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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


CartridgeBlower said:
Playing with Abel online tonight I've already lost over 400 BP's.

This just makes me hate all the other Ryus and Akumas who never change characters and rape the points system. Playing it so fucking safe.

Just ignore the points then. I still am because I'm still wayyyyyy at the part where I'm learning. I haven't even gotten past level 3 trials on anybody yet :(
But anyone could abuse the battle points system just by playing. That's why it's kind of borked.

I wish it was like Tekken or VF where your battle points are connected to a character. That makes so much more sense for this exact reason, so you can experiment against better players with other characters and not be so harshly penalized for it.

I was up to 2200 points now I'm around 1700. Why? Because I want to learn the game with new players? Yeah, so I get penalized. That doesn't make much sense.

It rewards the Ryus to just stick with Ryu like they're doing. Over...and over...and over again. It LIMITS THE COMPETITION.
CcrooK said:
I don't have the proper .gif to respond to this. But I have a PS3 HRAPS3. I just need the damn TE for my 360!
no, you don't. I have a HRAP 3 (PS3) and i added a 360 PCB to the inside of it for 360 support!


you can do the same.

it's perfect, man. same cable. just flip a switch for which console I'm using. and profit.

highly recommended.


lawblob said:
Does anyone's SE stick have a headphone jack? Mine doesn't, but im' pretty sure I saw a pic of one that did.
Mine does. It also came with a little adapter thing so I can plug the 360 headset into it. Do you have the ps3 one?


Biff Hardbody said:
Yeah, Dhalsim is officially my main. I just enjoy him to much. Question for anyone who mains him.

Dude your so right, he's so much fun to play with, my main guy is Sagat but playing with Dhalsim today, it was so much fun. I Pld like 30 player games with Dafish just right now and it was really fun, we like picked mostly every character except Ryu and Ken but Akuma did face it off with his brother though. This was a good way for me to get to know other characters then what I normally pick, mostly shotos. I think I might main with Dhalsim from now on.


Dreams-Visions said:
no, you don't. I have a HRAP 3 (PS3) and i added a 360 PCB to the inside of it for 360 support!


you can do the same.

it's perfect, man. same cable. just flip a switch for which console I'm using. and profit.

highly recommended.

As much as I'd like to, I rather have each system with their own stick. I'm the only one that I know among my friends who use a stick so I'm safe. They all use pads.
Let me think...what games weren't the shotos supreme...

Super Turbo (if you don't count Akuma)...Claw, Boxer, Dictator, Dee Jay, OG Sagat were all pretty sweet...

Super Street Fighter...OG Sagat, Guile (Ryu was aiight)...

CVS2...do I even have to say...

Because of the number of players and their familiarity is the reason why you're running into shotos. In two or four months when this game's popularity has begun to wane...you'll see a better variety.


CartridgeBlower said:
But anyone could abuse the battle points system just by playing. That's why it's kind of borked.

I wish it was like Tekken or VF where your battle points are connected to a character. That makes so much more sense for this exact reason, so you can experiment against better players with other characters and not be so harshly penalized for it.

I was up to 2200 points now I'm around 1700. Why? Because I want to learn the game with new players so I get penalized. That doesn't make much sense. It rewards the Ryus to just stick with Ryu like they're doing. Over...and over...and over again.
You're not making any sense at all. "just playing" is not abusing the system. Can't you see how out of whack your perspective is on the whole thing when you think that a person who is just playing for fun and ignoring the system is abusing it?

If you want to dick around online without losing points, play unranked matches. It's really not a difficult concept. I don't get why you feel that you're somehow entitled to gain points for playing online, even if you lose because you're less skilled with the character you chose.


Playing through challenge mode and wow is it depressing. I can't time shit. I can't beat a level 4 challenge mode with anyone. For some characters I can't even get past 3. I swear I've tried every combination of millisecond timing you can with the combos but nothing works. In particular I spent a good 15 minutes trying to do Blanka's crouch HP into super to no avail. Incredibly frustrating considering I could do this kind of stuff in HD Remix and Third Strike in my sleep. Any tips?
CcrooK said:
As much as I'd like to, I rather have each system with their own stick.
any particular reason? every button on my HRAP 3 works with the 360. including the Home button, which serves as my guide button.

Less space taken up and less money to have to spend on upgrading all the same parts.


I is happy, did all of Guile's hard trials. Like yay!

You guys would like the game more if you just didn't care about your bp. Seriously, just play the game for fun.


CartridgeBlower said:
But anyone could abuse the battle points system just by playing. That's why it's kind of borked.

I wish it was like Tekken or VF where your battle points are connected to a character. That makes so much more sense for this exact reason, so you can experiment against better players with other characters and not be so harshly penalized for it.

I was up to 2200 points now I'm around 1700. Why? Because I want to learn the game with new players? Yeah, so I get penalized. That doesn't make much sense.

Why do you think they have non-ranked player matches?
Focus Attacks = Awesomesauce. I've effectively built my Ryu around overheads/fireballs & frequent FA's.

Oh, and if you're playing a shoto: I let you hit me with that first getting-up-off-the-ground Dragon Punch. Only so I can bait you into doing it for the rest of the match : P


Dreams-Visions said:
any particular reason? every button on my HRAP 3 works with the 360. including the Home button, which serves as my guide button.

Less space taken up and less money to have to spend on upgrading all the same parts.

Nothing particular really. I've already invested the money into a TE (Gamestop pre-order). The HRAPS3 I've had over a year already for my PS3 which I love to death. Been great for my Tekken play.
I continue to remain baffled by SFIV online:

I win: Player leaves.
I lose: I'm kicked by host.
All other situations: Player disconnect.

And this is from me solely playing player matches.



Freedom = $1.05 said:
Focus Attacks = Awesomesauce. I've effectively built my Ryu around overheads/fireballs & frequent FA's.

Oh, and if you're playing a shoto: I let you hit me with that first getting-up-off-the-ground Dragon Punch. Only so I can bait you into doing it for the rest of the match : P

HAHAHAH. I just started that strategy tonight. I was getting pissed that people learned everyone will just throw you after a blocked DP and started throwing themselves.

So now I let them hit me the first time and that gives me at least 2-3 more times they'll try it later.


Baron Aloha said:
OMG I just spent an hour trying to do Balrog's 4th Hard Challenge Mode combo. Its so hard to do with a controller. Every time I managed to get to the Buffalo Headbutt I froze because I couldn't believe I got that far and I kept forgetting the Ultra. I never did pull it off.

I watched a video of the last combo on Youtube and that one is even more ridiculous.

My TE Stick can't get here soon enough! Amazon needs to get a move on with that thing.

I froze up a lot too bc i would surprise myself the same way lol. Balrog's challenges were actually easy for me, tho it took me a few tries to realize lp -> rh was a far link and not close for that one challenge. XD

Wait until you try out Vega's last challenge, thing is mad dumb!
The non-ranked matches don't usually bring tough competition, though. That's the problem. You're not going to be challenged and forced to learn your character as much as you should.

I'm surprised more people don't think they should have used VF or Tekken's character point system. There's a reason they do it the way they do, and this is it. Maybe people aren't familiar with it here for some reason.

And usea, I think you totally missed my point. But I'm not about to reiterate it again. So, whatever.
CcrooK said:
Nothing particular really. I've already invested the money into a TE (Gamestop pre-order). The HRAPS3 I've had over a year already for my PS3 which I love to death. Been great for my Tekken play.
okay. well...so that you know. it's pretty easy to add a custom PCB to the 360 TE stick to allow for PS3/PS2/PS1/GC/Wii/Xbox compatibility.


it's like $25 disassembled. $45 pre-built. you should think about it. instead of 5 sticks, you can have 1 or 2 uber-sticks that are ready for whatever console you own or may own in the future. :lol


The Everyman
for anyone that wasnts an easy to use sagat strat that'll at least get you to 1000~ bp. here it is

if theyre turtling - a lot of fireshots

if they are mildly offensive - a lot of heavy kicks and punches since they have mad reach and damage

if you need to beat them back, rub the qfc motion constantly well tapping kick. you'll alternate between the tiger knee and low fireball for great offensive push. every now and then you can tap punch for an uppercut too if you feel they might jump over a knee.

throw in a focus attack every now for a surprise and you're set

enjoy your easy wins.

now that ive gotten the winning bug out my system ill give viper another go around :D

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Askia47 said:
The more Kens / Ryus the better. Good Practice, these aren't invincible characters.

its annoying to me(using Abel) cuz when i FINALLY get to fight a non-Ken/Ryu/Akuma/Sagat, i dont even know how to approach the fight.

like today FOR THE FIRST TIME, i found a Vega, and the bitch was nice too, im not familiar with the mix ups, his priorities etc...got my ass woop

yesterday i fought too Balrogs, a Blanka(dear god kill em with fire) and a Zangief, a Zangief who's special grabs have priority over the President of the United States himself it seems....


aka Ryder
Gief on hardest is ridiculous :lol

I can't even count how many times he's SPD'ed me out of my roll or even a freaking sweep. Ah well, comes with the territory I suppose.


Baker said:
PS3's don't really have wired headsets though so I don't understand why you'd need a port.

I don't care about a headset jack, im' just talking about a headphone jack, which I really wish it had.

~Devil Trigger~ said:
its annoying to me(using Abel) cuz when i FINALLY get to fight a non-Ken/Ryu/Akuma/Sagat, i dont even know how to approach the fight.

like today FOR THE FIRST TIME, i found a Vega, and the bitch was nice too, im not familiar with the mix ups, his priorities etc...got my ass woop

I hear you. Using Abel I am in the same situation, face somebody new and I am back to square one with him, not knowing what to do.

My main problem is still getting panicky after messing up a few command inputs, but I guess it just means I need more time on the stick. I still have multiple times each match where my hands and stick don't want to cooperate.
-COOLIO- said:
for anyone that wasnts an easy to use sagat strat that'll at least get you to 1000~ bp. here it is

if theyre turtling - a lot of fireshots

if they are mildly offensive - a lot of heavy kicks and punches since they have mad reach and damage

if you need to beat them back, rub the qfc motion constantly well tapping kick. you'll alternate between the tiger knee and low fireball for great offensive push. every now and then you can tap punch for an uppercut too if you feel they might jump over a knee.

throw in a focus attack every now for a surprise and you're set

enjoy your easy wins.

-COOLIO- said:
now that ive gotten the winning bug out my system ill give viper another go around :D
cheater! don't you touch her! :D


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I just destroyed someone with over 2k bp. They just kept spamming the same move over and over as Cammy...

anyone on psn want some games, set it up! tigerheli. i suck tho :)


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
My second day with SFIV: More heaven.

I was thinking of getting Star Ocean 4 but fuck it, it'll just take some time off my SFIV playtime. I can't allow that. Most addictive game ever, ever, ever.

I just can't stop playing and I have no idea why. I just play all the time? Why did Capcom put into these disks? Oh and I am definetely maining Viper. She's so awesome. Back when everyone said her design sucked, I stuck by her. Back when she was considered bottom tier, I stuck by her. And now, people love her. Mine, fuckers! MINE!


CartridgeBlower said:
Playing with Abel online tonight I've already lost over 400 BP's.

This just makes me hate all the other Ryus and Akumas who never change characters and rape the points system. Playing it so fucking safe.

Yeah curse the people who play the same character every time rabble rabble rabble.



love on your sleeve
AnonymousNoob said:
I continue to remain baffled by SFIV online:

I win: Player leaves.
I lose: I'm kicked by host.
All other situations: Player disconnect.

And this is from me solely playing player matches.

That's why you play with Gaffers.

Personally I don't even find online games fun unless I'm playing with people I'm familiar with.
Jeezus, didn't know we had so many Akuma and Ryu players here who would take offense to that.

Guess there's no more criticizing them in public.

And I obviously don't care about BP's too much if I just admitted to losing 400 of them.


Dreams-Visions said:
okay. well...so that you know. it's pretty easy to add a custom PCB to the 360 TE stick to allow for PS3/PS2/PS1/GC/Wii/Xbox compatibility.

it's like $25 disassembled. $45 pre-built. you should think about it. instead of 5 sticks, you can have 1 or 2 uber-sticks that are ready for whatever console you own or may own in the future. :lol

I'll look into it for sure. I believe though for this year I'm gonna be gaming more on the 360 with fighters than the PS3. KOF12 and Tekken 6.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
CartridgeBlower said:
Jeezus, didn't know we had so many Akuma and Ryu players here who would take offense to that.

Guess there's no more criticizing them in public.

And I obviously don't care about BP's too much if I just admitted to losing 400 of them.

I haven't fought a Ryu in forever. It's ALWAYS ken.


ultim8p00 said:
Well I guess now I have to characters I hate. El Fuerte and Zangief. It's funny how when you play with non-gamers, they find a way to completely kick your ass using one move over and over and over and over and over
True for all Street Fighters, and there's always a way out. I can remember having so much trouble with someone in SF3 using Alex, doing a shoulder charge, and on block going into StunGun Headbutt. If you try to jump, you'll get the first frame of jump, but the super will still grab you. I kept getting my ass beat over and over.

I smacked my head when I figured out the solution : Jab him out of the air (or any quick anti-air). It's funny what you only figure out hours after stopping to play the game.


good credit (by proxy)
okay, zangief is officially ridiculous. I was playing the computer and they got me into a spinning pile driving when still in midair. They were about halfway down the descent half of the jump, feet not even close to touching the ground. WTF???

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Lots of People said:
Can't take alts online cuz of bp

It's like people ignore that there's even a player match option.

Also, I can't believe that some people don't like INNNNDEEEESTRUCTIBLLLLLE. Whenever it starts looping, it's like I'm 8 again and in my bedroom playing my Boyz 2 Men tapes all day.


Good god, has all my time playing GGXX and VF4/VF5 really made me THIS rusty at SF?
I've hit the wall where I am getting my ass kicked and realizing just how different SF4 is in comparison to the fighters I've been playing for the past several years.

Anyone that says all fighting games are the same needs their head examined. All those rounds of GGXX and various KoF don't account for shit in this game. back to the challenge mode I go to get these movesets and combos memorized. maybe if I can internalize this a bit I won't lose so much in multiplayer.

BTW: I love the environmental stuff in this game. sending my opponet through the wing of the plane on that airfield was humorous.
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