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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


bounchfx said:
this is my biggest issue with the game, I think.

I think it adds a neat element of strategy to the game. Ultras do fill up quickly, but they can also be difficult to hit against good players, since they will often be blocked or dodged unless you link into them. And if you whiff an Ultra, you're left wide open for someone to hit you with their own highly damaging combo (including a possible Super or Ultra).

It puts even more of an emphasis on properly timing when and where to try certain moves.
ggnoobIGN said:
What is the tier list? I'm a newb so it really doesn't matter but I'm interested.
tier lists are usually compiled by fans on message boards based on voting. Any list you see now is really based on first impressions more than anything. There are still many combos/tactics yet to be discovered for various characters thus any list you find now is guaranteed to change over the next month or two

But Im curious as well
Using a pad seriously limits my options of attack. With Ken, I usually use crossup MK, c.MK, any strength hurricane kick besides EX because I can't reach the left trigger to EX it. The same goes for target combo into HP srk since I can't EX that either. :(


Suburban Cowboy said:
tier lists are usually compiled by fans on message boards based on voting. Any list you see now is really based on first impressions more than anything. There are still many combos/tactics yet to be discovered for various characters thus any list you find now is guaranteed to change over the next month or two

But Im curious as well
The game has been been out for awhile though, right? I mean at least in arcades? So there should be at least a decent understanding of the game. Though I'm not sure if there are major differences outside of control scheme. This was the one I found from shoryuken.com:

"This was the most recent tier list from Tougeki Damashii:

S +

Sagat, Viper, Akuma, Zangief


Ryu, Balrog, Rufus, Blanka

Chun li, M. Bison, Ken, Dhalsim, Abel, Honda, El Fuerte

Vega, Guile"


Chamber said:
True. I wish she had a projectile.

I desperately want to be at least average with her.

Problem I have with Viper is she seems almost too technical. That ground pound is cool, but so easy to miss if you pick the strength punch. If you do land it, you can leap and combo but thats tough too. You have to make sure you time her super right cuz it is very easy too miss, and if you do you are extremely vulnerable TWICE (right after the initial ground pound, and then again after she decides to jump in the air even though she whiffed).

Compare this to Sagat, whose super is anti air, with good range and high damage. Buff fireballs, easy to combo Tiger knee and uppercut. Its no wonder why people stick to the shotos.

Gonna watch some Viper vids though to see if they change my mind. I know shes top tier now, but damn need to learn the techniques


love on your sleeve
lawblob said:
Yeah, I fear im' not good enough to adequately play with her. As you saw in our fights, I am heavily dependent on numerous aerial kicks; without them I am basically screwed. :lol
Oh, I noticed. The damn EX Wheel Kick was killing me. :lol

ggnoobIGN said:
What is the tier list? I'm a newb so it really doesn't matter but I'm interested.
Everyone else.
Ok, so should I continue to use Chun-Li, or should I go another route? My ass keeps getting whipped online by either Ryu or fucking Ken, and it's getting a tad old. Should I switch? Cause this shit is getting ridiculous.
Suburban Cowboy said:
tier lists are usually compiled by fans on message boards based on voting. Any list you see now is really based on first impressions more than anything. There are still many combos/tactics yet to be discovered for various characters thus any list you find now is guaranteed to change over the next month or two

But Im curious as well

I posted this a few pages back, but the thread is flying...


just beat arcade mode on hardest difficulty and beat gouken. Found a sure fire way to go through arcade mode like its set on easiest mode. Now ill go for that achievement "beat it on medium or higher with every character" , only I'll set it to hardest difficulty. Its so easy now:lol


Phthisis said:
Input lag is killing me today. I've got to agree with Sirlin on that one.

Yeah. I've only just started playing...I won my 2 matches a couple of days ago, and today I just lost 3 in a row. It really annoys me when I see an attack, try to block it but it's already too late. You have to be psychic.

Couldn't find anyone with a green ping either. All one red bar.


So Seth doesn't have top tier potential. He seems beastly. So does gouken. Anybody have any thoughts on these two characters.
Neodiablo22 said:
Has anyone played the game with the regular xbox 360 controller and then compared it with a joystick or one of those sf4 gamepads? I'm currently using the 360 controller and keep going back and forth on if I would improve my gameplay by getting a different controller.

You -will- improve your game if you go with a fightpad and an arcade stick. However, with the arcade stick you might have to get used to it first and suck it up for the first few days of suckage. But ultimately the arcade stick provides the best use of -all- characters. Even the fightpad is a bit prohibitive on some charge/hold and 360 motion characters.


SimpleDesign said:
Is everyone seriously using Ken that much online? I haven't gone online yet, is this something that's occurring over both PSN & Live?
Ken/Ryu/Akuma are 95% of my online fights
I really hate diagonal harukens
LukeSmith said:
I'd prefer Blind Select to the ritualistic pre-game dance of who is picking who.

I just pick whoever I want regardless of who they are going to pick. This way, they can pick their Ken and we can get on with the match.

Really, with or without blind select my decision will probably be the same.
jdub03 said:
just beat arcade mode on hardest difficulty and beat gouken. Found a sure fire way to go through arcade mode like its set on easiest mode. Now ill go for that achievement "beat it on medium or higher with every character" , only I'll set it to hardest difficulty. Its so easy now:lol

What is your technique? I didn't even realize that was an achievement....

I'm playing the third survival hard trial...I'm up to 64 wins...WOW
SimpleDesign said:
Is everyone seriously using Ken that much online? I haven't gone online yet, is this something that's occurring over both PSN & Live?
I'd say roughtly 50% of the matches feature Ken.

another 30% are Sagat.

10% Ryu

the final 10% spread between everyone else.


Junior Member

What the flying fuck.
I just fought someone that on the second round lag went crazy and I couldn't do shit, right around when they had half health. hmmm....


Man I can't get the Trial 5 for Rog. The Light Punch->Heavy Kick link is impossible. It's gotta be like a 1 frame window or something.


Worships the porcelain goddess
bounchfx said:
this is my biggest issue with the game, I think.

Eh, I think it's fine. There's two levels of Ultra and it's a REVENGE meter. The chance for a comeback is always there and adds to the fights.


Subete no aware
Just wanted to quote myself, hoping to get an answer. :lol
I'm really curious to see what the fifth level trial challenges are, but I can't get through the combos. :(

firehawk12 said:
Can someone explain the timing for cancel combos? I'm stuck on the level four trial challenges for pretty much every character.

Like, with Ken, he has one that goes something like:

Jump HK
EX Focus

And I am having a lot of troubling linking the HK to the Shoryuken. Do I start the Shoryuken motion the moment I press the HK button? Or do I need to wait until I hit before I start the motion?
I'm really stuck. Either my Shoyruken comes out late and gets blocked or I don't even do the move because it didn't read my joystick motion.

Any advice please! :)


Spiderjericho said:
Just beat him on Hardest with Zangief. The clothesline is your friend...trust me...

correction just beat Gouken on Hardest to get the Legendary Champion achievement...

Zangief is great for the time trials and survivals.

Ken, Ryu...dictator if you know how to use him work well too...
thats who I used... how did you get gouken? I got Akuma.

I mean... I already have Gouken... I just want to get the Legendary achievement.


SimpleDesign said:
Is everyone seriously using Ken that much online? I haven't gone online yet, is this something that's occurring over both PSN & Live?

From the sound of this thread it seems to be mostly a US PSN thing. I get a good variety here on X360 in Europe. Well most of the time. Sunday night now was a Akuma/Ryu/Ken fest. I can't complain. Still need the practice against them. Also got a winning streak of 6, which is awesome after getting destroyed so often the last 2 days. :lol


Omar Ismail said:
Here's my response to Sirlin's article

Ugh, Sirlin.

Response to his usual shit (I know I'll get bitched at again for not liking him. I don't care!)

1- Seeing an opponent's name in ranked matches. Simple and valid complaint, I guess. My hunch is they included it so that if you get continually raped by the same person in ranked matches, some people will get pissed off and stop playing, so they included this functionality.

2- No double blind character select. I like double blind, but it doesn't affect me (nor should it affect anyone). Tiers and the like have no meaning once both players are high-level players who will always pick the same characters no matter what. This isn't GG where there are hard counters to other characters (i.e. the old Slayer/Potemkin matchup)

3- GGPO and lag online. Capcom already mentioned on SEVERAL OCCASIONS that they were unable to make more efficient netcode run alongside the rest of the game. Point closed.

4- Button config screen: Sure, it's the "wrong way". But only if you change your buttons AT EVERY SINGLE FIGHT. Do you? I don't think so. Do stick players ever change their button config? I don't think so. Everyone I know (with 1 or 2 exceptions) plays with their button config the exact same way, so if we're on pads we set it and forget it (like our good friend Ron Popeil)

5- Floaty jumps. That I agree with, but I've NEVER seen a 3D fighter that had 2D jumps. Not once. SF4 is the closest so far, but it's still very different from 2D fighters.

6- Optimizing for 1% rather than 99%. That's a completely ridiculous complaint. Pretty much EVERY fighter out there has a Quick Recovery action when hitting the ground. Why complain about it in SF4? VF has it. DoA has it. Tekken has it. CvS2 has it. Lots and lots of games have it. I really don't understand his "99% of the time, I want to get up quickly". 99% of the time, I want to hit my opponent, but I have to hit buttons! OMGZ!

7- 2-button throws. I *love* 2-button throws. It brings 2 things to the game: no more accidental throws (happens a lot, especially with Ryu's F->HP in HD Remix) and 100% intent. If I throw, it's because I want to throw. There's no way I can "accidently" throw. Moves that use that as throws are also awesome, because they actually make those game moves EASIER. (Why isn't Vega's Izuna Drop like that confuses me as Cammy's and Akuma's are). Using kara as a basis for it being bad is a joke, right? I've never seen him complain about RCs in CvS2, so why complain about karas?

8- The chain cancel "bug" isn't a bug, obviously. It's developer intent. Using Guilty Gear damage scaling is a good idea, but at the same time SF4 isn't exactly a 10 billion hits combo game either. It's not THAT big of a deal. I'm willing to bet that more than 90% of the people playing SF4 won't even realize it's there.

9- The game is filled with 1-frame links. Sure, they're freaky hard to do. SF has always had links, though. And they're certainly not required for winning. They help if you master them. And being hard, they carry a higher risk - if you whiff them (and if they're 1-frame, I don't care who you are, you WILL whiff them sometimes) you're wasting time you could have used to perform a different combo. I guess it could be a problem in very high-level matches, but again, for most of the population, it's a non-issue.

10- Pumping ultras is just dumb. I dunno about anyone else, but I only use ultras in combos and when it's a guaranteed hit (whiffed shoryuken, etc). Oh noes, he pumps them all the time! Doesn't it sort of make you predictable?

11- Focus cancelling. Once again, the typical "too many actions for a single intent" thing. First of all, Focus is 2 things in once: it's both an extra hit AND a roman cancel. Some combos don't use the dash cancel part of Focus attacks. I agree that it's difficult to perform, but it's an advanced maneuver that opens up a lot of opportunities.

12- Casual-friendly stuff. The game is designed so it will please both the hardcore and the casual SF player and it does achieve it quite well. If you grew up playing SF2 but stopped, you'll be right at home with very few things to learn to get into the beat (super bars and EX moves). You don't need FADCs to win. You don't need to perform links to win. You don't need any of these things to have fun at ALL. At its core, Capcom has managed to come out with a game that is accessible yet has a lot of potential depth. Lately fighters have either been hardcore about execution or very open to button mashing. SF4 is neither of those.

The unlocks I'll agree to. I spent a shitload of time to get all the characters unlocked, and I understand it'll piss off some people. It did piss me off as well, but then again a lot of games have had unlockable characters that had much more ridiculous requirements (MvC2 time-based unlocks anyone?)

I have complaints of my own about the game, but they're mostly interface-related and while they are annoyances it's not a dealbreaker.


firehawk12 said:
Just wanted to quote myself, hoping to get an answer. :lol
I'm really curious to see what the fifth level trial challenges are, but I can't get through the combos. :(

When you start the motion is dependent on how fast you are. But you have to end the motion as the HK is hitting.


Spiderjericho said:
What is your technique? I didn't even realize that was an achievement....

I'm playing the third survival hard trial...I'm up to 64 wins...WOW

Zangief and his spinning lariat. I just noticed someone posted about it earlier. I use the punch one since it hits more times then the kick one. Get a few feet in from of them and do it just as there getting up. Most of them try and Focus attack you. The lariat hits twice so it wrecks them. It also cancels most super and ultra combos. This even works on seth. Though when he gets his ultra you should watch out.

Edit- watch out for Cammy though. You'll have to use the KKK lariat since that one has invincibility frames on his feet.
Jirotrom said:
thats who I used... how did you get gouken? I got Akuma.

I mean... I already have Gouken... I just want to get the Legendary achievement.

I just clothes lined all day...got a few perfects and super or ultra combos...

He'll just keep trying to focus your clothes line and eventually get dizzy.

I'm still playing the third hard survival...I'm on stage 91...


firehawk12 said:
Just wanted to quote myself, hoping to get an answer.
I'm really curious to see what the fifth level trial challenges are, but I can't get through the combos. :(

Originally Posted by firehawk12:
Can someone explain the timing for cancel combos? I'm stuck on the level four trial challenges for pretty much every character.

Like, with Ken, he has one that goes something like:

Jump HK
EX Focus

And I am having a lot of troubling linking the HK to the Shoryuken. Do I start the Shoryuken motion the moment I press the HK button? Or do I need to wait until I hit before I start the motion?
I'm really stuck. Either my Shoyruken comes out late and gets blocked or I don't even do the move because it didn't read my joystick motion.

Any advice please! :)

Cancelling involves cancelling the animation of the first move into the second move. You have to perform the move while the animation for the first attack is playing, and you must press the button AFTER the hit has been done.

If the game doesn't register your cancels, you're doing one of two things:

1- You did the motion + button too soon (before the initial attack lands)
2- You didn't perform the motion correctly

You also usually have a window to cancel, meaning that you have to do it within a specific amount of frames after the hit lands. SF4 doesn't have late cancels (as far as I know!) so you need to be fast.

A good rule of thumb is to start the motion for the special move right after you've hit the button for the initial attack. It should be quick enough.

(Oh, and don't get your hopes of for Level 5 normal trials. They're Links trials, and while they're annoying they're not as fun to do as the Level 4s).


firehawk12 said:
Just wanted to quote myself, hoping to get an answer. :lol
I'm really curious to see what the fifth level trial challenges are, but I can't get through the combos. :(
Well...it is hard as hell took me like 15 minutes trying nonstop. Do the Shuryoken as soon as the second HK makes contact. I also suggest you map focus attack to a single button to make that part easier as well.


Bacon of Hope
Good post TimeKiller, I feel like he is being way too nit picky in that article. The two buttons throws, the ultra inputs, quickrising, all of it seems to be pretty petty. The button config thing does annoy me but you're right with your own retail copy you dont change the buttons often anyway.
jdub03 said:
Zangief and his spinning lariat. I just noticed someone posted about it earlier. I use the punch one since it hits more times then the kick one. Get a few feet in from of them and do it just as there getting up. Most of them try and Focus attack you. The lariat hits twice so it wrecks them. It also cancels most super and ultra combos. This even works on seth. Though when he gets his ultra you should watch out.

Oh that was me... Ultra is easy...just wait for him to do it...then proceed with the clothes line.

Gouken and Gouki are easy. Just keep clothes lining. Gouken moreso, as he'll keep focus attacking and eventually get dizzy. Gouki will throw fireballs which the clothes line will counter. If you see the Shun goku satsu...jump.


Spiderjericho said:
I just clothes lined all day...got a few perfects and super or ultra combos...

He'll just keep trying to focus your clothes line and eventually get dizzy.

I'm still playing the third hard survival...I'm on stage 91...

If its set to 3 rounds then its 2 perfects and 3 ultras. If its one round then its probably 1 perfect 1 ultra. I'm not sure though.


Spiderjericho said:
I just clothes lined all day...got a few perfects and super or ultra combos...

He'll just keep trying to focus your clothes line and eventually get dizzy.

I'm still playing the third hard survival...I'm on stage 91...
see... I do the lariat over and over again... I can get a few perfects... but Ultras dont happen...


TimeKillr said:
Ugh, Sirlin.

Response to his usual shit (I know I'll get bitched at again for not liking him. I don't care!)

1- Seeing an opponent's name in ranked matches. Simple and valid complaint, I guess. My hunch is they included it so that if you get continually raped by the same person in ranked matches, some people will get pissed off and stop playing, so they included this functionality.

2- No double blind character select. I like double blind, but it doesn't affect me (nor should it affect anyone). Tiers and the like have no meaning once both players are high-level players who will always pick the same characters no matter what. This isn't GG where there are hard counters to other characters (i.e. the old Slayer/Potemkin matchup)

3- GGPO and lag online. Capcom already mentioned on SEVERAL OCCASIONS that they were unable to make more efficient netcode run alongside the rest of the game. Point closed.

4- Button config screen: Sure, it's the "wrong way". But only if you change your buttons AT EVERY SINGLE FIGHT. Do you? I don't think so. Do stick players ever change their button config? I don't think so. Everyone I know (with 1 or 2 exceptions) plays with their button config the exact same way, so if we're on pads we set it and forget it (like our good friend Ron Popeil)

5- Floaty jumps. That I agree with, but I've NEVER seen a 3D fighter that had 2D jumps. Not once. SF4 is the closest so far, but it's still very different from 2D fighters.

6- Optimizing for 1% rather than 99%. That's a completely ridiculous complaint. Pretty much EVERY fighter out there has a Quick Recovery action when hitting the ground. Why complain about it in SF4? VF has it. DoA has it. Tekken has it. CvS2 has it. Lots and lots of games have it. I really don't understand his "99% of the time, I want to get up quickly". 99% of the time, I want to hit my opponent, but I have to hit buttons! OMGZ!

7- 2-button throws. I *love* 2-button throws. It brings 2 things to the game: no more accidental throws (happens a lot, especially with Ryu's F->HP in HD Remix) and 100% intent. If I throw, it's because I want to throw. There's no way I can "accidently" throw. Moves that use that as throws are also awesome, because they actually make those game moves EASIER. (Why isn't Vega's Izuna Drop like that confuses me as Cammy's and Akuma's are). Using kara as a basis for it being bad is a joke, right? I've never seen him complain about RCs in CvS2, so why complain about karas?

8- The chain cancel "bug" isn't a bug, obviously. It's developer intent. Using Guilty Gear damage scaling is a good idea, but at the same time SF4 isn't exactly a 10 billion hits combo game either. It's not THAT big of a deal. I'm willing to bet that more than 90% of the people playing SF4 won't even realize it's there.

9- The game is filled with 1-frame links. Sure, they're freaky hard to do. SF has always had links, though. And they're certainly not required for winning. They help if you master them. And being hard, they carry a higher risk - if you whiff them (and if they're 1-frame, I don't care who you are, you WILL whiff them sometimes) you're wasting time you could have used to perform a different combo. I guess it could be a problem in very high-level matches, but again, for most of the population, it's a non-issue.

10- Pumping ultras is just dumb. I dunno about anyone else, but I only use ultras in combos and when it's a guaranteed hit (whiffed shoryuken, etc). Oh noes, he pumps them all the time! Doesn't it sort of make you predictable?

11- Focus cancelling. Once again, the typical "too many actions for a single intent" thing. First of all, Focus is 2 things in once: it's both an extra hit AND a roman cancel. Some combos don't use the dash cancel part of Focus attacks. I agree that it's difficult to perform, but it's an advanced maneuver that opens up a lot of opportunities.

12- Casual-friendly stuff. The game is designed so it will please both the hardcore and the casual SF player and it does achieve it quite well. If you grew up playing SF2 but stopped, you'll be right at home with very few things to learn to get into the beat (super bars and EX moves). You don't need FADCs to win. You don't need to perform links to win. You don't need any of these things to have fun at ALL. At its core, Capcom has managed to come out with a game that is accessible yet has a lot of potential depth. Lately fighters have either been hardcore about execution or very open to button mashing. SF4 is neither of those.

The unlocks I'll agree to. I spent a shitload of time to get all the characters unlocked, and I understand it'll piss off some people. It did piss me off as well, but then again a lot of games have had unlockable characters that had much more ridiculous requirements (MvC2 time-based unlocks anyone?)

I have complaints of my own about the game, but they're mostly interface-related and while they are annoyances it's not a dealbreaker.

Great post. He was nitpicking through a lot of that article, particularly when it came to things like two-button throws and how focus attacks are mapped, etc. Complaining for complaining's sake.
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