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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Unlimited Capacity
Dont kno if anyone has answered yet, but for Dhalsim's 3rd stage of trials, almost all of those moves are back+ medium kick or whatever. I dont know why it doesnt tell you that.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Hey, I'd rather be fighting Zangiefs and Abels than endless Ryus and Kens. :p

Just came across someone using Seth in an online match after all this time. He was even easier to beat than the typical Ryu/Ken scrub.
Threi said:
why so many potential Abel players now? :(
because he's badass
but not as cool as Alex

Lyte Edge said:
Just came across someone using Seth in an online match after all this time. He was even easier to beat than the typical Ryu/Ken scrub.
IIRC, Seth has an even greater damage handicap than Akuma
MIMIC said:

Survival Hard Level 5 - Ranks 1-138: ALL ZANGIEFS (and 1 Abel)

Time Attack Level 1 - Ranks 1-48: ALL ZANGIEFS (and 1 Abel)

Cheap character(s), confirmed?

:lol or it's just the fact that they can do the most damage in a set amount of time.

But seriously, Gief's a scrubby piece of shit.


MIMIC said:

Survival Hard Level 5 - Ranks 1-138: ALL ZANGIEFS (and 1 Abel)

Time Attack Level 1 - Ranks 1-48: ALL ZANGIEFS (and 1 Abel)

Cheap character(s), confirmed?

Lemme guess. PPP, PPP, PPP, PPP?


any tips on doing the first hard challenge for ken? when I try to do the ultra after the dash it keeps doing the super because I am holding down mp when dashing. Tried like 300 times or more now urgh.


MIMIC said:
Same here. I don't know when I discovered it but finding out that your charge counts even before the match begins was so satisfying :)
its always been this way in Street fighter... and I think the SNK series as well, but I don't play charge characters in KOF.


MIMIC said:

Survival Hard Level 5 - Ranks 1-138: ALL ZANGIEFS (and 1 Abel)

Time Attack Level 1 - Ranks 1-48: ALL ZANGIEFS (and 1 Abel)

Cheap character(s), confirmed?
no... its just that the computer sucks against the lariat.


bigben85 said:
I tried the Madcatz pad on 360. It annoyed my so much that I couldn't pull of dragon punch consistently and I have a hard time doing down heavy, followed by a dragon punch.

Is there any PS3 to 360 controller converter that doesn't have lag? I have 2 Sega USB pads that would be nice to use on 360.
are you serious... that control sucks for charge characters but its definitely excellent for Ken and Ryu.
I'm probably going to out myself as the worst SF4 player ever but anyways.

Last night I was trying to finish arcade mode with Sakura but I just couldn't beat Seth. I played so many rounds and was so pissed of at the end that I wanted to break the disc. Does anyone have any tips on how I should approach the match?


Raw64life said:
Have the same problem. Posted it before...

...never got an answer.

I tried answering! :\

Unfortunately, there's no tricks to Sim's challenge. You just have to be quick with going from b+mk -> hcb+lp. Try this, instead of rolling the stick from b+mk -> forward (like you would a charge move), do b+mk, let the stick go neutral, then completed the hcb+lp. It seems minuscule, but I use this technique a lot.

I dunno what else to say about Blanka's challenge. Maybe try doing the super alone for a few tries, then squeeze the cr hp when you have the super down.
Baron Aloha said:
Damn it, I got an email from Amazon that my TE stick has been delayed until the end of March. WTF? I went to the MadCatz web site and its says April. April? They might as well not even bother. I'm sure most people will have moved on by then. You'd think they could manufacture these things faster than that. 2 months seems like a very long time.

Guess I'm pretty much hanging up SFIV until then. I can't do the combos with the pad.

Did the email specifically say the end of March? Or are you just going by the "approval required" email that asks for you to confirm the delay before the end of March during which the order will be canceled? Early this morning most of us received an email saying our TE sticks would be delayed by about 2 weeks.

I also agree that you think they could pump these things out a helluva lot faster than they are. I wonder if getting parts supply from Sanwa is the holdup. Everything I've read has placed demand for these sticks in the "thousands," and you think a company the size of Mad Catz would have no problems pumping out more than a couple hundred units a day (assuming).

poserdonut said:
I'm probably going to out myself as the worst SF4 player ever but anyways.

Last night I was trying to finish arcade mode with Sakura but I just couldn't beat Seth. I played so many rounds and was so pissed of at the end that I wanted to break the disc. Does anyone have any tips on how I should approach the match?

On easiest difficulty? If you're on 1 round, 30 seconds, easiest difficulty; just keep sweeping Seth as he gets up. That seems to work for just about any character.


poserdonut said:
I'm probably going to out myself as the worst SF4 player ever but anyways.

Last night I was trying to finish arcade mode with Sakura but I just couldn't beat Seth. I played so many rounds and was so pissed of at the end that I wanted to break the disc. Does anyone have any tips on how I should approach the match?
what difficulty...


poserdonut said:
I'm probably going to out myself as the worst SF4 player ever but anyways.

Last night I was trying to finish arcade mode with Sakura but I just couldn't beat Seth. I played so many rounds and was so pissed of at the end that I wanted to break the disc. Does anyone have any tips on how I should approach the match?

Jump in, hit (combo if you can), jump out, grab when he teleports. Works for me most of the time.


Jirotrom said:
its always been this way in Street fighter... and I think the SNK series as well, but I don't play charge characters in KOF.

Yeah, I know. I mean when I personally stumbled upon it. Probably just holding back hoping it would work =p

Jirotrom said:
no... its just that the computer sucks against the lariat.

True. But it doesn't absolve Zangief of his "TOO FUCKING STRONG"ness :)


The Everyman
i hate zangeif, i get that theres a way to beat him but with the amount of damage he does its waaay to hard to figure out how to get out of his grab traps with so little time.


MIMIC said:

Survival Hard Level 5 - Ranks 1-138: ALL ZANGIEFS (and 1 Abel)

Time Attack Level 1 - Ranks 1-48: ALL ZANGIEFS (and 1 Abel)

Cheap character(s), confirmed?
He's the only character an equal skilled player can choose and guarantee a win against me. =(


-COOLIO- said:
i hate zangeif, i get that theres a way to beat him but with the amount of damage he does its waaay to hard to figure out how to get out of his grab traps with so little time.
Sagat and Zangief both need a little tuning down. Most of the characters are pretty close, but Gief and Sagat are to far ahead of the rest imo. Saying that makes me feel dirty asking for nerfs, but I hope Capcom continues to support the game and tune/tweak characters as needed to keep the game alive.


so i switch off from c.viper, sakura, and cammy and I can't freaking beat the charge characters online i.e Blanka, Dictator, Boxer. They always just hold down-back and turtle so I can't really hurt them, unless I spam hadouken with sakura. If i go after them, they hurt me during the openings after successful blocks. what do i do? poke them or what.


sca2511 said:
so i switch off from c.viper, sakura, and cammy and I can't freaking beat the charge characters online i.e Blanka, Dictator, Boxer. They always just hold down-back and turtle so I can't really hurt them, unless I spam hadouken with sakura. If i go after them, they hurt me during the openings after successful blocks. what do i do? poke them or what.
you just stand there and let them come to you.

turtling against turtlers (even without charge characters) is a pretty funny experience.


Grecco said:
Any explenations on how to use Gief? I cant for the life of me do the double circle motions for the special/ultra
Jump in and twirl the stick like a crack monkey. Hit PPP 15-20 times per match as well and you're on your way bruh!


Worships the porcelain goddess
Grecco said:
Any explenations on how to use Gief? I cant for the life of me do the double circle motions for the special/ultra

Well, you can kind of cheat. As explained way back like 1000 pages (ha!) you can do Gief's circle moves just by doing a half circle to up + the button instead of a full circle. So, do that twice quickly and there's your super/ultra.

Try it. Do like a half circle back then push up + P quickly. Should get a SPD.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
BitchTits said:
Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, oh look a Sagat player, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken, Ken..... Ken.

Pretty much sums up my experience tonight.

As a Ryu player, I love fighting all the Kens. They go for all the flashy shoryukens and I just eat them alive. Some rounds I use all normals and win handily.


Jeo said:
I finally got it :D

hold back as you input medium kick
then immediately input quarter circle back plus light punch
then: Success!

Thanks. Did it on my first try.

I did some more ranked matches after getting to 2000BP for the first time and quickly got knocked down to under 1800BP. Seems like once you reach 2000 they start putting you against only other people with 2000 or more BP, unless it was shear coincidence.

Nose Master

I seriously haven't seen that many Kens. I usually hover over Ken, then immediately go to Dan <3.

Also: Why is it 10x faster to find a match just playing through arcade mode with challenge on then legitimately searching or hosting through the lobby system...?


bigben85 said:
So is there any ps3 to xbox 360 controller adapter?

I played on both and found the 360 pad is better. Use the analog stick, it's pure sex. I've also tried playing on the PS3's analog stick but your thumb tends to slide off.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
SnowWolf said:
As a Ryu player, I love fighting all the Kens. They go for all the flashy shoryukens and I just eat them alive. Some rounds I use all normals and win handily.

I haven't fought a Ryu online in forever. Where did they go?


The Everyman
Odrion said:
I'm fighting Ryus now. Killing them thou.

But uh, what's the best way to go about the Shuroken spammers?
block and throw.

run up to them when theyre down and spam dash so they get horny for that shoryuken THEN... block and throw.


MIMIC said:

Survival Hard Level 5 - Ranks 1-138: ALL ZANGIEFS (and 1 Abel)

Time Attack Level 1 - Ranks 1-48: ALL ZANGIEFS (and 1 Abel)

Cheap character(s), confirmed?

No, dumb AI confirmed.


nods at old men
So why do people hate the shoto's online? Especially Ken.
I'm assuming it's because they like to spam the same few moves over and over, but wouldn't that just make them easy to beat?


The Everyman
dallow_bg said:
So why do people hate the shoto's online? Especially Ken.
I'm assuming it's because they like to spam the same few moves over and over, but wouldn't that just make them easy to beat?
i could block a 1000 shoryukens but still get fucked by them if i fumble on one of my inputs. its my own fault but its still annoying since i know its coming. : (


After fighting a bunch of Sagat players I really prefer if they played with Ryu/Ken. Fuck that dude's big ol mean legs. >:|

Fought a bunch of Sakuras thou, and even a Seth (what a pushover online.)
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