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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


SLYspyda said:
In just less than a week, with probably about 2 hrs a day of play, I've gone from barely being able to beat the game in medium to owning the shit out of Seth in Hardest.

I'm ready to get xbox live now and start owning online with Ryu.

Don't expect online players to behave like the CPU. Humans are far less predictable (in general).


Worships the porcelain goddess
I understamd that you can't help but judge the game by it's single player component because of it's ass backwards unlocking mess, but no fighter should be judged on it's single player. So...jump online and play already. :D

Duke Togo

I am exhausted from fighting Akumas all night with Bison. It takes a lot of stick work to teleport around. However, I did manage to double my BP total. :D


SLYspyda said:
In just less than a week, with probably about 2 hrs a day of play, I've gone from barely being able to beat the game in medium to owning the shit out of Seth in Hardest.

I'm ready to get xbox live now and start owning online with Ryu.

That's good news because nobody plays as Ryu, it'll be a nice change to see him pop up online.
Raging Spaniard said:
Stay with the stick if you can, it takes TIME to get used to it, its not an insta win button like everybody thinks. Eventually (Id say a couple of weeks, maybe three) it'll click youll see theres things you can do with a stick that you cant with a pad, it'll pay off.

i'm already starting to notice this. went to a buddies place he has the hrapEX for his 360 just to humor myself i went to do the trial challenge with ken.....the same one i was stuck on with my DS3 i blew right through


Wow. Just experienced a SEVERE Dhalsim combo. The guy did his Ultra (Yoga Catastrophe), teleported behind me and then did his Super Combo (Yoga Inferno). :lol :lol Now that was some pwnage right there. My options = none. It was like 2 walls closing in on me.

I beat him though :D


FINALLY got the 10 wins in a row achievement. Had 9 wins in a row TWO freaking times and lost to guys I shouldn't have. Total choke job. :lol

Blanka is pretty beastly in this game. EX ball just eats shotos alive.


henhowc said:
Blanka is pretty beastly in this game. EX ball just eats shotos alive.

I think I might try Blanka out. My main is Guile so I'm pretty familiar with the charge characters. I usually destroy all the Blankas I face but he can be really unpredictable in the right hands.
I'm convinced people think that when they watched the Daigo ken comeback video for 3S, people convinced themselves that ken is the best street fighter in every game ever. I don't have a problem with playing ken all day but... I honestly can't figure it out why everyone picks ken, i thought it would of been like remix where it was even with ken and ryu (throw in gay ass akuma).


jam86 said:
I'm convinced people think that when they watched the Daigo ken comeback video for 3S, people convinced themselves that ken is the best street fighter in every game ever. I don't have a problem with playing ken all day but... I honestly can't figure it out why everyone picks ken, i thought it would of been like remix where it was even with ken and ryu (throw in gay ass akuma).
ryus ultimate is harder to land (everyone knows how to jump or block it), the kens like to do the ultimate on wake up and hope the person isnt blocking
and you gotta unlock akuma lol


henhowc said:
Blanka is pretty beastly in this game. EX ball just eats shotos alive.
Surprise back hop to Amazon slide is now my favourite thing to do to aggressive players. No-one ever seems to realise just how long the range is.

I hope they patch out ragequitting. I want my BP! People quit for the most ridiculous reasons. I had a Ken jump into electricity three times and quit in the middle of the first round.


MIMIC said:
I think I might try Blanka out. My main is Guile so I'm pretty familiar with the charge characters. I usually destroy all the Blankas I face but he can be really unpredictable in the right hands.

His EX ball has super armor properties so it'll beat normal and EX projectiles. His new down+ppp crouch move lets you duck under fireballs without leaving yourself open like when you slide. And he has some decent anti-air options in his vertical ball and electricity (has worked wonders on me when ppl have tried to cross me up). That being said, I can't really say that I've played anyone great yet so I could in reality suck really bad with Blanka. :lol

So far I haven't really been able to get a handle on Guile. It seems like there isn't as big of a differential in the sonic boom speeds like there have been in previous games. I'm used to being able to jab sonic boom a downed player and get right up against them. Although...the jab -> fierce speed difference on projectiles seems to be that way for everyone. I.e. corner fireball traps with Ryu seem easier to get out of. Could just be that my timing is off though.


Jeo said:
So i've decided on Rose as my main but im not doing too well with her online
Your average fireball spammin' Ryu takes me out half the time :lol
I think I heard somewhere that EX soul reflect will only reflect EX fireballs. Is that true?
Also i'd appreciate any tips from other Rose users out there

True on the EX reflect thing.

I highly suggest you get used to the crouching medium kick -> medium soul drill and crouching light punch -> light soul drill combos. They often catch people by surprise in poke wars.

Also, the EX soul drill is sometimes good in a pinch on wakeup for making some space.

Try and bait people into jump-ins and use soul throw when you can. Also know that forward + fierce kick will beat Zangief's spinning lariat cleanly (one of the few moves in the game to do this). I'm a big fan of throwing fireballs, and when Gief goes into lariat, either anchor kicking him or tripping. Once he wises up, you can throw a fireball and soul throw as he jumps over if you have enough space.

It's all about keeping them guessing. Rose has an amazing repertoire of moves for any given situation and it's just a matter of playing with her enough and getting some experience to know what to do when.


I've a little annoyed at how I seem to be unable to hit anyone out of their ultras. I swear I got hit by Dan's ultra like 5 times in one match today. The timing on wake ups seems a little lenient.

What I get for trying to be aggressive and not learning from my mistakes I guess. :lol


Phthisis said:
Also know that forward + fierce kick will beat Zangief's spinning lariat cleanly (one of the few moves in the game to do this)..

God I love that poke.

Is anyone here using Rose as their main?

I used mostly Zangief (godly) and Sagat (even more godly) to get to 100 ranked wins, but now it seems like a lot of the early Ken players are switching over to Sagat - Tiger Knee is the new Shoryuken. I really like some of Rose's moves (deflect and air throw), I can see how she would be good against Shotos in theory, but I can never seem to make any of those random DP Ken's pay when they miss with a wild shoryuken.

Any tips on how to beat up on the shotos with Rose? Is it all just Poke Game or am I missing something?

She's slowly becoming my main I think. I play the zoning game, which she does pretty damn well with shotos.

Fireballs should be a non issue as you should just absorb them to give you some meter. If they start to close in you can air grab them if they're being too jumpy, or do a reflect if they jump in. Keep them back with her long range pokes. Her sweep and f+HK has some great range.

If they get in to close try to get a throw off, or beat them back with some c.lps. This can set you up for a nice crossup, or you can continue to beat them back with some pokes to give yourself some room.

Overall play defensively and try to make them act. You have no reason to advance.


Ferrio said:
God I love that poke.

Both standing fierce kick and forward fierce kick have insane range. I played as Rose for almost every ranked match this weekend. I think I may end up giving up Ken for a bit and using her as my main. Her play style just appeals to me in all aspects.


Phthisis said:
True on the EX reflect thing.

I highly suggest you get used to the crouching medium kick -> medium soul drill and crouching light punch -> light soul drill combos. They often catch people by surprise in poke wars.

Also, the EX soul drill is sometimes good in a pinch on wakeup for making some space.

Try and bait people into jump-ins and use soul throw when you can. Also know that forward + fierce kick will beat Zangief's spinning lariat cleanly (one of the few moves in the game to do this). I'm a big fan of throwing fireballs, and when Gief goes into lariat, either anchor kicking him or tripping. Once he wises up, you can throw a fireball and soul throw as he jumps over if you have enough space.

It's all about keeping them guessing. Rose has an amazing repertoire of moves for any given situation and it's just a matter of playing with her enough and getting some experience to know what to do when.

This is precisely the reason why I need to buy a stick. To be a good Rose player you have to be precise, and I just can't execute 100% of the time with her, and it seems like Rose has little window for error as she is a jab, back-off, repeat player.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
This is game is like crack. Why can't I put it down? I stop playing for a few minutes telling myself I am done for the night, and then as I'm sipping on a Coca-Cola while watching Bones reruns...it happens.

The hunk of white plastic beckons. ''One more game, come on!'' That and I can't get the theme out of my head. Worst, best song ever. It's so bad...and yet so good. I love it.


Played a co-worker of mine who is pretty decent. I had an eight win victory streak going. We probably played like 30 matches. I won 25 of them :lol

Oh yeah, Zangief is retarded. Fucking bullshit how he can hit you in the first few frames of his animations, when he hasn't even done anything yet. Shit's just dumb. So is Sagat.....


TheCardPlayer said:
This is game is like crack. Why can't I put it down? I stop playing for a few minutes telling myself I am done for the night, and then as I'm sipping on a Coca-Cola while watching Bones reruns...it happens.

The hunk of white plastic beckons. ''One more game, come on!'' That and I can't get the theme out of my head. Worst, best song ever. It's so bad...and yet so good. I love it.
i just leave my ps3 on all evening because i know no matter what i'm doing, i will get sudden urges


henhowc said:
His EX ball has super armor properties so it'll beat normal and EX projectiles. His new down+ppp crouch move lets you duck under fireballs without leaving yourself open like when you slide. And he has some decent anti-air options in his vertical ball and electricity (has worked wonders on me when ppl have tried to cross me up). That being said, I can't really say that I've played anyone great yet so I could in reality suck really bad with Blanka. :lol

Yeah, I think that that's total bullshit, which is why I'm going to start trying him out :lol And his Ultra @_@....holy shit, it does just as much damage as Zangief

Also, do you know if his anti-air moves counter M. Bison's head stomp?


MIMIC said:
Yeah, I think that that's total bullshit, which is why I'm going to start trying him out :lol And his Ultra @_@....holy shit, it does just as much damage as Zangief

Also, do you know if his anti-air moves counter M. Bison's head stomp?

Its not my fault that people keep throwing out projectiles. You'd think they'd figure it out after awhile. :lol

Re: Bison

To be honest I don't know. I haven't played any Bisons with Blanka.


Im still waiting for Gouken to show up. Ive unlocked all the other characters minus Seth and Gouken. Ive gotten 1 perfect and 2 ultra finishes on 1 round, no continues, Gouki shows up. Next I tried getting 2 perfects and 3 ultra finishes, no continues and still no show. Last I tried 4 perfects and 4 ultras, no continues and still no show. I havent beaten the game with every character, but Ive beaten the game with most including Gouki. Im cheesing and playing on the easy setting, wonder if that has some bearing on him showing up.


Playing a good Blanka is such a nightmare as Guile. It's always really close and nerve racking. That hop of his has some insane range, as does the slide.


Arde5643 said:
Originally Posted by Spirit Juice(SRK forum):
This was the most recent tier list from Tougeki Damashii:

S +

Sagat, Viper, Akuma, Zangief


Ryu, Balrog, Rufus, Blanka

Chun li, M. Bison, Ken, Dhalsim, Abel, Honda, El Fuerte

Vega, Guile

LOL, how come I always end up choosing the bottom tier guys (by accident). Vega and Guile are my two mains right now.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
Anyone got any quick strategies for handling Abel as Viper?

Also, probably already mention but Seth= Tyrant. So awesome. :lol
Zertez said:
Im still waiting for Gouken to show up. Ive unlocked all the other characters minus Seth and Gouken. Ive gotten 1 perfect and 2 ultra finishes on 1 round, no continues, Gouki shows up. Next I tried getting 2 perfects and 3 ultra finishes, no continues and still no show. Last I tried 4 perfects and 4 ultras, no continues and still no show. I havent beaten the game with every character, but Ive beaten the game with most including Gouki. Im cheesing and playing on the easy setting, wonder if that has some bearing on him showing up.
Gouken = Requirements: After unlocking Akuma you MUST beat the game with Akuma and get his ending before Gouken will unlock. Also, whoever you are trying to unlock Gouken with you MUST have already beat the game once. NO CONTINUES/NO ROUNDS LOST!!

Preparation: Set difficulty to Easiest. Rounds set to 1. Time set to 99.
Fight 1 - Perfect Finish
Fight 2 - Ultra Finish
Fight 3 - Ultra Finish
Fight 4 - Ultra Finish


drohne said:
as much as i like this game, i'm playing it much less than i did hd remix just because the process of finding online games is so slow :/

I felt like that too and you know what? Setting fight req to on and playing arcade is the answer. You'll get new chellengers every 20 seconds so you'll never finish arcade mode.


negitoro7 said:
LOL, how come I always end up choosing the bottom tier guys (by accident). Vega and Guile are my two mains right now.
Makes sense though - both Vega and Guile have problems with doing heavy combos and it also doesn't help that their game can be shut down on wake-ups or by jump-ins since they don't have any reliable AA.

If Guile can get his old Flash Kick back, he'll probably be mid-tier since he already has solid game on the ground. If they buff the damage of his sonic booms, he'll be pretty beastly.

Vega is a tough one though since he doesn't seem to have a reliable special for his offense - probably bringing his moves back to the priorities of ST? As well as getting rid at how easily Vega loses his mask and claw.


Unlimited Capacity
I have come to the realization that i will never, ever be able to pass all of the trials. Ever.

edit: aaaaaaaand 45 seconds later i complete the trail that made me say that. Luck, and so much of it. lol@ the thought of me pulling that off in an actual game.


Ok, I am seriously considering picking this up, but I haven't really played a SF since the snes days. I was just wondering how does this handle compared to SF2: Turbo or any of the others on the SNES? Is there a steep learning curve, will I be able to do some moves based purely on memory, or will I have to relearn how to fight for this game? In fighting games, online is not my thing, I like playing with people right next to me or with the computer and was just wondering if any of those things I just mentioned remind you of the old days of SF 2?


Rikyfree said:
Ok, I am seriously considering picking this up, but I haven't really played a SF since the snes days. I was just wondering how does this handle compared to SF2: Turbo or any of the others on the SNES? Is there a steep learning curve, will I be able to do some moves based purely on memory, or will I have to relearn how to fight for this game? In fighting games, online is not my thing, I like playing with people right next to me or with the computer and was just wondering if any of those things I just mentioned remind you of the old days of SF 2?
You'll be able to play it instantly. At it's most basic it plays exactly the way it did, right done to the 2D hit boxes and button inputs.

Also, it's a 2D fighter, so there's like 5 to 7 combos to learn max.

Pick it up, it's really great. Best fighter I've played in years, since S3 maybe.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
Rikyfree said:
Ok, I am seriously considering picking this up, but I haven't really played a SF since the snes days. I was just wondering how does this handle compared to SF2: Turbo or any of the others on the SNES? Is there a steep learning curve, will I be able to do some moves based purely on memory, or will I have to relearn how to fight for this game? In fighting games, online is not my thing, I like playing with people right next to me or with the computer and was just wondering if any of those things I just mentioned remind you of the old days of SF 2?
Get it. Now. No questions asked. Just go.


SimpleDesign said:
Gouken = Requirements: After unlocking Akuma you MUST beat the game with Akuma and get his ending before Gouken will unlock. Also, whoever you are trying to unlock Gouken with you MUST have already beat the game once. NO CONTINUES/NO ROUNDS LOST!!

Preparation: Set difficulty to Easiest. Rounds set to 1. Time set to 99.
Fight 1 - Perfect Finish
Fight 2 - Ultra Finish
Fight 3 - Ultra Finish
Fight 4 - Ultra Finish
Just tried this on the easiest setting one round and still nothing. Going to try moving up in difficulty. I beat the game with Akuma after I unlocked just to see his ending and I finished with Ryu out of the gate to get Sakura.


Zertez said:
Just tried this on the easiest setting one round and still nothing. Going to try moving up in difficulty. I beat the game with Akuma after I unlocked just to see his ending and I finished with Ryu out of the gate to get Sakura.
I thought you had to do at least 2 ultra finishes.


Sinatar said:
It's 2 perfects and 3 ultra finishes, in any order.
I tried this to on 3 round matches. Does the requirement change on different round settings, or is it the same no matter how many rounds. I saw him in the clip for Akumas ending, but I havent fought him yet. Does he show up like Akuma or before Seth. I seem to draw Akuma no matter what I do.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Zertez said:
I tried this to on 3 round matches. Does the requirement change on different round settings, or is it the same no matter how many rounds. I saw him in the clip for Akumas ending, but I havent fought him yet. Does he show up like Akuma or before Seth. I seem to draw Akuma no matter what I do.

If you are doing multi rounds, only the last round counts, it's how you FINISH the fight that counts. So do 1 round matches.


TheCardPlayer said:
This is game is like crack. Why can't I put it down? I stop playing for a few minutes telling myself I am done for the night, and then as I'm sipping on a Coca-Cola while watching Bones reruns...it happens.

Man, if my wife didn't make me turn the game off intermittently, I would have double the play time logged right now (currently at 27 hours).

I can't remember the last time I got into a game like this. As soon as I wake up in the morning SF4 pops into my head immediately.

I only played one hour of DQ5 last week and haven't touched it since, and I haven't even taken the plastic wrap off of the Genesis Collection yet. I have zero desire to play anything other than SF4.
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