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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

-PXG- said:
I'm thinking about giving this game up for good. There is just no hope. It's not like Smash were I could play all day long and had people who TAUGHT me and give me lessons on how to get better.

it's important to be patient!!! just practice man, not gonna come over night with a game thats this deep. learn from your losses, single out what you did wrong but also note what you did right and just build off that.try not to take the losses to heart, thats the worst thing you can do. think of it as learning any sport/ instrument/ martial art etc......Just have fun learning and stick with it. :D


Broke the 2k mark. That is after having 3 fuck faces quit at the end of the match. Talk about frustration. I'd be close to 2.5k if it weren't for these damn quitters. Long live Dictator.

Edit: After only playing Dictator for 2 days, I can't imagin where I'll be in a month. Excitement.


Lord have mercy, the DS3 dpad is tearing my thumb to shreds. And I can't pull a super or ultra with it, I have to switch to the analog stick. I should get some sort of fightpad I suppose, but I'm such a casual SFIV player that I can't justify the cost. Anyone got any dpad tips?
mittelos said:
Lord have mercy, the DS3 dpad is tearing my thumb to shreds. And I can't pull a super or ultra with it, I have to switch to the analog stick. I should get some sort of fightpad I suppose, but I'm such a casual SFIV player that I can't justify the cost. Anyone got any dpad tips?

USB saturn pad can be used on the computer to play other fighting games too if that helps you justify the cost.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
-PXG- said:
Getting my ass kicked over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. It never ends. No matter what I do, no matter who I choose, I fucking LOSE. In every other game I've played, I ALWAYS improved. I ALWAYS got better. I ALWAYS pulled through, no matter how "bad" (relatively) I was when I first started. Tony Hawk. Halo. Guitar Hero. Gears. Unreal Tournament. Resistance. Super Smash Bros.

But this game is just perpetual rape. It's fucking torture. It's almost depressing :(

You've had the game for what, a week now? Have you played any Street Fighter games in depth before this? If you keep getting your ass kicked, you need to step back and figure out WHY and what it is you are likely doing over and over again that is getting you punished.


-PXG- said:
I'm thinking about giving this game up for good. There is just no hope. It's not like Smash were I could play all day long and had people who TAUGHT me and give me lessons on how to get better.

live up to your avatar! Sakura never gives up.


Mrs. Harvey
I've learned that against very good players I have to play more cautious and stop it with the aggression. I lost most of my matches because of that. I'm not a very patient person when it comes to fighting games but it's something I have to learn to grasp.
Zertez said:
Im still trying to get past this one. Ive tried everything. Sometimes the HK interrupts after the first kick, but he blocks the super. If I finish out the HK, the super misses. Anyone know what I need to do, to get pass it?

I don't know if you've been answered yet, but the easiest way is to just buffer your QCF motions, then do s.HK,P as quickly as you can. She'll do the kick and then immediately go into the super.

You can do s.HK, qcfx2+p I think technically just the window is so fucking god damn small it's just easier to buffer it.

However be aware that F+hk WON"T register (even though the move looks the same as her Standing Close HK), when you buffer the super you have to let the stick go Nuetral BEFORE hitting the HK

Hope that helps.


-PXG- said:
Getting my ass kicked over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. It never ends. No matter what I do, no matter who I choose, I fucking LOSE. In every other game I've played, I ALWAYS improved. I ALWAYS got better. I ALWAYS pulled through, no matter how "bad" (relatively) I was when I first started. Tony Hawk. Halo. Guitar Hero. Gears. Unreal Tournament. Resistance. Super Smash Bros.

But this game is just perpetual rape. It's fucking torture. It's almost depressing :(

I got next!


man Rufus has the best win quotes.

I decided to try him out tonight. Got my ass wooped by some guy as guile my 2nd or 3rd match with him. A few matches later we met again and this time it was me doing the woopin :lol

his ex snake strike is incredible


Neo Member
Lyte Edge said:
Damn, highest I ever got was 30!

mine is 44, I didn't know playing against friends in player matches counted so I tried out new characters =[. Any ps3 people wanna play?


flarkminator said:
I don't know if you've been answered yet, but the easiest way is to just buffer your QCF motions, then do s.HK,P as quickly as you can. She'll do the kick and then immediately go into the super.

You can do s.HK, qcfx2+p I think technically just the window is so fucking god damn small it's just easier to buffer it.

However be aware that F+hk WON"T register (even though the move looks the same as her Standing Close HK), when you buffer the super you have to let the stick go Nuetral BEFORE hitting the HK

Hope that helps.
Thanks for the tips everyone. Im not quite sure what you mean by buffer though. Do I input the first qcf before the kick, then hit the last qcf and punch, the instant I hit the HK? Im pretty ignorant of SF terms/moves, but Im trying to learn.


-PXG- said:
Getting my ass kicked over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. It never ends. No matter what I do, no matter who I choose, I fucking LOSE. In every other game I've played, I ALWAYS improved. I ALWAYS got better. I ALWAYS pulled through, no matter how "bad" (relatively) I was when I first started. Tony Hawk. Halo. Guitar Hero. Gears. Unreal Tournament. Resistance. Super Smash Bros.

But this game is just perpetual rape. It's fucking torture. It's almost depressing :(
hey man... you need to pic someone and stick with them... constantly changing is a good way to discourage yourself... especially when you're are looking for improvement.

If what i said didn't just motivate you, this will



Zertez said:
Thanks for the tips everyone. Im not quite sure what you mean by buffer though. Do I input the first qcf before the kick, then hit the last qcf and punch, the instant I hit the HK? Im pretty ignorant of SF terms/moves, but Im trying to learn.

For your combo just do this, QCF+HK QCF+punch. Just do it fast.


Mrs. Harvey
Seth on hardest with attack and defense up and regenerating health. Capcom is trying to get people to break their controllers.


Neo Member
Killa Sasa said:
Just broke 3K BP. Finally starting to see more legit players in ranked, although most of them are Ryu. At least they are good and mix it up a little. Makes it that much more satisfying when they eat combat boot. Lot more droppers today, but I don't know if that might be because online was kinda crappy today.

Today was the first time I experienced significant lag. Hopefully it's fixed in an hour when I go back.

Oh yeah, I hate that I get matched up in games where if I win, I literally get 1 BP, but if I lose i lose 130. Come on Cap, at least a little closer...

Yeah man, it totally sucks. I've been sitting at 3440 for awhile now cause alot of players just give me 1 bp. but yeah, everyone over 3k is usually ryu, its starting to get annoying and boring.


Mrs. Harvey
So I just beat Time attack hard and unlocked like 40 icons. They are all in japanese so I have no clue what they say.


Is there a way you can make it so Ranked matches only find high ranked players? I have around 2000 BP now and it's just annoying when most opponents have low BP and there's really no way of me knowing or finding players who only have higher stats. Most matches I'm playing now are pointless since I'm winning measly sums. It's taken me so long just to get to 2000, not because I've been losing much, but instead because I'm having to fight many bloody matches just to go up a little.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


zoukka said:
Holy shit :lol

Check out Abels arm in Spaniards art too OMG!

I watched a programme once that suggested certain frames of animations (mainly Disney) were derived from sexual connotations or imagery (animators having a laugh). They matched up quite a few, and showed how in other scenes there'd be blatant boobies in a far corner (in Dumbo) or something like that. I wouldn't be surprised if that image right there was something similar lol.


nib95 said:
I watched a programme once that suggested certain frames of animations (mainly Disney) were derived from sexual connotations or imagery (animators having a laugh). They matched up quite a few, and showed how in other scenes there'd be blatant boobies in a far corner (in Dumbo) or something like that. I wouldn't be surprised if that image right there was something similar lol.
like this...



GG's AZ Greg, I can't believe how on point you are with Vega, even when I won, which didn't happen often, I felt like I got lucky. We'll play again sometime, but I have to get some sleep.


My turn!

GGs, usea :) I think my only advice for your Abel is to do more of his Change of Direction move. I get brutalized against Abel because I always forget that you have to block 2 different ways and then dodge the grab.

And I need to play as Cammy more often. When her cannon spike is blocked, she is still out of harm's way. Total cheater this woman :lol


mittelos said:
Lord have mercy, the DS3 dpad is tearing my thumb to shreds. And I can't pull a super or ultra with it, I have to switch to the analog stick. I should get some sort of fightpad I suppose, but I'm such a casual SFIV player that I can't justify the cost. Anyone got any dpad tips?

I have the greatest tip you will ever find on Earth, and trust me I've tried everything. Film, masking tape, cello tape, cling film, foil, cloths, carrier bags, all manor of weird inventions, but do you know which work best?

Well there are two things depending on how you play.

1.) If you're a player who doesn't necessarily need to fully feel the d-pad on the DS3, because you know where and how it functions by mind, then get some kitcehn towel. Tear the tiniest bit off, a round circle shape that just fits on your thumb print (think of it as a new thumb print). What you have to do, is basically super glue over it (tiny amounts) and it will eventually stick to your thumb. Once you get it all over it should look kind of like a white cover over your thumb, try and keep it as polished and smooth as possible. Once it dries, start running it on your jeans or on any material, to try and smoothen it out until it's glossy. After that, apply another tiny little bit of kitchen towel over it again (for dual layer) and repeat the process all over. By the end, your thumb should be a solid (only the actual thumb print, nothing else), with a white tip that should be almost as hard as the plastic of the DS3 d-pad. It will feel like you have a near plastic thumb, but it will glide over the d-pad, and with more use, start to mould just right. You'll be pulling off moves with ease, and not a shred (and I mean shred) of pain. Using this method, the thumb mask will last indefinitely until you decide to take (peel) it off. It shouldn't hurt much when you do.

2.) If you're the kind of player that prefers to feel the buttons under his thumb completely. The trick is to literally apply tiny amounts of super glue over (yes over) your thumb print. It will feel slightly hot, and probably isn't advised, but after a thin coat, your thumb will be nice sheeny, polished and hard. But you should still be able to feel the buttons. Over time the your thumb mask will crack and peel, so you need to either re-apply super glue to fill or smoothen out, or peel everything off for a new smoother layer.

Try the above at your own risk, I take no responsibility for anything that happens. I have tried both methods and they work perfectly, and so far I've had no side effects (admittedly only used it for a few hours at a time for two days). Whatever you do don't sniff the super glue, or put it on anything other than your thumb print. Also, don't apply to much because it could burn.


MIMIC said:
My turn!

GGs, usea :) I think my only advice for your Abel is to do more of his Change of Direction move. I get brutalized against Abel because I always forget that you have to block 2 different ways and then dodge the grab.
mimic... are you on psn or 360
Im on 360 and wouldlove to play a good guile.


neither will I... what time you usually on... im hyped because guile is my second main... he was my first but I'm having a hard time with him.


good credit (by proxy)
Does raging get choice of tag for that shit? He seriously should. I remember a bunch of members got choice of tag when neogaf beat The Forum Whose Name Shall Not Be Uttered in the first of a couple Halo tournaments. Raging is a god damn hero to me and to everyone here. His heart beats in antithesis to every doom bringer, to every op@, to olimarioesque goon who has fouled this forum with weird and creepy intentions. His blood is filled with the true spirit of believe. Neogaf, these colors don't run, motherfucker!

add me on 360: Chickeny Dinner
Tried three times to get a ranked match trying to connect to probably 20+ matches but it hasn't worked yet. The connection bar is always empty on everyone. System seems borked. :/

Played with a friend 2-3 times with no problem, get 4 bars with him.

Is playing Sakura frowned upon in the same way that Ryu and Ken is because she's a shoto? So far I really enjoy playing with her.


Timedog said:
Does raging get choice of tag for that shit? He seriously should. I remember a bunch of members got choice of tag when neogaf beat The Forum Whose Name Shall Not Be Uttered in the first of a couple Halo tournaments. Raging is a god damn hero to me and to everyone here. His heart beats in antithesis to every doom bringer, to every op@, to olimarioesque goon who has fouled this forum with weird and creepy intentions. His blood is filled with the true spirit of believe. Neogaf, these colors don't run, motherfucker!

add me on 360: Chickeny Dinner
what are you talkin about... btw, i'll add you.


Jirotrom said:
neither will I... what time you usually on... im hyped because guile is my second main... he was my first but I'm having a hard time with him.

Tomorrow I won't be on until late (8pm ET or later).

I'm never excited when I play another Guile. We usually have the same strategies :lol


good credit (by proxy)
poserdonut said:
Tried three times to get a ranked match trying to connect to probably 20+ matches but it hasn't worked yet. The connection bar is always empty on everyone. System seems borked. :/

Played with a friend 2-3 times with no problem, get 4 bars with him.

Is playing Sakura frowned upon in the same way that Ryu and Ken is because she's a shoto? So far I really enjoy playing with her.

just play in arcade and you'll be getting "here comes a new challenger" before the first round. this happens to me too, then i just set it so people can interrupt me in arcade and now i have no problems.
Timedog said:
just play in arcade and you'll be getting "here comes a new challenger" before the first round. this happens to me too, then i just set it so people can interrupt me in arcade and now i have no problems.

OK, so that counts as a ranked match then?
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