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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Ferrio said:
Try as I might I can't use her. There's something fundamentally wrong that I'm not getting about her, and I just get destroyed.
pressure and combos. the combos you love to hate in trial challenge mode are the bread and butter of her game.

that being said, she has bad matchups against some of the online regulars like Sagat.


Worships the porcelain goddess
TurtleSnatcher said:
Any Feurte users have a good counter against wake up DP's .. Can't Quesadilla bomb chain them as well it seems.

Sure. Stop right in front of them. Run + LP, block the DP, punish. Bait that out all day long if they keep falling for it.

Also, if you're comfortable with it, you can actually flip right over there wake up DP with a well placed Tortilla held far behind them. You flip over them, the DP whiffs and you can punish. The former is much more reliable though.


Ferrio said:
Try as I might I can't use her. There's something fundamentally wrong that I'm not getting about her, and I just get destroyed.

I think she's probably the most technically demanding character in the game, so that means she has a very high learning curve, but it also means her potential is just as high.


Dreams-Visions said:
i assume you can handle the first 2 parts.

you need to make the ultra motions as soon as she goes into her TK animation. just keep doing the motion...hit the punches when she gets to the other side.

speed, speed and more speed with Viper.

Thanks for the advice

Ronabo said:
It's gotta be in/near a corner so when you do the EX knuckle you'll be close enough to hit the Ultra. Otherwise you'll just whiff it.

The problem isn't that I whiff it, the problem is that it wont even come out. The move has to happen first before I can whiff it. :p


Ferrio said:
Try as I might I can't use her. There's something fundamentally wrong that I'm not getting about her, and I just get destroyed.

are you using a stick or controller? her combo's require good timing and precision, she's tough to use on a controller


CalamityDaunt said:
Is there an easier way to connect to player, about 90% of players that i try to connect to fails

don't do quick match, search for matches and connect to the best connection available :D
I tried out the interrupt arcade play online feature today and had quite a bit of fun. There were only two matches disconnections and one match with horrible lag out of twenty matches. I only made it to the third arcade battle before I called it quits.


Zeliard said:
I think she's probably the most technically demanding character in the game, so that means she has a very high learning curve, but it also means her potential is just as high.

Thing is I understand when I"m doing something technical and it's wrong. I'm thinking just my whole approach to using her is wrong.
Ferrio said:
Thing is I understand when I"m doing something technical and it's wrong. I'm thinking just my whole approach to using her is wrong.
I'd recommend watching some C. Viper youtube videos to give you an idea of how she's played.


Yeah, I'm having issues using her too while trying to unlock Cammy. I've seen how nasty cheap CPU uses her and seen other videos online. I think it might be my approach too. At least I'm learning in a good hard way about using her.
CalamityDaunt said:
OMG Seth cheap ass bitch!

Just beat him on Hardest with Zangief. The clothesline is your friend...trust me...

correction just beat Gouken on Hardest to get the Legendary Champion achievement...

Zangief is great for the time trials and survivals.

Ken, Ryu...dictator if you know how to use him work well too...
Is Abel's challenge mode supposed to be a joke?

light punch to medium punch is impossible. This is level 5, too.

What the fuck gives?

EDIT: Fucking a, finally got it. They really tell you nothing on where you should be. Ridiculous.
Jeo said:
I stopped at 30 in hard survival 2 and got silver :/
I think 50 is the number im looking for

I've been playing survival too... It's ridiculous...

They must think everyone is hardcore or something...

Worse than DMD in DMC...

I like how on wakeup...they focus into dash...to gobble up whatever attack you use...

I don't really like the wakeup game in SFIV... the opponent on the floor has the advantage...

Just like the person who takes the most damage...


Is anyone having lag problems with this game? All my moves that come out are all delayed. It's seriously pissing me off. (XBL)

FWIW I'm only playing arcade and letting people challenge me.


So, for anybody who says you have to beat the game with all characters before Gouken will show up, it's definitely not true. I just unlocked Gouken, and I've only beaten the game with about half the cast. You just have to get Akuma, beat arcade mode with him at least once. Then beat it again using any character, with X perfects and ultra finishes, no continues.

Pretty sure my mains at this point are Abel and Rose. My girlfriend still beats me about 60% of the time, she uses Sakura and is very Shouoken-happy.

CartridgeBlower said:
Is Abel's challenge mode supposed to be a joke?

light punch to medium punch is impossible. This is level 5, too.

What the fuck gives?
For light to medium punch, back away from Dan slightly so that your light punch is a single punch, not double. Then it's easy to link them. Try not to mash it out, instead time the second punch with only a single button press.


CartridgeBlower said:
Is Abel's challenge mode supposed to be a joke?

light punch to medium punch is impossible. This is level 5, too.

What the fuck gives?
you should see sagats fake kick challenge... its in his first set, and i couldnt do it without turbo


CartridgeBlower said:
Is Abel's challenge mode supposed to be a joke?

light punch to medium punch is impossible. This is level 5, too.

What the fuck gives?

If it's asking you to link them, try doing it a little bit slower.


love on your sleeve
lawblob said:
Thanks for playing. Good games.

I need to practice against Dhalsim, I have no idea how to fight that character.
I felt a little cheap playing him. I tend to hate Dhalsim players with all that zoning.
Yeah, I just got it. I wish they'd tell you where to be in regards to your opponent, because some of his moves close up are instant two hitters, but from a step away, it's just a normal punch. Really confusing.
Here's my response to Sirlin's article:

You touch on a lot of points, all of them valid, however it comes down to a fundamental philosophy/direction.

If you want a fighting game to be as close to pure strategy as possible for EVERYONE then you're going to a derivative of Wii Boxing. As soon as you introduce the controller abstraction you're setting up a barrier. As soon as you enhance the controller abstraction with special moves you're setting up another barrier. Every single controller mechanic introduced is another barrier for casuals. I think we can both agree on that.

So now we're talking about Street Fighter and not Wii Fighter, so we're going to have the controller abstraction, and we're going to have abstract controller specific combinations. We're not changing the fundamentals of the game experience. I think we can both agree on that.

So, what we're left with is the fundamental question that you posed yourself, how far do we turn up the dial in complexity? Personally, I don't agree that they've done as poor of a job as you state.

In every competitive game you're going to have a spectrum of players. Everybody from my 7 year old niece picking up a controller for the first time, to the EVO Champions. However, I feel that there is a clustering in this spectrum into 4 distinct classes.

1. People that don't know special moves and just button mash with no appreciation for how the game is played
2. People that have a grasp on the basics and can start to think somewhat strategically, but don't really consider things like priority, stun frames, whiffing, etc.
3. People that have a great grasp on basics, know about priority, whiffing, baiting, combos, etc. However they haven't memorized all the different priorities, and don't know things like character specific combos (i.e. heavier characters fall slower so I have to wait an extra 15 frames to through out the ultra)
4. People that have total mastery of the game, go to tournaments, know the game inside and out.

So now the director has to answer a bunch of questions.
How competitive do you want to make each group with one another?
How competitive do you want to make each group within itself?
How difficult will it be to reach level 4?

I find that with SF4 the decisions made placed a VERY heavy emphasis on Level 3 players. New players are kind of a write-off, not much attention paid to them. Level 2 players have been given a few bones by making inputs a lot more forgiving for specials.

For Level 3 players though, things like 2-button inputs, Focus Attacks, Ultras, etc aren't a big deal.

Now the way that Capcom emphasized Level3 players is by making it so difficult to get to Level4. Things like 1 frame links, and hardcore FADC combos are extremely difficult to pull off. Meaning they're ONLY attainable by ridiculously dedicated tourney players where after a while it'll become second nature. And that's fine. I'm ok with Tourny players being able to perform crazy combos that I can't because it's a reward for their dedication. What I'm thankful for is that the number of pseudo-tourney level players will be drastically reduced in the overall player base!

They made it far more difficult to get to Level4 and the way they do that is by introducing a big leap in required skill... meaning there is no level3.5 like in other games such as 3rd Strike. So Level3.5 3S players are now rounded down (or up if they want to take it to the next level) and so now you have a lot more players in Level3, and each Level3 player is a lot more competitive with one another.

So fine, Tourney players will be able to do 50% combos with Sakura, but given the difficulty in performing such a combo I'm going to run into very few of those kind of players so that's ok.

I think the other question end of the spectrum is how does linking affect the tourney players? As you've stated yourself, not much. For people competing in EVO, it's going to become second nature, and things are going to be just like every other 2D fighting game. People will be on essentially the same technical footing and thus rely more on regular strategy such as mind games, pokes, etc. The increased technical skill MAY reduce combo consistency which would have interesting strategic implications for high-level play, but I suppose that remains to be seen. To be perfectly honest, I'm not a tourney level player, and I'm sure SF4 will have a large Tourney scene for years to come, so I'm not worried about a lack of sweet EVO videos either :)


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
So Ive been messing around in training mode with Gouken for like 2 hours now. :lol Ive figured out 3 combos that take like 70% of the opponents life, without using his ultra. All of them require 3 EX stocks tho, so I highly doubt you could do them more than once in a round. The more I mess around with this game the more Im liking it. My only beef so far is I think the ultra meter fills up a bit too quick.


good credit (by proxy)
the method for getting gouken in the OP is incorrect. I got him to appear once while fighting with Ryu but I didn't finish him with a ultra.


Chamber said:
I felt a little cheap playing him. I tend to hate Dhalsim players with all that zoning.

Dhalsim is frustrating, but I think I just need to get used to his crazy range, it always catches me off guard, and I never know how to respond.

I need to take the time to unlock Akuma, he is rad.


Created a ranked game lobby......sitting around......no one is joining....posting on message bords instead......blaaahhhh..... :(
Omar, I agree with your response for the most part.

The game is out...so only patches can fix the criticisms I have but the slow walking speed, the floaty jumps, the weird wake up game. And maybe capping ultras at once a round.

Also Cammy's super is ridiculous...it's as quick as Chun's, Sean's hyper tornado, Elena's Brave Dance...

If she blocks a heavy attack, she can immediately do super and hit the opponent.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Ugh, some bad lag in two matches, just lost 3 in a row. First a really really good Dictator, no excuses there. Second a so-so Akuma and a verrrry so-so Ken that managed to take better advantage to the input lag than I did -_-

Bah, Ill be back for moar later, apparently I had a 12 game winning streak haha, didnt even notice.


I cannot express how much I love this game. I am rocking the TE stick, but originally I sucked so much ass online. I've got a 3 game winning streak right now and I feel on top of the world. I havent experienced the slightest bit of lag online.

I only play as Ken and Ryu, but I've got the guide and I've been studying some other characters and I plan to put some time into training mode with them.

Im by no means hardcore. Personally, I dont think they human eye can detect 5 frames of animation in milliseconds, but thats just me.

I do with they would let you just quickmatch without seeing the opponents character selection


tapedeck said:
My only beef so far is I think the ultra meter fills up a bit too quick.
It does seem to. Or is this on purpose because they want you to use the Super bar for EX moves, so your less likely to be pulling off Super moves, so Ultras replace Supers to an extent?
I've played almost 200 matches and I haven't had one person drop on me yet. I'm surprised it is happening to so many other people.
nubbe said:
Ranked matches need to be fixed. One shall not be able to see whom one is about to fight or be able to kick.

Great, so now I won't be able to see somebody pretend to pick somebody else before they scurry back and pick Ken.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
The more I think about it, blind select makes less and less sense. I mean, in HDR most people picked Ryu and Ken anyways, so why bother hiding it? Hell, if I dont wanna try new things then Im DEFINITELY gong to play it safe, specially if I dont know if the other fucker is picking Seth, you know?


Almost impossible to get an answer in this thread. Try again.

I can not do the target combo shoryuken cancel with Ken. It just doesn't work, I don't know what to do. Help me please. Please!!! :(


Raging Spaniard said:
The more I think about it, blind select makes less and less sense. I mean, in HDR most people picked Ryu and Ken anyways, so why bother hiding it? Hell, if I dont wanna try new things then Im DEFINITELY gong to play it safe, specially if I dont know if the other fucker is picking Seth, you know?

I'd prefer Blind Select to the ritualistic pre-game dance of who is picking who.


Dartastic said:
I'm learning how to use Viper right now. I LOVE her. It's also very fun to destroy Ken/Ryu with Dan. :lol

Viper's special moves are very visually impressive, those alone make me want to play her. It does frustrate me that her aerial kicks don't have much reach.


Thrakier said:
Almost impossible to get an answer in this thread. Try again.

I can not do the target combo shoryuken cancel with Ken. It just doesn't work, I don't know what to do. Help me please. Please!!! :(

Can you at least go from fierce punch to shoryuken? It's hard to give people advice on 2 in 1's so it just comes down to input speed. On multiple normal hit combo's try to see if you can at least do the last move into special move just to get the timing down for the special move to come out. Then try for the whole thing. Hopefully that makes some sort of sense.


good credit (by proxy)
Okay, I just played again and unlocked gouken. I played with ryu, got 2 perfects, and 4 ultras, including killing seth with an ultra. Gouken appeared and I killed him with an ultra. I have only beat the game with like 7 characters.


Please patch this so I can change the song in the menu. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. This is the first street fighter where I feel like I'm punished if I think too much in the menu.


Future said:
Please patch this so I can change the song in the menu. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. This is the first street fighter where I feel like I'm punished if I think too much in the menu.

...and you're going to be in that menu a LOT because you won't be able to connect to any online matches. =/


love on your sleeve
lawblob said:
Viper's special moves are very visually impressive, those alone make me want to play her. It does frustrate me that her aerial kicks don't have much reach.
True. I wish she had a projectile.

I desperately want to be at least average with her.


I find it super easy to get into a game, I just create the match and within 5 seconds someone joins.

But yes the menu INDESTRUCTIBLE was funny and first but now my brain is starting to drip out from my nose.


Chamber said:
True. I wish she had a projectile.

I desperately want to be at least average with her.

Yeah, I fear im' not good enough to adequately play with her. As you saw in our fights, I am heavily dependent on numerous aerial kicks; without them I am basically screwed. :lol
Has anyone played the game with the regular xbox 360 controller and then compared it with a joystick or one of those sf4 gamepads? I'm currently using the 360 controller and keep going back and forth on if I would improve my gameplay by getting a different controller.
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