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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Had some fun games with MicVlads Sim until my buddies showed up. Really had me guessing myself left and right lol. GG micvlad.
GalacticAE said:
Don't try to beat headstomps. It's usually a good trade for Bison or will beat whatever you throw. A simple back dash will make him land in front of you for a free throw. The matchup is in Bison's favor but a Guile that has good zoning skills can still win. Watch out for EX scissor kicks too. They go through projectiles.

I had this exact same problem against Bison. Galactic is right. And IIRC, Drohne reminded me that Bison doesn't have great anti-air, so you don't have to be afraid to jump in on him. Jumping in has worked so far for me.

Alot of Bison's like to charge too, so get that mf'er into a corner and mix it up with your target combo, throws and blocking. A lot of them get flustered when you cramp them.


Akachan just deflowered my asshole. Good games.....

Laggy PSN is laggy.

As much as I am getting tired of losing, I SOOOOOOOOO want to get better. I WON'T give up.


Ferrio said:
More I play Rose I definitely see her in the low tier.
I hold my own against most players, not named Sagat and Zangief, but think that is about every character atm. For wakeup, I use soul spiral or a slide to set up a combo. She is definitely more of a turtling character in my experiences. I wait for an opening rather than creating one. I stay out of the air normally and just use soul spiral and the slide to close the gap when needed. Her kicks have decent range and priority, so I stick with them. Ex Soul Throw has ok range and priority, but I stick to crouching HP for anti-air. Im far from a great player though and chances are, I would get killed by good players. A well played Viper is a tough matchup.


Zertez said:
I hold my own against most players, not named Sagat and Zangief, but think that is about every character atm. For wakeup, I use soul spiral or a slide to set up a combo. She is definitely more of a turtling character in my experiences. I wait for an opening rather than creating one. I stay out of the air normally and just use soul spiral and the slide to close the gap when needed. Her kicks have decent range and priority, so I stick with them. Ex Soul Throw has ok range and priority, but I stick to crouching HP for anti-air. Im far from a great player though and chances are, I would get killed by good players.

I hold my own too, just she has a lot of weaknesses that I think would easily be exploited at high level play.


Neo Member
Killa Sasa said:
I had this exact same problem against Bison. Galactic is right. And IIRC, Drohne reminded me that Bison doesn't have great anti-air, so you don't have to be afraid to jump in on him. Jumping in has worked so far for me.

Alot of Bison's like to charge too, so get that mf'er into a corner and mix it up with your target combo, throws and blocking. A lot of them get flustered when you cramp them.

Yeah, you're totally right. Its mad easy to kill bison this way because he's always charging, if you keep crossing over and hitting him he loses his charge aswell as take damage, don't be scared. I once had a round where I just used medium kicks while jumping from front to back and managed to get a perfect, cause he wouldn't let go of his charging.


Ferrio said:
I hold my own too, just she has a lot of weaknesses that I think would easily be exploited at high level play.
I can definitely see her having troubles with some matchups, but I havent played online a lot to experience really great players. All I come across is Shotos and Zangief. I had a fun match with a decent Cammy earlier. Fought him 2 matches and all the rounds came down to less than 20 percent health every round for both of us.:lol


Dartastic said:
I keep losing because of my controller. I really didn't think it'd be that bad, but now I realize how horrible the 360 pad really is when you're trying to battle people online. I keep missing inputs, more specifically, ultras. They usually end in my demise, as I whiff them, or whatever. Let alone the fact that I can't do more advanced combo strings, or effectively FADC ANYTHING, or get the timing down on canceling moves... The SECOND they release more TE sticks I'm buying one.
If it's available (either at stores or online as long as it's not ebay), grab the madcatz fightpad - trust me, your execution improves 99% of the time unless your hands just got so tired like mine from practicing combos and strings.


Haha I popped in the movie for my friend and when the credits began several minutes into the movie he thought that was the entire movie. He couldn't believe they made a 65 minute movie just for the CE.


-COOLIO- said:
is the fightpad up to par with a stick? looks like 3x punch and kick would be tough on it
I just assign the left trigger for that since the only time I'll try to pull that out is for ultra.

You should really have this convo on the stick/pad thread though.
good games n3ss, i think i'm just gonna stick with balrog, since i got perfected playing with others haha, man i really do wish there are lobbies like HD remix though...


jam86 said:
good games n3ss, i think i'm just gonna stick with balrog, since i got perfected playing with others haha, man i really do wish there are lobbies like HD remix though...
Balrog is the shit... im maining him and Guile.


aka acr0nym
jam86 said:
good games n3ss, i think i'm just gonna stick with balrog, since i got perfected playing with others haha, man i really do wish there are lobbies like HD remix though...

Good games as well! Yes, keep playing Blarog, I need the practice against him. Good games to Haunts too, man forward roundhouse is too good.

Soon my Akuma will be a beast, just give me time!!!! :D


Unlimited Capacity
Look what I found in the closet :D


This guy served me well during the GGXX days. Now I must find a way to make it work with the 360...
So tonight.. I forced myself to use the stick on all QCF type of characters.

I played nicely.

My Dhalsim is improving yet I'm not exactly doing air teleports yet.

I feel like I have a completely different play style from MicVlad. He tends to go all out and charges forward a lot while I turtle and play keep away and then sneak in with the super and ultras..

Would love to see more vids of MicVlad if anyone plays him :p


WOO! Got my first rank win. Wonder how long until these 70 BP disappear. :D
Anyone want a match or two right now?
-PXG- said:
Akachan just deflowered my asshole. Good games.....

Laggy PSN is laggy.

As much as I am getting tired of losing, I SOOOOOOOOO want to get better. I WON'T give up.

It was laggy on my end, although I don't know why. It gets like that if someone else is using my computer at the same time, but nobody was using it.

Anyway, you can get better, just visualize it. :] Stop doing risky moves and jumping so much. use heavy pokes from a distance, not up close.


Loving the hell out of Cammy. I won my first online match with her, lost several subsequent matches using different characters, then picked Cammy again and beat a good Balrog. Flippy kicks!

(Funny thing, the people I play against have no bar -- that's no color whatsoever -- yet the battles run flawlessly with zero lag.)

I also felt like mixing things up a bit, so I bought the first costume set. Yes I'm part of the problem, but Honda looks hella tight with that rope pretzel tied around his waist! Here's hoping the Beauty pack is released tomorrow.

Still trying to figure out how to unlock Gouken. I've done what the OP says and about a dozen permutations. I've encountered him several times at Arcade's end but beating him didn't unlock him. Methinks I might need to fry him with an Ultra finisher...

Oh, and the Indestructible mp3 is nowhere on the Interwebs goddammit.

Foxix Von

Fuck, I'm starting to get really pissed off at this game... shit it's not even the game though I can't do ANYTHING without standing around like a jackass.

This is my first time playing a SF game... I'm normally a strict guilty gear and smash bros guy, :lol and after getting cammy I'm trying to get half way good with her, but I can never reliably do shit. I'm slowly learning how to play this bastard of a game, I was freaking out too much and just hitting random attack buttons then trying a special move. However that quickly led to me getting my ass handed to me as I was too quick on the d-pad and it wouldn't respond.

So I thought if I slowed down a bit maybe I could really learn the ins and outs, and it has. I've gotten better but at the same time also learned the only way to reliably use Cammy's ultra or super is to fucking take 5 seconds to slooooowly act out the move.... which still doesn't work and I get punched in the FUCKING FACE.

I always thought the 360's d-pad did an alright job... but I guess I've never really had to use it before, the fuck is this shit microsoft?

"Alright jump up and try a cannon drill from above"
"Get punched in the groin"
"Well I'm far away enough now to try a hooligan throw, sweet"
"Angled jump towards Ryu followed by another flaming upercut to the groin"

Again and AGAIN, fucking POS contoller :lol

I must have just lost 20 matches in a row... thank god I wasn't keeping track. I somehow managed to win a few towards the beginning... actually the d-pad screw ups somehow made me better occasionally, it's only when I knew exactly what I wanted it to do that my controller decided to give me the finger =/



Has no PEINS
I am beginning to feel like Viper's moves aren't as strong as they could be, it just seems like way too often I glance at the health bars and it feels like they should have more damage taken off than they actually do

I'm determined to get good with her, but a 24% win ratio online is pretty depressing and much more frustrating than I expected


I asked on the pad thread but I'll ask here: with the pads what is the gate setting difference between DPad and Stick? Trying to get better with charging but using the LStick setting, if I change it to DPad migh tI have better luck with it?


Neo Member
RevenantKioku said:
WOO! Got my first rank win. Wonder how long until these 70 BP disappear. :D
Anyone want a match or two right now?

hmm, if I wasn't about to sleep I'd be willing to play. You can add me if ya want, Randy_Ma-sheen

AZ Greg

Good games earlier MicVlaD. That was my first time playing a Dhalsim on SF4. Learned a lot from those matches.

I think people are sleeping on Vega (Claw). Mine still needs a lot of work, but there is a lot of potential there despite the tier listings. Plus, nobody expects him in ranked matches and it usually equals easy wins. Despite all of his nerfs, this Claw is really fun to play. I'm enjoying it more than Super Turbo, despite the uphill battle vs. competent players. Also, ->RH = <3


I started off really bad today... first bad day actually. I went from 1020 BP all the way down to 400 something, but I started winning again and Im back up to 1200 and something. Really rough day today indeed, Got my 100 ranked win achievement though :D


AZ Greg said:
Good games earlier MicVlaD. That was my first time playing a Dhalsim on SF4. Learned a lot from those matches.

I think people are sleeping on Vega (Claw). Mine still needs a lot of work, but there is a lot of potential there despite the tier listings. Plus, nobody expects him in ranked matches and it usually equals easy wins. Despite all of his nerfs, this Claw is really fun to play. I'm enjoying it more than Super Turbo, despite the uphill battle vs. competent players. Also, ->RH = <3

I love Claw, even though it can be difficult at times. Good Blanka players give me issues. Beat his hard challenge yesterday, pretty happy about that. Love his new df+fierce kick
so sometimes when im host, some people are leaving on char-select after i've chosen mine.

is that some latency issue or are they just disconnecting because they dont want to fight this particular one?
Xevren said:
I love Claw, even though it can be difficult at times. Good Blanka players give me issues. Beat his hard challenge yesterday, pretty happy about that. Love his new df+fierce kick

he's had that move since Alpha 3. Although it used to be f+fk.


Xevren said:
I love Claw, even though it can be difficult at times. Good Blanka players give me issues. Beat his hard challenge yesterday, pretty happy about that. Love his new df+fierce kick
blanka gives me trouble if im balrog... if i pick guile i can hold my own against them.


I just got my first hate-message, and I was the one who lost, wtf??

Tried out Sagat for the first time ever, and played against "Hispanic Hammer" who used Boxer. I thought it was a fairly close match, and afterwards he messages me with "nice try with the spamming, dumbass". I don't understand, am I not allowed to use tiger shots when using Sagat?


negitoro7 said:
I don't understand, am I not allowed to use tiger shots when using Sagat?

Last I checked you are, guess he just wanted to keep it an inside game and not have to deal with a far zoning Sagat?
Gen's Hard Trial #2 is making me weep. Crane c.LK into Zan'ei into Zetsuei is no problem. But, starting all that with a Mantis MP just makes my brain crash hard. A lot of these Hard Trial combos are just one move too many for me to pull off comfortably. Like, Dan's combo with the Super Taunt in the middle. WTF? I don't eat enough fish for this shit.


wi@tt said:
Last I checked you are, guess he just wanted to keep it an inside game and not have to deal with a far zoning Sagat?
he was playing against balrog... an inside game against him can lead to disaster... Hate mailers are babies.

evil ways

That's what I love about PSN, no option to message the last person you played against. A buddy of mine showed me his Live inbox a couple days ago and it's filled with about 2 GG's and the rest are everything from racial slurs, to threats and people boasting about their skills.

Oh and certain zangief players are starting to piss me off, spamming the spinning lariat like ken with the shoryuken. I know they both serve the same purpose but, hello!! guy, your legs are exposed, stop with the random lariats.


aka acr0nym
evil ways said:
That's what I love about PSN, no option to message the last person you played against. A buddy of mine showed me his Live inbox a couple days ago and it's filled with about 2 GG's and the rest are everything from racial slurs, to threats and people boasting about their skills.

Oh and certain zangief players are starting to piss me off, spamming the spinning lariat like ken with the shoryuken. I know they both serve the same purpose but, hello!! guy, your legs are exposed, stop with the random lariats.

why complain? punish that shit...


haunts have you finished all the videos and are teasing us by uploading only one at a time? :'(

I'm dying to see the Abel one!!

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
evil ways said:
That's what I love about PSN, no option to message the last person you played against. A buddy of mine showed me his Live inbox a couple days ago and it's filled with about 2 GG's and the rest are everything from racial slurs, to threats and people boasting about their skills.

Oh and certain zangief players are starting to piss me off, spamming the spinning lariat like ken with the shoryuken. I know they both serve the same purpose but, hello!! guy, your legs are exposed, stop with the random lariats.

Unfortunately, there IS indeed a way to message players you last met. It's in the XMB on the top of the friends list. "Players Met." FORTUNATELY most people don't seem to realize it's there, so you don't get the kind of hate you might on Live.

I generally haven't gotten much in the way of hate messages. Just "GG" and sometimes a comment that they liked the way I played Cammy or Chun.

Ploid 3.0

wi@tt said:
There is from the XMB

Whenever I have a good time with a person in SFHD I always message them from the Player Played list. Compliment their skill and such.

Lyte Edge said:
Unfortunately, there IS indeed a way to message players you last met. It's in the XMB on the top of the friends list. "Players Met." FORTUNATELY most people don't seem to realize it's there, so you don't get the kind of hate you might on Live.

I generally haven't gotten much in the way of hate messages. Just "GG" and sometimes a comment that they liked the way I played Cammy or Chun.

Maybe on PS3 it takes more effort? So by the time the person is about to look for your name his rage meter is reset. heh
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