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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Teknopathetic said:
Ferrio: GGs. The problem I have with Rose is that it can be almost impossible to keep up with soul reflect. It's kinda absurd.

You should of played sagat more.

Ya no way rose would of been able to get in on sagat, was hoping to lure you in... but instead turned into reflect training.
"You should of played sagat more"

Ah, next time we play I'll pick him more, then. I was hoping to see where my Bison and Balrog stood. Unfortunately, I think me and Sagat are soulmates are something.

"Ya no way rose would of been able to get in on sagat, was hoping to lure you in... but instead turned into reflect training."

I run into the exact same problem when I get into fireball wars. That said, it's very fulfilling to see Akuma eat his own 3 hit fireball.

At first I was actually going to try and rush you down (considering Rose's weakness) but then I remembered that soul reflect is really...not that good.


Alivor said:
I really like using Akuma. However, whenever I fight an Akuma online they almost never use him to his full ability. I never see them teleport(and if they do, it looks like an accident), and aerial fireballs are a rare sight. They just kinda chill in the back and spam fireballs...which you can just jump.
I've never seen an akuma player use his flip throw.
chrisdat said:
i just had 3 people in a row drop on me after i won the first round in Ranking Match =/ it was hard enough tryin to get matched up with someone in the first place! Capcom totally needs to fix it to where they lose BP if they drop.

Capcom also needs to enforce default settings for ranking battles...my cousin said he had a match where the dude set it to 30 seconds and 1 round....picked vega..poked...and ran away. kinda lame.

what's the word on the Champion Edition patch? i wanna get my tourney on.
:lol I know it sucks, but that's kinda funny. Anyway, unless you're doing quick match, you can see the match settings, before you join a match. Even in a quick match, you can see the match settings, before you select "Ready". If you don't like the settings, or your opponent, then just leave the session.


Gold Member
I selected "same skill ranked match" to search for in arcade mode... I ended up getting 4 matches... I have like 200 BP... 3 of the guys had over 1000... GJ Capcom. Ah well, I should've beat at least 2 of the 4 and I couldn't finish.

Kinitari said:
Problems I have:

Problem #5: Chun Li is a pretty tricky character to play as. Capcom definitely toned her down from SSF2T and SF3:3S. That's not to say you should ditch her (she's my main), but its a tough-ish road.

BTW her alt costume is awesome. I hate you Capcom, for extracting $4 from my wallet for this.


MoxManiac said:
Anyone up for some games?

Sent you an invite. If you're any good you should pummel me into the ground. I have 2200BP but it's all from beating up on scrubs. Anytime I face anyone good who isn't a shoto I usually get my ass handed to me.


Guys, I need a bit of help. Against M. Bison players, how do you actually avoid the attacks where he elevates up in to the air and stomps on your head, that and the other one where he flies up and power slams down in a purple aura.

I can't seem to block these two attacks. Any advice?
"Guys, I need a bit of help. Against M. Bison players, how do you actually avoid the attacks where he elevates up in to the air and stomps on your head, that and the other one where he flies up and power slams down in a purple aura.

I can't seem to block these two attacks. Any advice?"

You block them high. You can focus attack to absorb them (unless he does EX devil's reverse) or you can simply back dash. The attack flies to where your current position is, so if you back dash, he'll land right in front of you.


Teknopathetic said:
"Guys, I need a bit of help. Against M. Bison players, how do you actually avoid the attacks where he elevates up in to the air and stomps on your head, that and the other one where he flies up and power slams down in a purple aura.

I can't seem to block these two attacks. Any advice?"

You block them high. You can focus attack to absorb them (unless he does EX devil's reverse) or you can simply back dash. The attack flies to where your current position is, so if you back dash, he'll land right in front of you.

High block definitely doesn't work. He just stomps on your head. I'll try dash though, should be useful if they end up in front of you. When you say Focus attacks absorb them, does it have to be a fully charged Focus attack, or will a regular Level 1 version do?


nib95 said:
Guys, I need a bit of help. Against M. Bison players, how do you actually avoid the attacks where he elevates up in to the air and stomps on your head, that and the other one where he flies up and power slams down in a purple aura.

I can't seem to block these two attacks. Any advice?

The "stomps on your head move" can be avoided by dashing back or just blocking standing up. Unless you're cornered (in regards to dashing back). A smart Bison player won't abuse that move. To me it's more of a fake out move that I use with the "power slams down in a purple aura" move. It's a mind game. Also you want to consider that it can strike in air so if you're not watching for it, it can strike you in the air. Also Bison could use his MPx2 move which is the cookie cutter set up for his Ultra. Just some things to keep in mind.


:lol Oh lord, I just had the most ridiculous sequence of matches:

1. First match of the night, I take a few seconds to select my character's color and PA. While I do, the other player sits there on Balrog. After I select, he immediately switches to... KEN! After about the 5th "Fuck it -> Shoryuken!" in 20 seconds, I realize I've seen this ridiculous kind of Ken before. I look at the clock, and realize it's set to 1 round/30 seconds. I start running away with my lead, and he drops.

2. Ryu player who was actually decent, he had over 3000 BP. I lost the first round and nearly lost the second, but he tried to chip me to death with an ultra. Bad idea, easy wake-up reversal ultra for me. The last round I win, and then he sends me a message: "turbo stick fucking coward =)". I tell him I don't use turbo and reversals are just easy, he sends another message: "Your name is goin in the "turbo scrubs" thread so all the HONEST players can avoid your cheating loser ass =)". I asked for the name of this forum, but no response - I'm still not sure if my sarcasm detector was failing me.

3. Another Ryu player, I perfect him in the 1st round, he drops.

I wonder if these are the same kind of people who say that using throws would get you punched in their arcade. And is it my imagination, or are droppers becoming more common? If everybody's learning how to exploit the ranking/dropping system, I fear for the future of ranked matches.
I need to get a stick. I seriously think I just pulled something in my hand playing as Guile. I am in real pain, so much so that I won't be able to play Killzone 2 tomorrow if it still hurts this much.


Wow, MicVlad just put my 'Sim to absolute shame. I had to switch over to Sagat (my main) just to get a win. I think he got me like 8-1 or something like that. It was embarrassing, but at least I learned some tips. Thanks for showing me the importance of the air teleport as a cross-up, I'm going to practice that, but I kind of feel shamed to even try to main 'Sim knowing that there's someone like you out there cleaning house.


Trucker Sexologist
revolverjgw said:
I need to get a stick. I seriously think I just pulled something in my hand playing as Guile. I am in real pain, so much so that I won't be able to play Killzone 2 tomorrow if it still hurts this much.
The motion for his super/ultra is loltastic.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
_dementia said:
WTF I ran into two Seths in a row (different players)
They were terrible though.

And Seth really has a glass jaw.
I played a Seth as Cammy and my ultra did around 3/4's of damage to his health bar. He is pretty shitty when he's not all cracked out and has an insane increase in defense aka Arcade Seth.
Just got my butt kicked by N3ss with Akuma. I really suck...but I appreciate the invite. I really don't play with Akuma...but I wanted to pick up on his strengths and weaknesses so maybe next time I won't be so scrubby against you.

And I can't really do his Ultra/Super that well...so those are totally not worth it...
"High block definitely doesn't work. He just stomps on your head. I'll try dash though, should be useful if they end up in front of you. When you say Focus attacks absorb them, does it have to be a fully charged Focus attack, or will a regular Level 1 version do?"

No, high block definitely does work. It is not unblockable (neither it or Devil's reverse are). Level 1 version will work. Dash out of it after absorbing the attack.
Teknopathetic said:
All reversals break armor, so a reversal timed dragon punch will do it. Also, when you get knocked down, Quick Rise (tap down as you're knocked down unless you were thrown or tripped) to get up faster and throw them, armor break move, whatever. You could also probably throw them on wake up too.

To add to this, can't he also just backdash? I'm not able to test this out, ATM, but IIRC, backdashing has invincibility for the first 8 frames. Focus attacks are only active for 1 frame.

Ah, found it. From SRK wiki: "Backward dash has limited invincibility frames, even if backdashing in the corner."

Also, Dan is the only character without a backdash.


i was playing online and the other guy chose dan... i wasnt sure if i should lol or be terrified

i ended up beating him easily, but man, choosing dan is messing with your opponents mind


punkypine said:
i was playing online and the other guy chose dan... i wasnt sure if i should lol or be terrified

i ended up beating him easily, but man, choosing dan is messing with your opponents mind

:lol I always think the same thing. "This guy is either the shit, or IS shit." So far, all of the Dans that I have faced are terrible. Worse than the terrible Ryu/Ken


Teknopathetic said:
"You should of played sagat more"

Ah, next time we play I'll pick him more, then. I was hoping to see where my Bison and Balrog stood. Unfortunately, I think me and Sagat are soulmates are something.

"Ya no way rose would of been able to get in on sagat, was hoping to lure you in... but instead turned into reflect training."

I run into the exact same problem when I get into fireball wars. That said, it's very fulfilling to see Akuma eat his own 3 hit fireball.

At first I was actually going to try and rush you down (considering Rose's weakness) but then I remembered that soul reflect is really...not that good.

I can soul reflect everyone else's projectiles. Sagat's are just really speedy and haven't gotton it down yet.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
jacobs34 said:
Wow, MicVlad just put my 'Sim to absolute shame. I had to switch over to Sagat (my main) just to get a win. I think he got me like 8-1 or something like that. It was embarrassing, but at least I learned some tips. Thanks for showing me the importance of the air teleport as a cross-up, I'm going to practice that, but I kind of feel shamed to even try to main 'Sim knowing that there's someone like you out there cleaning house.

That air teleport messed up my Honda as well. I ended up resorting to trying to grapple/buttslam mixup him to death, which I needed to force a wrong guess to start.

Seems like a rough matchup- but at least Honda needs a lot fewer hits to win.


Can Gouken's parry knock you out of any combo? I'm just picking dudes for fun and playing online and I picked Gouken, not really knowing what I was doing and I destroyed a kid who was clearly better than me and was doing combos.
Finally got some rage quitters, but it was in the player matches. WTF who quits out of a player match? I started messaging quitter this: lol lol if you cant take a loss dont play. Only ran into 2 people that were great to play with and didnt quit.

I had to start using a beginner icon and title just so people wont leave the lobby when I finally get in.

I really hope they either take half BP or reset the whole thing if you quit. That will stop the quitters.

Oh does anyone have any tips for abel vs blanka? Blanka seems to be my weakness when I use Abel.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
I have the scrub icon and 'chicken' title. Have actually gotten three angry messages from people who claimed false advertising, albeit with harsher words :lol


aka acr0nym
Spiderjericho said:
Just got my butt kicked by N3ss with Akuma. I really suck...but I appreciate the invite. I really don't play with Akuma...but I wanted to pick up on his strengths and weaknesses so maybe next time I won't be so scrubby against you.

And I can't really do his Ultra/Super that well...so those are totally not worth it...

GG's man, we all need more practice I never played shoto's so this is all new to me, but I think I'm doing fine. Lets get some more games in sometime not often I get decent Akumas to fight against.

Yeb: GG's as well, as you can tell I have no idea how to fight/punish Gen, any tips? Lets play more as I don't know anyone who plays him and you play him well, so bonus on that. That last match with your Geif had me cracking up, on my screen I was almost completely out of sweep range and you still got the throws. I know its cause of the lag (missing frames) cause I played a Geif today and no way does it reach that far.

Off to Keystone Light!!! :D
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