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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

GGs, bdizzle. You're the first good Abel user I've played so far, which is why I could hardly do anything against him. I think I'm starting to figure him out though.


Raging Spaniard said:
Props to you guys for sticking with the game eventhough youre new, trust me itll pay off with practice.

Just remember to be patient! More often than not your opponent will give you easy openings, so just try getting used to blocking and then doing a couple of goo combos, rinse repeat.

Raging Spanirad, are you psn or 360? id like to face you sometime, im definitely trying to improve. :D
Ferrio said:
Wow played a ranked match against a Chun-Li player (wow!).

I played 2 Chun-Li's in ranked matches tonight. First time I've seen her used in ranked. Beat them both, then lost to Rose (barely). Been using the search for same skill filter, working well on Live. Pretty much get into a match 1 out of 3-4 tries.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
Random thought: Could all of these Kens jumping in so much be due to the last SF game most of them played being alpha 3 (where anti air is a joke)? Or am I thinking too much into this?

Probably, it was a very popular game and jumping was pretty encouraged.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Askia47 said:
Raging Spanirad, are you psn or 360? id like to face you sometime, im definitely trying to improve. :D

psn (Xavipants), although Ill be getting a 360 copy within the next couple of weeks

Im no fuckawesome sauce or anything though (galactic ae and gutter_trash are much better players, nevermind haunts), but I can hold my own!


Raw64life said:
Playing through challenge mode and wow is it depressing. I can't time shit. I can't beat a level 4 challenge mode with anyone. For some characters I can't even get past 3. I swear I've tried every combination of millisecond timing you can with the combos but nothing works. In particular I spent a good 15 minutes trying to do Blanka's crouch HP into super to no avail. Incredibly frustrating considering I could do this kind of stuff in HD Remix and Third Strike in my sleep. Any tips?

I'm not sure why everyone is struggling with this! I assume you're doing cr hp from max range, then you're trying to cancel into super? Cr hp wont cancel into super in the last few hit frames i believe. All you have to do is charge right next to Dan, hit cr hp in its early frames and go immediately into super. No links, just a straight up cancel.


Huh. I'll get these games where I get booted because I'm not using my mic. I'm just not a fan of using it with fighting games. I don't need to hear the heavy breathing, button smashing, screams of terror because they lost pouring into my ear. Sheeesh.


Raging Spaniard said:
psn (Xavipants), although Ill be getting a 360 copy within the next couple of weeks

Im no fuckawesome sauce or anything though (galactic ae and gutter_trash are much better players, nevermind haunts), but I can hold my own!

Cool, im on psn(askia47) for now. Im not that good either :lol , still improving .

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
CcrooK said:
Huh. I'll get these games where I get booted because I'm not using my mic. I'm just not a fan of using it with fighting games. I don't need to hear the heavy breathing, button smashing, screams of terror because they lost pouring into my ear. Sheeesh.

Yeah that happened today, from the lobby this guy had a dog and family around, he picked Bison and I picked Dan. He laughed.

He wasnt laughing 2 rounds later! :D

btw Id much rather have "Indestructible" in my head than "Take me for a Ride" OMG I fucking hate that song
Raging Spaniard said:
Props to you guys for sticking with the game eventhough youre new, trust me itll pay off with practice.

Just remember to be patient! More often than not your opponent will give you easy openings, so just try getting used to blocking and then doing a couple of goo combos, rinse repeat.
I feel like my reflexes need to be put into the shop. I'm maining Rose and should be stomping all the Kens with the anti-air throw but I just can't pull it off in time. I'm gonna keep at it though. Wish me luck lol


Raging Spaniard said:
Yeah that happened today, from the lobby this guy had a dog and family around, he picked Bison and I picked Dan. He laughed.

He wasnt laughing 2 rounds later! :D

btw Id much rather have "Indestructible" in my head than "Take me for a Ride" OMG I fucking hate that song

......don't remind me. The music was -terrible- in that game. That was one game I happily passed on. Still a big fan of the first one. "Let's go crazy!"


I can't stress this enough, but one of the best ways to get better at SF IV is to slow down and let the fight come to you. I know I started with the mentality of rush, rush, rush, with Sagat and that did me well to a point, but as I've branched out with Viper and 'Sim I've realized that the best way to beat a lot of new/over anxious players is to just wait for people to jump in and punish over and over. I still need to work on my execution but playing defensively has not only made me a better player, but has also helped to lower my blood pressure big time.


Finally unlocked Gouken and played through with him. Ryu has to many rivals, seems like every other character is Ryus rival. Goukens rival is obvious, but they still went another route. It barely even pushed the story either. Wtf were they thinking.


dreamcastmaster said:
I like it when I'm up against players that have obviously just unlocked Akuma and are despertly trying to get the moves out, and failng. Easy win.

Most of my wins have been against these. Protip: If I am playing as Sakura, I should NOT be able to make YOU move with my hadoken.
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:
My new favorite way to deal w/ Kens online is to pick E Honda and wait until they do their wakeup fierce DP, block it, and Oicho throw them. It's so satisfying and it works every time. Some people don't get the message even after like 5 Oicho's per round.
This is exactly why I main with him in ranked matches :lol Its even more satisfying when you wipe the floor with a akuma player spamming air fire balls. Get that weak shit out of here. :lol


Whine Whine FADC Troll
I hate Honda mirror matches. They're not as boring as they are in ST, but still it's a boring matchup.

Finally broke the 3k BP plateau , so I don't suck that much... ^_^

Still having troubles with elite players- but I probably should have trouble with elites.

Found out vs shotos I like to not use EXs, as the super is half damage if they throw a FB.

Now I need to figure out a way to use ultra properly outside of whiff punishment.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
akachan ningen said:
What about true love makin'?


They should have gotten that dude to do the soundtrack for SF4.

Hey at least that song has a beat I can live with. MvsC2 is still my most played game ever and I just cant digest a single song in the OST. Nothing against Jazz, but that shit was teeeeerrible.

Then again I really like all the remixes in IV. My one complaint isnt the music, but how often the good songs are (or in this case are not) played, I keep listening to the OST, geeking out over awesome themes like Ryus, Kens, Guiles, Zangief and Cammy ... but in the game were always stuck listening to the stage themes, that's very unfortunate, at least alter the songs or some shit.


Glad to see SF4 selling well.

This probably means SF4 Turbo will be out next year with a few more characters... from alpha I hope. :D
Feelin' pretty good...

I was playin' a coworker who only a month or so ago, completely destroyed me in HD Remix.
Well we finally had a rematch and while he took out my Viper (with Dan :lol )and Sakura, he COULD NOT beat my Ryu! ...not even with his Ken!

...this dude is like a 10 year vet btw. I'm sure he's just gettin' used to SFIV but still ...it was a milestone for me


Lost Fragment said:
Also, I can't believe that some people don't like INNNNDEEEESTRUCTIBLLLLLE. Whenever it starts looping, it's like I'm 8 again and in my bedroom playing my Boyz 2 Men tapes all day.
What pisses me off is that if you turn BGM to 0 you can still kinda hear the music. What the shit.


y2dvd said:
I'm not sure why everyone is struggling with this! I assume you're doing cr hp from max range, then you're trying to cancel into super? Cr hp wont cancel into super in the last few hit frames i believe. All you have to do is charge right next to Dan, hit cr hp in its early frames and go immediately into super. No links, just a straight up cancel.

I know it's just a straight up cancel. That's the frustrating part. And I've tried it several times from every distance possible, including right up close. I was able to do this stuff in Third Strike without breaking a sweat which makes it all the more frustrating.
RevenantKioku said:
What pisses me off is that if you turn BGM to 0 you can still kinda hear the music. What the shit.

and when you have the game off and see/hear the word "indestructible" you can't help but think of the song. :lol


-PXG- said:
I thought selecting SAME SKILL, meant, you know, someone that is just as good as you. First I get Perfected three times in a row by a Honda (let him win the last one, since I know was in for a rape), then I get swept, again (no Perfects) by a Guile. Seriously.....This is bullshit.

Yeah, I LOVE when I get a "Same Skill" guy who rapes me and I see at the end that he has 4-5 times the BP I do.

NOTE TO CAPCOM: 500 BP is no where NEAR 2000. Super Serial.
Chorazin said:
Yeah, I LOVE when I get a "Same Skill" guy who rapes me and I see at the end that he has 4-5 times the BP I do.

NOTE TO CAPCOM: 500 BP is no where NEAR 2000. Super Serial.

I think the search is a prefference and in now way a guarantee you'll me matched by that choice, if everybody online at that time is higher BP than you then you'll just get matched by that.


Raw64life said:
I know it's just a straight up cancel. That's the frustrating part. And I've tried it several times from every distance possible, including right up close. I was able to do this stuff in Third Strike without breaking a sweat which makes it all the more frustrating.

Well I managed Blanka's along with a similar one with Balrog, but now a new onc I can't get past is even simpler than those two. First Dhalism trial 3 combo is a simple MK into Yoga Flame and for whatever reason I can't pull it off to save my life. I feel like I'm never going to be as good at this game as I am in HD Remix or Third Strike.


Chorazin said:
Yeah, I LOVE when I get a "Same Skill" guy who rapes me and I see at the end that he has 4-5 times the BP I do.

NOTE TO CAPCOM: 500 BP is no where NEAR 2000. Super Serial.

Yea the search filter is fucked up. I did same skill and im at 2300 bp, matched me up with someone that had 89. 89!!! I only got one damn bp but I probably shattered his morale.
Vega's Hard Challenge Level 1 combo is impossible.


Does anyone have any pointers?

I don't get why they choose to make some of these combos so difficult in this game.

Do tournament-level players really use these in game? Wow if they do.


CartridgeBlower said:
Vega's Hard Challenge Level 1 combo is impossible.


Does anyone have any pointers?

I don't get why they choose to make some of these combos so difficult in this game.

What about it is giving you so many problems? I don't remember it giving me much issues, im stuck on his 4th one though.
It's the one that goes Jump Hard Punch, Crouch Light Punch, Crouch Mid Punch, Light Punch Roll, into an EX Focus Attack.

It's the timing between the Crouch Light Punch and the Crouch Mid Punch that is next to impossible. It's absurd. Must be one of those "1-Frame Links" which I have no ideas how the hell you are supposed to get better at. It seems like blind luck when I finally hit it once out of 10 times.


CartridgeBlower said:
It's the one that goes Jump Hard Punch, Crouch Light Punch, Crouch Mid Punch, Light Punch Roll, into an EX Focus Attack.

It's the timing between the Crouch Light Punch and the Crouch Mid Punch that is next to impossible. It's absurd. Must be one of those "1-Frame Links" which I have no ideas how the hell you are supposed to get better at. It seems like blind luck when I finally hit it once out of 10 times.

Yea pretty much, some of the linking of normal moves are extremely difficult. Some are extremely retarded, fuck Blanka's last one. Ridiculous.

TheCardPlayer said:
One questions, are the trials possible on a 360 controller or am I borked?

If you can pull off some of the hard trials on a 360 pad then you're a god among men. I dont think I could link a jab into Guile's flash super on a 360 pad.


TheCardPlayer said:
One questions, are the trials possible on a 360 controller or am I borked?
Should work. I haven't done trials yet but I haven't had any problems playing the game with a 360 controller. I'd still use one of these pads or a arcade stick over the 360 controller though.
jesus christ! talk about a busy week for me, i got 2 papers to write, 1 due wednesday, 1 due next week, a test on wednesday, star ocean 4 tomorrow, killzone 2 friday.......i'm running low on time to play SF4 :(

i think im gonna shelve star ocean for a while, i got about 30 hours logged in SF4 and i plan to gain many more. 20 hrs on PS3 and 10 on 360 :D
TheCardPlayer said:
My second day with SFIV: More heaven.

I was thinking of getting Star Ocean 4 but fuck it, it'll just take some time off my SFIV playtime. I can't allow that. Most addictive game ever, ever, ever.

I just can't stop playing and I have no idea why. I just play all the time? Why did Capcom put into these disks? Oh and I am definetely maining Viper. She's so awesome. Back when everyone said her design sucked, I stuck by her. Back when she was considered bottom tier, I stuck by her. And now, people love her. Mine, fuckers! MINE!
You back from your rage quit from GAF?

Darkman M said:
I had no idea MicVlaD was a gaffer :lol Dude definitely has a beastly sim!

Glad others got to face MicVlaD He has an awesome Sim.

He has actually inspired me to start Sim now.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
TurtleSnatcher said:
You back from your rage quit from GAF?
When did I say I quit GAF exactly? So saying I am out of here and leaving the thread for a few hours is quitting GAF now? :lol

Also for massive lulz, put Versus CPU VS CPU on hardest and pit all the characters against Zangief. He never loses. Ever.
oh any good rose players out there!?!?! i do fairly well with her, but the second someone gets in on me it's a nightmare. any tips for a wake up attack or a way to get them away? i usually try a reflect or a LP soul spark but the start time is too slow.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Augemitbutter said:
how is everyone doing on two bar latency? its surprisingly well for me most of the time.

Ive been doing fine sometimes with even one bar. If anything the only times I have problems is when I forget Im using bittorrent, so after my 3rd straight fight with lag I remember about it and go pause it :lol

This is coming from somebody who had CONSTANT online lag with HDR, so as far as Im concerned that GGGGGGPPPPPPPO silliness does nothing for me.
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