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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

ultim8p00 said:
Arcade AI = throws throws throws throws throws throws

Is it just me? All the characters seem to be spamming throws over and over, especially Abel, Honda and Seth

dash back has a few frames of invicibility, so when you wake up, dash back if you fear an AI throw.

against, Seth, mid-range outside SRK, SPD range is the ideal range to beat him
LiK said:
Zangief is the worst of them all. the AI doesn't know what else to do. so annoying.

I am so tired of Abel's swing and now I can't stop hearing The New Pornographers' "(I'm All For) Swinging You Around" when I think about it. DAMN.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Kick ass tips Haunts and I've saved the video to watch at home. I need to slide back into working on other stuff so SF4 time will decrease a bit, but I'll definitely be mentally filing these away.


dasupremeone said:
I have yet to come across another honda player
Same here. Though I don't get the barrage of Ken players like most people, not once have I faced an E. Honda. Even when playing with my friends where we pick different characters each match, no one picks Honda. They get scared whenever I pick him though. :lol


bdizzle said:
yeah blanka's still my biggest challenge. i lost 118bp yesterday to a garbage ass blanka because i didn't know how to stop the blanka roll and electrocute. str8upaweome helped me in figuring out how to handle him, so now i'll only lose 998 times out of 1000 lol. standing/cr mp will knockout a blank roll. even ex rolls. and cr. Lk will stop an electricute from close (cr. rh works from really far). i have to use a totally different strategy against blanka. no up close game like i usually do.

You use abel right? You can punish a blocked blanka ball with abel's ultra. It's awesome.


While I'm finally up and running again. Got a new 60g pro and will just sell my old Halo model on CL.

Working on unlocking everybody, and will jump online when I can figure out how to do supers with more consistency.


LiK said:
yea, i think i'll try and practice with him more. i'm curious if his fireball can stop Zangief Lariats cuz it goes up an angle instead.
The angled up one can, but the other cannot, but the high counter also stops the lariat.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
myDingling said:
I hated this game so much last night. Played for about 5 hours and probably lost 60% of my matches. Ken Fighter Online was not treating me very nicely.

On my last match I was kind of out of it. Played some guy called "Ryon King" on XBL. Best of 5 match and I quickly drop the first two, though the first one should have been mine (I'm really trerrible at qcf to the left). But somehow I manage to string together a 3 round comeback full of supers and ultras against this guy. I was hysterical by the end, knowing that if I lost I would punch a wall and that if I won I would go crazy and punch a wall. Anyway, the point is I pulled it off and I was reminded of why this game is so fun and unpredictable :D

EDIT: Oh and here's hoping Capcom will add some kind of recording feature ala DOA4. Shouldn't be too hard to add right? Though I will difintely be pissed off if it's only in some turbo hyper mega alpha addition =\

They are in the patch, but you have to have a certain number of BP to use it.

Nightz said:
Same here. Though I don't get the barrage of Ken players like most people, not once have I faced an E. Honda. Even when playing with my friends where we pick different characters each match, no one picks Honda. They get scared whenever I pick him though. :lol

If you play on XBL I'll use Honda, it's not a great Honda, but I'm not completely clueless now.


_dementia said:
my god i can't even concentrate at work
I'm half zombie right now at work. I slept only one hour due to a SFIV marathon I did last night....and I can't stop thinking about it. This game is going to consume my life....and I'm ok with it.

arstal said:
They are in the patch, but you have to have a certain number of BP to use it.
Do you know how many BP are needed?


Dizzy-4U said:
I'm half zombie right now at work. I slept only one hour due to a SFIV marathon I did last night....and I can't stop thinking about it. This game is going to consume my life....and I'm ok with it.

Ha! I'm primarily a pc gamer and don't even like fighters all that much and this game has been taking up 100% of my gaming time and then some.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
lawblob said:
Uh oh, did someone say Cammy cosplay? NSFW


Yes, old, very old, she now does porn, lets move on

Has anybody seen the Sakura sketches in the gallery? Her design is the same, but facial; structure wise Ono was definitely experimenting with aging the character up, great stuff.


gutter_trash said:
while playing Xabi online last week, I did a jumping-in LK (butt) with Honda and it snuffed Guile's Flash Kick

we were like what?
tried again, it snuffed it again
tried agani, it snuffed the Flash Kick even again.

so, Honda players, jumping LK snuffs Flash Kicks muhahaha

thx~ ;)


myDingling said:
I'm at work so cant check but I hope you damn well linked TRANNY CAMMY. The only reason why everyone should be playing Cammy.

i never liked playing as Cammy in the 2D games but she seems better in SFIV for some reason. she also has the best in-game intro outta everyone :p


Just last night I discovered ranked custom match with "Higher Skill" filter for the first time. Awesome. I ran into a really dope Gen. Old man wrecked me something awful. Had a nasty cross-up hop type kick. Still mostly Kens though playing tippy-tap and running to either end of the screen which sucked. There was a nice Chun-Li though. Strangely, no Abel in 5 hours of playing online.

I really need to incorporate Abel's f+MK>dash more.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
gutter_trash said:
how much BPs?
I'm like at around 2300ish now

no more El Fuerte tests on Ranked then haha

I hit 3000 yesterday. Probably higher then I should be. I got lucky and had a lot of 2800BP Akuma spammers, and Honda KILLS Akuma spammers dead. You just gotta avoid the landmines.

Nick is mahou kuma BTW if you or anyone else wants to add. I want to experiment with Rufus now some as well. Not interested in playing competitively anyone offline, but I still enjoy the games and like quality comp.

They didn't announce how much BP was needed.


bdizzle said:
Lord Abel disagrees...

gouken is fun though. I played someone and did the throw>ultra....and totally missed. it was hilarious lol.
Abel is #2 for new characters in my book...and in hte hands of those who can use him he is scary.


Bacon of Hope
arstal said:
I hit 3000 yesterday. Probably higher then I should be. I got lucky and had a lot of 2800BP Akuma spammers, and Honda KILLS Akuma spammers dead. You just gotta avoid the landmines.

Nick is mahou kuma BTW if you or anyone else wants to add. I want to experiment with Rufus now some as well. Not interested in playing competitively anyone offline, but I still enjoy the games and like quality comp.

They didn't announce how much BP was needed.

ohhh that was you.. lol


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I have 90% chances on getting the game tomorrow !!!! :D


Playedsome more with GrayFox looks like he is a bit better than me. My Rose really sucks though I actually played way better with Blanka :/

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Its Too bad Abel's AA game is not that great

the "Falling Sky" is not too reliable and crouching FP is slow. Im tired of people jumping over me and getting away with it.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Baloonatic said:
I still suck beyond belief but I really love El Fuerte. Landing his ultra on a hadouken spamming Ryu is glorious :lol

Yes, yes it is. Other glorious moments include: Landing Ultra on a fool jumping in on wake up, landing ultra on any fool whiffing a Dragon Punch and landing on them the moment they hit the ground from the move, landing a Tortilla on Ryu's looking to hit me with their Ultra and getting into such a groove where you're constantly in "run" moving in and out of it, jumping off walls, flipping, screaming yahoo and beating your opponent senseless. :D


~Devil Trigger~ said:
Its Too bad Abel's AA game is not that great

the "Falling Sky" is not too reliable and crouching FP is slow. Im tired of people jumping over me and getting away with it.

Try rolling though it's still a pain in the ass when peeps jump over you with seeming impunity.


Anyone using Abel, does it feel like his strong punch is non-responsive sometimes? I can't tell if I have a defective stick, or if he just has a longer down-time between strong punches.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Dizzy-4U said:
I'm half zombie right now at work. I slept only one hour due to a SFIV marathon I did last night....and I can't stop thinking about it. This game is going to consume my life....and I'm ok with it.

double'd... stayed up till 4 packing bowls, drinking brews and playing SFIV with my boys. feels like college all over again :lol
Anyone else have quite a lot of connection issues? I have it set so that people will invite me while I'm playing Arcade and every invite over the past 45 minutes has had no connection status and eventually lost connection to player :(


Bacon of Hope
Dizzy-4U said:
I'm half zombie right now at work. I slept only one hour due to a SFIV marathon I did last night....and I can't stop thinking about it. This game is going to consume my life....and I'm ok with it.

yeah its pretty bad for me too... I just love playing ranked matches.. .it gives me a similar feeling as playing at tournaments because something is on the line, even though BP is meaningless really... so Ill just stay up till 1am playing the game even when I have work the next day..


I fucking hate El Fuerte,the worst character to play as in the game,I cant even beat seth on "easiest" with this luchador bastard.
~Devil Trigger~ said:
Its Too bad Abel's AA game is not that great

the "Falling Sky" is not too reliable and crouching FP is slow. Im tired of people jumping over me and getting away with it.

cr. mk says high >.> if you anticipate the jump, falling sky works.

i usually just do a lk roll then punish as they're landing. after 3 or 4 of those they'll stop jumping.
Wrath2X said:
I fucking hate El Fuerte,the worst character to play as in the game,I cant even beat seth on "easiest" with this luchador bastard.

:lol I think he's pretty fun, especially when you play against someone who hasn't got a clue what just hit them.
Wrath2X said:
I fucking hate El Fuerte,the worst character to play as in the game,I cant even beat seth on "easiest" with this luchador bastard.

spam the Tostada Presss (MP) against the AI when he wakes up.
HK > Guacamole
his normals have good range for his size

against Seth, spam the Fajita Buster when he wakes up, it is hilarious


Anyone has any tips for Fuerte against Fei-Long match-ups? His rekka spam is fucking ridiculuous since Fuerte doesn't really have good direct frontal attacks.
His rekka definitely messes up any zoning game I have since it's so fast and safe (first hit anyway).

Right now all I do is run away to the infinity, doing the Quesadilla Bomb, getting a lucky jumping fierce, or the fajita buster/tostada press from the wall jump.

Directly coming at him with a dash sucks because he can easily avoid my stuff with the rekka or stuff my dash with a rekka. And if I become predictable with backdashes, he can easily stuff any jump attempts with his flaming kick.

I fucking hate fighting Fei Long of all characters with Fuerte (yes, even Zangief is still better to fight with Fuerte).


haunts said:
Yeah I mean zangief will try to get in with Green hands all day and you want to stay inside that range so you can block them...but it gets better.. if a regular green hand HITS you can STILL throw him.. he is like -7 frames on block or hit! :lol


I hate him not because he is hard to beat but because he is just such a scrubby ass character imo. He is so damn easy to use and requires no execution for the most part imo. I have respect for high level Giefs who can do dope combos and other stuff but I never see that online.

I told you guys.. you can beat Zangief.. EVERY TIME... if you want to! Dont be fooled by appearances, things arent always as they seem.
zangief is awesome, stop complaining about scrubby players, you lose you lose... and to be honest I'm trying to learn him... of course you are going to play scrubby when you pick a new character. You guys assume that all the gief players are just scrubs going for a win when thats not always the case. Whos fault is it when you fall for a lariet over and over again? First it was Ryu and Ken now Zangief, you guys complain too much when you lose.


Bacon of Hope
bdizzle said:
cr. mk says high >.> if you anticipate the jump, falling sky works.

i usually just do a lk roll then punish as they're landing. after 3 or 4 of those they'll stop jumping.

Nah he is right, Abels AA game sucks ass in this game. His s.mk is decent AA.


Raging Spaniard said:
Yes, old, very old, she now does porn, lets move on


Best Street Fighter cosplay ever:

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