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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Captain N said:
you should play me on the PS3 and I'll help you get some trophies.

i'll probably jump online there once i unlock all the characters for the PS3 just like with the 360. gonna have to grind through it all over again. :)


I dunno, whenever I come across someone who destroys me consistently I play them for as long as they can stand it. There's nothing more educational then that kind of scenario, IMO.


Gold Member
MoxManiac said:
I dunno, whenever I come across someone who destroys me consistently I play them for as long as they can stand it. There's nothing more educational then that kind of scenario, IMO.

This is a good way to learn. It's what I did in SSF2THDR, but what I sort of avoided doing in SF4 since I got it. Well, the past week has been... humbling.
MoxManiac said:
I dunno, whenever I come across someone who destroys me consistently I play them for as long as they can stand it. There's nothing more educational then that kind of scenario, IMO.

Absolutely, that's how I worked out a functional strategy against all of my problem children.


Hey my bro and I just got the game last night. If anyone on PS3 wants to play my PSNID is Wellster.

I have always been a shotokan guy so I am trying to branch out to other dudes. Abel right now is my fave of the new characters.
How do you improve your execution of techniques in the game?

I mean, for example: I know how Dhalsim should be played, and I've seen the sort of things you are supposed to do in videos, but I can't quite get the hang of doing them. Is this simply a matter of playing endlessly until you get it?


Andronicus said:


I just started using zangief.

I play the game mostly with my little brother who uses Akuma against my geif. He must fire 50 hadokens per match. :lol

He started leg sweeping me during my lariats ;_; so I've had to switch up to moving backwards during lariats to avoid hadokens [air/ground] and sweeps and the banishing fist to move forward. But when I reach and hit him with the fist he can spin kick counter with more dmg (I think).

Does anyone know what I'm suppose to do after banishing fist to make it more effective?
captmcblack said:
How do you improve your execution of techniques in the game?

I mean, for example: I know how Dhalsim should be played, and I've seen the sort of things you are supposed to do in videos, but I can't quite get the hang of doing them. Is this simply a matter of playing endlessly until you get it?
Basically. Practice, practice, practice!

I wish just watching high level play could make you good.


captmcblack said:
How do you improve your execution of techniques in the game?

I mean, for example: I know how Dhalsim should be played, and I've seen the sort of things you are supposed to do in videos, but I can't quite get the hang of doing them. Is this simply a matter of playing endlessly until you get it?
Practice helps, yes.

Ploid 3.0

Wellington said:
Hey my bro and I just got the game last night. If anyone on PS3 wants to play my PSNID is Wellster.

I have always been a shotokan guy so I am trying to branch out to other dudes. Abel right now is my fave of the new characters.

I'm going to test out Abel also. I've been a Blanka player on SFHD (the only online SF I owned). I like his style, and I'll keep up my Blanka study.


captmcblack said:
How do you improve your execution of techniques in the game?

I mean, for example: I know how Dhalsim should be played, and I've seen the sort of things you are supposed to do in videos, but I can't quite get the hang of doing them. Is this simply a matter of playing endlessly until you get it?

that's pretty much it. there are no secrets.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Wellington said:
Hey my bro and I just got the game last night. If anyone on PS3 wants to play my PSNID is Wellster.

I have always been a shotokan guy so I am trying to branch out to other dudes. Abel right now is my fave of the new characters.
I will add you, im a grappler.(Zangief,El Fuerte and Abel) :D
NeoUltima said:
rofl, he was just holding down crouch block as he went to unplug his cable or turn off the game.
Yeah totally. I would have just burned through EX soul sparks to chip him to death faster/before he had a chance.

That Gief was a total ass.
Darn you Dhalsim and your yoga flaming arse. Yep, another victim (PSNetwork) of MicVlad's Dhalsim. Good games, good games..

Um, also.. Are there any decent list of combos for Sakura, Abel, and C. Viper anywhere? if so, point me in the direction PLEASE.


i dont get why people quit on purpose. the loss stats aren't even seen. kinda weird. i'm pretty aggresive so i dont think most dudes would ahve a chance to leave before i kill them, ehhe.


Will drop pants for Sony.
-PXG- said:
I'm sick of getting my ass kicked. Jesus Christ this shit is frustrating.

which character are you using? I tend to lose more if i am not using Ken/Sagat. I do have a very aggressive Cammy though.
It's so weird...I feel like I have all the tools to put together a really good character or two to play ranked matches with, but I just can't get the knowledge together with the execution. I had a good Guile in classic SF2/SF2 Turbo/SSF2T, but I can't quite bring him into the SF4 world yet; same for Ryu, Honda and Blanka. I have an Abel and Zangief I can rage the CPU with, but they aren't quite ready for primetime on PSN/XBL. I still have to master usage of Focus/FADCs, too.

Just gonna practice incessantly. Does anyone here have a particularly good character they use? Would you accept a pupil? :)


-PXG- said:
I'm sick of getting my ass kicked. Jesus Christ this shit is frustrating.

Welcome to my world. Im' forcing myself to learn Abel, and I am amazed at how I keep getting smacked down over and over and over. -_-


neojubei said:
which character are you using? I tend to lose more if i am not using Ken/Sagat. I do have a very aggressive Cammy though.

Using Sakura now.

I forced myself to get good at Melee. Eventually, I got REALLY good. Same with Brawl. I played that shit over and over and over and over. I got my ass handed to me. Eventually, I got better than most of the people who beat me, and got good enough to play in ranked tournaments.
-PXG- said:
I'm sick of getting my ass kicked. Jesus Christ this shit is frustrating.

I know what you mean, I really can't beat anyone unless they're obviously really new to the game. I'm thinking I should choose a character other than El Fuerte.

One day I will get more than 200BP!


I'm definately gonna try and practice more with Chun-li but right now......it feels like everyone online has already been playing and practicing for months. I'm constantly getting my ass kicked. Yesterday, I won one match with Zangief (yeah, the cheap way, sorry) and now i'm afraid to go online and lose my battlepoints :lol

I suck (and maybe getting to old for this shit).


captmcblack said:
Just gonna practice incessantly. Does anyone here have a particularly good character they use? Would you accept a pupil? :)

I would characterize myself as a scrub+, and I've somehow gotten up to 600 BP or so using Blanka. He's a fun character (for me) since I don't have to memorize a host of moves, and his ground slide has surprising range. Also, many other players apparently don't understand the electric shock, and jump right into it :lol


Baloonatic said:
I know what you mean, I really can't beat anyone unless they're obviously really new to the game. I'm thinking I should choose a character other than El Fuerte.

One day I will get more than 200BP!

Seriously. Just when I think I am about to break through and start building up BP, I lose five in a row and go down to zero. This morning I won two in a row and seemed to generally be improving, though, so I remain positive. :D


captmcblack said:
It's so weird...I feel like I have all the tools to put together a really good character or two to play ranked matches with, but I just can't get the knowledge together with the execution. I had a good Guile in classic SF2/SF2 Turbo/SSF2T, but I can't quite bring him into the SF4 world yet; same for Ryu, Honda and Blanka. I have an Abel and Zangief I can rage the CPU with, but they aren't quite ready for primetime on PSN/XBL. I still have to master usage of Focus/FADCs, too.

Just gonna practice incessantly. Does anyone here have a particularly good character they use? Would you accept a pupil? :)

i play Blanka online and he's still badass. stupid Shotos spam fireballs cuz i'm using a charge dude. feels good to beat any Ryu/Ken/Akuma players with him. :)

Ploid 3.0

lawblob said:
Welcome to my world. Im' forcing myself to learn Abel, and I am amazed at how I keep getting smacked down over and over and over. -_-

I find that doing marathons with a great player helps. I'd go like 100 rounds before we call it quits. But this was a person from my Flist, and SFHD. Not sure how slow the loading and rematch time is for SF4 yet. Get a friend that probably want to get good with a new character, and let loose. Think of it as sparring digitally.


Think I'm warming up to Chun Li. She definitely is a cross up character. Catch them off guard and it's easy combo city. She just may become my secondary character. So damn hard to pick from. Chun Li, Guile, Cammy or Sakura. Dammit.
LiK said:
i play Blanka online and he's still badass. stupid Shotos spam fireballs cuz i'm using a charge dude. feels good to beat any Ryu/Ken/Akuma players with him. :)

He's my 2nd fav right now after Rufus. It's funny, I played this scroto who was complaining that I turtled. I was like, "motherfucker, you're trying to keep me away with all those fireballs, and you're saying that I run away?" He didn't ragequit which I gotta give him credit for.


Will drop pants for Sony.
-PXG- said:
Using Sakura now.

I forced myself to get good at Melee. Eventually, I got REALLY good. Same with Brawl. I played that shit over and over and over and over. I got my ass handed to me. Eventually, I got better than most of the people who beat me, and got good enough to play in ranked tournaments.

Sakura is good, I use here time to time but her attacks are pretty weak, especially if she is up against Sagat or Zangief.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Captain N said:
How many achievements / trophies does everyone have??

760/1000 Achievement points, 40 out 48 Achievements - and I got there real quick and have been there for a while since I stopped playing since I got some work to do till tomorrow...

Practically all SP stuff, I'm only missing Trials on Hard, and for MP I'm missing a lot since I wanted to get SP stuff out of the way permanently so that I can concentrate on playing online and training afterwards...


LiK said:
i play Blanka online and he's still badass. stupid Shotos spam fireballs cuz i'm using a charge dude. feels good to beat any Ryu/Ken/Akuma players with him. :)

Blanka has so much range with his anti air. Plus his EX charge move (back, foward) is so damn nice because it passes up everything. Not as tricky as say Balrog cause he takes a armor hit so it confuses people at times. Still, Blanka is a freakin nightmare against those who jump jump jump.


CcrooK said:
Blanka has so much range with his anti air. Plus his EX charge move (back, foward) is so damn nice because it passes up everything. Not as tricky as say Balrog cause he takes a armor hit so it confuses people at times. Still, Blanka is a freakin nightmare against those who jump jump jump.

yea, definitely. altho i need to practice his ultra combo more. everytyime i use it, it knocks the dude into the air so the second half misses them completely. kinda useless for me so far in online play.


Will drop pants for Sony.
CcrooK said:
Blanka has so much range with his anti air. Plus his EX charge move (back, foward) is so damn nice because it passes up everything. Not as tricky as say Balrog cause he takes a armor hit so it confuses people at times. Still, Blanka is a freakin nightmare against those who jump jump jump.

so true...so true.
Finally getting the handle of anti air with sim. Have to do the back HK at the top of their jump. Its funny, I made a playback training of nothing but jumping high kick, sweep, dragon punch and got my ass kicked as much I ever had by a human opponet.

Micvlad, whats your ps name? I want to play against your Sim and see what I can pick up.
Blanka is good to prevent people from jumping around...but should Blanka be played by jumping around? I used to play Blanka using jumping MK to crossup, corner trap or stuff people and start combos. Is that still a plausible thing to do in SFIV? Are there good Blanka strats or vids?


Trucker Sexologist
captmcblack said:
Blanka is good to prevent people from jumping around...but should Blanka be played by jumping around? I used to play Blanka using jumping MK to crossup, corner trap or stuff people and start combos. Is that still a plausible thing to do in SFIV? Are there good Blanka strats or vids?
Someone mentioned that you could combo into his ultra from a deep wakeup crossup. Nasty if true.


J. M. Romeo said:
The Femme Fatale DLC pack! It's not showing for me! Capcom doesn't want my money!

All the way at the bo...er wait. PS3? I don't think that comes out till the Thursday PSN update? Eh?


shooting blanks
LiK said:
yea, definitely. altho i need to practice his ultra combo more. everytyime i use it, it knocks the dude into the air so the second half misses them completely. kinda useless for me so far in online play.

Beating an akuma with blanka feels great.

I got the gamepad so I put LP on turbo, I just press the button once and it goes straight to the shock move.

If you press down forward and HP he does that slide move on the ground, it slides under hadukens.

I'm getting better slowly but I went back to blanka as my main cos that's who I used in sf2.

I am tired of nothing but akumas, that double fireball in the air pisses me off
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