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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

MrOctober said:
So I have everyone in the game unlocked except Akuma, Gouken and Seth. I just went for unlocking Akuma, so I picked Ken and ran through the game on easiest difficulty and 1 round matches. I got 2 perfects and finished 4 fights with Ultra combos and then after I beat Seth I fought Gouken and not Akuma. I was a little surprised because I thought you fought Akuma first and unlocked him. So I beat Gouken and then nothing happened. I didn't unlock anyone. What did I do wrong?

Same exact thing happened to me yesterday. Is the whole 1 Perfect/1 Ultra really so strict for Akuma? I did a couple perfects and a bunch of Ultra finishes and I ended up fighitng Gouken in the end. Am I just tooooo good?!

I honestly feel like this whole Akuma/Gouken business is partly chance...


-PXG- said:

god they look so good together :Q____________

i would put a sega decal on the PS3 for the hell of it :lol


I ordered my TE FightStick on January 16th when the second batch of preorders opened on Amazon and fully expected my FightStick to ship out today since everyone was saying Amazon was shipping out TE FightStick orders last week. I sent Amazon an e-mail asking why mine hasn't shipped yet and received this e-mail.

Thank you for writing to us at Amazon.com.

We are very sorry for the delay in completing your order. I have reviewed your account and can see that this experience has been far less than positive. We strive for convenience and efficiency at Amazon.com, but in this instance we have fallen short of our goal. I'm truly sorry that your impression of doing business with Amazon.com has been so negative.

Please allow me to explain that sometimes unexpected fluctuations in supply can add time to our original availability estimate. We have learned that "Sony PS3 Street Fighter IV FightStick Tournament Edition" is now backordered, and our supplier has not been able to let us know exactly when they expect to have more in stock.

Please understand that we do care for our customers and do all we can to avail this item for you, in spite of all the efforts our reliance on suppliers and manufacturers for information about their stock, has caused this disappointment. I am extremely sorry for this situation.

I can assure you that we are working hard to obtain this item for you and we will ship it as soon as we are able to obtain it. This means that we will ship the item as soon as we receive it from our suppliers even if the estimated ship date has still not arrived.

I'm sorry that you were not notified sooner of this change in availability.

In order to compensate you for this inconvenience, I have added a promotional certificate in the amount of $10.00 directly to your account to use on a future qualifying Amazon.com order. Please know that the balance of promotional certificate funds can't be viewed in Your Account, but it will be visible during the order process.

When you place your next qualifying order, on the payment section of our online order form, you should see that any eligible promotional funds have been automatically applied to your order. You don't need to enter your claim code again, as it has already been redeemed.

We make a significant effort to keep abreast of prices and availabilities, but our reliance on our suppliers for information about the items they offer means that, occasionally, our database will not reflect all changes.

In addition to a wide selection of items, one of our aims at Amazon.com is to provide a convenient and efficient service; in this case, we have not met that standard.

Once again, I am truly sorry that we were not able to fulfill your expectations for this level of service. I hope that you will give us another opportunity to prove the quality of our service to you.

Thanks for shopping at Amazon.com.


Or write "PLAYSTATION 3" in the Sega font :lol

I love the Saturn pad, but the d-pad could be a bit bigger. Other than that, its PERFECT


ShinAmano said:
I am a multi-console owner so i felt bad a minute ago when a coworker came by asking if I got SF4...then he told me he went out looking only to find out and be disappointed it was not on the Wii...

Granted I know it would be a graphical downgrade, but I am surprised Capcom did not release a Wii version...and hope they do soon as there is a market for it.
I was surprised by the lack of a Wii version as well. Nintendo has done a good job getting the other 'big' titles like Guitar Hero, Call of Duty and Rock Band, the lack of SFIV on Wii dissapoints.

I'm getting destroyed online, my main is Chun-Li but charge moves are hard to pull off when someone is constantly shooting hadoukens at you or when they're just much better. If they see me walking back and forth it's easy to anticipate the Ultra or Super Combo's.

Unlike SCIV button mashing won't get you anywhere, I've beaten a couple of Ken's by just blocking at the right moment. They jump around like morons because they obviously use a normal 360 pad instead of a fightpad or stick.


The online side of this game is really killing it for me just now. When I search for a game all I seem to get is unable to play or connection lost. Patience may not be my forte but I think this a bit of a joke. I am playing on the trey. Capcom get the finger out


MANGOD said:
The online side of this game is really killing it for me just now. When I search for a game all I seem to get is unable to play or connection lost. Patience may not be my forte but I think this a bit of a joke. I am playing on the trey. Capcom get the finger out
I just create games to solve the problem.


shooting blanks
[Nintex] said:
I was surprised by the lack of a Wii version as well. Nintendo has done a good job getting the other 'big' titles like Guitar Hero, Call of Duty and Rock Band, the lack of SFIV on Wii dissapoints.

I'm getting destroyed online, my main is Chun-Li but charge moves are hard to pull off when someone is constantly shooting hadoukens at you or when they're just much better. If they see me walking back and forth it's easy to anticipate the Ultra or Super Combo's.

Unlike SCIV button mashing won't get you anywhere, I've beaten a couple of Ken's by just blocking at the right moment. They jump around like morons because they obviously use a normal 360 pad instead of a fightpad or stick.

We should play dude I'm not doing to hot either, xbl right?

I just need to find a good sparring partner because playing just arcade or training doesnt do much for my online game
[Nintex] said:
I'm getting destroyed online, my main is Chun-Li but charge moves are hard to pull off when someone is constantly shooting hadoukens at you or when they're just much better. If they see me walking back and forth it's easy to anticipate the Ultra or Super Combo's.
Hide your charge by using normals or lighting legs whilst holding down-back.


Akuma = you only need 1 perfect. I just tried that and it worked.

Also, just beat the game with Gouken...

He and Akuma are brothers? :D
MANGOD said:
The online side of this game is really killing it for me just now. When I search for a game all I seem to get is unable to play or connection lost. Patience may not be my forte but I think this a bit of a joke. I am playing on the trey. Capcom get the finger out

I think most people are playing online by using Quick Match options. This of course results in a lot of lost connections since there are far more challengers than there are hosts. Solution: Create a Lobby or turn on Fight Request and you'll see the matches stream in.


Magnus said:
Akuma = you only need 1 perfect. I just tried that and it worked.

Also, just beat the game with Gouken...

He and Akuma are brothers? :D
Don't know if that qualifies as spoiler, he is also
Ken and Ryus Master
Magnus said:
Akuma = you only need 1 perfect. I just tried that and it worked.

Also, just beat the game with Gouken...

He and Akuma are brothers? :D
If that last part isn't sarcasm, where the hell have you been? :lol
Magnus said:
Haha, I don't know, I had no idea it was revealed anywhere else...? lol Isn't this game Gouken's first appearance?

Nope, this is:




junkster said:
Q: How many units were produced? Will I be able to purchase the Arcade FightStick or Tournament Edition FightStick from a retailer?

A: Mad Catz does not disclose exact production amounts. However, there are rumors that only 3000 units were produced. We have made more than 3000 units of the Xbox 360 and more than 3000 units of the PS3 version of the Tournament Editions. Mad Catz continues to produce both Arcade and Tournament Editions. We expect more inventories in late March 2009. It is not necessary to go and pay auction/ebay prices for these products. Speak with your local retailer or watch GameStop, Amazon, Best Buy, and Game Crazy (Hollywood Video) web sites for availability.

Date Created: 2/18/2009 Last Updated: 2/18/2009
Guess the first week of March was a lie from GS as well. I just wish they were honest with a date and if they did not know, say I dont know. If I have to wait some more after being told the first, Im going to be ticked.


Just got the game. In the Challenge mode where you have to pull off combos and stuff. The 3. challenge with Sagat, 03/04 (Medium Kick to Tiger Knee Crush). How do I do it?


Is it me, or is the PS3 version harder? I'm playing on "easiest" just to unlock the characters, and man, they seem a little less dumb on the PS3 than the the 360....


Spy said:
I'm loving SFIV but I have a couple of complaints.

-You should be able to change the time to unlimited (00) when doing player vs player or custom matches online.
-You should NOT be able to see who someone else chooses on ranked matches.
I knew I forgot something.

-In trial and practice mode you should be able to select a move and watch the CPU do it.


Biff Hardbody said:

The stuff he does against Ryu here made me want to main Dhalsim.

Haunts, good info, thanks. I'm trying to get the timing right on my anti airs. If I don't, I can get rushed down by button mashers and its no fun. That strat seems sound against the comp thats out there, I'm going to work on it.

a well played Dhalsim is the greatest thing to see in this game.

so so awesome
decon said:
Just got the game. In the Challenge mode where you have to pull off combos and stuff. The 3. challenge with Sagat, 03/04 (Medium Kick to Tiger Knee Crush). How do I do it?

Press and hold foward while you do the medium kick, and before the medium kick animation finishes, quickly slide into a D, DF, F (light kick or medium kick)

Think of it (in your head) as a two in motion motion, kill two moves with one single motion of your thumb.


In SF IV doesn't it sound like Balrog (boxer) is saying "My Bike Money" or "My Pipe Money" when he dies or is it just me? Prediction:
it's just me

So what does he really say?
Starting to have trouble getting matches now, only getting a couple people per refresh (if any at all). Hope everyone catches up pretty soon.

On a side note, just beat DSP in a ranked match, can't wait to hear him call me a scrub in his videos :lol


So I guess the OP and GameFAQs etc are all wrong about how to unlock Akuma? Because I've gone through arcade a couple of times now and gotten multiple perfects and used no continues and the mother fucker never appears.

Any help would be appreciated.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Linkhero1 said:
In SF IV doesn't it sound like Balrog (boxer) is saying "My Bike Money" or "My Pipe Money" when he dies or is it just me? Prediction:
it's just me

So what does he really say?

mmmm... think about the character for a second. Hes a boxer, a crook, he fights for money ...
Linkhero1 said:
In SF IV doesn't it sound like Balrog (boxer) is saying "My Bike Money" or "My Pipe Money" when he dies or is it just me? Prediction:
it's just me

So what does he really say?

I think he says "My Fight Money".

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Linkhero1 said:
I don't know his story because I've never played with him until SFIV lol. :D

Oh Goddammit,



Chemo said:
So I guess the OP and GameFAQs etc are all wrong about how to unlock Akuma? Because I've gone through arcade a couple of times now and gotten multiple perfects and used no continues and the mother fucker never appears.

Any help would be appreciated.
Once I beat the game with every unlockable character I played through again with a character I've already beaten the game with. 2 perfects, 3 ultras, and no continues later I unlocked Akuma.


Raging Spaniard said:
Oh Goddammit,

You sure it's not pipe? jk jk :lol

SuperEnemyCrab said:
:lol It's just me
Linkhero1 said:
In SF IV doesn't it sound like Balrog (boxer) is saying "My Bike Money" or "My Pipe Money" when he dies or is it just me? Prediction:
it's just me

So what does he really say?


Biff Hardbody said:

The stuff he does against Ryu here made me want to main Dhalsim.

Impressive. Most impressive.

His ultra/teleport into a super combo is brutal.


Bacon of Hope
Linkhero1 said:
In SF IV doesn't it sound like Balrog (boxer) is saying "My Bike Money" or "My Pipe Money" when he dies or is it just me? Prediction:
it's just me

So what does he really say?

i thought he said "My cheap ass low jaaaaaaab!"


Unlimited Capacity
Linkhero1 said:
In SF IV doesn't it sound like Balrog (boxer) is saying "My Bike Money" or "My Pipe Money" when he dies or is it just me? Prediction:
it's just me

So what does he really say?

My fight money


drawer by drawer
I just had the worst losing streak in my life...there were some wins in there...but I couldn't pull any of my combos (Headbutt into Ultra was just not coming out for some reason)...just demoralizing : /


I read in the recent Game Informer that Dhalsim has a grudge against Balrog because Balrog once punched an elephant to death, and that elephant was the friend of one of Dhalsim's elephants.

Street Fighter lore is awesome.

haunts said:
i thought he said "My cheap ass low jaaaaaaab!"

I love the priority on that thing. It takes a lot for a simple crouching jab to get someone to msg you with a complaint.


Zeliard said:
I read in the recent Game Informer that Dhalsim has a grudge against Balrog because Balrog once punched an elephant to death, and that elephant was the friend of one of Dhalsim's elephants.
Goddamn that is awesome :lol

I am playing on PSN right now if anyone wants to fight a scrubby Abel. Hit me up!

PSN - lawblob

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Oh god Capcom...give us a patch to permanently delete the menu music theme. It's a massive wart that gets more noticeable over time.
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