

Phthisis said:
I'm going to hope it was my Rose you played so that my self-esteem is boosted after my horrible losing streaks tonight :lol

Rose is really good against shotos. If you can get her trapped in a corner and keep pressure on her, she isn't that great in close. She's most dangerous at mid to far range against people like Ken and Ryu.

Nope, not yours. A buddy of mine.

Well shit, so footsies on the corner then? Damn, that's a bit lame.


MirageDwarf said:
I can pull off perfect easily but as taku said it has to be ultra finishes which is totally luck by chance for me right now.

Ultra finishes aren't too hard at all, and believe me I am no expert at this game, I'd suggest practicing them in training mode.


Why the hell is it so hard to link more than one crouch jab with a flash kick? Is this game that anal about button input timing? Shouldn't the last jab and the flash kick be a 2 in 1? Any tips on how to do this more consistently?

ETA: Just to prove that I wasn't crazy, I popped in Alpha 3 and the 3-hit combo is insanely easy to pull off (jab, jab, flash kick). This game? I can barely pull it off.


aka Ryder
MIMIC said:
Why the hell is it so hard to link more than one crouch jab with a flash kick? Is this game that anal about button input timing? Shouldn't the last jab and the flash kick be a 2 in 1? Any tips on how to do this more consistently?

ETA: Just to prove that I wasn't crazy, I popped in Alpha 3 and the 3-hit combo is insanely easy to pull off (jab, jab, flash kick). This game? I can barely pull it off.

I noticed this as well. Try medium punch.


:lol Just to prove that I'm pressing the right buttons, I turned on the input commands option in Training Mode. Here's what it said I input. From bottom to top:

(down) charging

No flash kick in the end. WTF

ETA: Er.....when I go the two hit combo, here's what it says I'm inputting. From bottom to top:

(down) charing

@_@ Is that what I'm inputting? A double up?
As I mentioned before, combo strings in this game require the last hit to be linked in order to cancel into a special. You're probably doing the second jab too fast and it's canceling the previous jab, not linking it.


Bacon of Hope
MicVlad! Good games dude, you're def one of the better ppl ive played from GAF. Your Sim is super crazy, never played a sim like that before. :lol
Teknopathetic said:
As I mentioned before, combo strings in this game require the last hit to be linked in order to cancel into a special. You're probably doing the second jab too fast and it's canceling the previous jab, not linking it.
I don't know if this has been posted before, but considering this thread moves so fast, I figured it'd be interesting to post this especially if you're having problems with links.


Eventhubs said:
In case you're not familiar with a Link, it's when the hit-stun is long enough from one move to allow you to combo with another attack. The catch here is that the first move's animation must have completely ended before you can hit with the second attack.

This is unlike Canceling which allows you to interrupt the animation.

Link timing can be tricky — to say the least — but Street Fighter 4's lifebars offer an indicator on when you should press the button next, and since timing on these in most cases is very strict, it's quite helpful.

Here's what to look for.


The two orange/yellow indicators move from left to right as soon as you strike your opponent, representing their recovery time after being hit. When the indicator is almost all the way to the right, do your move.

Also with this indicator you can clearly see which attacks are capable of being Linked. Nifty.

Nice of Ono to provide such subtle touches. :D

EDIT: Apparently, it's more of a visual thing than an actual indicator since the pulse flows at a constant speed regardless of hit stun, etc. Yet it can be used as another visual clue in helping in your timing and moving on from there.
The thing is donkey show, I'm not entirely sure that's actually legit. The pulse definitely doesn't seem like it really actually gauges hit stun and it's just a nifty coincidence that SOME links happen to work by using it.
Teknopathetic said:
The thing is donkey show, I'm not entirely sure that's actually legit. The pulse definitely doesn't seem like it really actually gauges hit stun and it's just a nifty coincidence that SOME links happen to work by using it.
Hmmm, I'll definitely have to test it when I get back home from work if that's the case.

EDIT: It looks like a bunch of mixed results as of now from other people who have tried. Doesn't hurt to attempt though. If anything, it's just another visual cue that will assist in your timing.


ok so I played for about 12 hours strait on saturday morning/afternoon, cannot remember the last time I've done that

got all fighters, best thing to do it very easy three round to win to give yourself extra rounds for Perfects and Ultra-enders

how are you supped to do Sagat's FakeKick???


The timing for Bison's last challenge is destroying me. I can occasionally get the first for hits in but I will then end up screwing up the Scissors Kick. I've spent far to much time trying to do this thing. :lol
wi@tt said:
ok so I played for about 12 hours strait on saturday morning/afternoon, cannot remember the last time I've done that

got all fighters, best thing to do it very easy three round to win to give yourself extra rounds for Perfects and Ultra-enders

how are you supped to do Sagat's FakeKick???
Yes, I can't figure it out as well.


The Ken hate makes me sad :(

I've been playing Ken for nearly 18 years and I'm pretty damn good with him.

Ken is faster/flashier than Ryu so newbies like him, but you can still be good with him.

And people forget that Ken was a God tier in the (horribly unbalanced) SF3, so a lot of players who learned on that game, which was the last major arcade game of the series (non VS.) come in playing him.

I play Sagat a lot as well and even though Sagat is a better character in SF4, and is "teh pwn", I do far better with Ken. In fact, I've lost only 2 matches so far as Ken online.

I'm not saying I'm amazing at this game with him, but I grimace a little when I read all the Ken hate because there's good Ken mains out there.

So to read things like "I wish I could filter out all Ken players" makes me sad.
Jackson said:
The Ken hate makes me sad :(

I've been playing Ken for nearly 18 years and I'm pretty damn good with him.

Ken is faster/flashier than Ryu so newbies like him, but you can still be good with him.

And people forget that Ken was a God tier in the (horribly unbalanced) SF3, so a lot of players who learned on that game, which was the last major arcade game of the series come in playing him.

I play Sagat a lot as well and even though Sagat is a better character in SF4, and is "teh pwn", I do far better with Ken. In fact, I've lost only 2 matches so far as Ken online.

I'm not saying I'm amazing at this game with him, but I grimace a little when I read all the Ken hate because there's good Ken mains out there.

So to read things like "I wish I could filter out all Ken players" makes me sad.

It's not really "ken hate." It's hating all the people who pick Ken and just throw out random DPs. Not that they're hard to beat or anything, but it's boring as hell.


Is it possible to cancel into an Ultra? I'm using Guile and I have the LK+MK+HK all isolated to the right trigger. I do a sonic boom, cancel to go into the Ultra (hitting the right trigger) but he keeps doing his regular super combo.
You cannot cancel into ultras (unless you're dan). With guile, you can link into the ultra from super, though. Or after a crumple hit from a focus attack.


OK, I've been playing Street Fighter for years and I'm a little behind on the definitions (and differences) between linking, chaining, and canceling (and probably other terms) so I've probably been asking the wrong questions :lol


I am in love with this game so much I've just cancelled all my plan's today as after this mornings bike ride I did a little gaming diary post about this game and have decided to play online all day.

See you online GT: Gowans007

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