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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Finally starting to perfect shoto scrubs. Its still hard if I screw up against Ken or Sagat, they just hit hard. But, most of them are pretty easy and don't change their patterns.

Absolutely loving Dhalsim. What a cool, complete character. I'm beginning to use his Yoga tower and his medium slide to avoid crossups.

I also finally unlocked Gouken, and hes fucking awesome. I'm going to play with him a bunch. I tried using Abel, but Dhalsim/Gouken are taking hold.

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
I just got torn apart by a Akuma player when I used Abel. He just kept spamming air fireballs/ex fireballs and I couldn't get near him. When I marseille rolled to get close he just side teleport (don't know the name) away from me. First round he nearly perfected me. Second round I got him down to 1/3 health and felt reasonably proud. :lol

What do I do if this match up happens again?


<3 Rufus.

I won a fair few games tonight with Rufus, I'm starting to like him a lot. I never find a good time to use is QCK move though, it seems slow - when's a good time to use that?

I've noticed I really like characters with anti-air grabs. It's really satisfying pre-empting an opponent jumping and grabing them - Abel, Rose, Fuerte. Gen & Rufus' DP input moves also give me a buzz. It's funny I don't like Ryu/Ken/Sagat/Gouki but I'll play as anyone else with a DP type move. :lol
ChrisGoldstein said:
How's Dhalsim on taking damage?

Yeah, hes not so great there. If I screw up an anti air on lets say a Ken player and then get flustered and eat a fierce Dragon Punch I am looking at near half my life gone. It takes quite a few more hits for me to match someone like Ken's damage. But, the trade off is that when your good with Dhalsim they can't really touch you. When being the keyword though.
how in the bluest hell do you get character icons?
I got a Bison, but I dont remember how i landed that Icon

I streaked with Honda.. I never got one for him.. what gives?


gutter_trash said:
how in the bluest hell do you get character icons?
I got a Bison, but I dont remember how i landed that Icon

I streaked with Honda.. I never got one for him.. what gives?



BitchTits said:
<3 Rufus.

I won a fair few games tonight with Rufus, I'm starting to like him a lot. I never find a good time to use is QCK move though, it seems slow - when's a good time to use that?

I've noticed I really like characters with anti-air grabs. It's really satisfying pre-empting an opponent jumping and grabing them - Abel, Rose, Fuerte. Gen & Rufus' DP input moves also give me a buzz. It's funny I don't like Ryu/Ken/Sagat/Gouki but I'll play as anyone else with a DP type move. :lol

The best time is close to never. Get used to doing the EX version though. EX Messiah kick is arguably one of the best EX specials in the game.


MoxManiac said:
The best time is close to never. Get used to doing the EX version though. EX Messiah kick is arguably one of the best EX specials in the game.
"close to never", yeah I've come to this conclusion!

EX version, can I work it into combos or use it as anti-air or something? I've yet to find a situation where it's useful.


Great King Bowser said:
I just got torn apart by a Akuma player when I used Abel. He just kept spamming air fireballs/ex fireballs and I couldn't get near him. When I marseille rolled to get close he just side teleport (don't know the name) away from me. First round he nearly perfected me. Second round I got him down to 1/3 health and felt reasonably proud. :lol

What do I do if this match up happens again?

It's tough chasing. Definitely keep with the roll, FADC some of the fireballs if you can and most important, try to incorporate his wheel kick to close distance quickly. You can also try just playing his game---don't chase, be super patient and simply jump over the fireballs you can and roll through others--in an effort to draw him out. Mock him by jabbing incessantly, throw out a taunt, etc.. You'd be surprised how easy it is to get under someones skin online.


Tried El Fuerte today a bit online. Soo much harder than against the CPU. Have yet to win a round, but he is soo much fun. :D

Also did some of the hard trials with Boxer and I don't think I will ever be able to do 4. That is some crazy finger dance. :lol

Oh and fuck Zangief.
Completely different experience for me from yesterday, playing SFIV tonight. Changed my settings back to Player Matches before going into Arcade, and right away ran into a gamer whom I ended up playing for ten matches straight ((s)he came out on top, 6 wins to my 4). (s)He seemed to be of about equal skill to me, so we ended up going back and forth quite a bit; what's more, (s)he played with a lot of different characters, and I did too. Great time, got to try out the Beauty Pack DLC too... though what happened to Sakura's gi?

Oh, and I didn't even bother with the fightpad tonight.


ChrisGoldstein said:
How's Dhalsim on taking damage?

Bad, but Dhalsim's entire game is built around zoning and keeping the other player away from him, and he has a lot of tools at his disposal with which to do that.


good credit (by proxy)
punkypine said:
to get better online, you have to play online. playing the AI, it'll help you with your speed of executing moves and stuff, but playing verse real people is completely different

the benefit of the BP system is that you cant get lower than 0, so even if you lose your first 1000 matches, it doesnt hurt your long term chances of getting your rank up as opposed to a pure Win loss system

playing against the computer can be good practice IF you play the way you'd play against a real opponent, instead of simply trying to find glaring flaws in the AI and exploit them, i.e. don't do stupid shit that won't work against real life like spam jump in attacks. Try to beat the computer "honorably" with your reaction times and knowledge of gameplay mechanics. Granted, people online will throw in some wild shit that the computer would never do, but with enough practice vs. the computer you'll be better equiped to counter things that are thrown at you because you'll know about priorities and such, whereas if you're completely green you'll get mauled and not have a clue why it happened because you don't know enough about the underlying gameplay mechanics, or the moves and basic level strategies for all the characters.


So I'm downed in a corner and waking up, the opponent is doing a level 3 FA timed to meaty my wake up. I don't have any super meter, do cant do an armor breaking DP or Hurricane kick (i'm ryu). What can I do? No time to jump without getting hit. Can I reversal focus attack, or will his level 3 FA armor break my FA? Some dude caught me with this and I haven't run into it again, but would like to know how to counter it.

Also, anyone else having trouble figuring out intuitively when a cross-up is going to happen? There seems to be some weirdness there with some characters. A guy will jump in and it won't even cross my mind that his attack might cross up and then i'm left in shock from getting comboed. Sometimes I'll jump in and accidentally hit a cross up when I didn't mean to, and my opponents seem to have trouble with this too because my first attack goes unblocked like 90% of the time that this happens.


Timedog said:
So I'm downed in a corner and waking up, the opponent is doing a level 3 FA timed to meaty my wake up. I don't have any super meter, do cant do an armor breaking DP or Hurricane kick (i'm ryu). What can I do? No time to jump without getting hit. Can I reversal focus attack, or will his level 3 FA armor break my FA? Some dude caught me with this and I haven't run into it again, but would like to know how to counter it.
I'd love to know this as well. Few nights ago I got trapped by a skilled Blanka user using this exact tactic...


BitchTits said:
"close to never", yeah I've come to this conclusion!

EX version, can I work it into combos or use it as anti-air or something? I've yet to find a situation where it's useful.

Use it beat moves up close (it beats out pretty much everything) Use it to escape, as a wakeup tool if needed, as a punisher (it does big damage) It's not safe on block though, so be careful.

Timedog, reversal DP. All special moves armor-break if they are done as a reversal.
All reversals break armor, so a reversal timed dragon punch will do it. Also, when you get knocked down, Quick Rise (tap down as you're knocked down unless you were thrown or tripped) to get up faster and throw them, armor break move, whatever. You could also probably throw them on wake up too.



xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I finally start playing online after all my work for the past few weeks are done, and I am severely disappointed in the Akumas I've faced online - all three that I faced ran like bitches throwing fireballs the whole match - the first one was my first match against my Zangief, and he just pissed me off the whole match basically... and I couldn't do anything with Gief but chase the little bitch...

Second and third ones got destroyed by my Honda - oh man I love him - and he's not even where I want him to be yet...

Any other character I fought against while I was still playing with Gief got hurt bad, and so far Honda is doing his thing too - so good that I had a ragequitter leave in the beginning of the SECOND roound - Shotostyle, you poor soul... :lol

Not a Ken in sight at all still, I guess there must be a certain time of the day when they come out cause I haven't faced any yet...

And yeah, practically every match, the other guy waited till I made my choice before he made his - I don't care since I know who I want to play with, but it pissed me off that one match with Akuma versus my Zangief...


Skilotonn said:
I finally start playing online after all my work for the past few weeks are done, and I am severely disappointed in the Akumas I've faced online - all three that I faced ran like bitches throwing fireballs the whole match - the first one was my first match against my Zangief, and he just pissed me off the whole match basically... and I couldn't do anything with Gief but chase the little bitch...

Second and third ones got destroyed by my Honda - oh man I love him - and he's not even where I want him to be yet...

Any other character I fought against while I was still playing with Gief got hurt bad, and so far Honda is doing his thing too - so good that I had a ragequitter leave in the beginning of the SECOND roound - Shotostyle, you poor soul... :lol

Not a Ken in sight at all still, I guess there must be a certain time of the day when they come out cause I haven't faced any yet...

And yeah, practically every match, the other guy waited till I made my choice before he made his - I don't care since I know who I want to play with, but it pissed me off that one match with Akuma versus my Zangief...

Akuma does what he has to. At 850 health, Akuma cannot afford to let Gief anywhere close to him.


Question, what did you want the Akuma player to do? Allow you to get right in and pummel him with various grabs. Everyone plays the keep away game against Zangief.


he's Virgin Tight™
Skilotonn said:
Zangief user rant

Huh? Dude you are using overpowered character #1. I do the same with Chun. Keep gief away and pummel him. Part of the game is zoning and having space, whoever Akuma you faced did great. Or what, do you expect to have it easy every time so you can grab people?


I really like using Akuma. However, whenever I fight an Akuma online they almost never use him to his full ability. I never see them teleport(and if they do, it looks like an accident), and aerial fireballs are a rare sight. They just kinda chill in the back and spam fireballs...which you can just jump.


Yay! 10 wins in a row! I didn't even realize I was on a nice streak until the achievement unlocked! :D

Fantastic game but my carpal tunnel problem is flaring up like crazy from playing too much. :(
gutter_trash said:
how in the bluest hell do you get character icons?
I got a Bison, but I dont remember how i landed that Icon

I streaked with Honda.. I never got one for him.. what gives?
Quoting myself, from earlier, in the thread:

George Claw M.D. said:
I didn't see this posted, yet, but it's the most comprehensive list I've found, so far, of all the titles and icons you can earn, and how to earn them. All titles and icons are listed, though some of them have ??? on the methods to earn them, namely the titles that require a certain number of online matches to be played.

Maybe Haunts can start a list in the OP. I don't know if he's planning on including such a list in his super guide.


good credit (by proxy)
Teknopathetic said:
All reversals break armor, so a reversal timed dragon punch will do it. Also, when you get knocked down, Quick Rise (tap down as you're knocked down unless you were thrown or tripped) to get up faster and throw them, armor break move, whatever. You could also probably throw them on wake up too.


oh shit, didn't know that! that'll come in handy!


Dreadful night, went 2-13. To reassure myself that I am not in fact getting worse, I went into challenge mode, and I was able to complete another challenge I couldn't a few days ago.... so thats good. -_-
Alivor said:
I really like using Akuma. However, whenever I fight an Akuma online they almost never use him to his full ability. I never see them teleport(and if they do, it looks like an accident), and aerial fireballs are a rare sight. They just kinda chill in the back and spam fireballs...which you can just jump.

I must be unlucky because I face good Akuma players all the time.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
MoxManiac said:
Akuma does what he has to. At 850 health, Akuma cannot afford to let Gief anywhere close to him.

LJ11 said:
Question, what did you want the Akuma player to do? Allow you to get right in and pummel him with various grabs. Everyone plays the keep away game against Zangief.

Relix said:
Huh? Dude you are using overpowered character #1. I do the same with Chun. Keep gief away and pummel him. Part of the game is zoning and having space, whoever Akuma you faced did great. Or what, do you expect to have it easy every time so you can grab people?

I know that, but I seriously, and I mean seriously doubt they would have played any other way if I had another character - remember, I picked my character first, and every single one of them counter-picked...

And I'm talking constant fireballs even when I purposely stand on the other end of the screen to see what they do - when they mess up and let me get close, they don't even teleport away, dragon punch me out of the air, nothing...

Alivor said:
I really like using Akuma. However, whenever I fight an Akuma online they almost never use him to his full ability. I never see them teleport(and if they do, it looks like an accident), and aerial fireballs are a rare sight. They just kinda chill in the back and spam fireballs...which you can just jump.

This is what I mean - they don't play keep-away, they just run and fill their super bar, then the light punch light punch comes out in between air gou hadokens and touching the ground - it's sad to see...


i just had 3 people in a row drop on me after i won the first round in Ranking Match =/ it was hard enough tryin to get matched up with someone in the first place! Capcom totally needs to fix it to where they lose BP if they drop.

Capcom also needs to enforce default settings for ranking battles...my cousin said he had a match where the dude set it to 30 seconds and 1 round....picked vega..poked...and ran away. kinda lame.

what's the word on the Champion Edition patch? i wanna get my tourney on.


Ive been playing around with Viper some, but cant seem to get her 3 combo in trial 3 normal down. It is HK into Emergency Combination. The HK is 2 hit and I think you need interupt the HK halfway and go into Emergency Combination, but I cant seem to do it. Anyone have a tip how to pull it off?


George Claw M.D. said:
Quoting myself, from earlier, in the thread:

Maybe Haunts can start a list in the OP. I don't know if he's planning on including such a list in his super guide.

They really locked away most of the icons away behind hard challanges? :/


George Claw M.D. said:
Quoting myself, from earlier, in the thread:

Maybe Haunts can start a list in the OP. I don't know if he's planning on including such a list in his super guide.

Thanks been looking for one of these. Sucks that I'll never see 75% of the icons because I can't get past level 4 on any character's challenge mode to save my life.


Black Canada Mafia
Man.... I'm -really- bad. I used to be good at Street fighter, and I'm thinking to myself "Why am I all of a sudden so crappy". I realize it's been over 10 years since I played street fighter (ugh, that makes me feel old) and I was probably not that great at 10 years old.

Now I'm playing, using Arcade mode to get better - I've only had the game two days, but it feels like I'm already peaking. Yesterday I was ruthlessly stuck on C. Viper (Playing as Chun Li) on Easy - today after some practice rounds and losing to my work buddies online, I got past C. Viper without too much trouble, but got my ass haaaaanded to me by Seth. I can take him down first round every single time, but when he goes nuts I cant keep up.

Problems I have:

1. I still don't know all of Chun Li's moves well - especially crouched moves, I probably should get better at those.

2. I still have a lot of trouble getting off specials (Spinning Bird and her Ultra in particular) - I can get those off 70% of the time in practice, but against a moving, attacking enemy, I'm lucky to get my ultra off 1 in 4 attempts. Which is crippling.

3. I probably need an arcade stick, playing with a controller makes my hands soooooore, and it's hard executing moves (see problem 2).

4. I'm still really bad at making split second judgment calls - do I jump or do I dash out? Oh too late, Abel fucking grabbed me again.

Ugh, I gotta practice though, out of my work friends I'm the guy who games the most, but I still cant beat any of them at SFIV. Put some Tales of Vesperia in front of me, and I'll show them who's boss!


Zertez said:
Ive been playing around with Viper some, but cant seem to get her 3 combo in trial 3 normal down. It is HK into Emergency Combination. The HK is 2 hit and I think you need interupt the HK halfway and go into Emergency Combination, but I cant seem to do it. Anyone have a tip how to pull it off?

I just finished that one
I let the two hits register then I did the Super Combo input, she hit Dan as he was falling

EDIT: Actually I think the first move was just one hit, he was sent high into the air


come in my shame circle
I couldn't resist anymore, I bought the game today. I have never owned a street fighter in my life, I just always played my friend's games. This should be interesting. :lol


Kave_Man said:
I couldn't resist anymore, I bought the game today. I have never owned a street fighter in my life, I just always played my friend's games. This should be interesting. :lol

You chose... wisely.


Kave_Man said:
I couldn't resist anymore, I bought the game today. I have never owned a street fighter in my life, I just always played my friend's games. This should be interesting. :lol
Just get ready to be raged, humbled, depressed, frustrated, and then the occasional feeling of euphoria as you pull an ultra or super to end the round.
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