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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Stantron said:
Thanks. My wiffed throws must of been lag delay then. :/
In order for Chun's ultra to connect all hits, does the blond bastard need to fully land from the DP? I know a few times, I missed too early because I didn't want him to start blocking after landing.

I actually made a video of how to land the ultra in that situation, but they have to be near the corner. As akachan ningen says, they will get knocked away if you ultra them before they hit the ground if it's mid screen, but you can still land the full thing just after they land and it's still guaranteed.
Arde5643 said:
Have you been getting the connection with the flashing lights? they're so far the best ones for me.

All i ever get is the little T shaped icon that flashes. Only ONCE have i seen 3 bars and that's the max i've seen.
It's fucking infuriating, i feel like i'm getting WORSE by trying to adapt to the lag.


I've been playing with everyone offline to try and unlock Seth and El Furente (sp?) is a surprise. Easy to use, kinda fun, and different. I may try to use him online and see how I do.


catfish said:
man those ex2 sticks are brilliant. half the price off the otherones and they feel and play great.

Now I actually need to get GOOD at street fighter.....

Ehhm, no they aren't great. I have an Ex2 modded with Sanwa buttons (I hated the Hori stock buttons) and they joystick itself is horror. It starts to get loose pretty fast and activates much too late for my taste. Deadzone is much too big.

Not a fan of the stick, even with modded Sanwa buttons.

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Rektash said:
Ehhm, no they aren't great. I have an Ex2 modded with Sanwa buttons (I hated the Hori stock buttons) and they joystick itself is horror. It starts to get loose pretty fast and activates much too late for my taste. Deadzone is much too big.

Not a fan of the stick, even with modded Sanwa buttons.
well maybe.

Between having these and xbox control pad though..... world of difference. I'm not much of a fighting games pro though. Just a casual player. I think other casuals would find these sticks pretty great.
I'm going crazy here I still can't pull off forward HP & Hadoken with Ryu in challenge mode, or a forward HK & Hadoken with Ken, please can someone explain to me how to do this : )


NeoGAF: my new HOME
I slam the buttons on the Hori so thats not a big deal, but the stick deadzone is a terrible waste on what is otherwise, for the price, a pretty acceptable stick.

Still garbage next to the TE though :eek:


BillyG_3001 said:
I'm going crazy here I still can't pull off forward HP & Hadoken with Ryu in challenge mode, or a forward HK & Hadoken with Ken, please can someone explain to me how to do this : )

Make sure you're really close to them, and enter the hadoukens as fast as possible. You shouldn't have to press forward + HP or forward + HK, that will do the wrong move.
man, i get even more people disconnecting online on char select recently. am i the only one with this problem?

they join the lobby just fine and hit ready.


Subete no aware
BillyG_3001 said:
I'm going crazy here I still can't pull off forward HP & Hadoken with Ryu in challenge mode, or a forward HK & Hadoken with Ken, please can someone explain to me how to do this : )

I have the same problem with HP and HK combos. For me, it's the timing. The advice I got here was to do the motion as your character is punching and then press the punch button the moment your HP hits the enemy.

It's strange. I have no problem going from LP or LK to Hadoken but HP to Hadoken/Shoryuken kills me.

There's a good explanation in this post:

I couldn't find the original... but I quoted it, so close enough. :lol
I'm having problems with doing Jump + HP, MP, Hadoken, FA EX with Sakura in challenge mode.

Even though I perform the Hadoken it never counts towards the combo. I guess it's a timing thing that I just can't grasp.


haunts said:
Yo man maybe we can get some games in tonight..

Word. Gonna be on after 10 or so, eastern, and probably for a while. You'll either be playing me or my friend (I would say he's definitely better--he's been playing IV steady since it came out here in Chinatown). Please teach his smack-talking 'Gief a lesson!



Now I'm back to losing just about every ranked match x_x And I think I've messed up my timing for basic moves, I continously fail doing any of my super or ultras. I've been trying to get link them to combos which I can barely do in tutorial mode, but I'm messing up the timing in actual fights.


decon said:
Anyone playing Abel and is actually good with him?

Also, have Capcom talked about balance patches and stuff for SF4?

Define "good". I went through a big learning curve initially--moreso actually getting accustomed to the slower pace and timing of IV--but now do pretty well overall. I don't dominate by any stretch and if I remember, my record with Abel is something like 67-77. Considering I began with 12 straight losses, not so bad at all.


Subete no aware
poserdonut said:
I'm having problems with doing Jump + HP, MP, Hadoken, FA EX with Sakura in challenge mode.

Even though I perform the Hadoken it never counts towards the combo. I guess it's a timing thing that I just can't grasp.

Yeah, you have to be faster. If you see the hadoken come out the moment your punch hits the character (completely with the flash on the character to indicate the hit), then you canceled the animation correctly.


TurtleSnatcher said:
A reminder.. we have 4 slots open for PSN members in the GAF SF4 Tournament


XBL signups are closed.

I just hit 90 hours gameplay time on SF4.. (God i'm sad)

I also am now decent with El Feurte.. no one knows what to do it seems online when I use him. Wall jumps catch them by surprise. Also his Ultra has got to be the best in the game. Its so fucking amazing and has great range.

I have also been focusing on Dhalsim and that is getting better.. I'm doing some nice crossup combos that I see on youtube videos to my advantage and its working a bit.

Anyways.. so tired.. !
I want to be there!
firehawk12 said:
Yeah, you have to be faster. If you see the hadoken come out the moment your punch hits the character (completely with the flash on the character to indicate the hit), then you canceled the animation correctly.

Practice practice practice I guess.


Sectus said:

Now I'm back to losing just about every ranked match x_x And I think I've messed up my timing for basic moves, I continously fail doing any of my super or ultras. I've been trying to get link them to combos which I can barely do in tutorial mode, but I'm messing up the timing in actual fights.

I hear you man. Every day I feel like I am making solid progress, get to the point where I win a few in a row, etc.. Then the next morning I am back to losing match after match and mess up even basic moves. Definitely makes me respect guys with thousands of BP. That kind of consistency is pretty amazing.
Signed up for the PSN tournament...even though I'm going to get owned.

Installing PS3 version right now and downloading my unlock code for Brawlers pack.


Who are you guys using for the No Special move Challenges?

I have one color left to unlock but can't get through level 14.


h3ro said:
Who are you guys using for the No Special move Challenges?

I have one color left to unlock but can't get through level 14.

I beat every Time/Survival challenge with Zangief.

IIRC I used 'Gief's crouching down towards HK. It's got really good range and the computer forgets to block it.

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Chamber said:
Sakura's alt makes me feel all funny inside. :/
you should try keeping that a secret more.

the game is still schooling me, but it's just so much fun.


Wooo more victories with Fuerte. I start to get a bit better, but all the Kens are still a problem. One wrong step and half of my health is gone. :lol

Also half of the 360 controllers must be broken. People jump and jump and jump and jump and no matter how often I bring them back to reality they keep jumping.


lol. I just fought this Akuma who would constantly jump forwards and do a crouching HK to knock you down. He'd keep doing this as you got up from the ground. A couple of crouching HPs did him in. :lol

Then he messaged me on XBL telling me "get DSL bitc." I assume he blamed his loss on the lag that was going on. I have cable. :lol

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Won said:
Wooo more victories with Fuerte. I start to get a bit better, but all the Kens are still a problem. One wrong step and half of my health is gone. :lol

Also half of the 360 controllers must be broken. People jump and jump and jump and jump and no matter how often I bring them back to reality they keep jumping.

Somehow a couple of days ago I managed to lose to a Ken that just jumped and did shoryukens on landing, I was so embarrassed I think I quit playing :lol


love on your sleeve
lawblob said:
Im' going to take a break from Abel and start using Sagat. I just don't seem to be making progress with Abel with my W/L ratio, I think I might not be a good enough SF player in general to use him right now.
You sound like me. After trying to learn C. Viper and Bison, I went crawling back to Ryu.

We should start a support group.


Trucker Sexologist
Nose Master said:
There's no converters that allow you to use the USB saturn controllers on 360, right?
I have a Saturn pad and I realized that it would probably be cheaper to buy the PC version of SFIV this summer than buy the 360 MadCatz pad.


Abel vs a bad Blanka is pretty damn funny. Wheel kick just fucks up their entire d/b charge plan and blocking a roll>>Ultra has gotta be demoralizing. Managed to do that 3 times in a row in one match. Dude just refused to face reality.


love on your sleeve
ChrisGoldstein said:
Same here. Ryu has some beastly combos that lead to his ultra.
Well, it's not like I'm any good with Ryu either but at least I can keep fights competitive and not get totally destroyed like when I play Viper.

Actually, my best character is probably Dan. I've won every fight I've played with him. :lol


shooting blanks
Chamber said:
Well, it's not like I'm any good with Ryu either but at least I can keep fights competitive and not get totally destroyed like when I play Viper.

Actually, my best character is probably Dan. I've won every fight I've played with him. :lol

haha dan is so funny.

Yeah I'm not really good but it's the same with me and ryu, I can stay competetive whereas with viper I get raped. Her health goes down so fast.

with ryu I can play like in sf2 and just do hadukens, shoryukens, and hurricane kicks

pretty much all I do lol, works ok against shotos

(guess I'm a shoto now lol)


Does Abel have a high number of unsafe moves compared to other players? I can't believe how often Abel will be mid-move only to get smacked down by the other character's attack. After my shitty rounds this morning, it felt like a leaf blowing in the wind has more priority over everything he does. -_-

Luckily I was able to hop into KZ2 multiplayer and begin whooping ass. I may suck at fighting games, but Abel can never take away my FPS dignity! :p


shooting blanks
lawblob said:
Does Abel have a high number of unsafe moves compared to other players? I can't believe how often Abel will be mid-move only to get smacked down by the other character's attack. After my shitty rounds this morning, it felt like a leaf blowing in the wind has more priority over everything he does. -_-

Luckily I was able to hop into KZ2 multiplayer and begin whooping ass. I may suck at fighting games, but Abel can never take away my FPS dignity! :p

Same here man. Getting a few kills in a row in kz2 mp made me start feeling like a man again.

SFIV had me down, it's just too deep for me lol


SapientWolf said:
I have a Saturn pad and I realized that it would probably be cheaper to buy the PC version of SFIV this summer than buy the 360 MadCatz pad.

Yeah, but who are you going to play against?


actually, what are the specs of the PC version? with a controller to use it might be good practice against my ps3 friends who share the same controller.


decon said:
Anyone playing Abel and is actually good with him?

When the game came out, I vowed to start using one of the new guys. I picked Abel. After struggling immensley with him, Thrusday night it just clicked. D + HP is your friend.


Trucker Sexologist
gkrykewy said:
Yeah, but who are you going to play against?
I'm hoping hardcore MAME owners and the DIY arcade community. Can you imagine how awesome it would be if every arcade in Cali had a PC SFIV setup?


lawblob said:
Does Abel have a high number of unsafe moves compared to other players? I can't believe how often Abel will be mid-move only to get smacked down by the other character's attack. After my shitty rounds this morning, it felt like a leaf blowing in the wind has more priority over everything he does. -_-

His COD is punishable if blocked so its advised to only use it in combos, off, say a cr.MP that connects, but in my experience online I've found people have a hard time blocking the string correctly and more often than not they get bagged with the last 2 hits. Not saying this is the best thing to do but it's been working out fine so far, especially when crossing them up with a jumping MK. Which I hope you are abusing any chance you get.

I also may stop a COD on the 1st hit with either FADC or simply not inputting the rest and this seems to throw off the timing of people as they expect the rest of the string usually.

Wheel kicks are hard to punish provided you are doing the appropriate one for the distance you're at--LK up close, etc. Even then, still hard to punish regardless.
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