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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Sectus said:

Me and MicVlaD played like 10 matches, I think I won 8 and lost 2...

Although mad respect for using Dhalsim -- but the reason why it wasn't so effective against me was because I attempted to main Dhalsim when I first got SF4 -- so I knew the whole teleport, heavy punch in air to medium punch/kick combos to sliding --> throw.

Anyway, a big tip for those getting caught with the dhalsim air teleport to heavy punch in air -- just ForceAttack that shit -- it works every time.

PS: Sectus -- are you recording the videos. Is there anyway we could get some matches going -- I really need to see some replays of myself playing, they say that's the best way to learn what you're doing right/wrong.
Foxix said:
That's pretty weird... While I can't get into anything through quickmatch or custom when I actually host a game 50% of the time someone is in my lobby before the lobby even loads and even then when it doesn't I only have enough time to scroll through the mood icons.

Just having 1 on 1 lobbies is pretty garbage though. I would love to opt for something like SC's system or anything else:lol just so I can arrange xbl matches with more than one other person.

However maybe once you have more points, it becomes harder to find matches... I'm consistently hovering at around 0 :lol


Perhaps I have router problems. My IP changes like 3 times a day I so I wouldn't be surprised.
Threi said:
Question for people with a fightpad:

Before i continue using it i want to know which is a better way to hold it:

either a) like a regular pad with my thumb on the face buttons, or b) with my thumb on the underside and all my fingers on the face buttons.

with b) i figure i will be able to input commands quicker, but i lose the ability to hit the shoulder buttons.

I used the "b" method. But I've always held controllers that way since the NES. I am literally the only person I've ever met that does it that way, but it works for me. It really works well for charge characters. Also I think it takes a little more practice to be as proficient when facing left then right holding it that way. I just feel to awkward holding it the "traditional" method. Can't really say which is better, but the "b" method works for me.


sprocket said:
whats annoying s barely losing ot a akuma who gets ds and es when i, scoring as and bs.
They just hit too hard.

How do you know what the opponent is scoring on their end? FYI Akuma does a lot of damage but he also takes a lot of damage. If you're trading hits with him you'll probably come out on top.

What about him is giving you trouble?


Label said:
Ran into yet again another bug! This time looks funkier :p



I don't think this one is a bug, bud... :/


well i guess that will be put on hold until i get a working controller.

the thing is though...ive had a taste of greatness, i can't go back. I don't even feel like playing SF anymore until i get a fucking WORKING controller.


C- Warrior said:
Me and MicVlaD played like 10 matches, I think I won 8 and lost 2...

Although mad respect for using Dhalsim -- but the reason why it wasn't so effective against me was because I attempted to main Dhalsim when I first got SF4 -- so I knew the whole teleport, heavy punch in air to medium punch/kick combos to sliding --> throw.

Anyway, a big tip for those getting caught with the dhalsim air teleport to heavy punch in air -- just ForceAttack that shit -- it works every time.

PS: Sectus -- are you recording the videos. Is there anyway we could get some matches going -- I really need to see some replays of myself playing, they say that's the best way to learn what you're doing right/wrong.
Yeah, I'm recording the videos. I suppose we could play a bit, just note that I'm not much of a player. And the only character I've been playing with has been Sakura so far.


Alright so it's now my opinion that Player Matches is where it's at.

No disconnects
People take more chances
No Ken/Ken/Ken

Tonight, for example. I ran into someone (Jedah_DR). No clue who he is. First fight, I pick my Abel, as usual. He goes random.

This brings back memories of playing CvS2 all random online. So for around 20 fights, we both picked random. And the freak was good with pretty much everyone (except Dictator, which is where I got half of my wins lol). It was great fun, and I doubt this sort of fun "casual" matches would ever happen in Ranked Matches.

I also ran into *gasp* competent Ryu/Kens. I was pleasantly surprised. :) Most Ken players are still total newbies (how many times are you going to do a wakeup fierce shoryuken that is blocked and punished before you understand??) but at least it seems there are very good players in Player Matches that like to have fun.

Oh, and does anybody have good Abel matches? I'm trying to improve mine and I've never fought an Abel player so I have no idea where to improve/what to do different. I loved the Sectus matches since I saw a different Abel and it gave me some idea of things to try but generally I learn a lot from strategies I see. :)
Sectus said:
Yeah, I'm recording the videos. I suppose we could play a bit, just note that I'm not much of a player. And the only character I've been playing with has been Sakura so far.

I've seen your videos and you're a competent player.

A few suggestions: you need to bait players upon their wake-ups more often, a good way to do this is to jab around while their getting up, and of course stopping when they get up. Throw them after they land from there dragonpunch, headbutt, flashkick, etc. etc. etc. Then, start baiting with FA dash cancels. Once you've trained them not to do wake-ups, simply throw them when they get up. Most players who usually do wake-ups don't know a good defense when they just get-up regularly. also use more ex fireballs as opposed to her 'hurricane kick' -- only use her EX hurricane kick when you're ready to follow up with her ultra afterwards.

PS: Wake-ups are reversals people do the moment they get off the ground after being hit (i.e, the infamous Ken shoryuken off the ground)

Another thing, is that when you're doing a FA -- release it immediately after your absorb the first attack (there is no need to continue to charge after so) -- the reason being is that when players break your initial FA armor, they start mashing the next immediate attack button, so if you release your FA immediately after the first attack, you'll get a counter-crumple. Quickly dash out of it and perform Sakura's Ultra. This is a fine strategy since Sakura's FA has great horizontal range.
I liked the player matches I had, after the fight you can both pick again and refight. No pressure about BP's. I think I'll stick to this after I've milked a few ranked match achievements.


love on your sleeve
dreamcastmaster said:
I liked the player matches I had, after the fight you can both pick again and refight. No pressure about BP's. I think I'll stick to this after I've milked a few ranked match achievements.
Player matches have always been where its at. :D


Another night, another bout of Ken, Ken, Ken, Sagat, Ryu, Ken, Sakura, oh wow, Sakura! Ken, Ken, Ken....

Actually it wasn't so bad. Had a good string of games tonight with a random player. It's great when you match up with someone who is on a similar level to yourself and you get to spar for a while - It's not so much about winning as sharpening your claws and honing tactics. Most people on XBL quit if you win, if I lose I always stay on - You learn from your losses right?

I took a look at my character records:

El Fuerte

I have to stop relying on Rose & Chun-Li - I've had some good matches with El Fuerte, unpredictible and fast. Gen too, I would LOVE to get a handle on I've always found him really difficult to master though so tend to win on tactics that would work with anyone (relying on normal attacks).

Rufus also I'm finding difficult to win with, it's usually just on dumb luck or relying on normal attacks again. It seems his special moves don't have a lot of range, he is fun though so I can't help but keep picking him even if it's a foregone loss. :)


TimeKillr said:
Alright so it's now my opinion that Player Matches is where it's at.

No disconnects
People take more chances
No Ken/Ken/Ken

Tonight, for example. I ran into someone (Jedah_DR). No clue who he is. First fight, I pick my Abel, as usual. He goes random.

This brings back memories of playing CvS2 all random online. So for around 20 fights, we both picked random. And the freak was good with pretty much everyone (except Dictator, which is where I got half of my wins lol). It was great fun, and I doubt this sort of fun "casual" matches would ever happen in Ranked Matches.

I also ran into *gasp* competent Ryu/Kens. I was pleasantly surprised. :) Most Ken players are still total newbies (how many times are you going to do a wakeup fierce shoryuken that is blocked and punished before you understand??) but at least it seems there are very good players in Player Matches that like to have fun.

Yep. When there's no winning or potential losing of BP involved, people tend to be a lot more relaxed, especially since the overall win-loss ratio is also hidden. I still maintain that the latter has been and will continue to be huge for SFIV's online play.


HOLY SHIT! What a crazy night of playing!

I lost 29 Ranked matches in a row!! Just as I was on the brink of saying "F*** it" and putting the game and stick up on Ebay, I then somehow turned it around and won 5 matches in a row, and almost won the sixth!

I think I figured out my problem. First, I can't sit in my stupid floor-game chair. I didn't start winning until I sat in a regular chair with upright posture. Second, I have to remember to play to Abel's strengths. I keep forgetting he is slow, and keep getting beat on the draw in close proximity situations. Once I started using more grabs and throws, I got the 5 match win streak.

Anyways, crisis averted, no longer want to shatter game and throw stick out window. Im' back in business!! :D


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
as for now the game is completely unplayable for me. i get DRE's all the time, both reading off the disc, but more frequently when installed. i don't see how this can be disc issue since i have no problem installing the game.

i searched online and some other people have experienced this, but changing the game didn't work :( i'm still gonna try tomorrow. if a new copy doesn't help, then i'm truly fucked


Feral Youth said:
The thing is I shouldn''t have to do that.

I find fights in VF5 quicker even now.

Secondly the BP system needs to be scrapped, which only rewards winning, as I said before a rankings system based around the Defense, Offense, and Technique should be recognised. I feel it would eliminate a lot of the issues people have about the game, and actually encourage people to learn the game more and improve all aspects of their play.



Mrs. Harvey
I'm an average player. I do pretty good until I run into tourney level guys. Then it's crying.


Got my ten wins in a row, 10 requests and 100 wins achievement so I'm happy.
After playing Dan for a day now I've got to say that he's got one of the best supers in the game. I'm pretty sure most people see it as pretty terrible because it ultimately results in him being paralysed, totally open for attack if he misses it. However if he Kara's into it from a crouching fierce it almost does as much damage as his supper, also because it's essentially ahuge chain of normal attack the chip damage is insane if your opponent blocks it. Given he can't get enough damage off ex cancels and his ex specials aren't exactly great it's a good way to spend the bar.

Also saw a new set up on Shoryuken for Abels tornado grab. Hit his crouching fierce jump towards the opponent and hit a lp right after it, they'll roll back and you'll land right next to them. You're a frame or so unsafe but chances are you'll be able to hit the command grab, it's a great way to catch opponents off guard.


Bacon of Hope
Kadey said:
I'm an average player. I do pretty good until I run into tourney level guys. Then it's crying.


Got my ten wins in a row, 10 requests and 100 wins achievement so I'm happy.

Wow nice win rate!
Damn I feel discouraged. Went from having 1000+ BP to 800. For some reason, I felt really out of it today and let myself get beatdown by some scrubby ass shotos. :(


Just wondering but does Capcom plan on supporting this game post-launch with patches that have stuff like balance tweaks or game fixes?


popped it in again, and im losing against the shittiest of players now.

I am seriously completely discouraged to play this game now.

20 fucking

if i didn't have to return it i would have really thrown it full force at a wall by now.


i should stop playing now. Every unreconized input is tempting me to fucking break my regular 360 pad in half.
Threi said:
popped it in again, and im losing against the shittiest of players now.

I am seriously completely discouraged to play this game now.

20 fucking

if i didn't have to return it i would have really thrown it full force at a wall by now.
Tell me about it mang! :(


Bacon of Hope
SuperEnemyCrab said:
Why does Guiles Ultra have to be so weak? For a move so hard to pull off you'd think it would do a lot more damage.

Yeah man Guiles ultra sucks ass.. I hate it.. It weak, looks lame as hell and you can only combo into it off of a super really....


Kadey said:
I'm an average player. I do pretty good until I run into tourney level guys. Then it's crying.


Got my ten wins in a row, 10 requests and 100 wins achievement so I'm happy.

You are so not an average player.


Feral Youth said:
The thing is I shouldn''t have to do that.

I find fights in VF5 quicker even now.

Secondly the BP system needs to be scrapped, which only rewards winning, as I said before a rankings system based around the Defense, Offense, and Technique should be recognised. I feel it would eliminate a lot of the issues people have about the game, and actually encourage people to learn the game more and improve all aspects of their play.
Nice joke post? Those grades mean nothing. I've scrubbed my way through a match and tossed around a bunch of ex moves. Whether those moves actually hit or not didn't make a difference as I still got the A in technique. Defense? Yeah just block. Most time when you win you get an A in attack anyway.
SuperEnemyCrab said:
Why does Guiles Ultra have to be so weak? For a move so hard to pull off you'd think it would do a lot more damage.

I don't think it's hard to pull off once you get the hang of it, especially given he's a charge character. Basically after some time you'll get to the point where you'll never mess it up if you keep training. Then you need to take in account it's anti-air and hence much easier to hit than most ultras. So I'm pretty sure it's a balance decision.
haunts said:
Yeah man Guiles ultra sucks ass.. I hate it.. It weak, looks lame as hell and you can only combo into it off of a super really....

It takes off so little and so hard to pull off as quickly as most other characters I usually only use it after my opponent misses theirs, I can't rely on it to finish matches. The EX flash kick is the go-to finisher for me.

Spirit of Jazz said:
I don't think it's hard to pull off once you get the hang of it, especially given he's a charge character. Basically after some time you'll get to the point where you'll never mess it up if you keep training. Then you need to take in account it's anti-air and hence much easier to hit than most ultras. So I'm pretty sure it's a balance decision.

I can do it but it's that extra motion on top of the charge that makes it hard for me. And ya I need to remember it's meant as anti-air. Getting much better at it, at first I could barely do it in training.


SuperEnemyCrab said:
Why does Guiles Ultra have to be so weak? For a move so hard to pull off you'd think it would do a lot more damage.
Sorry, Capcom did almost everything they could to nerf Guile as badly as possible - weak damage from Sonic Boom, crappy no priority bad recovery flash kick, no new moves, weak ultra in both damage and priority, no way to combo ultra from a juggle.
And probably some more.
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