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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


sagat just seems to take the cake. great anti air, amazing zoning, great damage, great defense. his ultra can land a hit on targets in the air or on the ground (and can be comboed). what's his disadvantage..?


Unlimited Capacity
Well i passed 1500 BP and am on a win streak. I think im going to call it for the night. 360 pad has spinning pile driven my fucking thumb :eek:


dfyb said:
sagat just seems to take the cake. great anti air, amazing zoning, great damage, great defense. his ultra can land a hit on targets in the air or on the ground (and can be comboed). what's his disadvantage..?

Sagat's disadvantages?... Uhmmm, well... I personally can't think of any. :lol

I had actually fought a decent amount of them today. I think the scrubs are starting to realize who the real bastard of this game is.


dfyb said:
sagat just seems to take the cake. great anti air, amazing zoning, great damage, great defense. his ultra can land a hit on targets in the air or on the ground (and can be comboed). what's his disadvantage..?

He is a giant hit box.

But it is nice being able to do Genocide into his Ultra. :lol


Damn Made it up to 1800 and then dropped badly down to 900. Was on a great winning streak then started going like 2-3 losing 70-80 points eaqch time. :(
Jube3 said:
Damn Made it up to 1800 and then dropped badly down to 900. Was on a great winning streak then started going like 2-3 losing 70-80 points eaqch time. :(

I feel like I'm never going to get more than 200BP. I get around 150 then lose it all pretty quick. I'm trying to main El Fuerte but have no idea what to do against Ken as him.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Good games Revenant, glad to see you got wins when I picked C. Viper. :lol I kinda hate to tell you this, but the lag was pretty bad and made it hard to do anything more than basic stuff. ^_^;

I think you should switch from Rose to someone else; the way you play her would better suit a faster character with more pokes.


Really? Everything seemed fine on my end. Weren't you hosting? Hmm.
Any suggestions on a character? I really have no idea how to play anyone because this is my first fighting game in years, haha.
By the way, you were, not surprisingly, good, but is Cammy your main or something? Holy fuck when you pulled her out did that hurt.


Brobzoid said:
hah, playing akuma online is so much fun. Every time I get an ultra charge I throw double jabs all over the place and people start jumping like frogs.

You asshole!!! :lol

I must brag and say I'm decent at avoiding ragging demos. I've musted dodged like 12 on 15 online.

On Akuma topic: There's this one Akuma player on psn that sets up fight on 3 rounds and disconnected before my final blow. His psn id is: Italia2009

People can feel free to flame him whenever met. :D

Rektash said:
The more I play Sakura the more I think she is more low then mid tier. She has HORRIBLE matchups and not few of them. Balrog ? Blanka ? Honda ? Gief ? Seriously I start to think about changing my main :-/

I just tried Sagat for some matches and holy fucking mother of god - you don t need to do anything to dish out dmg like crazy ...

I'm the same. Sakura doesn't feel good against anyone. :( Shame:(

About Sagat: Yeah. I don't know how decent Sagat and Zangief players can look at themselves in the mirror. :lol
Playing with them feels like stealing candy from a baby. More so Sagat then Zangief. It's just Sagat's way too mobile and way too safe, not to mention his Ultra catches off everything and has answer to everything. If only tiger knee would be one hit and could be focus absorbed(ex version staying multiple and everything) it already would be more ballanced.

I feel bad playing such overpowered monsters, so I use them once per 10 matches or so.
It's way more satisfing to win with my main Guile against Sagat then Sagat against pretty much everyone else.

I believe SFIV Turbo Champions whatever will be made and he'll be seriously tweaked down.

I don't meet that much Ken's online like everyone says but when scrubs realise that Sagat is the man and bewagon jump then online will be floded with Sagats.
I don't know everyone else, but I prefer playing scrubby Kens :lol.

Guile, my guy. I concur to what everyone is saying: If there isn't at least one sonic boom at screen at all times then you are doing it wrong!!! :lol :D


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
Finished arcade mode on Hardest with Akuma. I can't do it with any other characters. Thank you ultra combo! I get my ass kicked so hard, I can do it twice per round! :lol

I know I am supposed to be maining Viper and Rose but the AI on hardest is just :lol . To say it's tough is an understatement. Akuma FTW!

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
RevenantKioku said:
Really? Everything seemed fine on my end. Weren't you hosting? Hmm.

Yeah, next time maybe you should try it. I just noticed in the last few days that my PS3 Nat is type 3, strict. Been trying to figure out how to get it open but nothing seems to be working. :/ I don't have this problem on 360 and have played very smooth games of SF4 against people in Japan.

The lag was like everything was off on my end...input something and it was delayed coming out. I think you must have felt it too even if you didn't realize it, like during one match where you kept trying to do Rose's reflect but it kept failing to absorb/reflect.

Any suggestions on a character? I really have no idea how to play anyone because this is my first fighting game in years, haha.

You gotta try everyone and see who you like, but I definitely suggest starting with Haunts' guides at www.iplaywinner.com and at 1up.com. Maybe you'd do well with Chun-Li? Three crouching low kicks into EX lightning legs (twice) works wonders! :)

But you need to stop just crouching and hitting jabs and shorts, and mix up your game. I'm nowhere near being an expert in SF4, but I don't think Rose is the best choice for someone just starting out (again).

By the way, you were, not surprisingly, good, but is Cammy your main or something? Holy fuck when you pulled her out did that hurt.

Yeah, she is...I kinda got an itch to break her out just once, sorry! :lol

Ploid 3.0

Baloonatic said:
Ok, Zangief players who spam that spin attack are officially my most hated. What's the best way round it?

In SFHD I aim for his shins. You can hit his head from above to I believe, or maybe I did when he was getting out of the spin animation. I think the same rules apply for SF4. Hit low.
Ploid 3.0 said:
In SFHD I aim for his shins. You can hit his head from above to I believe, or maybe I did when he was getting out of the spin animation. I think the same rules apply for SF4. Hit low.

I'll just have to keep that in mind I guess. They're incredibly annoying though, I played against three Zangiefs the other day who would just "jump, jump, SPIN SPIN SPIN, jump, SPIN".


Lyte Edge said:
Yeah, next time maybe you should try it. I just noticed in the last few days that my PS3 Nat is type 3, strict. Been trying to figure out how to get it open but nothing seems to be working. :/ I don't have this problem on 360 and have played very smooth games of SF4 against people in Japan.

The lag was like everything was off on my end...input something and it was delayed coming out. I think you must have felt it too even if you didn't realize it, like during one match where you kept trying to do Rose's reflect but it kept failing to absorb/reflect.
Nah, that's probably just me sucking. But yeah, I have played a lot of people in the states and haven't had problems. That sucks.

You gotta try everyone and see who you like, but I definitely suggest starting with Haunts' guides at www.iplaywinner.com and at 1up.com. Maybe you'd do well with Chun-Li? Three crouching low kicks into EX lightning legs (twice) works wonders! :)
Oh, I have messed around with pretty much everyone, Rose was the most fun.

But you need to stop just crouching and hitting jabs and shorts, and mix up your game. I'm nowhere near being an expert in SF4, but I don't think Rose is the best choice for someone just starting out (again).
Oh, you're confusing me failing to pull off basic moves for me doing the same thing over and over. :D
But I'll give Chun-Li a try again, why not!

Yeah, she is...I kinda got an itch to break her out just once, sorry! :lol
No worries, that was fun to watch!
Some impressions for those just kicking off, like me. I'm very new but I just wanted to share some thoughts. I think the four new characters are deeply under-rated.

C. Viper: Absolutely disgusting versatility across the board. Once you realise that the Thunder Knuckle movements are great for spacing, you can respond to a great deal of most players. People whiff with the Burning Kick a lot because its designed as a 'frightener' (I don't know how else to describe it), like Guile's flash kick. You miss most of the time if you try to combo face to face with it, but be a step away, and do EX Burning. You'll connect four times and be able to hit them with a rising heavy Thunder Knuckle before they have time for a coffee.

El Fuerte: Loads of places where he can't respond, but he just breaks so many SF traditions, he's a lot of fun for playing against Akuma/Ken spambots. His backward Habenero dash allows for you to literally spatially run projectiles off the screen (you are invincible, I think, for a few frames as you hit the wall) and be running back at them as they wind up their animation. Its fucking obscene is what it is. You can just do stupid things to people who think they have you cornered.

Abel: Tremendous follow up on several basic sequences. Crouching HP sends them up and is easily followed by his ground-to-air grab (this is why its in the training). But actually in practice, its positively nuclear. Everybody expects Abel to be doing his kicks and grabs to space out the screen, but simple HP connections into whatever special is appropriate is a lot of fun too, for me.

Rufus: My favourite character. A hadou motion puts you in a Hurricane Punch, oh, which can absorb projectiles. What? Designed from the ground up to devour shotos, basically. Snake Strike (heavy) does as much as a medium Ken Shoryuken, and is designed to catch a whiffed srk. EX it and they arc up, god knows whats possible after that. I'm sure I'll find out when it happens to me. The switching up after the flip kick is very interesting but I'm not to it.

All four: Sequential attacks based on switching up and differentials at the second/third hit. Very interesting that all four new characters have, in some way, a relationship to each other play wise. Whereas I think of shotos and chargers and grabbers, these four aren't just hybirds of those, they are really fun when the sequences come off, so I think of them as pure combo kids.

Anyway, I'm new and just settling my game down.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
RevenantKioku said:
Nah, that's probably just me sucking. But yeah, I have played a lot of people in the states and haven't had problems. That sucks.

No really, it was lag! :lol I saw when you were doing those moves and it should have been successful.

Oh, I have messed around with pretty much everyone, Rose was the most fun.

Well then, keep it up! But no harm in learning the ropes with someone who is going to be a bit easier to use/more effective first and then going back to Rose.

No worries, that was fun to watch!

I'd like to play you again using C. Viper! I was clueless and desperately trying to mimic how Haunts plays her, lol.

NameGenerated said:
Too easy.

It would have popped up sooner or later!


Baloonatic said:
I'll just have to keep that in mind I guess. They're incredibly annoying though, I played against three Zangiefs the other day who would just "jump, jump, SPIN SPIN SPIN, jump, SPIN".

They probably just got done playing survival mode with a million wins. They think the same strategy will work against real people. You gotta punish such foolishness.


finally got the game last night

cleared the game with c.viper. abel is annoying as fuck. so is zangief. seth wasn't as bad as it looked

good day


343i Lead Esports Producer
I just got my ass kicked by some guys online. It sucked. I really need to get an arcade stick if I'm gonna get good. I don't wanna take anything away from the guys who beat me. They were good. I got crossed up like a bitch.

For some reason, in SFIV I can't defend the cross up but in HD remix I was able too. I just choke as soon as I see it coming. The first cross up hit, do I block from the direction I'm facing or behind me. So if I'm on the left and my opponent is jumping from the right to land on my left and he goes for the cross up. Which direction should I point my stick in??


Tashi0106 said:
I just got my ass kicked by some guys online. It sucked. I really need to get an arcade stick if I'm gonna get good. I don't wanna take anything away from the guys who beat me. They were good. I got crossed up like a bitch.

For some reason, in SFIV I can't defend the cross up but in HD remix I was able too. I just choke as soon as I see it coming. The first cross up hit, do I block from the direction I'm facing or behind me. So if I'm on the left and my opponent is jumping from the right to land on my left and he goes for the cross up. Which direction should I point my stick in??

Block the cross up by pressing forward. So in your scenario, you'd point your stick to the right.


Baloonatic said:
I'll just have to keep that in mind I guess. They're incredibly annoying though, I played against three Zangiefs the other day who would just "jump, jump, SPIN SPIN SPIN, jump, SPIN".

Trouble with scrubby Gief? Pick M. Bison(Dictator). 5 minutes of learning and you have your anti Gief. Head stomp, head stomp, head stomp, head stomp and slide, slide, knee press, knee press, knee press and sometimes EX Psycho Crusher.


=( =( =( =( =( =(

TE preorder shipping on the 8th, and i'm not so sure about that happening...


I loooove sakura, before I really really hated her but I love her now. She's awesome to use and which is ironic since I wanted to get good with Chun-li and not her. Was doing OK, til some guy online fucked me up royally with all of my favorite/best characters. Name was venom 21 something.


Finally beat some people online last night, 3 wins out of about 20 matches, all with Sakura. Yep, I think she's gonna nd up being my main again, though I'm really starting to like Abel and Rufus too. Online is actually quite enjoyable if the other player is playing someone other than Ken or Sagat, even when I was get my arse kicked by a Fei-Long it was enjoyable for some reason.

Hate the trial mode now, I havent been able to beat any of the third ones for each character, the timing is insane, and I can't even beat the first one with Sagat. Stuck on the one that says something like (while standing kick)kick. What the hell does that mean? I wish they'd explain better or show examples of what you need to pull off, because sometimes it's just a mind game.

Started playing with the normal PS3 controller and seem to be doing as good if not better than with my Fighting Stick 3. The sqaure gate makes this game pretty difficult, need a better stick though I'm happy to play it with the controller for now.


Gagaman said:
Hate the trial mode now, I havent been able to beat any of the third ones for each character, the timing is insane, and I can't even beat the first one with Sagat. Stuck on the one that says something like (while standing kick)kick. What the hell does that mean? I wish they'd explain better or show examples of what you need to pull off, because sometimes it's just a mind game.

find the trial vids on youtube, they help with timing
Gagaman said:
Finally beat some people online last night, 3 wins out of about 20 matches, all with Sakura. Yep, I think she's gonna nd up being my main again, though I'm really starting to like Abel and Rufus too. Online is actually quite enjoyable if the other player is playing someone other than Ken or Sagat, even when I was get my arse kicked by a Fei-Long it was enjoyable for some reason.

Hate the trial mode now, I havent been able to beat any of the third ones for each character, the timing is insane, and I can't even beat the first one with Sagat. Stuck on the one that says something like (while standing kick)kick. What the hell does that mean? I wish they'd explain better or show examples of what you need to pull off, because sometimes it's just a mind game.

Started playing with the normal PS3 controller and seem to be doing as good if not better than with my Fighting Stick 3. The sqaure gate makes this game pretty difficult, need a better stick though I'm happy to play it with the controller for now.

I switched the gate on my FS3 to an 8 way and now it's pretty good.


Pop On Arrival said:
I am so horrible at this game. :|
It's really humbling. At some points it's not even fun. I've contemplated just selling the game at a few points just because I just feel like I am pressing buttons to have nothing be accomplished.
Then I win a few matches or don't lose horribly (mostly the latter) and I reconsider. But there's a lot of time of just trying over and over without even feeling like I'm making any progress. That's kind of frustrating.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
McBradders said:
I think I just have to face facts that I suck balls at Street Fighter... my ranked win/loss record is suicide inducing :lol

I got it !!! I GOT SF IV !!!!! WOOOOOO !!!
The bad news? Im suck in the office for 8 more hours :(
RevenantKioku said:
It's really humbling. At some points it's not even fun. I've contemplated just selling the game at a few points just because I just feel like I am pressing buttons to have nothing be accomplished.
Then I win a few matches or don't lose horribly (mostly the latter) and I reconsider. But there's a lot of time of just trying over and over without even feeling like I'm making any progress. That's kind of frustrating.

Most of the progress happens in your head. You need to visualize what's killing you and what you can do to overcome it. Then when you do it, it's very satisfying.


Damn, I almost feel like I am getting worse at the game the longer I play with Abel. -_-

At least his DLC outfit is cool.

I need to sit down with Haunt's guide and force myself to learn better defense & combos.


I got my first win ever in a ranked match (a round, that is) and then after doing 50% damage to the guy, a DC. Sigh, haha.
akachan ningen said:
Most of the progress happens in your head. You need to visualize what's killing you and what you can do to overcome it. Then when you do it, it's very satisfying.
Oh, I don't doubt it. And I don't mean to sound like I think I deserve to win for just spending time playing. But when you go round after round of feeling like the other person is playing 4 minutes ahead of you, and you get totally dominated it's a little disheartening to say the least!


lawblob said:
OH SHIT! Two Ranked wins in a row, son!!


still terrible
I had three victories in a row yesterday, mostly because I've improved my Chun Li skills quite a bit. I got beaten by a skilled Vega in the fourth match.

I felt like grabbing my headset and shouting INDESTRUCTABLE to the Ken's that opposed me!!!


Fersis said:

I got it !!! I GOT SF IV !!!!! WOOOOOO !!!
The bad news? Im suck in the office for 8 more hours :(

Congrats! :D

I'm giving you a day to learn the moves (Xater sent me an invite when I was just installing :lol) and then it's on!

lawblob said:
Damn, I almost feel like I am getting worse at the game the longer I play with Abel. -_-

At least his DLC outfit is cool.

I need to sit down with Haunt's guide and force myself to learn better defense & combos.

You must imagine that Abel is seriously injured and is not able to walk. You don't walk, you don't jump, you roll. You roll to get to anywhere: close in, mid range, behind, to the market, to the toilet. You just roll. That's how Abel rolls.

Ps. I'm also shit as Abel online. But pick Honda and tell me this: How much easier is to grab with honda's half circle then Abel's? Tell me I'm not seeing things. With Honda you grab off anything, with Abel it misses so often and is slow as fuck!

To everyone that haven't done so yet: Please install the game! It's in Options - System - Install.

Come on. I'm getting really fucking tired of waiting ages for the thing to load on your side!
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