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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Ploid 3.0

Label said:
Ran into one awesome bug tonight whilst playing!

I had to clear my HDD's cache to fix it. :lol

[IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q46/Label0/sf4bug1.jpg [/QUOTE]

Did this glitch pop up on PS3 yet? I hope this gets fixed via patch if so. Also I hope dcing or quitting during a match lose you rep points or whatever. If people can quit without risk they'll do it.

I mostly play friendly games though but people still quit those mid fight (SFHD).
jdub03 said:
The key to seth is trips. He's really easy once you know how to fool him with sweeps.

I don't think you understand the magnitude of my bullshit. He'll chain together a bunch of indefendable combos and if I go anywhere near him I get fucked up

Ploid 3.0

striKeVillain! said:
Seriously, I'm hoping a patch is on the way. What is it with companies that can't test their games online before release?

Also, how can I unlock costumes?

The purchase costumes, or the alternate colors of the default costumes?


Ledsen said:
Whyyyy isn't lk Cannon Drill safe on block :( :( :(
I'm more mad about the fact that the hooligen throw doesn't work when the opponent is crouching, makes it use less, at least cannon strike is so full of win
NameGenerated said:
Create your own lobby or turn on arcade requests in Arcade mode.

You will get matches within seconds.

Yeah, just setting yourself up for Arcade Mode Requests is the easiest way to find matches. I barely have time play one arcade match before I'm interrupted by a challenger.


Second-rate Anihawk
The easiest way to beat Seth in arcade mode is spamming the spinning lariat with Zangief. I beat him on hardest without breaking a sweat.


DoctorWho said:
Yeah, just setting yourself up for Arcade Mode Requests is the easiest way to find matches. I barely have time play one arcade match before I'm interrupted by a challenger.

I had to turn it off because it was throwing off my rhythm for getting Ultras. I couldn't remember how many I did :lol


Zeliard said:
What do you use as Balrog/Boxer's bread 'n butter combo?

Wish I knew. I'm not that good with him :(.

It's suppose to be c.lp,c.lp,c.lk->headbutt. But hell if that ever connects, I can never slow it down enough in matches. I do do EX Dash Swing Blow->c.mp->headbutt alot though.
He's impossible to beat with Gen. If I'm far all he does is throw sonic booms, if I get closer he'll Dhalsim my ass, a bit closer after that and he sucks me in with his bullshit and then pulls off a crazy combo, if I jump at him he'll just fuck me up. I've been trying for almost a fucking hour now.

did i mention he constanly disappears and reappears and is impossible to hit?


Is there a trick for Sakura vs Ken as Sakura ? Yeah I win most of those matches but hell, Ken seems to be a tough matchup for Sakura.


Is anyone else finding the inputs for Akuma's Super (and Ultra) way more forgiving than in any other version of SF?

I've never been able to pull it off before, but it comes out pretty much ^95% of the time in SF4 :lol
BitchTits said:
Is anyone else finding the inputs for Akuma's Super (and Ultra) way more forgiving than in any other version of SF?

I've never been able to pull it off before, but it comes out pretty much ^95% of the time in SF4 :lol
It's especially deadly if you have both ultra and super meters ready. You can input one of them and if they cross you up, the other one still comes out.
BitchTits said:
Is anyone else finding the inputs for Akuma's Super (and Ultra) way more forgiving than in any other version of SF?

I've never been able to pull it off before, but it comes out pretty much ^95% of the time in SF4 :lol

It is easier. You can even hold back/forward while inputing the rest of the moves and it will still come out.


I can't do C. Viper's Focus -> EX Thunder Knuckle -> Ultra in the 3rd challenge mode at all. What's the timing on that damn Ultra? >_<


Narcosis said:
I didn't get Gouken to unlock until I beat arcade with every other character (including Akuma) then beating it with someone who I had already previously beat the game with.
Heh, last night after Gouken wouldn't unlock I went and beat arcade with every other character I hadn't done so with. After reading your post I just went back and tried again with Akuma and whadoyaknow.


Soooo what BnB combos does everyone use with Ryu? I'm not that good, so I'm having a hard time linking lp,lp,lp,mk,fb. To cross-up I use j.mk,cr.hp,fb. If I have EX meter I sometimes replace the fb with an EX hurricane kick. I also use cr.mk,fb quite alot since it has good range. If I land a focus attack I do f+hp,srk.
Rektash said:
I did complete all of them with Sakura. Do the following:

- Watch Dan fly up when u uppercut him. I am serious, as it will help alot.
- Execute the Ex Super a tad after he starts to descent.
- profit.

Does the Shoryuken version matter? I'm using the weak version so I have enough recovery to pull her Ex super. It seems like I need to knock Dan higher to give the Ex super more time. I tired Shoryuken variations with the combo, to no avail.

I'm watching Dan intently. There's hardly enough time to get the her Ex Super off before his body is halfway down. Is there a trial vid with someone doing it? A user mentioned it was posted somewhere. There must be something I'm missing...


ph33nix said:
He's impossible to beat with Gen. If I'm far all he does is throw sonic booms, if I get closer he'll Dhalsim my ass, a bit closer after that and he sucks me in with his bullshit and then pulls off a crazy combo, if I jump at him he'll just fuck me up. I've been trying for almost a fucking hour now.

did i mention he constanly disappears and reappears and is impossible to hit?

When I beat him with Gen I remember using his rapid punch attack a lot. I donno if you have been trying that but it seemed to work well enough for me. I jumped in with a fierce punch at an angle he doesn't seem to like to dragon punch at or when I see an opening (sonic boom), ram down on the fierce punch button and eventually he fell.
Guled said:
I'm really loving Cammy even tho she has only 2 useful attacks, but I'm having trouble with Blanka. Anyone have anytips to deal with him?
only 2? hell, her cannon, uppercut kick thing and ball roll into throw are great moves.


Ferrio said:
Wish I knew. I'm not that good with him :(.

It's suppose to be c.lp,c.lp,c.lk->headbutt. But hell if that ever connects, I can never slow it down enough in matches. I do do EX Dash Swing Blow->c.mp->headbutt alot though.

Yeah, that's the thing about the links. It actually works better if you do them slower, because as Tekno noted earlier, if you do it too fast it can think it's canceling the previous move instead of linking it.

And as you pointed out, going slower in a live match isn't the easiest thing in the world. That first combo is huge when you get it down, though, especially since you can follow it up with an Ultra.

I also abuse c.lp, c.lp, c.lk, lp dash straight just to mix it up from the headbutt finisher.

My issue with linking comes when I try to link, say, a crouching jab into a standing jab. I'm not as consistent with it as I should be. That's why I try to keep my combos to the crouching variations, usually, but I obviously need to get that down at some point.

BitchTits said:
Is anyone else finding the inputs for Akuma's Super (and Ultra) way more forgiving than in any other version of SF?

I've never been able to pull it off before, but it comes out pretty much ^95% of the time in SF4 :lol

It's definitely tons easier than it was in HD Remix. I would say that goes for pretty much all of the moves in the game. The input windows are just larger across the board in SFIV.


Over 2000 Battle Points now. I actually fought a Gen in ranked. I was amazed.

Sorry Gowans007 for leaving the party. I was having a hard time playing with the mic in my ear.
Strider2K99 said:
I can't do C. Viper's Focus -> EX Thunder Knuckle -> Ultra in the 3rd challenge mode at all. What's the timing on that damn Ultra? >_<
i assume you can handle the first 2 parts.

you need to make the ultra motions as soon as she goes into her TK animation. just keep doing the motion...hit the punches when she gets to the other side.

speed, speed and more speed with Viper.


Dreams-Visions said:
only 2? hell, her cannon, uppercut kick thing and ball roll into throw are great moves.

The Cannon Drill is never safe on block like the lk version was in HDR, which makes it risky unless used in a combo. The Cannon Spike is awesome indeed. Hooligan Throw can't hit crouching opponents anymore which makes it quite bad :( But she did get an awesome new Dhalsim drill.


The Everyman
viewtiful_dru said:
I want to play this game online sooo badly, but the MP button on my stick is broken (so no Focus/Ultras for the characters that use 3P), and I can't execute well on a controller.

I've been doing challenge mode all day without having MP, it sucks.
Stupid DOA4 stick.
assign 3x punch to your heavy punch?


People need to stop saying you need to beat the game with everybody to get Gouken. I only beat it with the 6 you need for the other hidden characters and Akuma(not sure if beating it with Akuma is needed or not). Then I went back through with Ryu and got a match with Gouken.
Ledsen said:
The Cannon Drill is never safe on block like the lk version was in HDR, which makes it risky. The Cannon Spike is awesome indeed. Hooligan Throw can't hit crouching opponents anymore which makes it quite bad :( But she did get a great new Dhalsim drill.
oh? I have only played 2 Cammy's, so I haven't had a real chance to learn how to matchup with her. good to know that Cannon drill move isn't safe and the roll through the air into throw is ineffective if crouching. I didn't know that. I thought it was all this time. :)
in arcade mode i do ok with blanka but online i get raped by all this ryus / kens / sagats when they start doing fireballs i dodge them with ppp + down but they never stop then and i cant use my horizontal roll (flying into damn fireballs sonic booms etc) ,_, how do you play as blanka? the super and ultra is hard to pull off for me because you have to charge it like the roll and with the gamepad i have a lot of trouble doing the right move :lol


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
maniac-kun said:
in arcade mode i do ok with blanka but online i get raped by all this ryus / kens / sagats when they start doing fireballs i dodge them with ppp + down but they never stop then and i cant use my horizontal roll ,_, how do you play as blanka? the super and ultra is hard to pull off for me because you have to charge it like the roll and with the gamepad i have a lot of trouble doing the right move :lol
I was watching Darksydephil's online fights and the majority of them are Blanka vs. Scrotos. Watch for tips and hilarious commentary.



maniac-kun said:
in arcade mode i do ok with blanka but online i get raped by all this ryus / kens / sagats when they start doing fireballs i dodge them with ppp + down but they never stop then and i cant use my horizontal roll ,_, how do you play as blanka? the super and ultra is hard to pull off for me because you have to charge it like the roll and with the gamepad i have a lot of trouble doing the right move :lol

I'm not a blanka player, but I've used him successfully here and there against fireball spammers. Your best move is your charge back->forward + kick (he does like a flip backwards then does a loopy roll forward). You can also just absorb the fireballs and build up ultra. It'll scare them. I haven't jumped much with Blanka but if I recall it's pretty good. I typically jump over one fireball and get them scared. Then they might stop throwing them because they want to shoryuken your ass. If you see that they stop throwing fireballs out... just walk forward. You'll eventually get to them and beat them down considering they only know 3 moves (fireball, sweep, dragon punch).


Strider2K99 said:
I can't do C. Viper's Focus -> EX Thunder Knuckle -> Ultra in the 3rd challenge mode at all. What's the timing on that damn Ultra? >_<

It's gotta be in/near a corner so when you do the EX knuckle you'll be close enough to hit the Ultra. Otherwise you'll just whiff it.


striKeVillain! said:
Ah, my mistake. Colors.
You can get colors in time attack and survival

Time Attack Normal 1 = Color 3
Time Attack Normal 2 = Personal Action 2
Time Attack Normal 3 = Title
Time Attack Normal 4 = Title
Time Attack Normal 5 = Title
Time Attack Normal 6 = Color 5
Time Attack Normal 7 = Personal Action 4
Time Attack Normal 8 = Title
Time Attack Normal 9 = Title
Time Attack Normal 10 = Title
Time Attack Normal 11 = Color 7
Time Attack Normal 12 = Personal Action 6
Time Attack Normal 13 = Title
Time Attack Normal 14 = Title
Time Attack Normal 15 = Title
Time Attack Normal 16 = Color 9
Time Attack Normal 17 = Personal Action 8
Time Attack Normal 18 = Title
Time Attack Normal 19 = Title
Time Attack Normal 20 = Personal Action 10

Time Attack Hard 1 = Title
Time Attack Hard 2 = Title
Time Attack Hard 3 = Title
Time Attack Hard 4 = Title
Time Attack Hard 5 = Title

Survival Normal 1 = Color 4
Survival Normal 2 = Personal Action 3
Survival Normal 3 = Title
Survival Normal 4 = Title
Survival Normal 5 = Title
Survival Normal 6 = Color 6
Survival Normal 7 = Personal Action 5
Survival Normal 8 = Title
Survival Normal 9 = Title
Survival Normal 10 = Title
Survival Normal 11 = Color 8
Survival Normal 12 = Personal Action 7
Survival Normal 13 = Title
Survival Normal 14 = Title
Survival Normal 15 = Title
Survival Normal 16 = Color 10
Survival Normal 17 = Personal Action 9
Survival Normal 18 = Title
Survival Normal 19 = Title
Survival Normal 20 = Title

Survival Hard 1 = Title
Survival Hard 2 = Title
Survival Hard 3 = Title
Survival Hard 4 = Title
Survival Hard 5 = Title


Jaruru said:
Good games Askia47. will play with you again :D
my Dhalsim isn't good enough. :p

Yup! Good games Jaruru. Even though I think your Dhalsim is pretty effective, as well your Honda. I'm looking forward to playing you again. :D


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
Bought the game, and I had decided to main C.Viper from the start. I was dissapointed she got lumped in the low tier but checked Shoryuken.com today and I was surprised to see she is considered top right now awesome.

Start arcade mode on normal, all is fun and I got a big ass grin on my face. Oh shit, it's Abel. Meh, minor road bump, nothing too bad.

And then


Dear, Capcom. FUCK YOU! :lol


TheCardPlayer said:
Bought the game, and I had decided to main C.Viper from the start. I was dissapointed she got lumped in the low tier but checked Shoryuken.com today and I was surprised to see she is considered top right now awesome.

Viper is nasty in the right hands.
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