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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


ultim8p00 said:
Well I guess now I have to characters I hate. El Fuerte and Zangief. It's funny how when you play with non-gamers, they find a way to completely kick your ass using one move over and over and over and over and over

no they don't

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Biff Hardbody said:
Yeah, Dhalsim is officially my main. I just enjoy him to much. Question for anyone who mains him-

What Anti air do you use for Shotos who throw heavy kick (roundhouse) as they jump in? I've tried back/HK and back/MP, but with little success. I think I just need to master the timing though.

From what I've seen, jump back + fierce punch works well. A lot of the good Dhalsim players I've seen videos of (like 2 of them) tend to stay airborne a lot vs Ryu. You'd be surprised how well his aerial attacks can keep people out. You'll want to use his teleport a lot also.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
djkimothy said:
Damn it, I'm on Chun-Li's 5th challenge, her 3rd combo is the same. It ends with a super combo right after her fire ball. How the hell do you charge back when you just finished a charge for her fireball. :/

Oh that's an easy one if its the one I'm thinking of. When you press forward for the fireball that counts as the first forward for the super. So its charge, f + punch, b, f + kick.


-PXG- said:
Yeah, if you're the one using him.

He does damage before he even swings his fucking arms. Damage occurs, LITERALLY, in the first few fucking frames. His grabs have mad priority, all of his attacks do insane damage, and it takes a ton of hits to take him down. Bullshit.

I mostly play bison(dictator) so my matches are pretty much all about patience and avoiding staying in close. Though I did get grabbed out of my super once and that kinda made me cry but it was a good fight. :D


Bacon of Hope
Biff Hardbody said:
Yeah, Dhalsim is officially my main. I just enjoy him to much. Question for anyone who mains him-

What Anti air do you use for Shotos who throw heavy kick (roundhouse) as they jump in? I've tried back/HK and back/MP, but with little success. I think I just need to master the timing though.

Yeah bad timing dude.. back and RH beats like everything..back mp is a little quicker but has great priority.. You can try standing RH as well to hit them further away...

Sometimes I hit people with yoga catastrophe when they jump in as well.


djkimothy said:
Damn it, I'm on Chun-Li's 5th challenge, her 3rd combo is the same. It ends with a super combo right after her fire ball. How the hell do you charge back when you just finished a charge for her fireball. :/

You just need to go back and forward again + kick (after forward punch for the fireball). Basically the fireball is "within" the super motion.


When you face a Lariat'ing Gief just take Sakura and do nothing but a combination of forward dashing and (ex) f./m. uppercut him. Crouch whenever possible and directly go from crouching to uppercut. The Gief will cry manly red commie tears. :lol


I like being told to widen my search parameters when they're all set to "ANY." I've been trying to find a game for 15 minutes.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Time to put in an hour or two of practice. I think I want fei long as my main now. It's just so much easier to smash down the shotos with a fireball of my own.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Eventhough Ryu is my main, if they nerfed all shotos to hell and gave us a SF were the top tier was made of : Gief, Honda, Claw, Fei Long and Gen I would probably :lol :lol :lol :lol to my grave.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
CurseoftheGods said:
I like how the PR lacks any mention of SFIII. :lol

20 years ago, people were saying "There was a Street Fighter 1?".

Nowadays, people are saying "There was a Street Fighter III?".

It's a whole new world.


This sucks, rough draft due tomorrow for my research paper on risk management and insurance litigation... this shit could not be any more boring, and my SE Stick is mere feet away from me.



Ugh! The fuck is my TE stick!!?! -sigh- I'm tired of playing on this EX2. Getting back into the flow of Sakura which has been fun!


Bacon of Hope
DarknessTear said:
I don't worry about finding ranked matches. I host them myself so I don't have to look... they just come to me, and usually pretty quickly.

Yeah thats the best way to do it..


CcrooK said:
Will the new pack become available after midnight tonight?

Along with that - is there only one alt costume for each character? I saw Sakura's and it looked sorta like a paper sack...


CartridgeBlower said:
Guarantee Zangief will be nerfed in the next iteration.

Anyone defending him willing to put their money where their mouth is?

Are you using Balrog? A turtling Rog can punish Gief with timely headbutts, crouching hard punches, and dash straights. EX dash upper and regular headbutt both beat the Lariat after the invincibility frames.

Balrog's problem, at least for me, is against a good zoning Dhalsim. Tough matchup. I think Yoga Fire has equal priority to everything Balrog normally does to get through projectiles, except for EX dashes with armor on them.


CartridgeBlower said:
Fuck it's hard to get good with Abel.

I don't want to take him online because I'll get murdered and loose Battle Points. Kinda kills it.
Take him online. Since the game is pretty new, a lot of players don't know his style, which makes it easier for you to practice.

I've been having some good matches with Abel, mainly vs shotos, his air grab is great for opponents who like jumping in and his forward roll lets you bypass fireballs easy.

I've played against a couple of decent Abel players too. Still haven't met anyone playing Rufus.


Raging Spaniard said:
Eventhough Ryu is my main, if they nerfed all shotos to hell and gave us a SF were the top tier was made of : Gief, Honda, Claw, Fei Long and Gen I would probably :lol :lol :lol :lol to my grave.

Raging Spaniard said:
if they nerfed all shotos to hell and gave us a SF were the top tier was made of : Gief, Honda, Claw, Fei Long and Gen.

Raging Spaniard said:
the top tier was made of : Gief, Honda, Claw, Fei Long and Gen.

Raging Spaniard said:
the top tier was made of : Gief

Raging Spaniard said:

Raging Spaniard said:

Raging Spaniard said:



haunts said:
Yeah bad timing dude.. back and RH beats like everything..back mp is a little quicker but has great priority.. You can try standing RH as well to hit them further away...

Sometimes I hit people with yoga catastrophe when they jump in as well.

btw, what is RH? I understand MP/HK...

yea, catastrophe when they jump over works great, since it's huge.


SFIV Gief is nerfed compared to CvS2 Gief. His 360 had twice the range, his Flying Power Bomb ran twice as fast, and he had an amazing anti-air super.


Unlimited Capacity
Im close to shelving this for good. I keep massacred and not improving. Looks like im past my prime in fighters .


Haha just ran into my first sore loser on PS3. I accidentally picked Bison instead of Abel (my main) and I somehow randomly destroyed this dude as Ken.

I check my messages later and there's a friend request and three messages consisting of "rematch," "scared ass," and something else. I laughed.
Playing with Abel online tonight I've already lost over 400 BP's.

This just makes me hate all the other Ryus and Akumas who never change characters and rape the points system. Playing it so fucking safe.


Played a dozen or so matches as Bison tonight - he's freakin awesome against Ken-mania. Got the 3 in a row achievement, then was double perfected by Cammy. :lol

Game is so damn awesome with the te stick.

mh56 said:
hey maybe u guys help me, I play as bison, and against shotos and other regulars, ie. cammy, c.viper, i usually ghave no problem. The problem starts when fighting against other chargers especially balrog. any tips for fighting them? the match usually results in both of us at the end of the screen just waiting.

I used either one of his head stomps...the one with punch is pretty awesome since you can control him in mid air. I would fly towards him press punch and sorta pull back then in. Also try teleporting, I noticed a lot of people kinda pause for a second when they see you teleport.
I still suck. I have to work on whiffing ultras and not relying on ultras unless they're really good to just throw out. I still have to work on using focus attacks effectively. I also need to get a stick. Other than that, progress people. I'm making progress.

GGs MicVlad. Dhalsim teleporting, dash-canceling, throw-baiting mindgames FTL! :lol


CartridgeBlower said:
Playing with Abel online tonight I've already lost over 400 BP's.

This just makes me hate all the other Ryus and Akumas who never change characters and rape the points system. Playing it so fucking safe.

Start the match off with a forward roll and do it the first 1 or 2 times they throw a fireball. They'll stop doing it.

Unfortunately, then they'll pretty much just jump around and kick the rest of the match but that's easily handled.


CartridgeBlower said:
Playing with Abel online tonight I've already lost over 400 BP's.

This just makes me hate all the other Ryus and Akumas who never change characters and rape the points system. Playing it so fucking safe.

I play with Akuma and Sakura, but switch it up with Cammy, Bison and Fei Long.
Still waiting for Amazon to ship my copy of SFIV. I'm so anxious to get my hands on it and the wait is killing me ARRRRGH! Needless to say, I've been playing a lot of SSF2HDR in the meantime.

Can any Honda or Chun Li players comment on how these characters' SFIV iterations differ from past games? Especially the HD Remix versions.


Stabby McSter said:
the only one i can think of is lupe
thats the one I was talking about
Foob said:
Along with that - is there only one alt costume for each character? I saw Sakura's and it looked sorta like a paper sack...
lucky for you she is the only one who has 2 alts
well, her 10th color is just the costume without the "paper sack" but it looks different


CartridgeBlower said:
Playing with Abel online tonight I've already lost over 400 BP's.

This just makes me hate all the other Ryus and Akumas who never change characters and rape the points system. Playing it so fucking safe.
Is your main goal to have high battle points or to progress your skill? It's pretty irrational to hate another player for having priorities you disagree with.
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