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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

DoctorWho said:

Please... :D

Obviously, this is a slight against 360 players.
OK here is my shame. Oh, I'll point put that after I killed the DS3 I dug for awhile and found my old old ps2 controller. I have an adapter so I plugged it in. It's old and buggy and didn't help so I killed it too....
Zeliard said:
Try turtling yourself and wait them out. Turtle with Balrog by holding on down+back - there are a lot of bonuses to it. Not only are you blocking low, but you also have both a back and a down charge ready, so you can either dash punch or buffalo headbutt depending on what the circumstances call for. You should get used to charging this way a lot of the time, it's incredibly useful.

The beauty about Balrog's game is that he can play both very defensively and wait for the other guy to make mistakes, or he can do the complete opposite and be hyper-aggressive - get the guy in the corner and just don't let up. He has several tools to do both with.

Try not to use your Super all that often - Balrog's EX moves are very valuable, particularly his EX dashes which have super armor on them (meaning they can absorb one hit and keep going, such as from a fireball).

Also try to work in the TAP (turn-around punch). Hold KKK or PPP. It goes through fireballs and has range that crosses nearly the entire screen. Very useful for getting close to an opponent who likes to zone/turtle, or for crushing his face with your fist after he whiffs. The great thing about the move is that since there's no real start-up to it, you can often catch opponents by surprise.

Yeah, Balrog's Hold KKK/PPP is so under-used.

It goes thru fireballs at start-up.

It also confuses players since they always expect me to do some shit if they see me hold back or crouch down, the benefit of holding PPP is that you can move foward while you charge it, so they don't expect a dash push to explode towards them.

Balrog is also good up close since he has that golden (crouch) - weak punch, weak kick, medium punch, medium kick --> headbutt combo.


All this talk about Seth being a pain in the ass and stuff..
I mean, yeah..he's cheap as hell..
But I've been playing the PS3 version since it was released and had no problems beating Seth a few times (and I'm a really average gamer hehe) ..on the first day to unlock a few characters, then a few more times the rest of the days to unlock the rest,in 2 out of 3 rounds, in 1 out of 1 round...then also on Medium to get the Medium Trophy..and now on my way to beat it on Medium with no continues..

The key is to avoid failing an attack when you're close to him, if you kick or punch or something, too soon and don't hit him..he's going to automatically grab you and do the Zangief thing.. :p


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Ugh, really having problems getting a match on PS3. Always seem to be losing connection... does this happen to anyone else or should I start to look at my own connection?


Wow, this thread is moving hella fast! I love doing these damn challenges. The last one always takes me at least 1/2 to complete while I'm screaming profanities the whole time. XD


commish said:
Ugh, really having problems getting a match on PS3. Always seem to be losing connection... does this happen to anyone else or should I start to look at my own connection?
Do you get into the lobby before losing connection?


Any tips on Sakura vs Ken ? The standard Ken shoto scrub is no problem, but any Ken knowing how to counter properly with a DP is pure nightmare. I just cant attack properly because there is always window where he can land a DP. And DP doing ridicoulus damage on Sakura is no fun :-/


djkimothy said:
I guess... Obviously they haven't seen me play though. Hahaha.... oy.

Is it me or is Chun-Li so hot when she yells out "Speening bird KEEK!"

Abel just jumped over my kiko-ken?!?!? They never do that on Easiest on 360 o_O

Also, is that Gordon Ramsey holding a baby lamb?.....


BobTheFork said:
OK here is my shame. Oh, I'll point put that after I killed the DS3 I dug for awhile and found my old old ps2 controller. I have an adapter so I plugged it in. It's old and buggy and didn't help so I killed it too....

Uhhh.. date on pic says 2008


C- Warrior said:
Yeah, Balrog's Hold KKK/PPP is so under-used.

It goes thru fireballs at start-up.

It also confuses players since they always expect me to do some shit if they see me hold back or crouch down, the benefit of holding PPP is that you can move foward while you charge it, so they don't expect a dash push to explode towards them.

Balrog is also good up close since he has that golden (crouch) - weak punch, weak kick, medium punch, medium kick --> headbutt combo.

Oh yeah, duh, forgot to mention probably the most obvious thing: Balrog's mighty crouching jab of doom. Huge priority. Abuse it. Lots of combos you can start up from it, and it doesn't compromise your defensive position.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
NeoUltima said:
Do you get into the lobby before losing connection?

Yup. Oh, and while I'm at it, when picking a game, do you know how it says "Lobby" or "Fight Req", what does "Fight Req" mean? Fight requirements?


Seth Tips:

-Quick get up as much as possible to avoid cheap teleport trickery

-If you are lying on the ground and he starts teleporting, he can only fuck you up if he teleports an inch away from you. Wake up EX moves will not work, and even supers may miss since you dont know which side he'll appear on. I find the safest tactic is just to jump away on wake up. Sometimes you'll get shoryuken'ed out of it, but the vast majority you'll be safe

-CPU loves to spam the dash kick that leads to tons of mini hits, expecially when he has ex meter. You can trick him into performing this move on wakeup by throwing a fireball or quick attack when hes lying on the ground...timed so you have time to block the attack. Block and then hes wide open for whatever you got. DONT mash attacks when hes getting up. Asking to be thrown if close or getting EX-kicked/shoryuken to oblivion

-If you are too far away from him he'll spam fireballs. If you are too close you are in danger of throws or focus attacks. Need to be at that perfect midrange, where he will do the attack mentioned above, try to suck you towards him, or does the dhalsim stretchy arms. All are easy to counter, and characters with long range can poke at him from this distance safely

-Learn to fight without jumping. Only jump to counter the attacks mentioned above, when at that perfect midrange

-When he is open, DONT throw and DONT simply low roundhouse. Learn how to chain supers or big combos from standing position. You have to punish him everytime he is open, since it isnt all that often. The good thing about this boss is that he makes you execute under pressure. If you can do this well, then you will also be able to when fighting real people. Especially scrubs that spam shoryukens and Ultras when you are just standing there, hoping youll somehow get sucked into them


aka Ryder
Battle points have been driving me crazy. Every time I lose some points I go bonkers, so I'm just ignoring them from now on. I don't care if I get to 0 bp, I'm just gonna keep "more skilled" as my preference and work my skills up instead.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
For seth, i said it before, and I'll say it again, but I just use one button: HK. Okay, maybe a special move to punish, but really, it's better to go basic, I've found. I bring it back to karate champ level.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
commish said:
Yup. Oh, and while I'm at it, when picking a game, do you know how it says "Lobby" or "Fight Req", what does "Fight Req" mean? Fight requirements?

Fight req. means that they're probably playing arcade mode and have the option of having you interrupt them in order to play online, as opposed to lobby which is the guy just waiting in his lobby for somebody to play with.

Add me on PSN: Xavipants , well play some in the evening :)

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Spy said:

but but but!

D.Lo said:
Well no-one can say for sure. My opinion is that it won't, games that uninspired rarely do.

SF3 had a slow burn to glory, it wasn't given much of a chance when released. It never got a timeley major home console release (sorry Dreamcast, but you were niche), and was overshadowed by MVC2, A3, CVS2 etc and an overcrowded (and then dying) 2D fighter market in general. But it came back from all to become the legend.

SF4 launched with a bang, hits a much emptier market, is clearly positioned to cash in on nostalgia for SF2 by including all the characters identically dressed, and has timeley and major home console releases.

I think it will be a flash in the pan in the end, the game just doesn't have the inspiration to become a keeper. It's a flashy, fun, but empty re-tread.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Raging Spaniard said:
Fight req. means that they're probably playing arcade mode and have the option of having you interrupt them in order to play online, as opposed to lobby which is the guy just waiting in his lobby for somebody to play with.

Add me on PSN: Xavipants , well play some in the evening :)

Oooh, I see, thanks for clearing that up. I always avoided those people bc I could never connect to them. I thought that meant they were in a game or something. Also, I added ya :) i'm tigerheli on psn.


commish said:
Yup. Oh, and while I'm at it, when picking a game, do you know how it says "Lobby" or "Fight Req", what does "Fight Req" mean? Fight requirements?
Ah no idea then..I don't get that problem :( I have trouble getting into games only.


C- Warrior said:
If you have a charged super guage and not a charge ultra guage, hitting all three buttons will register a regular super.

I had both gauges turned on to infinite in training.

commish said:
Yup. Oh, and while I'm at it, when picking a game, do you know how it says "Lobby" or "Fight Req", what does "Fight Req" mean? Fight requirements?

Fight Req stands for Fight Request.
BigAT said:
I had both gauges turned on to infinite in training.

Are you doing the ultra in a combo or just free standing? Because you can't link ultras or they come out as supers (as I found out the hard way during Cammy's challenge mode).


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Guled said:
capcom only projected 1.5 million by the end of March, it looks like the game is preforming much better then capcom expected. Wouldn't be surprised if the game reaches more then 5 million (with revisions of course) when all is said and done. The game totally deserves all the sales its getting

I actually canceled my KZ2 preorder because it would take away from my SF4 time. To be honest though, the stand DS3 controller is starting to get to me. There are times when I can't do what I want to do and I just think the DS3 is making it a bit harder. Those triggers! Gah.


Guled said:
capcom only projected 1.5 million by the end of March, it looks like the game is preforming much better then capcom expected. Wouldn't be surprised if the game reaches more then 5 million (with revisions of course) when all is said and done. The game totally deserves all the sales its getting
Looks like Capcom and Madcatz were both way off on estimating demand. Whoevers job was estimating demand, needs to get a paycut :lol It is surprising to see them caught napping in all seriousness. They had a great hype machine rolling for the game and from all the articles I saw, even the hype events were jammed pack with people. I know people like free stuff, but still that should have been a sign that the public was going to sell through a ton of copies. I have been very impressed with the game so far, but I dont know how much longer I can stomach playing on the 360 controller. Hopefully the rest of the early TE GS preorders come in the first of March.


man...there are a lot of shitty people in ranked matches.

and they always fall for the same trick too:

stand really close to them on wakeup and wait for the DP :lol


commish said:
I actually canceled my KZ2 preorder because it would take away from my SF4 time. To be honest though, the stand DS3 controller is starting to get to me. There are times when I can't do what I want to do and I just think the DS3 is making it a bit harder. Those triggers! Gah.

Same. I was day 1 for KZ2, but I don't see any point now. All I want to do is play SF4. I haven't even opened my Genesis Collection yet, too much SF4. I figure i'll get KZ2 used in a few months.
commish said:
Ugh, really having problems getting a match on PS3. Always seem to be losing connection... does this happen to anyone else or should I start to look at my own connection?

Make your own room -- OR when you custom search and your results pop up -- seek for those with the lobby tag - not the Fight REQ tag, I don't know why I keep getting "unable to play" with Fight REQ players...
commish said:
Ugh, really having problems getting a match on PS3. Always seem to be losing connection... does this happen to anyone else or should I start to look at my own connection?

If you're using the PS3's wireless capability... don't. Plug it in.


djkimothy said:
Capcom hates PS3 owners. :(

I finally beat Seth on medium, i had to be cheap with akuma though. :( I don't know how the hell I'm going to get the Storied fighter trophy...

I know exactly what you mean. THe matchmaking and difficulty of arcade mode is absolutely broken. I admit, I'm a noob and learning as I go along, but FFS, it shouldn't be this hard. This is a game that's not really casual friendly. And I'm on a fucking arcade stick. I'd go bonkers tryting to play this with a regular dual shock.
I remember playing like 2/3 hours vs Seth in the 360 version (normal difficulty). Try easier difficulties.

BTW after 14 hours played (PS3 version), having unlocked and beated the game with all characters (in supereasy) and having unlocked 5 costume colors, I played my 30th ranked match (50% win ratio) and unlocked my first Home Reward :

Dan's Saikyo Dojo shirt (dark blue with 2 white kanjis) both for male and female avatars.

I think Capcom (or Dimps) also loves (a bit) the PS3 users.

Guled said:
capcom only projected 1.5 million by the end of March, it looks like the game is preforming much better then capcom expected. Wouldn't be surprised if the game reaches more then 5 million (with revisions of course) when all is said and done. The game totally deserves all the sales its getting
1.7 million, as I remember. But doesn't matter, great news.
Bootaaay said:
Anyone? I'm getting better against Ken's, but every time I come up against a Zangief player I just get my ass kicked - i've been on the cusp of 1000bp 3 times this evening, only for a Zangief player to knock me back down :(

Don't crowd Zangief on his get up. Keep your distance.

Also, poke like a mother fucker. Jabs are your friend -- (i.e, jab, jab, medium to a flashkick) or whatever character you're using.

If you're using Ken -- his foward+MK is a good poke.


Saint Gregory said:
Are you doing the ultra in a combo or just free standing? Because you can't link ultras or they come out as supers (as I found out the hard way during Cammy's challenge mode).

I think this is what's causing the issue. Thanks.


How can I play through Arcade with Fight Req. on and not ending up as the host, if another player joins? Also the search needs to filter out recent opponents. No problem with a rematch, but 4 times in a row.....well at least got some practice against Honda. Probably won't see him again this year.
BobTheFork said:
OK here is my shame. Oh, I'll point put that after I killed the DS3 I dug for awhile and found my old old ps2 controller. I have an adapter so I plugged it in. It's old and buggy and didn't help so I killed it too....

Awesome! You have the rage of Gief!

I smashed my Saturn pad on the ground after losing to a Ken and all that happened was the D-pad popped off. Easy enough to put back on.



Dictator has been slowly getting more and more playtime as of late. IMO he is the most fun charge char to use :D

Abel has surprisingly good range on his normals, save for his elbow (which i still need to learn to link with his ultra/air grab when it lands). Change of Direction seems to catch many people off guard for some reason...

I think out of the Shotos I play best with Akuma, but man does he take damage like a little girl. That and his ultra is damn near impossible to land (on anybody with half a brain)

*edit* I have to admit to getting way overconfident. Akuma vs Sagat, 1 round up, landed a Raging Demon. Left him with pretty much no life left, and a LP could have killed him. So i basically started goofing around and he managed to land a comeback. Round 3 comes and i become WAYYY too anxious and start making tons of mistakes and lose the round.

The worst part about it is how after the match the guy gets super scrubby on me like "YEA BITCH DON'T FUCK WITH MY SAGAT IM #1". He has the shittiest sagat i've ever played against and I had to keep my mouth shut.

Lesson in life my friends: never get overconfident in SF :lol
DoctorWho said:
Awesome! You have the rage of Gief!

I smashed my Saturn pad on the ground after losing to a Ken and all that happened was the D-pad popped off. Easy enough to put back on.
lol I'm not proud or it, and it's not the first time this generation. The fourth dimension must be full of hate. I need some cheap ass 3rd party ps3 controller that I can batter the hell out of.


Is there any way that someone can see the other players win streak? I ask because it seems that every time that I get four straight wins it seems that the other player picks Akuma or Sagat just to mess me up. I am going to have to look up some strategies against these two characters.


Whenever I try to go to Network Battle on the ps3, i'm given an instant "Lost connection to the playstaion network" prompt. This wasn't happening before, is anyone else getting this?

Nevermind, crisis adverted. Fixed itself.
just found out that i love playing with cammy online :)

DarkSloth said:
Whenever I try to go to Network Battle on the ps3, i'm given an instant "Lost connection to the playstaion network" prompt. This wasn't happening before, is anyone else getting this?
-turn game off
-start ps store
-start game again

€: 2 million? WOW :D
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