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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Im beginning to think Im not meant for SF. Ive tried for hours to pull off regular attack into a super combo with various characters and Im just to slow or my timing is way off. I connect on the first hit, but the super is always blocked. The 360 controller is bad, but my hands arent fast enough now, dont imagine a stick is going to change things.
This game needs an update desperately. It *needs* a true quick match. No room host. Default options. Blind character select.

I'm sick of getting cheesed because I didn't notice the fuckhead set the game to one round 30 seconds. It's the lamest shit ever. So is the stupid dance people do with each other in character select.

And getting kicked because of my title is lame as fuuuuck. Shit should not be displayed till loading the match.
Zertez said:
Im beginning to think Im not meant for SF. Ive tried for hours to pull off regular attack into a super combo with various characters and Im just to slow or my timing is way off. I connect on the first hit, but the super is always blocked. The 360 controller is bad, but my hands arent fast enough now, dont imagine a stick is going to change things.
Timing is tricky, often you have to buffer an entire command to finish right as a hit connects.
Honestly, a standard 360 controller is a poor choice to perform it on, you can't blame yourself.


Ferrio said:
Currently trying to work on that myself.

Only one I'm sort of good at doing is F+MK->Dash->Throw.

Other stuff I"m working on:

-After a well timed roll. (Trying to work on blocked sweep->roll->throw to see if that works).
-After air hits
-Character wake ups

There's this cheap trick I'm doing.

Thornado throw, dash in (and hold forward) hcb jab for another throw. Repeat.

If timed right you can get them every time. For some reason jab version has bigger priority so if you try other version the magic bubble can burst. Opponent can do wakeup teleports or ex moves with high invincibility frames.

Can be used to kill slam AI to death.

Also cHP, jump forward with mk, you'll land next to opponent both standing, right in the rage of hcb throw. Jumping with lp is worse as you're in frame disadvantage

trying to combo into throw sucks balls. The only thing semi reliable I noticed was cMP to jab hcb throw.

I had a really bad day. The worst. Lost 300+BP. Called it quits after some Ken sweeped me to death.
Played some matches with gaffer...sorry I can't remember the name - just prooves in how bad state of body and mind I am. Fun matches, but I played like an idiot. I couldn't believe what I was doing. Even thou by the end our match up looked something like 11 to 8 in my favor, I was the one that played worse. I had to rely on ultras to save my fucking ass.

I've take few days off work so maybe I'll get better.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Son of Godzilla said:
This game needs an update desperately. It *needs* a true quick match. No room host. Default options. Blind character select.

I'm sick of getting cheesed because I didn't notice the fuckhead set the game to one round 30 seconds. It's the lamest shit ever. So is the stupid dance people do with each other in character select.

And getting kicked because of my title is lame as fuuuuck. Shit should not be displayed till loading the match.
I just play arcade mode with challengers allowed and it always seems to be what I set it to, you get a challenger every 20 seconds.


Ugh, between this, Killzone 2 and Star Ocean...the fuck am I going to do. Granted I've put in close to 60 hours already in SFIV but still......meeeeeeeh.


GrayFoxPL said:
There's this cheap trick I'm doing.

Thornado throw, dash in (and hold forward) hcb jab for another throw. Repeat.

If timed right you can get them every time. For some reason jab version has bigger priority so if you try other version the magic bubble can burst. Opponent can do wakeup teleports or ex moves with high invincibility frames.

Can be used to kill slam AI to death.

Also cHP, jump forward with mk, you'll land next to opponent both standing, right in the rage of hcb throw. Jumping with lp is worse as you're in frame disadvantage

trying to combo into throw sucks balls. The only thing semi reliable I noticed was cMP to jab hcb throw.

I had a really bad day. The worst. Lost 300+BP. Called it quits after some Ken sweeped me to death.
Played some matches with gaffer...sorry I can't remember the name - just prooves in how bad state of body and mind I am. Fun matches, but I played like an idiot. I couldn't believe what I was doing. Even thou by the end our match up looked something like 11 to 8 in my favor, I was the one that played worse. I had to rely on ultras to save my fucking ass.

I've take few days off work so maybe I'll get better.

That abel tornado thing can be jumped out of, beware.


MoxManiac said:
That abel tornado thing can be jumped out of, beware.

Or a wakeup attack will snuff it. Regular Tornado throw only has throw invul, EX has hit invul

trying to combo into throw sucks balls. The only thing semi reliable I noticed was cMP to jab hcb throw.

Well because you can't combo throws.


Gold Member
CcrooK said:
Ugh, between this, Killzone 2 and Star Ocean...the fuck am I going to do. Granted I've put in close to 60 hours already in SFIV but still......meeeeeeeh.

60 hours in a week, how is this even possible. I have put 23 hours into it since the 17th and that is obscenely high for me nowadays. Damn work.
_dementia said:
Honestly, a standard 360 controller is a poor choice to perform it on, you can't blame yourself.

It's actually not that bad, provided you use the analog stick. I guess it depends on what you are used to though. I played the fuck out of dreamcast fighters using the standard controller, the 360 pad is almost exactly the same thing.

Anyways, I'd say it has more to do with getting acclimated to the game than any controller. A lot of stuff is rather counter-intuitive.

I just play arcade mode with challengers allowed and it always seems to be what I set it to, you get a challenger every 20 seconds.
I used to get challengers almost immediately, but now I have to do 1-3 matches vs cpu before it finds anything. And then get I booted by the fucking host. Joining quick matches is a bazillion times faster for me, even with the 3-4 Cannot Join strings.


Ferrio said:
Or a wakeup attack will snuff it. Regular Tornado throw only has throw invul, EX has hit invul

Well because you can't combo throws.

The thing is not always with the jab version. I really good and jumpy fuerte player escaped after 4th time with that ex air throw thing. But yeah, it's not inescapeable or anything.


GrayFoxPL said:
The thing is not always with the jab version. I really good and jumpy fuerte player escaped after 4th time with that ex air throw thing. But yeah, it's not inescapeable or anything.

If they time their reversal right you'd eat a dragon punch every single time.


Get Inside Her!
Omar Ismail said:
Uh.... you returned a game without even knowing how it works?
Flashing icon = best connection.
The lowest I know of is one bar that's red.

Dear God...

Are you serious. Can anyone confirm this? I man I play flashing icon battles all the time and never have lag, but I've never seen any documentation that actually said that. I thought it meant "cannot confirm connection quality."


Tathanen said:
Are you serious. Can anyone confirm this? I man I play flashing icon battles all the time and never have lag, but I've never seen any documentation that actually said that. I thought it meant "cannot confirm connection quality."
That is what I thought...it is all i get.
darkjedi187 said:
I would love to, but I will spare myself the humiliation.
Aw man.. Come on... I'm horrible and I'm organizing the dang thing! It will be fun and it never hurts to try. GAF is very nice with tournaments and even offering advice.
_dementia said:
I don't really play her, so I don't know, but does Cammy have an overhead move?
I have no damn idea. I thought the Cannon Strike hit overhead but the last few days have proved that wrong. Anyone else know?


Junior Member
This game needs Blind Character Select so bad. I'm tired of people just sitting there until I pick my character. I've started cruising around until the very last second to piss them off. :lol


PSGames said:
This game needs Blind Character Select so bad. I'm tired of people just sitting there until I pick my character. I've started cruising around until the very last second to piss them off. :lol

It's especially funny when you face someone who is 100% hellbent on never picking first, and simply refuses to move from Abel/Ken. Then when you pick the very last second, they get stuck on one of those and disconnects.


Rummy Bunnz said:
I have no damn idea. I thought the Cannon Strike hit overhead but the last few days have proved that wrong. Anyone else know?

Cannon Spike - Anti Air
Hooligan combination - Anti Projectile
Quick Spin Knuckle - Anti Projectile


Jirotrom said:
I just signed up for the tourney, but I wont have internet for a while next week.

anyone want to play a few XBL games,

Shooting you a friends request now, I should be able to play some player matches later tonight... :)
MicVlaD said:
You know, after playing with Dan a couple of times and having a blast with him, I'm actually seriously considering him to be my second main. :lol
Vlad I need some tutorials on Dhalsim in some games tonight.. Be my mentor :) (Also are you on a pad or stick?)


Zertez said:
Im beginning to think Im not meant for SF. Ive tried for hours to pull off regular attack into a super combo with various characters and Im just to slow or my timing is way off. I connect on the first hit, but the super is always blocked. The 360 controller is bad, but my hands arent fast enough now, dont imagine a stick is going to change things.
It's the 360 controller - don't blame yourself.

Get a decent fightpad or a fight stick and you'll see your executions improve.
TurtleSnatcher said:
Vlad I need some tutorials on Dhalsim in some games tonight.. Be my mentor :) (Also are you on a pad or stick?)
Pad, standard 360 controller, analog stick.

Ordered a Tournament Edition Stick a few months ago, but European shipments have been delayed apparently, so I don't have a choice as of now.

I don't know for sure if I'll join tonight though. Lately I've been staying up 'til 6 - 7 am, so I need to play a bit less Street Fighter IV from now on. :p
Vdragoon said:
Cannon Spike - Anti Air
Hooligan combination - Anti Projectile
Quick Spin Knuckle - Anti Projectile
Yeah, I know all that. But does she have an overhead move? One that hits dudes who are blocking low?
MicVlaD said:
Pad, standard 360 controller, analog stick.

Ordered a Tournament Edition Stick a few months ago, but European shipments have been delayed apparently, so I don't have a choice as of now.
I'm even more impressed now.. Damn you.

Won said:
Hmm 2 days to organize? I will better pass as European. Who knows how often I will be awake during the night.^^
2 days isn't bad.. Come on! I'm sure you can work things out with the person you are playing as well.

We just have to keep it rolling so it doesnt die like past tournaments have that I've been in! :lol


first off, a few gripes online.
-fix your filters capcom. When I search for players with the same skill, I don't want to play a 0 BP Ken.
-hey motherfucker why join my game when you have 1 bar
-blanka in lag is retarded because you can't react to blanka balls :(

I noticed a lot of ken hate here so I'm going to post my theory. Most ken players migrated over from smash. The worship Ken and so they picked the character with the same name. Unfortunately the majority of Ken players suck balls and have failed to figure out that there is no "ken combo" in this game.

SF players hate ken. SF players hate smash players. KEN = SMASH!??!?!?
Rummy Bunnz said:
I have no damn idea. I thought the Cannon Strike hit overhead but the last few days have proved that wrong. Anyone else know?
Yea, there's no way that hits overhead. Pretty sure it'll crossup though, but goodluck not getting raped before that happens.

Rummy Bunnz said:
Yeah, I know all that. But does she have an overhead move? One that hits dudes who are blocking low?
None that I can think of. Hell, pretty sure all her distance pokes whiff against crouch too.


The physical form of blasphemy
MicVlaD said:
Pad, standard 360 controller, analog stick.

Ordered a Tournament Edition Stick a few months ago, but European shipments have been delayed apparently, so I don't have a choice as of now.

I don't know for sure if I'll join tonight though. Lately I've been staying up 'til 6 - 7 am, so I need to play a bit less Street Fighter IV from now on. :p

Accept my friend request! :mad:

I'm playing this like I use to play TF2. WAY TO MUCH. :/ *is probably going to reinstall tf2 soon.* I'm getting no work done. lol


The SF4 game pad from Mad Catz blows. I actually prefer the DS3's d-pad to the looseness of the Mad Catz one, and the rubberzied grip manages to bother me more than it does provide a more solid grip. Not feelin' it.

Oh, and lo and behold, after half an hour of play, it's defective. Won't sync correctly, and when it does, tapping any direction on the pad results in the effect of that direction being constantly held. Amazing MC, bravo as always on your amazing accessories.
Spiderjericho said:
Are we friends yet? If not...send me an invite... to add to that...anyone can add me as a friend...as Mox, Andy, Ferrio, N3ss or whoever will attest...I'm happy to play anyone. My PSN and GT is krp1976.

I suck man...I was playing you...and I didn't kara cancel...focus attack...and when I was using Ken...I never used the Ultra...

I really need to level up more...but I've been busy with work and unlocking all of the crap in the game. Any of the new characters would probably slay me because I'm not familiar with them.
We're not, but we're both on the HD Remix list so we can easily invite each other.

And I thought you were just being overly cautious by not doing those techniques because of the slight input lag. :p

Jube3 said:
Had some fun games with MicVlads Sim until my buddies showed up. Really had me guessing myself left and right lol. GG micvlad.
I pretty much had to. You didn't hesitate to grab me with your Abel if I exposed myself for too long.

TurtleSnatcher said:
My Dhalsim is improving yet I'm not exactly doing air teleports yet.

I feel like I have a completely different play style from MicVlad. He tends to go all out and charges forward a lot while I turtle and play keep away and then sneak in with the super and ultras..

Would love to see more vids of MicVlad if anyone plays him :p
Sectus and Saqs have some video's, though I wasn't doing very well against Saqs (I only won 3 out of 12). Rose's throws outrange Dhalsim's ever so slightly... :[

AZ Greg said:
Good games earlier MicVlaD. That was my first time playing a Dhalsim on SF4. Learned a lot from those matches.

I think people are sleeping on Vega (Claw). Mine still needs a lot of work, but there is a lot of potential there despite the tier listings. Plus, nobody expects him in ranked matches and it usually equals easy wins. Despite all of his nerfs, this Claw is really fun to play. I'm enjoying it more than Super Turbo, despite the uphill battle vs. competent players. Also, ->RH = <3
I've played good Vega's before, but yours was nerve-wracking. Really had to focus whenever you started poking and jumping around.

yeb said:
MicVlad: sorry if it seemed like I ignored you or anything tonight. I didn't want to drop on the ranked match I was in, and I totally forgot your invite by the time it was over.
No problemo. We'll play another time; I could use some practice against Gen.

C- Warrior said:
Well, I guess. Maybe people should do what I'm doing considering I usually beat your Dhalsim 75% of the time. Unfortunately neither of us have recording stuff :(
Yeah, and I think that's partially because I get stubborn with my patterns more than I should. It also doesn't help that Guile negates my offensive approach, making him (along with Zangief) one of my worst match-ups as Dhalsim. Not that you should stop using Guile next time we play, though: figuring each other out and how to counter a specific style is part of the genre after all...

TurtleSnatcher said:
Anyone have a good trick on how to do Dhalsims Instant Air Teleport?

I tried all night and nothing worked.. I fail.
All I can tell is that it's nigh-on impossible to execute on a normal controller. It's one of those moves where you can't settle for anything less than an arcade stick.

CcrooK said:
GGs MicvLad! Always an impressive Dhalsim. One of these days I'll have a higher win rate over yours. :lol More Dictator practice!
I liked those battles. Very tricky Bison, and I actively had to try and deceive you, as well as use Dhalsim's long-range moves more efficiently.

Sectus said:
Okie, I officialy love MicVlaD sensei. Even though he beat the crap out of me, I think I've become noticably better. I actually won the majority of player and ranked matches today against other people. And I got my first perfect against a human opponent, gasp!
You've also become better at punishing mistakes, as well as using shorter moves if you're not entirely sure whether the stronger attacks will actually connect or not.

Dizzy-4U said:
Ok first time playing online. It wasn't a good experience. I lag pretty bad. I'll try fowarding ports or something to see if I can at least play without the game freezing on me every 5 seconds.

MicVlaD, where are you from?
Belgium. I've played against other American (and even Japanese) people before without considerable lag, so it's possible that you might need a faster Internet connection to resolve those lag spikes against international players. You'll probably be fine against those who live in the same continent, however.

arstal said:
That air teleport messed up my Honda as well. I ended up resorting to trying to grapple/buttslam mixup him to death, which I needed to force a wrong guess to start.

Seems like a rough matchup- but at least Honda needs a lot fewer hits to win.
He is. If Honda lands a few good hits / Ochio's, Dhalsim's in trouble. Good thing he can dodge those headbutt torpedo's with ease though (not just with the teleport) including his Ultra / Super, provided you can predict them or trick the player into launch them early.

C- Warrior said:
I think we should start to create a list of potential GAF sparring partners who are solid with characters (especially the non-shoto characters)

(PS: these are not XBL usernames rather their GAF usernames)

Guile: MIMIC, dhrone, CminusWarrior
Balrog: CminusWarrior (anyone else?)
Vega: AZ Greg
Dhalsim: MicVlad
Bison: Cook

And of course, anyone else that could help fill out this marginal list would be much appreciated. I think if we can get a assemblage of gaffers who main the non-shoto types it would create some great, informative sparring sessions.

I learned a lot from Dhal and Vega from fighting gaffers for example.

Personally I'm looking for a dedicated Chun-Li and Abel user, anyone?
Indeed. I think we'll get the most out of such a list if haunts would like to put one up in the OP, but that's his call of course.

Haven't met a good Chun-Li yet, but Ayo Jube knows his stuff with Abel. Solid all-around.
Magnus said:
The SF4 game pad from Mad Catz blows. I actually prefer the DS3's d-pad to the looseness of the Mad Catz one, and the rubberzied grip manages to bother me more than it does provide a more solid grip. Not feelin' it.

Oh, and lo and behold, after half an hour of play, it's defective. Won't sync correctly, and when it does, tapping any direction on the pad results in the effect of that direction being constantly held. Amazing MC, bravo as always on your amazing accessories.
wrong thread?
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