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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


EraldoCoil said:
Look what i ran into last night!!!!


sonicspear64 said:
GGs to TurtleSnatcher. I suck! :lol
GG's Sonicspear - You have a really good Dan. Nice work.

The whole time I was trying to save up super to pull off a roll then cancel into the roll.. Never worked :(

Stupid game!

Good Games to KittenMaster too. Just keep working at the Fei Long. He is a tough character to play against.

My Fuerte game is improving. The guy is versatile but sometimes its hard to get the first knock down to start the chain..

Anyone have a good counter against DP's and wakeups like that when people are fighting your Fuerte?


Jaruru said:
for survival normal:
where quota says 4 WINS but there are 8 stages (level 1-4)
where quota says 8 WINS but there are 12 stages (level 5)

is this normal?
I'm on level 6 right now...

Yeah. The quota is the minimum to get through, but you only get a bronze medal
if you make it through the 4 stages after quota, you get a gold, i'm pretty sure

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Bklind select is alright I guess, but SF IV replicates the Arcade experience, and in the arcade you always know who your enemy is picking. I say pick who you wanna play as, let the world know that! and then play hard.

None of that sneaky shit. Specially after reading Sirlins blog, its like he thinks ST is the perfect game and nothing should be different from that (hes also a game designer, so he cant help but criticize everything that he hasn't made, it happens a lot)

PLus, I love seeing the other players thought process, they cycle trough Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Ryu, Akuma, Ryu, Akuma and then pick Ken :lol


Cowie said:
Just to put what I could to rest, i started that new save and did some Gouken research
a log of what I did

So, things I found
-Akuma will not appear until Sakura, Dan, Rose, Gen, Cammy, and Fei Long have been unlocked.
-I got Akuma to appear after 2 perfects and 2 ultras, but the minimum requirement could be lower (but more than 1 perfect 1 ultra, which did not work)
-Gouken will appear after unlocking Akuma, but he did not unlock after I beat him, which leads me to believe you must beat the game with Akuma to unlock Gouken
-Gouken will NOT appear the first time you beat the game with a character, as shown with Sagat.
-The number 2 perfects and 3 ultras is floating around, and I'm willing to take that over my 3 perfects and 3 ultras, I just wanted to be safe.

So, my testing wasn't completely perfect, but I'm pretty confident saying that the unlock conditions for Gouken are

-Beat the game with Ryu, Sakura, M. Bison(Dictator), Chun Li, C.Viper, Abel
-Get something like 2 perfect finishes and 2 ultra finishes without continuing to face Akuma, defeat him to unlock him (uncertain if this needs to be done with a character you've beaten the game with before)
-Beat the game with Akuma
-Playing with a character you have already beaten the game with, get 2 perfect and 3 ultra finishes without continuing to make Gouken appear, Defeat Gouken to unlock him.

Why would I put so much time into doing this again? Gah.

I did 1 perfect, 0 ultra to get to Akuma.


Jaruru said:
for survival normal:
where quota says 4 WINS but there are 8 stages (level 1-4)
where quota says 8 WINS but there are 12 stages (level 5)

is this normal?
I'm on level 6 right now...

Yes. If you do it full you get a crown with jewel and more bonuses I think.

Edit: Slower then a bear after meeting zanGief.
Jaruru said:
for survival normal:
where quota says 4 WINS but there are 8 stages (level 1-4)
where quota says 8 WINS but there are 12 stages (level 5)

is this normal?
I'm on level 6 right now...
Yeah. If you fill your quota, no more, you get a bronze. If you win a cple more games, you get silver. If you win it all, you get gold. Something along those lines.


Worships the porcelain goddess
TWO rage quitters! A Zangief and a Sagat! The Sagat is MrJoeyyy on PSN. HA! I was ruining his Sagat in the 3rd round when he quit. Pussy. One good combo from Sagat and I'm fucked as Fuerte. :lol


To unlock Gouken, I think you have to already have beaten the game with Akuma. I faced Gouken, beat him but didn't unlock him. I have since beaten it with Akuma so I'll report back whether or not it worked.
Raging Spaniard said:
Bklind select is alright I guess, but SF IV replicates the Arcade experience, and in the arcade you always know who your enemy is picking. I say pick who you wanna play as, let the world know that! and then play hard.

None of that sneaky shit. Specially after reading Sirlins blog, its like he thinks ST is the perfect game and nothing should be different from that (hes also a game designer, so he cant help but criticize everything that he hasn't made, it happens a lot)

PLus, I love seeing the other players thought process, they cycle trough Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Ryu, Akuma, Ryu, Akuma and then pick Ken :lol
A lot of times, they will cycle around guys, I concede and choose Gat and then they pick Ken. A) Ken doesn't counter Gat, so why even bother waiting? AFAIK, they were gonna pick him no matter what. Then they proceed to suck badly and lose. Why did they even waste time? Did they have to get the last word (last choice)?


Will drop pants for Sony.
EraldoCoil said:
Look what i ran into last night!!!!



I threw the fight just to take the pic lol

i don't remember if everyone thought the last one was a shop, but i guess it's not, any conformation if this costume will be in the DLC pack?

oh and sry for the poor image quality

whoa, I thought I saw all the costumes for the women in the DLC set and that was not one of them.


I need an arcade stick asap!
I have a bit of a weird problem as in when I am facing right I cant pull of specials and ultras to save myself. But when I am facing left they pretty much just roll of the pad (trey) It is the ones that require the 2 quarter circle motions that are getting me the most.
MANGOD said:
I need an arcade stick asap!
I have a bit of a weird problem as in when I am facing right I cant pull of specials and ultras to save myself. But when I am facing left they pretty much just roll of the pad (trey) It is the ones that require the 2 quarter circle motions that are getting me the most.
You're like the 3rd or 4th person to mention this... I always thought people had an easier time on the left considering thats the side the majority of your playing/practicing is done on.
so on the airfield stage, boxer is in the plane riight? my cousin and i decided to see if we can get him to go away. if you one of you is playing boxer, claw will show up. if you have both boxer and claw, dictator will show up in the plane.

i thought it was kinda cool. :lol


Trucker Sexologist
Kintaro said:
TWO rage quitters! A Zangief and a Sagat! The Sagat is MrJoeyyy on PSN. HA! I was ruining his Sagat in the 3rd round when he quit. Pussy. One good combo from Sagat and I'm fucked as Fuerte. :lol
Don't people know that rage quitting still counts as a loss, or do they only want to deny other people the win? Either way, it's really petty and childish, and I wish there was some kind of way to screen those players out.


Starting up a 8 person party for SF IV games in 360 in ten mins, if anyone wants just jump in and hop around playing, talk tip etc. Just let me know in this thread.
SapientWolf said:
Don't people know that rage quitting still counts as a loss, or do they only want to deny other people the win? Either way, it's really petty and childish, and I wish there was some kind of way to screen those players out.
You can avoid them on 360, but only after the fight... and avoiding them isn't a 100% way to never see them again. But maybe after a while they will get sick of losing rep and either stop doing it or stop playing the game.
neojubei said:
whoa, I thought I saw all the costumes for the women in the DLC set and that was not one of them.

Apparently there is a costume switch for her 10th color in the DLC pack. Nobody else has it as far as I know... :(


MIMIC said:
To unlock Gouken, I think you have to already have beaten the game with Akuma. I faced Gouken, beat him but didn't unlock him. I have since beaten it with Akuma so I'll report back whether or not it worked.

It worked. I beat it (again) with E. Honda, faced Gouken, beat him and now he's unlocked....for me, at least. At least 2 perfects (I had 4, IIRC) and EXACTLY 3 Ultra finishes


Won said:
Also unlocked Seth. Finally.....they should have thrown some more goodies in there. Bad anime movies are not a good motivation to keep you going.

That is the goddamn truth right there. I will never watch those movies again unless I want to show people the worst part of SFIV.


EraldoCoil said:

Vampire Sakura?

Just tried out the online today, Wow it was amazing. I went on a 19 unbeaten run with Sagat, got to 1000 points until I got schooled by a fucking turtle Dhalsim.
SapientWolf said:
Don't people know that rage quitting still counts as a loss, or do they only want to deny other people the win? Either way, it's really petty and childish, and I wish there was some kind of way to screen those players out.
I never saw the point in quitting during a match. I think that there's always something to be learned from your opponent, especially if they're able to defeat you.


Gowans007 said:
Starting up a 8 person party for SF IV games in 360 in ten mins, if anyone wants just jump in and hop around playing, talk tip etc. Just let me know in this thread.

I'll join up. Gamertag = Ronabo

Let me jump on box.
Jaruru said:
for survival normal:
where quota says 4 WINS but there are 8 stages (level 1-4)
where quota says 8 WINS but there are 12 stages (level 5)

is this normal?
I'm on level 6 right now...

As many have mentioned, if you simply want the prize and a bronze medal...go for the quota. I think there is an achievement for the gold medals. It gets ridiculous about level 12...

I'm working on getting all of the gold medals right now. I was playing with Ken. But Zangief is a lot easier (as someone suggested). Either glove and SPD...or clothesline, low roundhouse, SPD. Just be careful on which character you spam against. Cammy and Viper don't fall for the clothesline.

Cool to see the new costume. Still doesn't change that I'm going to wait until they release the all encompassing costume pack. $12 vs. $20.
Jimmy Stav said:
Sakura obsession is pretty creepy fyi.
I almost dated a girl (fooled around a bit, asked her out, got rejected) that was kinda tomboyish, but still very pretty, studied the martial arts and could kick most peoples' ass. She's like "the one that got away" for me, and I can totally see her in Sakura. :D Except for that boy-cut, oh how I hate that.


EraldoCoil said:
Look what i ran into last night!!!!



I threw the fight just to take the pic lol

i don't remember if everyone thought the last one was a shop, but i guess it's not, any conformation if this costume will be in the DLC pack?

oh and sry for the poor image quality

It is Sakura's 10th color in the Beauty DLC thats out in Japan.
I want to play this game online sooo badly, but the MP button on my stick is broken (so no Focus/Ultras for the characters that use 3P), and I can't execute well on a controller.

I've been doing challenge mode all day without having MP, it sucks.
Stupid DOA4 stick.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Gowans007 said:
inv sent, four of us in at the mo
How is this going to work?

I'll get in on this.


riskVSreward said:
You're like the 3rd or 4th person to mention this... I always thought people had an easier time on the left considering thats the side the majority of your playing/practicing is done on.

I just bought an arcade stick and have the exact same problem. I have a much easier time doing QCFx2 from the player 2 side.


Bluemercury said:
i want to buy an arcade stick to play this, how are the madcataz ones???

I am loving my SE Stick. Takes a while to get used to it, but its solid. I guess some people's are busted, but I don't have any issues.


Just got my ass handed to me with someone using Abel. :lol I caught him off guard with my Rufus the first round by knocking off 3/4 of his life without him hitting me and then he started busting out these crazy combos into ultras. I was so helpless. :lol

His PSN was Satsui_Ryu.
Label said:
Ran into one awesome bug tonight whilst playing!

I had to clear my HDD's cache to fix it. :lol

:lol :lol :lol :lol

I hope that doesn't happen to me.


Kintaro said:
I didn't say you were. But I mean, if people are going to say it, some links to back these statements up would help. In the end, it's all down to skill no matter what. I think it's an excuse to be honest. If they pick a "counter" character, so what? More practice to make any of that mean absolutely nothing.

Matchups have always been hugely important to Street Fighter. Some characters require very different strategies to fight against than others.

Raging Spaniard said:
PLus, I love seeing the other players thought process, they cycle trough Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Ryu, Akuma, Ryu, Akuma and then pick Ken :lol

I love how often this happens. :lol
Fuck the A.I on easiest when using Seth, especially against Seth himself is fucking bullshit. What the fuck is it with fighting games and the Easiest setting, It's not cool, it's not funny, it should be fucking easy.

I died less on the hardest setting for heaven's sake.
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