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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Thrakier said:
OK, this may sound foolish, but why is it such a big difference to play with the 360 analogstick compared to an arcade stick? And why is it much worse than a D-PAD? I just tried the 360 SF HD demo and I think it works fine...that said, I'm not a great player (but not too bad either).

I'd say its the circular gate on the analog stick.


gutter_trash said:
best is to play Arcade mode and set RANKING to ON.. so you play Arcade mode while waiting then get NEW CHALLENGER online ranking match
But... AI :( I despise playing against the AI in the game. I'd rather just sit in the lobby and listen to the awesome music.
Sectus said:
But... AI :( I despise playing against the AI in the game. I'd rather just sit in the lobby and listen to the awesome music.

When its busy, you won't even get a chance to beat the first computer character you face.


aka acr0nym
BobLoblaw said:
Anybody know what Capcom's got planned for those bastards that drop from ranked games mid-beatdown? Right now there's no penalty that I know of and that pisses me off. >:|

From what I heard there was suppose to be code that would prevent this, which means it's not working. Like you I hope it gets fixed
gutter_trash said:
best is to play Arcade mode and set RANKING to ON.. so you play Arcade mode while waiting then get NEW CHALLENGER online ranking match

I did this twice today. One challenger in the time it took to play 2 complete playthroughs of arcade (medium, best of 3, 99secs).

Servers are borked today. I'm convinced of it.


Monkeylord said:
I did this twice today. One challenger in the time it took to play 2 complete playthroughs of arcade (medium, best of 3, 99secs).

Servers are borked today. I'm convinced of it.

Yeah, arcade with interruptions on doesn't work well for me much either. I only get one or two matches inbetween fights, which is when I challenge people, and rarely any actual challengers. I get the best performance out of searching for people by skill (by stability seems to work worse inexplicably), but even then its about 20% success rate


Thrakier said:
OK, this may sound foolish, but why is it such a big difference to play with the 360 analogstick compared to an arcade stick? And why is it much worse than a D-PAD? I just tried the 360 SF HD demo and I think it works fine...that said, I'm not a great player (but not too bad either).

It is a LOT easier/faster to hit directions when it is your entire hand pushing the stick than just the thumb. And as was mentioned above, I personally prefer having the directions defined with a gate, although some people do prefer just having a circle.


he's Virgin Tight™
I am having problems with a friend's Ryu. I main Chun. I can beat him, but once he gets in, crouch light punches, does a kick crossup, repeat process, I am pretty much all doomed. Tips!!
Relix said:
I am having problems with a friend's Ryu. I main Chun. I can beat him, but once he gets in, crouch light punches, does a kick crossup, repeat process, I am pretty much all doomed. Tips!!

EX Spinning Bird Kick or Lightning kick is your friend.
One more shout out. XBL tag and PSN ID in profile. (Please don't post it here.) I stick to random select. No headset for me, unfortunately. I'm feeling really bleh today, though, so I'll probably be an easy punching bag.


Okie, I officialy love MicVlaD sensei. Even though he beat the crap out of me, I think I've become noticably better. I actually won the majority of player and ranked matches today against other people. And I got my first perfect against a human opponent, gasp!
Andronicus said:
with rose is it possible to go from a fierce reflect and catch the opponent with a soul throw if you're fast enough?
Nah. I tried like hell to make it work. I can't combo in her Soul Throw with anything if the opponent is on the ground/standing. Ferrio can confirm this.


iam220 said:
*nod nod*. This is why I approach knocked down opponents, make it look like I'm about to do something then crouch and block waiting for their wake-up move so I can counter.

This is the best strat against Shoryuken-happy Ken players. Pretty much works everytime. They almost always go for Dragon Punch on wakeup.

I've been using Sagat a lot lately. Guy is brutal. Multi-hit EX Tiger Uppercut after blocking a Shoryuken is so rewarding. That might be my favorite move in the game. Huge damage and priority.
Attack You said:
Nah. I tried like hell to make it work. I can't combo in her Soul Throw with anything if the opponent is on the ground/standing. Ferrio can confirm this.
:lol k i've been trying to do that for 20 min with no luck heh


Attack You said:
Nah. I tried like hell to make it work. I can't combo in her Soul Throw with anything if the opponent is on the ground/standing. Ferrio can confirm this.

Ya can't do it from anything, real shame since it kinda makes that move almost useless.


Attack You said:
One more shout out. XBL tag and PSN ID in profile. (Please don't post it here.) I stick to random select. No headset for me, unfortunately. I'm feeling really bleh today, though, so I'll probably be an easy punching bag.

Added on XBL.


To Rastex:

Sorry about the disconnect; running to the car ended up making rip the ethernet cable out of the 360. As soon as I make a new ethernet tip I'll be back on.

Thanks for the matches though!


Starting to like El Fuerte a lot more after playing with him today. Maybe I didn't win any matches today.. oke 3 out of 50 or so :lol but it's great fun playing with him since he is so different and wacky.

Also noticing that I'm a lot less nervous playing the game now, keeping it cool is still hard to do but heck I'm getting there. Al tho I still have 0 BP after 250+ matches, I'm enjoying this game and don't really mind losing that much.

Have to say that I only really hate it when I lose just because I couldn't wait and started my attack to soon. A lot of matches end with both hp bars almost down to zero and me making a silly move.. arg :p

For anyone that wants to fight add me on Psn: Zotty_nl


Played a bunch of matches today and did considerably better as Bison using as much of the advice posted a few pages back as I could. I still suck, but now I suck less. Thanks Gaf!


I don't know you guys, but, lately my left thumb get's really tired... I have been playing with Rog (boxer), you know, just charge attacks... anyway, sometimes I can't move my thumb! I'm the only one? Im using dualshock... the weird thing is in HD remix I play with deejay, and my thumb doesn't hurt that bad...
drohne said:
alright, tomorrow i'm finding a new main -- no more guile. there are a lot of things i like about the way he plays, but he may as well have no ultra, and against good players that's a handicap i don't need


If you're not Guile how am I going to whoop your ass with my Balrog ;)


Zotty said:
For anyone that wants to fight add me on Psn: Zotty_nl
Added, with a few more Gaffers. Always up for a fun spar :)

I haven't had the chance to play today though, too busy >: Hopefully I'll be able to make up for that tomorrow evening :D


Damn it, tried to be lazy and use the wireless connection, but it's not stable at all. Sorry for the false invite. Now to really fix the cable.
Zotty said:
Starting to like El Fuerte a lot more after playing with him today. Maybe I didn't win any matches today.. oke 3 out of 50 or so :lol but it's great fun playing with him since he is so different and wacky.

Also noticing that I'm a lot less nervous playing the game now, keeping it cool is still hard to do but heck I'm getting there. Al tho I still have 0 BP after 250+ matches, I'm enjoying this game and don't really mind losing that much.

Have to say that I only really hate it when I lose just because I couldn't wait and started my attack to soon. A lot of matches end with both hp bars almost down to zero and me making a silly move.. arg :p

For anyone that wants to fight add me on Psn: Zotty_nl

I'll add you, if that's ok. :) I won't be able to play this weekend ( I'm gonna go visit my girlfriend - long-distance call, so.. ), but I'll gladly have you hand my ass to me come next week. :p
Monkeylord said:
I did this twice today. One challenger in the time it took to play 2 complete playthroughs of arcade (medium, best of 3, 99secs).

Servers are borked today. I'm convinced of it.

Strange. I accidentally left it on and I couldn't get a single match against the CPU in... when I'd finish one ranked match, another New Challenger thing would appear. This was on XBL, though (and last night).
thirtytwoutside said:
Strange. I accidentally left it on and I couldn't get a single match against the CPU in... when I'd finish one ranked match, another New Challenger thing would appear. This was on XBL, though (and last night).

My 2 playthroughs were also XBL, and was today between 15:00 and 17:00 GMT.

Yesterday I had some minor waits playing from lobbies I created, but the longest wait was about 1min. Today I quit a lobby after 20mins and did the 2 arcade playthroughs with only 1 interruption between them.

Make of that what you will.

I'm out to see Reel Big Fish tomorrow, so I won't be playing at all, but on Sat I'll be playing pretty much all day. Hopefully whatever issues I'm having will be ironed out by then.
I need someone pretty meh at the game to play with late tonight...

I've got a really crappy Dhalsim and El Feurte that I want to just practice and fool around with (Mainly Dhalsim though)

Any takers - Just send me a friend request on XBL



shooting blanks
TurtleSnatcher said:
I need someone pretty meh at the game to play with late tonight...

I've got a really crappy Dhalsim and El Feurte that I want to just practice and fool around with (Mainly Dhalsim though)

Any takers - Just send me a friend request on XBL


Sent you a friend request dude my gt is AndresON777

I'm pretty terrible with most characters, halfway to decent with blanka

---edit - eastern us

usually on after 10


JSnake said:
Is the same skill priority search completely broken? I have 0 BP and I get matched up with folks who have like 500+ BP.
500 is pretty low, unless you wanna wait forever, i'd think thats about right. when i play, i dont notice much difference between skill levels from like 200 to 700 BP


Mrs. Harvey
Dun dun dun. So bad it hurts.


Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
First Street Fighter game I've played sinne back in the Genesis days when I was a little kid and just button mashed for fun.

Now, I suck cock at this game...after playing for about an hour I can seem to actually do something and beat the arcade on medium.

Atleast it's very fun, I'll get better.


OK, so I had my ass consistently handed to me in the online modes, so I figured I'd do some training before rearing my head in the online arena again. I've been playing arcade mode in Hardest with my 3 faves: Viper, Sakura and Sagat. I'm doing OK I guess for a guy who's been sorta out of the SF loop for a decade and who's re-learning how to play properly on a stick. I've managed to beat the arcade mode with all 3 on Hardest and I do OK against most characters.
But I gotta ask: what are some strategies against the close range guys like Abel and especially Zangief? I cannot handle myself worth a shit against these characters. The worst part against Abel and Zangief is it seems I get caught in these loops where they throw me and before I'm even up they've got me in another throw or piledriver and this shit keeps up until I'm done for.

Any suggestions?


Digital Foundry
punkypine said:
500 is pretty low, unless you wanna wait forever, i'd think thats about right. when i play, i dont notice much difference between skill levels from like 200 to 700 BP

This is true. I do seem to bump into people with 2000BP quite often though, and I fluctuate between 0 and 250 on a daily basis. I wish you coud apply BP filters (like <500, <1000 or >2000 etc...).

It'd save my pride from a serious bruising.


Narcosis said:
OK, so I had my ass consistently handed to me in the online modes, so I figured I'd do some training before rearing my head in the online arena again. I've been playing arcade mode in Hardest with my 3 faves: Viper, Sakura and Sagat. I'm doing OK I guess for a guy who's been sorta out of the SF loop for a decade and who's re-learning how to play properly on a stick. I've managed to beat the arcade mode with all 3 on Hardest and I do OK against most characters.
But I gotta ask: what are some strategies against the close range guys like Abel and especially Zangief? I cannot handle myself worth a shit against these characters. The worst part against Abel and Zangief is it seems I get caught in these loops where they throw me and before I'm even up they've got me in another throw or piledriver and this shit keeps up until I'm done for.

Any suggestions?
to get better online, you have to play online. playing the AI, it'll help you with your speed of executing moves and stuff, but playing verse real people is completely different

the benefit of the BP system is that you cant get lower than 0, so even if you lose your first 1000 matches, it doesnt hurt your long term chances of getting your rank up as opposed to a pure Win loss system


Ok first time playing online. It wasn't a good experience. I lag pretty bad. I'll try fowarding ports or something to see if I can at least play without the game freezing on me every 5 seconds.

MicVlaD, where are you from?


Digital Foundry
Narcosis said:
OK, so I had my ass consistently handed to me in the online modes, so I figured I'd do some training before rearing my head in the online arena again. I've been playing arcade mode in Hardest with my 3 faves: Viper, Sakura and Sagat. I'm doing OK I guess for a guy who's been sorta out of the SF loop for a decade and who's re-learning how to play properly on a stick. I've managed to beat the arcade mode with all 3 on Hardest and I do OK against most characters.
But I gotta ask: what are some strategies against the close range guys like Abel and especially Zangief? I cannot handle myself worth a shit against these characters. The worst part against Abel and Zangief is it seems I get caught in these loops where they throw me and before I'm even up they've got me in another throw or piledriver and this shit keeps up until I'm done for.

Any suggestions?

The obvious tactic with the heavies is to avoid close proximity of any kind to begin with. It may seem cheap, but do anything you can to stay away, and bombard them with projectiles and aerial strikes. If you're feeling lucky, try using an EX variation of a Unique move, which sometimes increases the range (like Sakura's 623P).

Don't worry. Zangief gives everyone cause for strife. If you time it just right, you can get out of the throw cycle, although you'll often be at the mercy of your opponent if they have impeccable timing.
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