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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Wow, it was such a bad idea to play a couple more games before bed. My hand is hurting waaaaaaaaaay more than before. As much as I like this Madcatz controller, I think I may need to invest in a stick!


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
Oh and Rufus = Worst character design in fighting game history. Why couldn't they put Birdie from Alpha in there instead or something.

Shit. All the new characters are awesome except for that thing. I thought I would hate Abel but the design finally doesn't bother me at all.
TheCardPlayer said:
Oh and Rufus = Worst character design in fighting game history. Why couldn't they put Birdie from Alpha in there instead or something.

Shit. All the new characters are awesome except for that thing. I thought I would hate Abel but the design finally doesn't bother me at all.

Rufus is awesome.


akachan ningen said:
Rufus is awesome.

I also hate him. Everything about his irritates me. Other than him the new characters are great, IMO. Maybe its the jiggle physics, I don't know... something about him offends me.

I had the biggest rage quitter tonight.

I'm playing Vega in Ranked and he is playing Bison.

He sets it to 3 round wins the match. He has a mic.. see's that I had one also and tries to talk but I usually don't talk .. I like to listen.

So during the first round he is complimenting on how I'm getting hits on him etc.

Then at the end of the second round he is pretty much losing hard and he starts trash talking and says "You don't know how to use Vega.. that is the worst Vega ever"

The whole time in my head I'm thinking.. "The worst Vega ever is beating up on him.. wtf?"

Then the third round comes up and I just need to win it and match is over. I'm destroying him and halfway through he disconnects...

I of course send him a message saying "Apparently the worst Vega ever just beat you.. Maybe you're the worse Bison ever?"


Got no reply :)


Grifter said:
Yay, won a local tourney, some guys there had the yellow headbands from the GS tourneys.

I've got one of those bands. I won my GS tourney handily this Saturday. I'm thinking about making the trip to Augusta, GA to take on the district level tourney. It's not a far jump.

Only thing that sucks is that I have to play with a wireless pad. Ugh. I'm amazed I won so handily this weekend using that thing as I'm hopelessly used to my Hori. If I decide to go I guess I'll have to practice with a pad. Ugh. Sucks not being able to find your bread and butter attack buttons. :(


TurtleSnatcher said:

I had the biggest rage quitter tonight.

I'm playing Vega in Ranked and he is playing Bison.

He sets it to 3 round wins the match. He has a mic.. see's that I had one also and tries to talk but I usually don't talk .. I like to listen.

So during the first round he is complimenting on how I'm getting hits on him etc.

Then at the end of the second round he is pretty much losing hard and he starts trash talking and says "You don't know how to use Vega.. that is the worst Vega ever"

The whole time in my head I'm thinking.. "The worst Vega ever is beating up on him.. wtf?"

Then the third round comes up and I just need to win it and match is over. I'm destroying him and halfway through he disconnects...

I of course send him a message saying "Apparently the worst Vega ever just beat you.. Maybe you're the worse Bison ever?"


Got no reply :)

I had some sagat I beat send me a message to go to training mode and called me a scrub :lol so confusing
I need to start getting good with characters other then Vega and Feurte..

Vega just feels a bit limited at times.. especially from people who constantly jump in.. (Kick flip has the worst motion in the game)

I wish I could learn Gief well.


By the way.. how much play time are you guys up too?

I just broke 70 hours (I swear I don't leave the system on)

I'm at about 750 or so online matches.

I'm actually in the top 1800 for most ranked match wins :eek:
TurtleSnatcher said:
I need to start getting good with characters other then Vega and Feurte..

Vega just feels a bit limited at times.. especially from people who constantly jump in.. (Kick flip has the worst motion in the game)

I wish I could learn Gief well.


By the way.. how much play time are you guys up too?

I just broke 70 hours (I swear I don't leave the system on)

I'm at about 750 or so online matches.

I'm actually in the top 1800 for most ranked match wins :eek:

I'm at 51 hours and 585 fights. Although I've also been playing many hours of casual matches at a friends house with some guys. So a lot of SF4 has been had by me.
Hey, thats cool Ken Spammer, you pick Ken 3 times in a row - I just wanted to compliment you on your masterful understanding of how to spam hadokens & perfectly timed shoryukens, you must have spent years mastering such feats of briliance. I could never hope to attain such skill, obviousley i'm too bogged down learning combos & set-up's, when in actual fact I should be doing as you do; harnesing the ethos of nothingness to learn perfect timing for two basic moves. Will you be my Sifu?

In other news, Ken spammers fucking suck and I wish they would all die a painful death.

On a lighter note, I had a fuck awesome series of matches against a guy maining Fuerte - I was so overjoyed that i'd actually found someone who didn't resort to Ken/Ryu/Akuma that it almost felt a shame to mercilessly beat him repeatedly with Fei Long. Almost.
any tips for a new player on how to get combos working. im guessin its all about timing. i am trying to do dhalsin 3rd challenge, mk into l yoga flam, 100 tries still cant get it.
cant do the fak kick with sagat no matter how much i try too :S

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I have had several quitters in ranked matches. It's annoying as hell; if you can't take getting your ass kicked, DON'T PLAY. If you hate losing BP, PLAY PLAYER MATCHES.

I usually just give them bad feedback on 360, but sometimes I will send a stupid message, particularly if they have a dumb little catch phrase in their bio to make fun of. That's always fun.

Also been getting back "sorry, my internet got cut off!" messages as responses. I can understand this happening, but it's funny how this always seems to happen right at the end of the last round. :p

There was one non-stop trash-talking PS3 player (cursing up a storm right when I entered the lobby) I played that kept giving me in-game death threats, saying my character was gonna get murdered, blah blah blah. He clammed right the hell up after he got destroyed the first round. :lol

sykoex said:
Holy crap have you guys seen this?

Link cause it could be considered NSFW.

Can't unsee it now. :lol
Zertez said:
I tried this to on 3 round matches. Does the requirement change on different round settings, or is it the same no matter how many rounds. I saw him in the clip for Akumas ending, but I havent fought him yet. Does he show up like Akuma or before Seth. I seem to draw Akuma no matter what I do.
"Unlocking Gouken
Before you do this, you must complete arcade mode with Akuma. After completing arcade mode with Akuma, again, complete arcade mode with a character that you have already used. Again, I suggest Ryu (you should already know why.) In this playthrough you must obtain 2 perfect victories, as well as 3 ultra combo finishes. Much as the process for unlocking Akuma, you must not lose a round! (VERY IMPORTANT!) After defeating Seth, a slash will appear through the screen. You guessed it...here comes Gouken. Defeat him and he is yours."

Eh, the other quote I used was wrong. Just set it to the easiest difficulty with 1 round matches.


lawblob said:
Thats because you didn't have to fight the POS Guile turtler I faced last night!

And? That person has atleast got a thought process and used a bit of strategy. There is a certain amount of skill and tactics involved in turtling...the onus is on you to find a way around the turtling.


F#A#Oo said:
And? That person has atleast got a thought process and used a bit of strategy. There is a certain amount of skill and tactics involved in turtling...the onus is on you to find a way around the turtling.
I pretty much have to agree with this 100%. However, I'm not saying some people aren't annoying though, I met the most annoying Ken player last night, argh!

Edit: Spelling (Sorry, I think I have a pneumonia, no gaming for me when I get home :'()


How is Ultra priority determined? I initiated my Ultra with Abel, and about .25 seconds later Viper initiated hers. But hers connected with me, and did damage. Did she actually initiate hers first and I not see it?


from what I can tell, half of the population plays Ken.

Out of that half, 20% of these Kens goes for hit~throws in the 1st round, 30% at the end of the 2nd round (when you didn't even know you were playing that way), and 50% don't hit~throw (since they only actually use fierce & roundhouse).

As an actual observation, I think it's a lil' weird that ya can't really punish ken's whiffed uppercut. From what I can tell, he lands in block, and you can't really get him to land on a move.

With Ryu (while I'm using Balrog), I'll always punish a missed uppercut with a low strong into headbutt or rush...it seems like they can't block it when they land, which kinda makes sense (since they committed to a move). Against Ken, he'll either magically block it, or I'll eat the 2nd, 3rd, or 12th uppercut he throws out after the 1st.

Not a game breaker, but really annoying.

edit: clarification - I don't actually have a huge issue w/ hit~throws, it's part of the game and I think it's a valid tool in tourney-style games...I just haven't made the mental adjustment to consider ranked matches "tourney matches", where anything goes...I'm still stupidly trying to have fun =)

I'll get over that and go into dickhead mode soon enough =P
lawblob said:
How is Ultra priority determined? I initiated my Ultra with Abel, and about .25 seconds later Viper initiated hers. But hers connected with me, and did damage. Did she actually initiate hers first and I not see it?

Some ultras have more invincibility than others. How far did Abel's dash go? Towards the end of it you can get hit.


akachan ningen said:
Some ultras have more invincibility than others. How far did Abel's dash go? Towards the end of it you can get hit.

He didn't even get into his dash. It was bizarre, he had just initiated the Ultra, his hand was still moving over his face during the first moments of the animation, and then all the sudden Viper begins her Ultra, and connects. She did it twice in the same fight; both times she initiated after mine and superceded mine.
henhowc said:
His EX ball has super armor properties so it'll beat normal and EX projectiles. His new down+ppp crouch move lets you duck under fireballs without leaving yourself open like when you slide. And he has some decent anti-air options in his vertical ball and electricity (has worked wonders on me when ppl have tried to cross me up). That being said, I can't really say that I've played anyone great yet so I could in reality suck really bad with Blanka. :lol

blanka is great !

Yesterday I was fighting a very skilled Viper who owned me 25 times in a row when I was playing with ryu, sagat or abel. But when I was playing with blanka which I never take I was owning her ass.
lawblob said:
He didn't even get into his dash. It was bizarre, he had just initiated the Ultra, his hand was still moving over his face during the first moments of the animation, and then all the sudden Viper begins her Ultra, and connects. She did it twice in the same fight; both times she initiated after mine and superceded mine.

well maybe abel's dash only goes through fireballs and not ground attacks then. Or maybe it was just because of the fucked up things that can happen during online play. I've seen some pretty weird stuff.


lawblob said:
How is Ultra priority determined? I initiated my Ultra with Abel, and about .25 seconds later Viper initiated hers. But hers connected with me, and did damage. Did she actually initiate hers first and I not see it?

If you're not comboing into the ultra, there's a fair bit of stuff that can interrupt it. They aren't exactly safe.
UC1 said:
If you're not comboing into the ultra, there's a fair bit of stuff that can interrupt it. They aren't exactly safe.
You can input motions while the opponent is in their ultra animation. Supposedly there's about 10 frames you can input while this happens. I first messed with this when an Akuma attempted to perform his Raging Demon ultra on me. I whirled the 720 while he was posing and right after that my ultra activated... and he felt the Ultimate Atomic Buster to defeat. :lol

Did this a couple times more against other players out of curiosity and it works in regards to activating the ultra, (caught a Ken and Abel) but Gief's priority in confined spaces is huge. I don't think this will work all the time though depending on the character and spacing obviously.
Ok, GAF. Has anyone beat Hard Trial #4 for Sagat? Even if you haven't, maybe someone can tell me how to land the last part of the following combo.

low tiger shot
EX focus attack
tiger knee crush

After trying for awhile, I figured the combo needed to be done in the corner, because I kept pushing Dan too far away, in the middle of the stage. I can get all the way to the c.mp, but the tiger knee keeps whiffing. Maybe there's another way, but the only way I've found to connect the c.mp, is to charge the EX focus attack to lvl 2, before releasing. The timing is pretty strict, but I need to crumple Dan, in order to land the c.mp, otherwise the c.mp doesn't come out, in time. Am I doing it right, and just messing-up the timing on the tiger knee?
George Claw M.D. said:
Ok, GAF. Has anyone beat Hard Trial #4 for Sagat? Even if you haven't, maybe someone can tell me how to land the last part of the following combo.

low tiger shot
EX focus attack
tiger knee crush

After trying for awhile, I figured the combo needed to be done in the corner, because I kept pushing Dan too far away, in the middle of the stage. I can get all the way to the c.mp, but the tiger knee keeps whiffing. Maybe there's another way, but the only way I've found to connect the c.mp, is to charge the EX focus attack to lvl 2, before releasing. The timing is pretty strict, but I need to crumple Dan, in order to land the c.mp, otherwise the c.mp doesn't come out, in time. Am I doing it right, and just messing-up the timing on the tiger knee?

You need to dash forward after the lv2 focus and then do the c.mp.


Can someone help explain charging to me?

1) I know of the basic concept, such as jumping forwards and holding back to charge and unleash a headbutt at the end of the combo string or such. But I don't know how people can go from a straight charge into a jab into a headbutt.

Don't you have to charge for a second or two? How can you charge in the time of that one jab O_O

2) Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I've seen people walk backwards a step or two, then forwards a step or two, shifting back and forth and suddenly doing a psycho crusher.

Can you "accumulate" these backwards charges? And how long can you hold these accumulations for?

3) ALSO, what is the advantage of using charge characters; why don't they make them all quater-circles? What gives charge moves advantages over non-charged moves?

I'm so very confused =(


lawblob said:
He didn't even get into his dash. It was bizarre, he had just initiated the Ultra, his hand was still moving over his face during the first moments of the animation, and then all the sudden Viper begins her Ultra, and connects. She did it twice in the same fight; both times she initiated after mine and superceded mine.

That is totally normal. :D

Why would you think that yours would supercede because you went first?:lol


unreon said:
Can someone help explain charging to me?

1) I know of the basic concept, such as jumping forwards and holding back to charge and unleash a headbutt at the end of the combo string or such. But I don't know how people can go from a straight charge into a jab into a headbutt.

Don't you have to charge for a second or two? How can you charge in the time of that one jab O_O

2) Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I've seen people walk backwards a step or two, then forwards a step or two, shifting back and forth and suddenly doing a psycho crusher.

Can you "accumulate" these backwards charges? And how long can you hold these accumulations for?

3) ALSO, what is the advantage of using charge characters; why don't they make them all quater-circles? What gives charge moves advantages over non-charged moves?

I'm so very confused =(

1) charging is more like 1.5seconds. so while you're jabbing you hold down+back and building up your charge.

2) no, they don't accumulate as far as i know.

3) charge characters are more strategically I find <3 it's just a different way to play
Yo akachan! gg's last night man. I'm telling you, start hitting up Bison. Also, your Rufus was nice as well. I think you can definitely up the notch on his game.
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