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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Today I've been using the Random Character Select. And I'm surprised at how fun it is to not know who you're going to get.

? = Zangief; OH CRAP.

? = Dan; YEAH BABY.

? = Cammy; T'was destiny

? = Abel; I did not know I was any good with him.

On an off note, I love how Dan's jumping taunt can launch him sky high...

Akuma: "Raging DEMO-"
Dan: "YaHOOOO!"
Akuma: "What desu ka?"

Most functional taunt in the game by far. And goddamn, getting on a roll with Rose is pure poetry. Reflex x billion, Soul throw, Soul fu...spark for a perfect win is the shit.

On the other hand, getting schooled by Sakura as Sagat is so not the shit. I need to learn that guy. It was embarrassing...



Here I was, just toying around in ranked matches and finally got my 3 ranked matches in a row achievement.
(although to be fair, one match was against a Zangief spamming PPP (with more than 800BP, gah...), one Akuma spamming lots of fireballs and one guy with 0 BP)
And then MicVlaD sends me a game invite and quickly proves how easily he can beat me with his Yoga powers. I'm seriously gonna get nightmares about Dhalsim from now on.

Fun matches although I was probably in a state of panic half of the time. I tried to experiment with some things, like starting combos differently (which I got thrown a bunch of times for not connecting). I randomly got the idea "Hey, I could poke him a few times and then do a throw!" and of course the pokes push him out of the way for a throw. I tried to be mindful to punish him, but I could never see any mistakes.

And holy eek, was that an ultra connected to another ultra? *faints*

I got an achievement after that single match I won. I didn't read the description but I'm gonna pretend it says "Win a match agianst MicVlaD."


Haunts, and other Sagat players, what moves do you guys use on wakeup?

I'm trying to get out of my nasty habit of using a Fierce or EX Tiger Uppercut on wakeup as I've been caught out a couple of times by more experienced players (always works on new players though :p ) and I'm struggling to think of a safe move coming out of a fall that will get me out of whatever my opponent is trying to set me up with as I come up.


Unlimited Capacity
LaneDS said:
Could you explain this reverse concept to me? Like, throw Bison in the air, dodge incoming dragon punch and then angle yourself back towards them with the other punching attack?

Again, thanks for all the advice in this thread. I have been using psycho crusher and scissor kicks without comboing, at long ranges, and yes I get brutally beaten for trying that. Going to see about stopping that immediately.

With the reverse, he jumps in with the same animation as the headstomp. Press the punch button again though and he kind of doubles back in air and attacks with a chop. It's really easy to time and even if they jump in you can dodge it. It also can hit people on the ground too.


h3ro said:
Haunts, and other Sagat players, what moves do you guys use on wakeup?

I'm trying to get out of my nasty habit of using a Fierce or EX Tiger Uppercut on wakeup as I've been caught out a couple of times by more experienced players (always works on new players though :p ) and I'm struggling to think of a safe move coming out of a fall that will get me out of whatever my opponent is trying to set me up with as I come up.

LK Tiger Knee maybe?


haunts said:
haha.. yeah and "well, when ultra in the corner lets make it only hit twice at the end..thats fair!"

Yeah that's a deathblow to Sagat right there. :lol

Btw. Really great job at the videos, man. The slow motion sound is :lol.
I finally looked at the superguide for a few of the characters, Haunts. Much better content than the Prima guide. I should of just paypal'd you the money...better investment.

Hopefully, Capcom...in between being busy developing RE5, Lost Planet 2 and outsourcing Dark Void, BC and Dead Rising 2...they either free DLC or patch the game (why not do the same for HD Remix...it would be nice to have working online...especially on PS3).

From reading this thread (but not SRK), some have issues with the disparity between Zangief or Sagat and Guile.

I'm not sure how a company like Capcom would address it except coming out with Street Fighter IV Reggaeton Mix (since they'll be adding DJ)...give some characters better options, redo move properties and possibly incorporate the idea Haunts threw out there of having the choice of super like SFIII. Personally...I'd rather have the kick super for ken...and shoryureppa for his ultra.
"Haunts, and other Sagat players, what moves do you guys use on wakeup?

I'm trying to get out of my nasty habit of using a Fierce or EX Tiger Uppercut on wakeup as I've been caught out a couple of times by more experienced players (always works on new players though :p ) and I'm struggling to think of a safe move coming out of a fall that will get me out of whatever my opponent is trying to set me up with as I come up."

Realistically, most wake up moves are very much *not* safe. All the good reversals that have a fast startup or invincibility frames usually leave you wide open for an attack if someone expected it. The best wakeup option in most cases is to simply block and wait for an opening. This is something that I have to remind myself of a lot.


_tetsuo_ said:
With the reverse, he jumps in with the same animation as the headstomp. Press the punch button again though and he kind of doubles back in air and attacks with a chop. It's really easy to time and even if they jump in you can dodge it. It also can hit people on the ground too.

Got it. Have sort of being doing it already, just didn't know that it was considered a reverse. Thanks.
Brannon said:
Today I've been using the Random Character Select. And I'm surprised at how fun it is to not know who you're going to get.

? = Zangief; OH CRAP.

? = Dan; YEAH BABY.

? = Cammy; T'was destiny

? = Abel; I did not know I was any good with him.

On an off note, I love how Dan's jumping taunt can launch him sky high...

Akuma: "Raging DEMO-"
Dan: "YaHOOOO!"
Akuma: "What desu ka?"

Most functional taunt in the game by far. And goddamn, getting on a roll with Rose is pure poetry. Reflex x billion, Soul throw, Soul fu...spark for a perfect win is the shit.

On the other hand, getting schooled by Sakura as Sagat is so not the shit. I need to learn that guy. It was embarrassing...

Yeah, Dan's air taunt is awesome :lol


Spiderjericho said:
I finally looked at the superguide for a few of the characters, Haunts. Much better content than the Prima guide. I should of just paypal'd you the money...better investment.

Hopefully, Capcom...in between being busy developing RE5, Lost Planet 2 and outsourcing Dark Void, BC and Dead Rising 2...they either free DLC or patch the game (why not do the same for HD Remix...it would be nice to have working online...especially on PS3).

From reading this thread (but not SRK), some have issues with the disparity between Zangief or Sagat and Guile.

I'm not sure how a company like Capcom would address it except coming out with Street Fighter IV Reggaeton Mix (since they'll be adding DJ)...give some characters better options, redo move properties and possibly incorporate the idea Haunts threw out there of having the choice of super like SFIII. Personally...I'd rather have the kick super for ken...and shoryureppa for his ultra.

The disparity isn't as big as all the lists suggests; I think that latest japanese tier list basically doesn't go below B as a rating (Guile, Vega) which is pretty good imo.
Man, has anyone gotten all gold on survival mode?

The cheapness of the computer is hard to overcome when you keep losing life every round that then carries over. I don't even think it's worth playing any more.

Any tips?


Bacon of Hope
Teknopathetic said:
Realistically, most wake up moves are very much *not* safe. All the good reversals that have a fast startup or invincibility frames usually leave you wide open for an attack if someone expected it. The best wakeup option in most cases is to simply block and wait for an opening. This is something that I have to remind myself of a lot.

yeah I have to agree, waking up and blocking is your best bet.
Lane DS:

Be very careful with the Headstomp, players can walk back out of the homing and punish you. Do headstomps if you know they will be fireballing but do not do them too far if they turtle and walk back.

EX Headstomps are an overlooked anti-air because normally you wouldn't think of it being one but it is.

Dont be afraid to spam Devil Reverse against a fireballers at fullscreen.. if you judge that you wont hit them with the Devil Reverse just steer yourself back and avoid the fireball at the same time.. when there is a moment where you judge it can connect, then go for it.

Teleports are only good if you do them early in their fireball animations but even at still, they have time to recover and even hit you.

EX Devil Reverse has invincibility frames at start up, so if someone is crossing you up and you are freaking out on how to escape, an EX Devil Reverse will get you up in the air.

Ex Scissors....... over Fireballs

Remember, his Ultra does not have that many frames of invincibility for hopping over Fireballs like his Super can or his EX Scissors can... very important to remember. His Ultra can only hope over Fireballs at the start.

Smart players will not jump at you when you got an Ultra loaded (because the Ultra is a great anti-air).. you may be forced into a grounded fight.

If you want to add an extra hit after the juggling jumping MP, MP.. an EX Psycho Crusher will juggle for an extra hit.. not damaging but at times extra hits count.
If you got an Ultra, you can connect it after a jumpin MP, MP juggle but do a slight pause to not perform the Ultra too early when they are too high, execute it when they are at more reasonable height.

LK Scirsors are safe on bloc.. but not his HK version.. I am guilty of HK scisors, I get punish by it.


Thanks for the replies everyone. It'll be a hard habit to break, but I agree, blocking and waiting for an opportunity afterward is the smarter thing to do.

If I catch a guy jumping into me on wakeup though... well, he's gonna get him some Uppercut. :D
Spiderjericho said:
From reading this thread (but not SRK), some have issues with the disparity between Zangief or Sagat and Guile.

I think Guile is underrated. Yeah, his Ultra is piss, but it seems like a lot of people don't have the patience to play him. Guile has to work so hard for his damage, but it's really rewarding, especially when you own people :D. You definitely have to have mind games up your sleeve when using Guile against anyone worth their name. His links take a lot of practice -- I have barely got like 4 or 5 hit combos down with him, much less the 6+ that you barely get a chance to do outside of training.

tl;dr : You have to be more strategical when using Guile, especially against Ryu, Sagat, Zangief and in my own personal experience, Blanka (the Eternal Bastard).

Edit: Screw your Bison tips, Gutter. I don't need anymore Bisons taking my BP. >:|

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Messing around with Ryu combos (while at work, haha) found out that Jumping Roundhouse - crouching middle kick - weak kick+tatsumaki + super links and does about half the bar in damage :O

Ill be trying that online, oh yes


Gold Member
CartridgeBlower said:
Man, has anyone gotten all gold on survival mode?

The cheapness of the computer is hard to overcome when you keep losing life every round that then carries over. I don't even think it's worth playing any more.

Any tips?

Play with Zangief and do his double Lariat :lol


gutter_trash: Thank you for an awesome post. Bookmarking this page as I will be referring back to it often. I hope to report back in a few days with some solid wins under my belt.


Teknopathetic said:
Realistically, most wake up moves are very much *not* safe. All the good reversals that have a fast startup or invincibility frames usually leave you wide open for an attack if someone expected it. The best wakeup option in most cases is to simply block and wait for an opening. This is something that I have to remind myself of a lot.

*nod nod*. This is why I approach knocked down opponents, make it look like I'm about to do something then crouch and block waiting for their wake-up move so I can counter.
Sectus said:

Here I was, just toying around in ranked matches and finally got my 3 ranked matches in a row achievement.
(although to be fair, one match was against a Zangief spamming PPP (with more than 800BP, gah...), one Akuma spamming lots of fireballs and one guy with 0 BP)
And then MicVlaD sends me a game invite and quickly proves how easily he can beat me with his Yoga powers. I'm seriously gonna get nightmares about Dhalsim from now on.

Fun matches although I was probably in a state of panic half of the time. I tried to experiment with some things, like starting combos differently (which I got thrown a bunch of times for not connecting). I randomly got the idea "Hey, I could poke him a few times and then do a throw!" and of course the pokes push him out of the way for a throw. I tried to be mindful to punish him, but I could never see any mistakes.

And holy eek, was that an ultra connected to another ultra? *faints*

I got an achievement after that single match I won. I didn't read the description but I'm gonna pretend it says "Win a match agianst MicVlaD."

Dhalsim is awesome because you can get his Ultra and Super off at once and it can lead to massive damage.
"*nod nod*. This is why I approach knocked down opponents, make it look like I'm about to do something then crouch and block waiting for their wake-up move so I can counter."

Isn't the reversal window in SF4 pretty large? Besides crossups, I'd imagine this is probably the best way to approach someone on wake up.

It can be hard to break the habit of doing reversals on wakeup, though. I find myself whipping out stupid shit on wake up out of impulse sometimes, not even thinking about it, and the instant the move starts I facepalm. Gotta learn to settle down and ride it out.


iam220 said:
*nod nod*. This is why I approach knocked down opponents, make it look like I'm about to do something then crouch and block waiting for their wake-up move so I can counter.

That's what I did for the first week, but "non-dumb" shoto players are starting to figure that out. Instead of doing shoryukens every time on wakeup (or blocked hurricane kicks), they'll go for a throw.

Some punk Ken destroyed my Abel last night because I was too stubborn to admit that he knew what he was doing.
"That's what I did for the first week, but "non-dumb" shoto players are starting to figure that out. Instead of doing shoryukens every time on wakeup (or blocked hurricane kicks), they'll go for a throw.

Some punk Ken destroyed my Abel last night because I was too stubborn to admit that he knew what he was doing."

You can make them whiff the throw if you make sure to walk back far enough to stay out of throw range. Or backdash for the invincibility frames.


Teknopathetic said:
You can make them whiff the throw if you make sure to walk back far enough to stay out of throw range. Or backdash for the invincibility frames.

Yeah. I just get caught up in acting like a dick when I play against them though.

The first knock down, I'll get three inches away and do a Change of Direction combo in the hopes that they shoryuken me out of it. Then the rest of the match I just stand directly on top of them (to piss them off) while they wakeup, block the shoryuken, then throw.

Long story short, I think I've more learned how other people play than how I should play. I try and bait people into playing a predictable game instead of opening up opportunities on my own accord. Hence why I get excited when I play Ken players who don't have the game installed. I know it'll be an automatic win.
I think the wakeup game in this game needs some major tweaking.

I was playing against the computer and I swear E.Honda grabbed me multiple times off the floor before I could back dash or do anything.

Maybe I was just a tad slow, but damn that's too precise then.

This game needs a healthy amount of tweaks.
I finally accidentally got my 10 wins in a row achievement today... when I say accidentally, I mean I wasn't trying for it or paying any attention to my wins. This is mainly because it's been next to impossible to get a match today. I spent 20mins waiting in a ranked lobby before getting fed up, and did an entire run though of arcade mode with only 1 fight interrupting me.

The last few fights I had was because I resorted to the hell that is "quick match". Every opponent I saw on there (joinable or not) had a flashing network symbol. In fact, everyone I faced today had a flashing network symbol.

Felt like I was the only person playing this on LIVE today. Has there been issues (above an beyond the already existing ones with SFIV).

When I played yesterday and the day before I rarely spent longer than 30secs in a lobby before being challenged.

I'm in the UK BTW, and have the week off so I've been playing at all times of day (mainly between 10:00am and 18:00pmGMT) so there should have been someone in the world playing other than me.


I live my life one quarter-mile at a time
So what BP do you have to be at to be considered good? I'm at 1600BP exactly, and keep playing people in the 100-400 range. I wonder why I don't have some of their icons or titles... =/

As for beating Seth, I have a totally unprovable theory that Seth is actually harder when set to 1-round (even on easy mode). With 3 rounds on easy he's always a cake-walk the first round, then gets harder if you win a round. But by then you should have some of that super bar filled up. 1-round easy Seth is impossible.


Baker said:
Yeah. I just get caught up in acting like a dick when I play against them though.

The first knock down, I'll get three inches away and do a Change of Direction combo in the hopes that they shoryuken me out of it. Then the rest of the match I just stand directly on top of them (to piss them off) while they wakeup, block the shoryuken, then throw.

Long story short, I think I've more learned how other people play than how I should play. I try and bait people into playing a predictable game instead of opening up opportunities on my own accord. Hence why I get excited when I play Ken players who don't have the game installed. I know it'll be an automatic win.

Hit 'em with a deep cross-up MK and combo of choice! Feels good to do this on shotos since they live off it. Especially humiliating is any time you work in his Super--funny as hell when Abel snatches 'em up and slams 'em in the corner like an unwanted stepchild.


Baker said:
Yeah. I just get caught up in acting like a dick when I play against them though.

Long story short, I think I've more learned how other people play than how I should play. I try and bait people into playing a predictable game instead of opening up opportunities on my own accord. Hence why I get excited when I play Ken players who don't have the game installed. I know it'll be an automatic win.

Yeah, that's an interesting observation there. It's a really dangerous mentality if you really want to get better and why I always kinda groan when people complain about all the Kens. When you start assuming you're going to win, eventually you're going to start to lose, not because other people are getting better (which they may or may not eventually or may already have) but because you lose your edge.

Not that I'm not victim to it - and it's bit me in the ass plenty of times. So I do my best, at least when I'm being hella serious or whatever, to try to approach every match fresh, because if I just assume when I see a Ken that it's going to be some idiot, I subconsciously start playing with less effort and that's just getting sloppy.


CartridgeBlower said:
I think the wakeup game in this game needs some major tweaking.

I was playing against the computer and I swear E.Honda grabbed me multiple times off the floor before I could back dash or do anything.

Maybe I was just a tad slow, but damn that's too precise then.

This game needs a healthy amount of tweaks.



Monkeylord said:
The last few fights I had was because I resorted to the hell that is "quick match". Every opponent I saw on there (joinable or not) had a flashing network symbol. In fact, everyone I faced today had a flashing network symbol.
I've never had lag when playing the flashing network symbol. I don't think it's supposed to mean zero/shitty signal. I take it as more of a "we don't know" type of thing.

Of course, I could be wrong.


myDingling said:
Anyone have any idea how to combo normal moves? Trial 5 Normal for Cammy is:

-> Med. Punch
-> [crouch] Low Kick

But I can never get it to combo like they want =\

What you want to do is press C.LK at the end of MP motion (slightly before you anticipate the character will return to normal stance), it's not how fast you do it, but about timing.
Baker said:
I've never had lag when playing the flashing network symbol. I don't think it's supposed to mean zero/shitty signal. I take it as more of a "we don't know" type of thing.

Of course, I could be wrong.

I've only suffered lag once, and that was today... but I think that was deliberate as it only happened whenever my opponent (a Ken) was moving (they finally quit on me just as I was about to hit the finishing blow of an ultra to give me my 2nd round).

Apart from that it hasn't seemed to matter what symbol I was seeing, never had any hint of lag. Thing is though, I have been getting players with symbols other than the flashing one all up until today when everyone had it.


Anybody know what Capcom's got planned for those bastards that drop from ranked games mid-beatdown? Right now there's no penalty that I know of and that pisses me off. >:|


Worships the porcelain goddess
BobLoblaw said:
Anybody know what Capcom's got planned for those bastards that drop from ranked games mid-beatdown? Right now there's no penalty that I know of and that pisses me off. >:|

No clue. No one has really gotten the ear of anyone at Capcom to inquire about this stuff.


GGs MicvLad! Always an impressive Dhalsim. One of these days I'll have a higher win rate over yours. :lol More Dictator practice!
Sectus said:
Anything wrong with the matchmaking servers? I can't join any ranked server and when I host no one joins at all.

best is to play Arcade mode and set RANKING to ON.. so you play Arcade mode while waiting then get NEW CHALLENGER online ranking match


OK, this may sound foolish, but why is it such a big difference to play with the 360 analogstick compared to an arcade stick? And why is it much worse than a D-PAD? I just tried the 360 SF HD demo and I think it works fine...that said, I'm not a great player (but not too bad either).


BobLoblaw said:
Anybody know what Capcom's got planned for those bastards that drop from ranked games mid-beatdown? Right now there's no penalty that I know of and that pisses me off. >:|

no idea, hopefully they're secretly spying on them and maybe will change their chara select screen filled with Rufuses the next time they log on after a patch.
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