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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


bdizzle said:
cr. mk says high >.> if you anticipate the jump, falling sky works.

i usually just do a lk roll then punish as they're landing. after 3 or 4 of those they'll stop jumping.

Hmm. Haven't had success with this--this works when people are attempting to jump deep into you from the front only, no? On cross-ups it won't I'd think. Also, is this supposed to be similar to Makoto's cr.MK in 3rd Strike (also an anti-air if I remember)?

yeah, can't seem to use cr.MK reliably yet. And are you using his f+MK>dash to mess with people? I always forget it during matches.


bdizzle said:
yeah but when you can only do 1, maybe two a game, you still lose 99.9% of the time lol.

Yeah, I understand what you're saying. As a Rufus player I have to completely change how I approach the match versus Blanka too.

Blanka sucks!


haunts said:
yeah its pretty bad for me too... I just love playing ranked matches.. .it gives me a similar feeling as playing at tournaments because something is on the line, even though BP is meaningless really... so Ill just stay up till 1am playing the game even when I have work the next day..

I'm the opposite...if I get tired I start play pretty badly, so I go to sleep early and wake up like 3 hours before I have to work, then play until I end up starting work late and am playing catch up all day...


Bacon of Hope
Jirotrom said:
zangief is awesome, stop complaining about scrubby players, you lose you lose... and to be honest I'm trying to learn him... of course you are going to play scrubby when you pick a new character. You guys assume that all the gief players are just scrubs going for a win when thats not always the case. Whos fault is it when you fall for a lariet over and over again? First it was Ryu and Ken now Zangief, you guys complain too much when you lose.

Huh? This isnt about me losing to him, I just dont like him. I dont like his play style or moveset.


Wrath2X said:
I fucking hate El Fuerte,the worst character to play as in the game,I cant even beat seth on "easiest" with this luchador bastard.
Seth is a sucker for crouching Roundhouse kick that slides in. Hit-Retreat-Repeat. That's how I beat Seth on Medium with El Fuerte.


Xater said:
Playedsome more with GrayFox looks like he is a bit better than me. My Rose really sucks though I actually played way better with Blanka :/

:D I learned the goods of a well timed focus attack. Your Rose is not that bad keep it up, you just need to throw those soul fucks more often. Those sould throws on reaction against my vega flying barcelona were really annoying. Yeah, your Blanka's way better then Rose.

I laughed when I won with Fei Long against your Guoken. I thought I'll be fucked. I must unlock Guoken still.

I picked gief once and as I thought playing him felt like cheating. I basicly Lariatoooo, Lariatoo, SPD, SPD, SPD. :lol

Ah, one thing. Xater, my good man. Tell me this: Why don't you use throws???
I don't think you've thrown me once in our 25+ match game! Throws are really good in SFIV.

I'm giving up on Gen at least for now. I dusted off my old arcade stick but it seems I'm way to weak physicaly for it now. I sucked with it badly, quickly got back to a pad. Can't use Gen in full force, aka super to ultra on this pad so it makes no sense to try him more online.

I'm angry that I'm so weak with Abel online. Ofline it's easy to use him, but online is a pain. His throw seems to have big delay and short range. Compared to hondas throw or Zangiefs it sucks. I can throw with hornda like crazy but with Abel somehow it doesn't work all that good.


haunts said:
Huh? This isnt about me losing to him, I just dont like him. I dont like his play style or moveset.
I know its not about you losing, its not only you that complains about him...sorry for misquoting you... but its just everybody that complains about scrub players.

At least they bought the game and are playing, supporting a dying genre, trying to learn how to play. You guys assume that everybody should just be badass at the game, which is wrong. So I dont get the complaints about "scrubby" players when for the most part the majority of folks on this board are scrubs learning how to play. Everyones got to start somewhere.


I come back a few hours later and 200 posts have been made! :lol

Thanks for the help though. In a couple months I will get the game myself and start killing you all
Actually, I'm not that good :'(


GrayFoxPL said:
:D I learned the goods of a well timed focus attack. Your Rose is not that bad keep it up, you just need to throw those soul fucks more often. Those sould throws on reaction against my vega flying barcelona were really annoying. Yeah, your Blanka's way better then Rose.

I laughed when I won with Fei Long against your Guoken. I thought I'll be fucked. I must unlock Guoken still.

I picked gief once and as I thought playing him felt like cheating. I basicly Lariatoooo, Lariatoo, SPD, SPD, SPD. :lol

Ah, one thing. Xater, my good man. Tell me this: Why don't you use throws???
I don't think you've thrown me once in our 25+ match game! Throws are really good in SFIV.

I'm giving up on Gen at least for now. I dusted off my old arcade stick but it seems I'm way to weak physicaly for it now. I sucked with it badly, quickly got back to a pad. Can't use Gen in full force, aka super to ultra on this pad so it makes no sense to try him more online.

I'm angry that I'm so weak with Abel online. Ofline it's easy to use him, but online is a pain. His throw seems to have big delay and short range. Compared to hondas throw or Zangiefs it sucks. I can throw with hornda like crazy but with Abel somehow it doesn't work all that good.

Don't know man for some reason I have real trouble pulling of throws in SF4 and I don't know what it is. I tried a few times but it seems like my timing on those is way off for some reason. And yeah my Gouken sucked big time. :lol But I saw you chosing Fei Long and I thought "Fuck it! I take also some odd guys I played like twice before." :D


Bacon of Hope
Jirotrom said:
I know its not about you losing, its not only you that complains about him...sorry for misquoting you... but its just everybody that complains about scrub players.

At least they bought the game and are playing, supporting a dying genre, trying to learn how to play. You guys assume that everybody should just be badass at the game, which is wrong. So I dont get the complaints about "scrubby" players when for the most part the majority of folks on this board are scrubs learning how to play. Everyones got to start somewhere.

Yeah I just feel a lot of gief players are getting kills by doing jump in SPD or Lariats all day.. I mean whatever, i cant stand Sagat players either and I play Sagat myself. Most of them play so reckless and dont even use some of his best set ups/strategies and he is so over powered so again you know they are getting kills with just random ultras and uppercuts.
MoxManiac said:
Yeah, I understand what you're saying. As a Rufus player I have to completely change how I approach the match versus Blanka too.

Blanka sucks!

What about Blanka players that have to completely change how they approach the match versus Rufus, huh?

Rufus sucks!


I hate those little two hit combos on the challenge mode, usually in batch 5 like MP->MK. >_<

I'm stuck on Gen's last one which has him change into Crane mid-combo, I can pull if off but the MP pushes me away and the LK doesn't connect.

Edit: D'oh just did it, didn't read it properly, the LK is crouching.


Any fellow mediocre players want to play some games against me? (360)
I think my tag is usea. I'm not so good at this xbl thing, first time using it.

(is there an online thread I should be using for this request? if so I'm sorry)
BitchTits said:
I hate those little two hit combos on the challenge mode, usually in batch 5 like MP->MK. >_<

I'm stuck on Gen's last one which has him change into Crane mid-combo, I can pull if off but the MP pushes me away and the LK doesn't connect.

Yeah have to do it crazy fast. I have a fightpad and had to set it up so KKK was the shoulder button, and so MP and LK were adjacent to one another, and I was able to pull it off. The time it took my thumb to travel between the buttons was literally what was causing me to not get it. I imagine its a lot easier if you have a stick.


I'm seriously willing to pay for DLC which adds an option to replace all the menu music with the music which is in the multiplayer lobby. Capcom, do it please! For the sake of my sanity!


I keep thinking: "Why it always feels like I played Abel before?"

And now it just hit me. I don't know why so late. :lol

Abel is Goro Daimon from KOF. Same invincible forward roll, same falling sky, half circle throw that works the same way. Only diffirence is that Abel has Rekkas and Daimon earthquake and one more throw.

I think I didn't think about it earlier because they look very different.


haunts said:
Yeah I just feel a lot of gief players are getting kills by doing jump in SPD or Lariats all day.. I mean whatever, i cant stand Sagat players either and I play Sagat myself. Most of them play so reckless and dont even use some of his best set ups/strategies and he is so over powered so again you know they are getting kills with just random ultras and uppercuts.
thats what they do because they are beggining to learn him... I'm learning him and i have trouble doing jump in SPD's:lol I'm crazzy scrubby with him, same with Abel... The thing is if I win with them when Im scrubby, people get pissed, but when I'm good with them people still get pissed. Its a lose lose situation so you might as well do what you can do and win.


Bacon of Hope
prodystopian said:
Who do you like?:lol

Dhlasim, Ryu, Sagat, El Fuerte, C. Viper, Boxer, Dictator, Akuma are my favorites in this game.

Jirotrom said:
thats what they do because they are beggining to learn him... I'm learning him and i have trouble doing jump in SPD's:lol I'm crazzy scrubby with him, same with Abel... The thing is if I win with them when Im scrubby, people get pissed, but when I'm good with them people still get pissed. Its a lose lose situation so you might as well do what you can do and win.

Well yeah I hate the unwarranted bitching by people losing to Gief just as much, trust me. Thats why im trying to hand out tips on how to handle the matchup to some degree.

I usually respect a Gief player if he can do his jab into short into EX hand combo.. that combo is fresh.. OTHERWISE..


Xater said:

I just can't pull of j.MK->c.MK->Vertical Roll with Blanka. I don't get it!

I just "cheated" on all the charge characters in Trial Mode.

1. Push the dummy Dan all the way to the side of the level.

2. Jump over him.

3. You now have infinite time to charge back and still be right next to him. Just use diagonals for the jump and crouch hits.

Edit: Nevermind, didn't notice you said vertical roll on that one. That strategy won't work.


I don't like playing against these characters:

Ken, Ryu, Akuma, Gouken, Zangief, Fei Long, Dan, Cammy, Sakura, Chun-Li, Sagat, E Honda, Dhalsim, Abel, El Fuerte, C Viper, Rufus, Sagat, Sakura, Rose, Gen, Balrog, M Bison, Vega, Guile.

And Blanka.


haunts said:
Dhlasim, Ryu, Sagat, El Fuerte, C. Viper, Boxer, Dictator, Akuma are my favorites in this game.

always makes me laugh when you refer to them as Boxer and Dictator, hehe

El Fuerte is my least favorite
keanerie said:
I don't like playing against these characters:

Ken, Ryu, Akuma, Gouken, Zangief, Fei Long, Dan, Cammy, Sakura, Chun-Li, Sagat, E Honda, Dhalsim, Abel, El Fuerte, C Viper, Rufus, Sagat, Sakura, Rose, Gen, Balrog, M Bison, Vega, Guile.

And Blanka.
keanerie said:
I don't like playing against these characters:

Ken, Ryu, Akuma, Gouken, Zangief, Fei Long, Dan, Cammy, Sakura, Chun-Li, Sagat, E Honda, Dhalsim, Abel, El Fuerte, C Viper, Rufus, Sagat, Sakura, Rose, Gen, Balrog, M Bison, Vega, Guile.

And Blanka.
So you like facing Seth?


Wrath2X said:
I fucking hate El Fuerte,the worst character to play as in the game,I cant even beat seth on "easiest" with this luchador bastard.

He's awesome. You just have to learn how to play with him.
If you're playing Gief in SFIV, why would you ever want to jump unnecessarily? Like, every single movement option in the game can buffer 360s now. You can dash forward and 360, or green hand/EX hand and 360, or focus attack/FADC to buffer 360s, or lariat and move to advance and set up 360s. Pressure opponents and control space so you can grab without having to hop around like Ryus and Kens.


Xater said:

I just can't pull of j.MK->c.MK->Vertical Roll with Blanka. I don't get it!

You just have to charge the instant you start jumping. A short jump forward press and immediately crouch back so you have enough charge to pull off the vertical roll at the end. These types of combos gave me tons of trouble too with Bison. j.MK -> c.MK -> Scissors Kick -> Super took me like 20 minutes with the 360 pad :(
Giant Bomb enters The Fray:

To unlock Akuma as a playable character:

You need to get at least one "perfect" win in a round, and more than one depending on how many rounds per match you are playing.

- 1 round match: 1 perfect round or more

- 3 round match: 2 perfect rounds or more

- 5 round match: 3 perfect rounds or more

- 7 round match: 4 perfect rounds or more

(including the last battle against Seth)

To unlock Gouken as a playable character:

1. Complete Arcade Mode playing as Akuma and watch (not necessary to watch everything) an ending.

2. Then, unlock Gouken as an opponent, and defeat him.

Necessary conditions to unlock Gouken as an opponent:

- Play with any characters with which you watched the ending once (so play using a character you have already beaten the game with)

- Do not continue at all.

- Do not lose at all. Not even one round (easier if you only play 1-round matches)

- Achieve certain number (or more) of "Perfect" rounds. The number of Perfect Win you need to achieve are:

If you play on

- 1 round match: 1 time or more

- 3 round match: 2 times or more

- 5 round match: 3 times or more

- 7 round match: 4 times or more

- Achieve certain number (or more) of Super Combo -OR- Ultra Combo Finishes. Super and Ultra finishes both count toward this number. The number of perfect win you need to achieve are:

If you play on

- 1 round match: 3 times or more

- 3 round match: 5 times or more

- 5 round match: 7 times or more

- 7 round match: 9 times or more

- Achieve certain number (or more) of First Attack (this means you must score the first strike in a match--the screen gives you the "First Attack" message, and you can mostly do this without even noticing):

The number of First Attack you need to achieve are:

If you play on

- 1 round match: 5 time or more

- 3 round match: 10 times or more

- 5 round match: 15 times or more

- 7 round match: 20 times or more

- Then Gouken will appear. Kick his butt to unlock him!

Didn't know about that First Attack stuff...
diffusionx said:
I was playing as Viper to unlock Cammy, and the first day I must have tried to beat Seth like 20 or 30 times on Easiest with no luck. The next day, I got him in the 2nd try. I do not think I magically got 10X better with Viper in one day. It might be a bug.
Well this makes me feel a lot better about the 20 times I lost to him last Monday. It was really humiliating!

arstal said:
They are in the patch, but you have to have a certain number of BP to use it.
Oh fuck that. Now that I've seen how goofy BP fluctuation can be that requirement seems pretty crappy.


BenjaminBirdie said:

Still doesn't explain why I didn't unlock (or even face) Akuma when beating the game for the 2nd time with Ken, 4 perfects in 1 round matches and no continues (of course after having unlocked every other additional character) :mad:

Edit : Or it might be that you need to win every match properly and not just time out. I timed out against Seth after a bad SPD beat in a 30 second match.


Is it possible to combo Rose's Super into her Ultra? I can get it into a combo j.HP->c.HP->Soul Spiral->Super->Ultra but the Ultra doesn't connect - would look so cool if it did! :D


Kildace said:
You just have to charge the instant you start jumping. A short jump forward press and immediately crouch back so you have enough charge to pull off the vertical roll at the end. These types of combos gave me tons of trouble too with bison. j.MK -> c.MK -> Scissors Kick -> Super took me like 20 minutes with the 360 pad :(

I know how to do it but it just didn't work. I did it now after ALOT of trying but it's really weird that I did the Bison stuff rather quickly...


Rummy Bunnz said:
Well this makes me feel a lot better about the 20 times I lost to him last Monday. It was really humiliating!

Oh fuck that. Now that I've seen how goofy BP fluctuation can be that requirement seems pretty crappy.

yup, if Seth's AI suddenly goes berserk on you, quit out to dashboard. the AI will be back to the correct setting. that's what happened when i took a break and came back to it.

altho when he went nuts against my Cammy, i kept retrying and i actually got really good with Cammy, lol.
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