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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

poserdonut said:
Yeah, I probably won't have a problem on easiest. It just gets me so frustrated that I can't figure out what I need to do to get better at this game.

I was sure talking shit, breezed through everyone on easiest and got to Seth. Still couldn't beat him, sure I didn't have time to try as many rounds as I have done on Easy but he still seems like a fucking tard to me.

I haven't been this enraged by a game since I don't know when.
Jamesfrom818 said:
Now that I've beaten Seth on Easiest and Hardest, I can honestly say that he's pretty much the same at both difficulties. I think he starts spamming teleport if you're on the ground and you're button mashing to get the Ultra out.

I don't know if this makes me happy or sad.


_tetsuo_ said:
So clueless against Blanka :-/

The Blanka rainbow roll crossing up inside a certain distance is pure bullshit. Blanka needed to be buffed, but not this much. His EX ball goes through EX fireballs? Really?

You can't cross him up as he gets up because of electricity, he can both duck fireballs AND teleport through you. No other character in the game has any of that shit all at once.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Good games earlier MicVlad. Even though you repeatedly kicked my ass. I can't wait until my stick comes in, so I can at least suck less. Every time I was trying my ultra, I'd do that damn Ex Air throw.


Unlimited Capacity
Ughhhhhh i cannot win against a decent turtle player. I just do not know how to get in as Balrog. Fucking Ken just shot firball and normaled me to death.


Any Rose players have some tips on how to deal with Zangief? At mid range I constantly get smacked with the green fist, no matter what I do outside of M.K. If I try to close the gap with a soul spiral, I get grappled. Against a weak player jumping in, Soul Throw takes care of them, but against a solid player moving in with green fist and lariet, there isnt much I can do to fight them off.


Zertez said:
Any Rose players have some tips on how to deal with Zangief? At mid range I constantly get smacked with the green fist, no matter what I do outside of M.K. If I try to close the gap with a soul spiral, I get grappled. Against a weak player jumping in, Soul Throw takes care of them, but against a solid player moving in with green fist and lariet, there isnt much I can do to fight them off.

Zone, zone, zone. Gotta keep him away. Don't approach him. If you can keep throwing soul sparks and bait him into jumping, you can soul throw him. Otherwise, forward + fierce kick to hit him out of his lariat.
_tetsuo_ said:
Ughhhhhh i cannot win against a decent turtle player. I just do not know how to get in as Balrog. Fucking Ken just shot firball and normaled me to death.

Press and hold all three punches. When any fireballer throws a fireball, wait until it's about to hit you -- and release. Balrog does a little spin (where he is invulnerable) and lunges foward. Many times it connects, and even if it doesn't - it makes them think twice as for throwing fireballs.

Now for turtles -- turtles tend to block - down back.

So with balrog, use his lunging overhead. Hold DownBack --> DownFoward (Press and hold punch) The EX version is pretty good too.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
_tetsuo_ said:
Ughhhhhh i cannot win against a decent turtle player. I just do not know how to get in as Balrog. Fucking Ken just shot firball and normaled me to death.
unless it's sagat you can medium headbutt over every other fireball with ease. And learn how far the sweep reaches, because it has quite a reach and few of the scrub/intermediate players know about those last few pixels. Also mix up your Ex with dash swing blow (overhead) and dash low straight. And always keep a TAP so that after you rush in and he tries to blow you out with a fireball or an srk you can TAP THAT SHIT OUT!


Phthisis said:
Zone, zone, zone. Gotta keep him away. Don't approach him. If you can keep throwing soul sparks and bait him into jumping, you can soul throw him. Otherwise, forward + fierce kick to hit him out of his lariat.
That is basically the strategy Ive been trying to use, with LP Soul Reflect mixed in to build meter. Against some weaker players I can punish him if he jumps in with Soul Throw, but not many good players close the gap with jumping in on me it seems. If Im lucky I can catch the Lariet with Soul Piede>Soul Spiral>Aura Soul Spark and repeat, but the green fist is punishing at medium range for me.


Unlimited Capacity
Brobzoid said:
unless it's sagat you can medium headbutt over every other fireball with ease. And learn how far the sweep reaches, because it has quite a reach and few of the scrub/intermediate players know about those last few pixels. Also mix up your Ex with dash swing blow (overhead) and dash low straight. And always keep a TAP so that after you rush in and he tries to blow you out with a fireball or an srk you can TAP THAT SHIT OUT!

Ya I just fought a Ken twice in a row with like 1500 BP and I demolished him. The fierce headbutt has some kinda sick range, jesus. I also managed to pull off the headbutt to his ultra twice :eek:. I'm learning.
Ferrio said:
Damn gutter! Never going to learn how to counter characters if you constantly switch!
Which one of my characters did you want to play more VS against? Honda? Bison? Balrog? or Vega?

I was doing a rotation of my favored characters (Honda, Bison, Vega, Balrog) + some others.

my Gen experiement failed and I won't be perusing him much more.
El Fuerte is growing on me, I like him allot, i'm gonna try to learn more about him


The day I can get one win in ranked will be an interesting one. Recently it's bee feeling like my button pushes haven't even mattered.


Is it possible to cancel a dash with an FA?
I've been trying to FADC fireballs but the second fireball always hits me as I dash forward.
i would also just like to say Chun Li>Akuma. it seems all the akuma players are scrubs


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
_tetsuo_ said:
Ya I just fought a Ken twice in a row with like 1500 BP and I demolished him. The fierce headbutt has some kinda sick range, jesus. I also managed to pull off the headbutt to his ultra twice :eek:. I'm learning.
the fierce headbutt has great range, but against sagat and akuma they can throw a second fireball before you can recover from the whiffed headbutt, so watch your ass on that one. I get molested every time (twice) I face a sagat online, because they just hang back and tiger my ass.

And another thing you should always try to use Ex constantly, if you have enough to do a super; you're doing it wrong ;)
I am not lying when I say out of every online player I've played who has 2500+ battle points, EVERY SINGLE ONE HAS BEEN RYU.

And I've played over 300 games.

I don't know how much longer I can play online if it's going to become this stale.
-PXG- said:
Easiest my fucking ass. Trying to beat Seth with E.Honda. This is fucking bullshit. The priority, the combos. How is this fucking easy? Tell me Capcom. How? I don't even want to know how fucking hard Medium is. And Hardest? I'll probably blow my fucking brains out.

I beat Seth on Medium without continues with Honda.

Stay in Mid-Range.. don't go into Far-Range (Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom), don't go into Close-Range (SPD, SRK)

staying in Medium-Range, Seth will do stupid things.
-when you block his special kick, punish him with a cr.MK into Headbutt
-when you block his stomach vacume, Oicho throw him then back dash away
-when he does the stupid off the wall jumps, EX Headbutt him
-when you block his stretchy arms, do a Super or EX Headbutt


Okay, well enough getting my ass handed to me on ranked. Anyone want some PSN rounds? Koji-chan is the name.


after almost a week of having the game I finally decided to get on for some ranked matches. I picked Zangief for fun on my very first match and snatched around 150 BP from some guy with 2000 :lol . Zangief shenanigans did not last long though before I switched to Balrog and got the 10 win streak trophy. After about two and a half hours I ended up at 1400 BP. I wish I didn't have to go to work :(


braimuge said:
I'm coming online in 10 mins, be warned though. I suck.:lol
Well then, today is your lucky day. Be prepared for some wins.
Akuma players on ranked are SO FUCKIN dumb.

They could even be dominating a match, but when they get their ultra gauges they start launching it on the dumbest times.

Their Akuma has like 49% health left, my Balrog has like 5%. They try to do their ultra to finish me off, I jump back (thus charging my ultra) and let it rip. Since Akuma has weak health that'll finish them off.

Anyway I have about 2,600 battle points. Man this game is like crack.


gutter_trash said:
Which one of my characters did you want to play more VS against? Honda? Bison? Balrog? or Vega?

I was doing a rotation of my favored characters (Honda, Bison, Vega, Balrog) + some others.

my Gen experiement failed and I won't be perusing him much more.
El Fuerte is growing on me, I like him allot, i'm gonna try to learn more about him

Bison and Vega mostly.


Phthisis said:
The Blanka rainbow roll crossing up inside a certain distance is pure bullshit. Blanka needed to be buffed, but not this much. His EX ball goes through EX fireballs? Really?

You can't cross him up as he gets up because of electricity, he can both duck fireballs AND teleport through you. No other character in the game has any of that shit all at once.
You can time it right to jab him out of his ball - his EX ball only goes through projectiles but not regular or special attacks - it loses to most fast normals. You can even do raging demon on blanka ball I think.


Unlimited Capacity
3 wins away from the 10 win achievement. All with Balrog, no Sagat compromises.

I.....must..... PREVAIL!!!!!!

edit: FUUUUUCK i lost against ANOTHER scrub Ken. I dont know what the fuck I'm thinking sometimes.
Any thought as if to Capcom is going to reset the rankings due to all these quitters?

I'd like to be there to see their faces when their precious little battle points get deleted to zero.


The Everyman
_tetsuo_ said:
3 wins away from the 10 win achievement. All with Balrog, no Sagat compromises.

I.....must..... PREVAIL!!!!!!

come to the dark side

_tetsuo_ said:
3 wins away from the 10 win achievement. All with Balrog, no Sagat compromises.

I.....must..... PREVAIL!!!!!!

edit: FUUUUUCK i lost against ANOTHER scrub Ken. I dont know what the fuck I'm thinking sometimes.


you should of came to the dark side
GG's again MicVlad from earlier tonight.. I still love your Dhalsim and envy you.

I've come to the conclusion that I suck in this game.

My Vega is average at best.. and I just tried to get use to Dhalsim tonight and it was friggin impossible.

I can't time his kicks correctly on people jumping in. I get manhandled by anyone that jumps in because either my kick is too low or too late. Not to mention I have this knack that when I jump I tend to hit back and it screws up his stretch attacks and crap.

Ugh.. The only success I had was if I prepped myself for like 10 secs and kept spamming LP Yoga Fires then prepped a teleport behind and got a Super off..

Sometimes I'd get a Yoga Catastrophe off in front and then teleport behind and push back.. but that even seems hard =[

I officially fail in this game. FAIL.


CartridgeBlower said:
Any thought as if to Capcom is going to reset the rankings due to all these quitters?

I'd like to be there to see their faces when their precious little battle points get deleted to zero.

Have they made any official comments on the matter? I thought this sort of thing was obvious when making a game.


This has been a long ten minutes.
Why does no one want to love me? :(


RevenantKioku said:
This has been a long ten minutes.
Why does no one want to love me? :(

My connection is being a bitch, seriously, it's not picking up wired or wireless. i want to play.:lol


works now, and i added you.
_tetsuo_ said:
3 wins away from the 10 win achievement. All with Balrog, no Sagat compromises.

I.....must..... PREVAIL!!!!!!

edit: FUUUUUCK i lost against ANOTHER scrub Ken. I dont know what the fuck I'm thinking sometimes.

i suggest you re-study the ken flow chart, in all seriousness stop counting, you'll get it it out of nowhere, I got it without even thinking about it. Now that I broke 2000bp I'm tired of playing anyone with less than 1500 bp, high risk low reward...


jam86 said:
i suggest you re-study the ken flow chart, in all seriousness stop counting, you'll get it it out of nowhere, I got it without even thinking about it. Now that I broke 2000bp I'm tired of playing anyone with less than 1500 bp, high risk low reward...

Is there any way you can tell how much BP someone has? I thought all you could see was their icon and title?


Unlimited Capacity
jam86 said:
i suggest you re-study the ken flow chart, in all seriousness stop counting, you'll get it it out of nowhere, I got it without even thinking about it. Now that I broke 2000bp I'm tired of playing anyone with less than 1500 bp, high risk low reward...

The sad part is, i know how to beat them. I just breakdown sometimes and thats something that will go away with more experience.
pelicansurf said:
Think he was talking about me.

also, http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/306775.html

That's what I was talking about.

:lol It works.

I just finished arcade mode (1 round - 30 seconds) in hardest difficulty in like 3 minutes and unlocked three achievements at once. World Champion, Save your quarters, Arcade rat.

Finally I unlocked Gouken. Played with Akuma. His ultra move is easy since you don't have to move LS in circular motion.


_tetsuo_ said:
The sad part is, i know how to beat them. I just breakdown sometimes and thats something that will go away with more experience.

What exactly is it about Ken players that is so damaging to your Balrog?


Unlimited Capacity
nib95 said:
What exactly is it about Ken players that is so damaging to your Balrog?

Its nothing in particular, I just fall apart like I said. Like, I start missing the timing on all my turn punches and get stuck by fireball i really shouldn't be. I miss chains that i get all the time usually or I will completely forget about my crouching HP to AA his ass when he jumps in.

As I play more and am just calm during games I'll be fine, cause that's what happens in matches that I play like I know Im capable of.
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