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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Worships the porcelain goddess
If they were going to use a fireball ultra for Ryu, I think the Denjin Hadoken would have at least looked cooler. :D


Bacon of Hope
Kintaro said:
If they were going to use a fireball ultra for Ryu, I think the Denjin Hadoken would have at least looked cooler. :D

They should had Denjin as his Super and the Shin Sho as his Ultra!!

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
haunts said:
They should had Denjin as his Super and the Shin Sho as his Ultra!!

yes!! this times a million.

i don't play as ryu in SFIV but the shin sho is probably my favorite street fighter move of all time. especially when you KO on the first hit <3


_dementia said:

I still wakeup Burst Time

I do it all the time when I play Viper, because whenever I pick Viper I'm usually in a "fuck it" mode anyway, because I know I'm still barely functional with her and just try to scrap out wins for fun.


Well, I keep losing a lot of ranked matches, but I definitely see and feel improvement with Abel.

I am getting better and better at stopping shotos from Shoryukening me non-stop. Last fight I blocked and punished 3 shoryukens in a row, but the guy was stupid enough to keep doing them. Unfortunately for me my timing was not correct on his last and he nailed me for a win.... next week I hope to crush people like that! -_-

All the sudden I can't do Ultras worth a damn though? Do any of you guys have days like this? Literally one minute you are doing a move nonstop, then all the sudden you can't?


Osaka said:
Man, I dunno which character to main. :( Cammy seems boring after a couple of days of play and I really don't like the charge characters for some reason.. Don't really feel tempted to pick a shoto either, maybe. Abel seems boring, El Fuerte is too hard, C Viper as well.. Gen seems tough as well.

You guys have any ideas? :(

Sakura Rose and Blanka are out of the question since my friends main those.

Sub-Zero or Scorpion.

I feel little feint after watching Haunts Sagat video.

*shakes head


*shakes head


jon bones said:
yes!! this times a million.

i don't play as ryu in SFIV but the shin sho is probably my favorite street fighter move of all time. especially when you KO on the first hit <3
I agree, but then what would Gouken have? WHAT?


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
went to the store today to get another disc but as i feared it didn't fix the issue i had. still get DRE errors when the game is installed. i really, really don't get this. i can't play this game anymore :(
Darunia said:
went to the store today to get another disc but as i feared it didn't fix the issue i had. still get DRE errors when the game is installed. i really, really don't get this. i can't play this game anymore :(
Have you tried playing it off the disc with the HDD detached completely? Does it work then?


Any Bison players that could offer tips for online play? I have lost *so many* matches online (mostly to shoto players, but my losing is not exclusive to them) and am really at a loss for how to beat them... any and all tips are appreciated.


LaneDS said:
Any Bison players that could offer tips for online play? I have lost *so many* matches online (mostly to shoto players, but my losing is not exclusive to them) and am really at a loss for how to beat them... any and all tips are appreciated.
I'm not a one character guy, but dont use his slide...instead use EX Headstomp and teleport to beat them down.
Darunia said:
went to the store today to get another disc but as i feared it didn't fix the issue i had. still get DRE errors when the game is installed. i really, really don't get this. i can't play this game anymore :(

Has anyone else had this problem that you know of? I wonder what it could be, I mean as far as I thought once you install a game and boot it up it just does a check on the disc in the drive and then doesn't access the dvd-rom for anything further. Something is messed up if it's give DRE's when installed. Wonder if its the hard drive? Maybe you need to defrag :D


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
_dementia said:
Have you tried playing it off the disc with the HDD detached completely? Does it work then?

it works streaming off the disc, longer than it does installed actually. but i have to install every game because i get DRE's otherwise, my disc drive's a bit busted. i don't mind because games don't give me any issues when installed, but this one crashes every single time.

SuperEnemyCrab said:
Has anyone else had this problem that you know of? I wonder what it could be, I mean as far as I thought once you install a game and boot it up it just does a check on the disc in the drive and then doesn't access the dvd-rom for anything further. Something is messed up if it's give DRE's when installed. Wonder if its the hard drive? Maybe you need to defrag :D

i searched some boards and found about 5 threads describing the same thing. they went to the store to exchange too, but it didn't fix anything. i figured i'd at least try.

might be my hard drive yeah. i've been looking into getting a 120g'er for some time, maybe i should just get it over with.


ShinAmano said:
I'm not a one character guy, but dont use his slide...instead use EX Headstomp and teleport to beat them down.

Every time I do the teleport it seems like I get punched before I can do anything coming out of it. Headstomp has been useful for dealing with fireballs (I usually back away if I get the first hit in, as I'll either get blocked or dragon punched if I try for the second hit).

I've gotten good mileage out of the slide but most good players block and punish me for it now. I can sort of pull off his super or ultra now with the DualShock3, but not reliably enough, and I know that's hurting my game badly.


Did not ask for this tag
Baker said:

After one night you'll figure out all the little nuances and he's perfect to beat the shit out of crappy shotos online.*

* I'm sure you could say that about any character, but Abel is fun.

No, Abel is not fun.


Unlimited Capacity
LaneDS said:
Any Bison players that could offer tips for online play? I have lost *so many* matches online (mostly to shoto players, but my losing is not exclusive to them) and am really at a loss for how to beat them... any and all tips are appreciated.

Well I used to play Bison a lot but not so much in this game, but in theory he should be a good matchup. His head stomp can get acros the screen pretty fast and it beats out dragon punches I think. The few times I've picked Bison it was against shoto's. Its also a nice change up on them when they are spamming fireballs to let them get off about 4 or 5 and kind of anticipate the next and Bison warp to a throw. Always keep a charge too. You can scissor kick while keeping a charge for the headstomp.

His jump in FK also is a great tool and has a lot of range. You can get over fireballs and into jump HK, crouch MK then a light scissor kick for a nice little combo. You can link that with super's and ultra's as well I believe. When they jump in crouch FP is a good anti-air. Haunts probably has much better advice to give though lol


goldenpp72 said:
can rose deflect super fireballs or am I just barking up the wrong tree here

Nope. Regular reflect will only work on regular fireballs. EX Reflex will work on regular and EX fireballs. No way to reflect supers.


Also don't bother reflecting EX fireballs, it's a waste of meter. Hell for the most part don't reflect fireballs at all, absorb them.


lawblob said:
Well, I keep losing a lot of ranked matches, but I definitely see and feel improvement with Abel.

I am getting better and better at stopping shotos from Shoryukening me non-stop. Last fight I blocked and punished 3 shoryukens in a row, but the guy was stupid enough to keep doing them. Unfortunately for me my timing was not correct on his last and he nailed me for a win.... next week I hope to crush people like that! -_-

Remember to bait those shotos into wake-up Shoryuken's by either crowding them, sticking out a quick recovering move like a cr.LP or standing close then rolling to the other side of them right as they get up.

And his jumping MK is a great cross-up tool.


_tetsuo_ said:
Well I used to play Bison a lot but not so much in this game, but in theory he should be a good matchup. His head stomp can get acros the screen pretty fast and it beats out dragon punches I think. The few times I've picked Bison it was against shoto's. Its also a nice change up on them when they are spamming fireballs to let them get off about 4 or 5 and kind of anticipate the next and Bison warp to a throw. Always keep a charge too. You can scissor kick while keeping a charge for the headstomp.

His jump in FK also is a great tool and has a lot of range. You can get over fireballs and into jump HK, stand MK then a light scissor kick for a nice little combo. You can link that with super's and ultra's as well I believe. When they jump in crouch FP is a good anti-air. Haunts probably has much better advice to give though lol

Thanks for the advice. I'll try to get the teleport-throw worked in for future matches, I assume one just has to be very quick with it and catch them mid-fireball to have enough time to pull it off.

Trying to remember if the dragon punches knock me out of the head stomp... I feel like I'm constantly being knocked out of psycho crushers and scissor kicks though.

Seriously, teleporting behind me while I'm in the middle of a fucking move and pulling off some combo where he rapes me for half my freaking life bar, it just pisses me off so much. It's like one of the worst bosses from an SNK fighter snuck his way into a Street Fighter. I haven't been this angry at a boss in a fighter since Justice from the original Guilty Gear. All I want is to unlock all of the characters so I can play versus and NEVER touch the single player again. Capcom definitely topped Gil.
Darunia said:
i searched some boards and found about 5 threads describing the same thing. they went to the store to exchange too, but it didn't fix anything. i figured i'd at least try.

might be my hard drive yeah. i've been looking into getting a 120g'er for some time, maybe i should just get it over with.

Interesting, wonder what brand of DVD-ROM they have. Maybe it's to do with a certain model. Maybe it's also getting corrupted as it installs to the HDD due to your dvd drive dying...

Good luck, I would have loved to play some online together and see how the lag is at such a great distance!


LaneDS said:
Any Bison players that could offer tips for online play? I have lost *so many* matches online (mostly to shoto players, but my losing is not exclusive to them) and am really at a loss for how to beat them... any and all tips are appreciated.

Shoto players you can play mind games with so easy. Practice your charge down, up moves and keep them consistent through your matches. It keeps them guessing. Fireballs? Go with the FK move to stomp their sorry asses. Anti air? Go with the FP to murder them with your powers. Works wonders I tell ya. As for Sagat, I'm still have some problems with that damn Tiger Knee of his. Been only playing Bison since yesterday.

Also if they move in for melee, work with using your LP so they don't work ya in throwing you all over the place. Work in a few LP along with a LK then Scissor Kick EX. Save your EX's because they are so vital. Other tips I'd check out here:


Hopefully Haunts comes out with a video of combos soon we you'll have a more visual idea of what you can do.
lawblob said:
Well, I keep losing a lot of ranked matches, but I definitely see and feel improvement with Abel.

I am getting better and better at stopping shotos from Shoryukening me non-stop. Last fight I blocked and punished 3 shoryukens in a row, but the guy was stupid enough to keep doing them. Unfortunately for me my timing was not correct on his last and he nailed me for a win.... next week I hope to crush people like that! -_-

All the sudden I can't do Ultras worth a damn though? Do any of you guys have days like this? Literally one minute you are doing a move nonstop, then all the sudden you can't?
Yes, this. All of it. Especially today. My ultra timing has been completely off. Try and pull it off after a combo, it won't do it, and I proceed to get my ass kicked >.>

It's a glorious feeling when it actually works though.
jaundicejuice said:

Seriously, teleporting behind me while I'm in the middle of a fucking move and pulling off some combo where he rapes me for half my freaking life bar, it just pisses me off so much. It's like one of the worst bosses from an SNK fighter snuck his way into a Street Fighter. I haven't been this angry at a boss in a fighter since Justice from the original Guilty Gear. All I want is to unlock all of the characters so I can play versus and NEVER touch the single player again. Capcom definitely topped Gil.

Ooo jaundicejuice! NGR represent!

Seth aint too bad with a little pratice. Set to easiest, 1 round, 30 seconds. Jumping High Kicks take him down pretty easily with most characters and once he's coming back up, just keep spamming 3rd level focus attacks on him. good luck


LaneDS said:
Thanks for the advice. I'll try to get the teleport-throw worked in for future matches, I assume one just has to be very quick with it and catch them mid-fireball to have enough time to pull it off.

Trying to remember if the dragon punches knock me out of the head stomp... I feel like I'm constantly being knocked out of psycho crushers and scissor kicks though.

Try to get out of the habit of using that move. You'll get punished big time if it misses. Especially if you try to use it from long range. If you're in melee range or trapped in a corner, it's EX move is fantastic to make your escape from the corner. It's also possible to chain a simple combo in like a crouch MK followed with the Psycho Crusher EX. It's a win win for you because it'll either hit them and you escape, or they block and you escape.
Fuerte is pretty beastly, best combo...(hold fierce kick) habanero dash backwards into picadillo jump off the wall, flying elbow into fierce punch, let go of fierce kick to do guacamole press (not sure if its called that) then as the animation starts for the last move do his super....result : incur ultimate damage......hehehe dynamic cooking time indeed:D


CcrooK said:
Shoto players you can play mind games with so easy. Practice your charge down, up moves and keep them consistent through your matches. It keeps them guessing. Fireballs? Go with the FK move to stomp their sorry asses. Anti air? Go with the FP to murder them with your powers. Works wonders I tell ya. As for Sagat, I'm still have some problems with that damn Tiger Knee of his. Been only playing Bison since yesterday.

Also if they move in for melee, work with using your LP so they don't work ya in throwing you all over the place. Work in a few LP along with a LK then Scissor Kick EX. Save your EX's because they are so vital. Other tips I'd check out here:


Hopefully Haunts comes out with a video of combos soon we you'll have a more visual idea of what you can do.

Great stuff, thank you. Checking that page out now. I have learned the wonders of the crouching light punch and gotten a lot of use out of that one, and just recently have been able to properly string together tiny and unimpressive combos, but I'm working on them.

This might be the first game I've ever practiced with the system turned off. Watching Lost last night I had the DS3 in my hands practicing the ultra motion (and timing) until people yelled at me for making too much noise. Sad/awesome I like to think!


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
fuuuuuuuuck... I've been trying for ages to do a overhead smash -link- crouch jab - headbutt Ex combo with Balrog and it just doesn't work! :( I've seen it twice and I know that it somehow works, but I just can't do it. Seriously, I listened through the entire episode of Idle Thumbs today while trying this. Not once!

someone shed some light on this pls.


Unlimited Capacity
LaneDS said:
Thanks for the advice. I'll try to get the teleport-throw worked in for future matches, I assume one just has to be very quick with it and catch them mid-fireball to have enough time to pull it off.

Trying to remember if the dragon punches knock me out of the head stomp... I feel like I'm constantly being knocked out of psycho crushers and scissor kicks though.

Should never try full screen scissor kicks or psycho crushers as flat out attacks. They are way too easy to see and block, then punish. I only ever use the fierce scissor kick to cover ground as its faster than you can walk.

And ya, the timing is really tricky for that Bison warp to throw, and you cant abuse it. Good players will be ready for it too but thats why I try to let them get in a groove with the fireballs before I try it. You also have the bison reverse, charge down up and punch instead of kick. Its a good way to bait dragon punches then hit them after you come back. I personally also like to use Bison's standing medium kick. It's very useful as a poke.
Anyone have any idea how to combo normal moves? Trial 5 Normal for Cammy is:

-> Med. Punch
-> [crouch] Low Kick

But I can never get it to combo like they want =\


Brobzoid said:
fuuuuuuuuck... I've been trying for ages to do a overhead smash -link- crouch jab - headbutt Ex combo with Balrog and it just doesn't work! :( I've seen it twice and I know that it somehow works, but I just can't do it. Seriously, I listened through the entire episode of Idle Thumbs today while trying this. Not once!

someone shed some light on this pls.

Crouching Medium punch works well.


haunts said:

Overal Sagat ridicule.

I think Ono mindflow went like this when he created him in SFIV:

"Hmm...I need to balance Sagat.

Nerf T. Uppercut? No.

Nerf Tigers? No.

Nerf Knee by making it focus absorbable? No. Unsafe on block? Yes...Wait. No.

Nerf Ultra?

*Ono laughs

No. Increase damage.

F+HK? No, make it juggle.

Make him walk a bit slower? Uh...Okay.

Next? Guile? Who's that?"


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Ferrio said:
Crouching Medium punch works well.
urk. I used the wrong punch? :| On my deathbed I'll look back on my life and these hours will stand out as the deepest waste of time I have ever committed to.


Bacon of Hope
GrayFoxPL said:
Overal Sagat ridicule.

I think Ono mindflow went like this when he created him in SFIV:

"Hmm...I need to balance Sagat.

Nerf T. Uppercut? No.

Nerf Tigers? No.

Nerf Knee by making it focus absorbable? No. Unsafe on block? Yes...Wait. No.

Nerf Ultra?

*Ono laughs

No. Increase damage.

F+HK? No, make it juggle.

Make him walk a bit slower? Uh...Okay.

Next? Guile? Who's that?"

haha.. yeah and "well, when ultra in the corner lets make it only hit twice at the end..thats fair!"


Brobzoid said:
urk. I used the wrong punch? :| On my deathbed I'll look back on my life and these hours will stand out as the deepest waste of time I have ever committed to.



_tetsuo_ said:
You also have the bison reverse, charge down up and punch instead of kick. Its a good way to bait dragon punches then hit them after you come back. I personally also like to use Bison's standing medium kick. It's very useful as a poke.

Could you explain this reverse concept to me? Like, throw Bison in the air, dodge incoming dragon punch and then angle yourself back towards them with the other punching attack?

Again, thanks for all the advice in this thread. I have been using psycho crusher and scissor kicks without comboing, at long ranges, and yes I get brutally beaten for trying that. Going to see about stopping that immediately.
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