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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
-PXG- said:
Did you re-write the code of the game or something? :lol

I could have sworn I did in player matches as well, so I stopped doing them. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm telling ya...


Send away Vlad. I dont have much experience against Sim its a win/win for us :D

GT is Saqs (MS made me change as apparently they got some lameass repeatedly reporting that the "Phat" in it made it offensive)


Knux-Future said:
was it a Sakura?.....yeah don't known who that was.....<cries>

Ha, no, it was a Dalsim. Dan really forces you to rely on base attack skills and timing. His EX flying kick thing is actually not too terrible either.
It's getting more difficult for me to find player matches over Live, and I end up spending 5+ minutes waiting in lobby for my next opponent. If I join a lobby, I get kicked immediately for no apparent reason. I think I'm gaining a reputation for being a bastard who throws people every which way. Meanwhile, I'm still uncertain about putting effort into ranked matches, after having five people drop on me in one session.

Anyway, if anyone wants to go a few rounds, my Live tag is in my profile. (Don't post it, please.) I'm also on the GAF SSFIITHDR group. I stick almost entirely to random select. I'll de-select and random again if I get the same character twice in a row (or within 2 or 3 matches). And it is entirely possible for random to land on Ken, you shoto-hating crybabies. No one cares when it lands on Boxer. :p Rose and Gen are easily my worst characters, but I'll still try to poke a hole through your chest with them.


punkypine said:
Big deal. wait till you get grabbed after you stop playing and zangief comes to your house and messes you up

Big deal, wait till Zangeif goes back in time and SPD's your mom while pregnant with you and you fade from existence, Back to the Future style.


punkypine said:
Big deal. wait till you get grabbed after you stop playing and zangief comes to your house and messes you up

"Dude who was the shirtless guy with all that hair and scars at your house last night?"
"You really don't want to know"


_tetsuo_ said:
I play as Balrog. Thats all that happens :(


Gief can be a tough matchup for Rog.

Personally, in my own experience, no characters give my Balrog more trouble than a good Zangief or Dhalsim.
MicVlaD said:
I think it might've been your connection. You had 1 red bar, but surprisingly the netcode still held up (moreso if you take into account that I'm from Europe) for the most part.

I wouldn't call you a novice. You were the better player and I'd rank you next to the likes of n3ss and haunts, whom are also really good.

Are we friends yet? If not...send me an invite... to add to that...anyone can add me as a friend...as Mox, Andy, Ferrio, N3ss or whoever will attest...I'm happy to play anyone. My PSN and GT is krp1976.

I suck man...I was playing you...and I didn't kara cancel...focus attack...and when I was using Ken...I never used the Ultra...

I really need to level up more...but I've been busy with work and unlocking all of the crap in the game. Any of the new characters would probably slay me because I'm not familiar with them.

You're in Europe...talk about world warrior. I had no idea.

And N3ss I've played in HD Remix. I've beaten him in Blanka vs. Blanka matches (I just started using him in HD Remix after I saw N3ss do the bite). He's good though. In HD Remix...my best competition has been Eggo (really GOOD), Yeb and Gutter Trash. Moxey's T.Hawk was pretty beastly...along with Zangief.


The Everyman
Chorazin said:
Big deal, wait till Zangeif goes back in time and SPD's your mom while pregnant with you and you fade from existence, Back to the Future style.
Big deal, wait till Zangeif travels to the center of the milky way after absorbing Seth and learning his teleport, then performs the SPD from within the black hole that resides there causing the galaxy to swirl into his fury for a massive astronomical KO

just you wait.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
I main Ryu but decided to try Balrog out when my opponent picked Balrog (I always have a hard time versus Balrog for some reason). I've never played as Balrog before and ended up winning 3 straight ranked matches just mimicking what I've seen in DSP's videos :lol :lol :lol

Thinking Balrog will be my backup...


I lost 10 straight (unranked, though) to a really good player....where most of them were decided by a jab :lol He won 13, I won 2.


Neo Member
Freshmaker said:
Argh. How are you supposed to maintain space with Dhalsim? I try to get clear, and the other guy just jogs after me.

teleport often, try to throw alot of fire balls. most people just try and block them. Your high punch is awsome for doing damage from afar.
Started off tonight with a 3 win streak thanks to Sagat, first time I've EVER used him.. and holy hell, he is a powerhouse (Tiger knee, tiger uppercut, tiger knee, profit Lol) um, I really like using him.. more so then Ryu but I definitely could use more practice!

I've also started FADCing fireballs and single hit attacks online using Abel (Did a bit of offline training), feels great to see the time put in to getting better is paying off.


I am Korean.
Lao said:
teleport often, try to throw alot of fire balls. most people just try and block them. Your high punch is awsome for doing damage from afar.
Yeah, that's my basic idea. It's when they manage to close the gap that's getting me. It was feeling to me like teleport wasn't sufficient to get away from an alert player unless you guess right. Kept eating counters while I was trying to give him the slip. If I did generate some space, they just dashed after me and the space was gone.

Of course, it didn't help that I couldn't get b+hk's anti air timing down for beans etc tho so there wasn't much incentive for them to stop dashing, jumping in etc. (Bleah. Can't believe how much I gotta learn.)


Gawd, since I'm always posting here I might as well play some of yall.

psn: aznhizzle

I'll play after work tomorrow. Lemme know if yall added me.


I'm doing decently with Guile and Honda, but there's a few matchups that totally own me. So sick of counter-pickers, they really need to patch it with blind picks at the character select screen.

Guile: I cannot do a thing against good dictators, close-up in my face or ranged with head stomps, it doesn't matter.

Honda: Blanka and Ryu eat me for breakfast.


I keep losing because of my controller. I really didn't think it'd be that bad, but now I realize how horrible the 360 pad really is when you're trying to battle people online. I keep missing inputs, more specifically, ultras. They usually end in my demise, as I whiff them, or whatever. Let alone the fact that I can't do more advanced combo strings, or effectively FADC ANYTHING, or get the timing down on canceling moves... The SECOND they release more TE sticks I'm buying one.


Neo Member
Freshmaker said:
Yeah, that's my basic idea. It's when they manage to close the gap that's getting me. It was feeling to me like teleport wasn't sufficient to get away from an alert player unless you guess right. Kept eating counters while I was trying to give him the slip. If I did generate some space, they just dashed after me and the space was gone.

Of course, it didn't help that I couldn't get b+hk's anti air timing down for beans etc tho so there wasn't much incentive for them to stop dashing, jumping in etc. (Bleah. Can't believe how much I gotta learn.)

yeah, what you should do is fire ball, dash into them and grab them if they block. if you're tele puts you too close to them just block and grab, if you're in the air and you tele and your too close, try throwing a light punch it'll hit them so you can link up somthing else with it. Also throw alor of your ranged attacks from air and the ground, you'll usually catch alot of great counters, if you just work on your timing you can hit the jumpers with your B+hk.
Holy crap, just finished some awesome matches with Ferrio's budding Abel and just-filthy Rose. Haven't seen anyone handle her better than he has. Ate my Ken's face and abused my Guile until I stopped jumping in on him, then I started to fare a little better. Ferrio is the best player I've fought against outside of one Japanese Ryu that was FADC'ing me ass backwards into Ultras.

We have to play again sometime, I need more challenge than the standard fare you get in Ranked play.


Neo Member
Killa Sasa said:
Holy crap, just finished some awesome matches with Ferrio's budding Abel and just-filthy Rose. Haven't seen anyone handle her better than he has. Ate my Ken's face and abused my Guile until I stopped jumping in on him, then I started to fare a little better. Ferrio is the best player I've fought against outside of one Japanese Ryu that was FADC'ing me ass backwards into Ultras.

We have to play again sometime, I need more challenge than the standard fare you get in Ranked play.

sounds like alot of fun, you guys on ps3 or xbox?
Has anyone had any luck launching a standing/grounded opponent into a Soul Throw? I'm not seeing a way to do it, and it's pretty upsetting slowly coming to realization that they took that from Rose.


Attack You said:
Has anyone had any luck launching a standing/grounded opponent into a Soul Throw? I'm not seeing a way to do it, and it's pretty upsetting slowly coming to realization that they took that from Rose.

Yes, you cannot combo into soul throw.

And as an Anti-Air it's not that great. You get hit out of it pretty easily, so your opponent has to be pretty predictable if you wanna use it.


Neo Member
Killa Sasa said:
PS3. Only quit because my controller was dying, and I have to be up in 5 hours. Whoever said this game suffers from "Just One More" wasn't kidding :(

haha, you guys should send me your psns. I'm down to play.
negitoro7 said:
I'm doing decently with Guile and Honda, but there's a few matchups that totally own me. So sick of counter-pickers, they really need to patch it with blind picks at the character select screen.

Guile: I cannot do a thing against good dictators, close-up in my face or ranged with head stomps, it doesn't matter.

Honda: Blanka and Ryu eat me for breakfast.

Don't try to beat headstomps. It's usually a good trade for Bison or will beat whatever you throw. A simple back dash will make him land in front of you for a free throw. The matchup is in Bison's favor but a Guile that has good zoning skills can still win. Watch out for EX scissor kicks too. They go through projectiles.
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